U ODRAZU VREMENA
U hrvatskoj emigraciji bile su samo četiri (4) poznate i istaknute hrvatske političke organizacije koje su se borile u svojim okvirima i svaka za sebe u borbi za ponovnu obnovu Druge Hrvatske Države. To su bile (1) Hrvatska Seljačka Stranka, (2) Hrvatski Oslobodilačke Pokret, (3) Hrvatski Narodni Odpor, HNO i (4) Hrvatska Republikanska Stranka. Doduše bilo je i drugih hrvatskih skupina koje su bile poznate preko raznih kulturnih, športskih, novinarskih, crkvenih, piknikskih, školskih i drugih djelovanja. Ali, istini za volju hrvatski Narodni Otpor je bio jedan od najzvučnijih i najpoznatiji kod stranaca u promicanju hrvatskog imena i hrvatskog cilja. To je tako bilo onda, a danas je to ovako kako jest, a to je da se sjećamo i prisjećamo dogodovština iz prošlosti. Mile Boban, Otporaš.


Prvi prikaz (1)
Accused Croatian Leader Acquitted
By Carol Benfell
Tribune Staff Writer
Tribune/Today, Sunday, June 13, 1982
Slika: Mile Boban za vrijeme intervjua drži svoja dva blizanca sina Rafajela i Stjepana koji su tada bili 6 godina i 8 mjeseci.
A Hillsborough building contractor accused last June of being the head of a croatian terrorist group has been acquitted of all charges by a jury in the U.S. District Court in New York.
Mile Boban and nine other Croatinas living in the U.S were charhed with the politically linked murder of a fellow Croatian in Los Angeles in 1978, conspiracy to set fire to the Yugoslavian consulate in San Francisco in 1977 and 1978, conspiracy to murder Jugoslavian consular officials, extortion, and interstate shipment of explosives.
“I didn’t know about those things and i had nothing to do with them. Thanks to god, I was proved innocent at the trial,” said the 42-year-old Boban during a recent interview.
Boban admits being a member of the Croatian National Resistance, a U.S.- based organization that seeks the liberation and independence of Croatia, now one of the states of Yugoslavia.
But his group, known as the OTPOR, is peaceful and does not advocate violence, Boban said.
The animosity between the Serbs, the dominant ethnic group in Yugoslavia, and the Croatians dates from before this century, when both were separate states in the Austro-Hungarian empire.
The hatred between the two peoples intensified when Serbs gained control of the newly created country of Yugoslavia in 1929 and forbade the traditions, language and culture of the Croatians, Boban said.
The Croatians gained independence in 1941, but their country again fell under the Serbs when the Communist Party gained control of Yugoslavia in 1945.
Boban fled Yugoslavia in 1959, at the age of 19, after he was beaten by police for singing the Croatian national Anthem, he said. (Točnije. To je bilo na derneku sv. Petra i Pavla u Bobanovoj Dragi, petak 29 lipnja 1956. godine. Od toga dana pa sve do mojeg bijega u Sloveniju, Mislinje i Slovenjgradec u kolovozu 1957., imao sam problema sa jugoslovenskom milicijom. Mo. Mile Boban, Otporaš.)
Križan Brkić, the murdered Los Angeles man, was slain because he was pro-Yugoslavia, according to Brkić’s confessed killer, who testified at the 14 week trial.
The slayer, who actually is a Yugoslavian agent, according to Boban, was given federal immunity for his crime in return for testimony against others.
The man implicated 10 leaders of the Croatian immigrant community, including Boban. Four were acquitted on May 15, two others were convicted of conspiracy and four of conspiracy and racketeering.
“I deeply believe they are all innocent”, Boban said.
                      Prijevod na hrvatski
Hrvatski leared – vođa oslobođen je optužbe
Napisala Carol Benfell
Tribune Staff Writer
Tribina / Danas, nedjelja, 13. lipnja 1982
Poduzetnik građevinskih radova u Hillsboroughu, optužen u lipnju prošle godine porota Okružnog suda u Njujorku je oslobodila šefa hrvatske terorističke skupine svih optužbi.
Mile Boban i još devet Hrvata koji žive u SAD-u optuženi su zbog  političke povezanosti ubojstva sunarodnjaka Hrvata u Los Angelesu 1978. godine, zavjerom za paljenje jugoslavenskog konzulata u San Franciscu 1977. i 1978, zavjerom ubojstva jugoslavenskih konzularnih dužnosnika, iznuda i prijevoz eksploziva preko sjedinjenih američkih država.
“Nisam znao za te stvari i nisam imao nikakve veze s njima. Zahvaljujući Bogu, sud me je pronašao nevinim”, rekao je 42-godišnji Boban u nedavnom intervju.
Boban priznaje da je član Hrvatskog Narodnog Otpora, organizacije sa sjedištem u SAD-u koja teži oslobađanju i nezavisnosti Hrvatske, sada jedne od država Jugoslavije.
Ali njegova skupina, poznata kao OTPOR, je miroljubiva i ne zagovara nasilje, rekao je Boban.
Neprijateljstvo između Srba, dominantne etničke skupine u Jugoslaviji i Hrvata datira od prije ovog stoljeća, kada su obje države bile odvojene jedna od druge u Austro-Ugarskom carstvu.
Mržnja između ova dva naroda pojačala se kad su Srbi stekli kontrolu nad novostvorenom državom Jugoslavijom 1929. godine i zabranili tradiciju, jezik i kulturu Hrvata, rekao je Boban.
Hrvati su stekli nezavisnost 1941. godine, ali njihova je zemlja ponovno pala pod Srbe kad je Komunistička partija 1945. stekla nadzor nad Jugoslavijom.
Boban je pobjegao iz Jugoslavije 1959. godine, u dobi od 19 godina, nakon što ga je policija pretukla zbog pjevanja hrvatske narodne Himne rekao je. (Točnije. To je bilo na derneku sv. Petra i Pavla u Bobanovoj Dragi, petak 29 lipnja 1956. godine. Od toga dana pa sve do mojeg bijega u Sloveniju, Mislinje i Slovenjgradec u kolovozu 1957., imao sam problema sa jugoslovenskom milicijom. Mo. Mile Boban, Otporaš.) Križan Brkić, ubijeni čovjek u Los Angelesa, ubijen je jer je bio pro jugoslavenski nastrojen, prema priznanju Brkićevog ubojice, koji je svjedočio na 14-tjednom suđenju.
Ubojica, koji je zapravo jugoslavenski agent, prema Bobanu, dobio je savezni imunitet za svoj zločin za uzvrat svjedočenja protiv drugih.
Čovjek je umiješao 10 čelnika hrvatske imigrantske zajednice, uključujući i Bobana. Četvero je oslobođeno 15. svibnja, dvojica drugih osuđeno je za zavjeru, a četvero za zavjeru, urotu i ucjenu.
“Duboko vjerujem da su svi nevini”, rekao je Boban.
                  THE PENINSULA TIMES TRIBUNE, Monday May 17, 1982. 
                  Drugi prikaz (2)
Croatian will celebrate by starting his life over
By Randy Hagihara
Times Tribune staff
Croatian will celebrate by starting his life over
By Randy Hagihara
Times Tribune staffHILLSBOROUGH – Mile Boban never felt better in his life – and for good reason. After a months-long trial on racketeering charges, a federal court jury in New york acquitted him and three others Saturday of all charges.
“I feel like a newborn man,” Boban said from his office this morning only hours after leaving new York, where he had withstood the trial of his life for 13 weeks.
“I close my book of the past, and now I open my book of the future,” he said.
Boban, a building contractor, and nine other men were tried on federal racketeering charges.
On Saturday, the jury, after six days of deliberations, acquitted Boban and three others of all charges, and convicted the remaining six.
Boban said he couldn’t believe his ears when the jury announced his acquittal.
“I was shacked,” he said. “I was so shocked. Dennis (Roberts, his attorney) kissed me, and had tears in his eyes. I can still hear the verdict being read. It was a psychological shock.”
Boban and the nine men, all members of the Croatian emigre community, had been arrested last summer by FBI agents and Canadian authorities during simultaneous raids here and in Canada.
U.S. authorities charged the men with violation of federal racketeering statutes and claimed that each had been a participant in a “reign of terror” that had gripped the Croatian community.
In indictments unsealed last July, the government alleged that Boban and nine other members of the Croatian National Resistance (OTPOR) were involved “in a pattern of activities…that included at least two murders, thre arsons, in excess of 50 acts of extortion, four conspiracies to commit arson, four conspiracies to commit murder, and four acts of interstate transportation of explosives.”
Boban was arrested at his Hillsborough home and was later released on $250,000 bond.
Boban said that he received a fair trial, although he said he believes the others who were convicted did not, “because they couldn’t put all of their evidence into record.”
In a telephone interview early this morning, Assistant U.S. Attorney Stuart Baskin, who prosecuted the case, declined to comment on the outcome of the long trial except to say, “The jury apparently accepted the government’s evidence beyond a reasonable doubt” in convicting the six men.
Convicted on two counts of racketeering were two Chicago men: Ante Ljubas, 36, who was considered “the field general” of OTPOR, and Mile Markić, 56, who was characterized as “the elder statesman” of the organization.
Both men face 20 years in federal prison on each of the two counts, Baskin said.
HILLSBOROUGH – Mile Boban never felt better in his life – and for good reason. After a months-long trial on racketeering charges, a federal court jury in New york acquitted him and three others Saturday of all charges.
“I feel like a newborn man,” Boban said from his office this morning only hours after leaving new York, where he had withstood the trial of his life for 13 weeks.
“I close my book of the past, and now I open my book of the future,” he said.
Boban, a building contractor, and nine other men were tried on federal racketeering charges.
On Saturday, the jury, after six days of deliberations, acquitted Boban and three others of all charges, and convicted the remaining six.
Boban said he couldn’t believe his ears when the jury announced his acquittal.
“I was shacked,” he said. “I was so shocked. Dennis (Roberts, his attorney) kissed me, and had tears in his eyes. I can still hear the verdict being read. It was a psychological shock.”
Boban and the nine men, all members of the Croatian emigre community, had been arrested last summer by FBI agents and Canadian authorities during simultaneous raids here and in Canada.
U.S. authorities charged the men with violation of federal racketeering statutes and claimed that each had been a participant in a “reign of terror” that had gripped the Croatian community.
In indictments unsealed last July, the government alleged that Boban and nine other members of the Croatian National Resistance (OTPOR) were involved “in a pattern of activities…that included at least two murders, thre arsons, in excess of 50 acts of extortion, four conspiracies to commit arson, four conspiracies to commit murder, and four acts of interstate transportation of explosives.”
Boban was arrested at his Hillsborough home and was later released on $250,000 bond.
Boban said that he received a fair trial, although he said he believes the others who were convicted did not, “because they couldn’t put all of their evidence into record.”
In a telephone interview early this morning, Assistant U.S. Attorney Stuart Baskin, who prosecuted the case, declined to comment on the outcome of the long trial except to say, “The jury apparently accepted the government’s evidence beyond a reasonable doubt” in convicting the six men.
Convicted on two counts of racketeering were two Chicago men: Ante Ljubas, 36, who was considered “the field general” of OTPOR, and Mile Markić, 56, who was characterized as “the elder statesman” of the organization.
Both men face 20 years in federal prison on each of the two counts, Baskin said.
                                            Prijevod na hrvatski
                        Hrvat će proslaviti svoj život počimajući ispočetka

Napisao Randy Hagihara
Novinar Times TribuneHILLSBOROUGH – Mile Boban se nikada u životu nije osjećao bolje – i to s dobrim razlogom. Nakon višemjesečnog suđenja za ucijenjivanje, porota saveznog suda u New Yorku oslobodila ga je i još trojicu u subotu svih optužbi.
“Osjećam se kao novorođenče”, rekao je Boban iz svog ureda jutros samo nekoliko sati nakon odlaska iz New Yorka, gdje je 13 tjedana izdržao suđenje u svom životu.
“Zatvaram svoju knjigu prošlosti, a sada otvaram svoju knjigu budućnosti”, rekao je.
Bobanu, građevinski poduzetnik i još devet Hrvata suđeno je pod saveznim optužbama za ucjene.
U subotu je porota, nakon šest dana vijećanja, oslobodila Bobana i još trojicu svih optužbi, a preostalih šest osudilo.
Boban je rekao da nije mogao vjerovati svojim ušima kad je porota objavila njegovu oslobađajuću presudu.
“Bio sam potresen”, rekao je. “Bio sam tako šokiran. Dennis (Roberts, njegov odvjetnik) poljubio me i imao suze u očima. Još uvijek mogu čuti čitanje presude. To je bio psihički šok.”
Bobana i devet drugih ljudi, sve članovi hrvatske emigrantske zajednice, uhitila ih je prošlog ljeta agenti FBI-ja i kanadske vlasti tijekom zajedničkih racija ovdje i u Kanadi.
Američke vlasti optužile su ove Hrvate za kršenje saveznih zakona o ucjenama i tvrdile da su svi bili sudionici “grupe terora” koja je zahvatila hrvatsku zajednicu.
U optužnicama otvorenim prošlog srpnja, vlada je tvrdila da su Boban i još devet pripadnika Hrvatskog Narodnog Otpora (OTPOR) bili upleteni “u obrazac, krug, kolo aktivnosti … koje su uključivale najmanje dva ubojstva, tri požara, više od 50 djela iznuda, četiri zavjere za podmećanje požara, četiri zavjere za počinjenje ubojstva i četiri djela prijevoza eksploziva između američkih država. ”
Boban je uhićen u svojoj kući u Hillsboroughu, a kasnije je pušten uz jamčevinu od 250.000 dolara.
Boban je rekao da je dobio pošteno suđenje, iako je rekao da vjeruje da ostali koji su osuđeni nisu, “jer nisu mogli sve svoje dokaze staviti u zapise kao rekord”.
U telefonskom intervjuu rano jutros, pomoćnik američkog državnog odvjetnika Stuart Baskin, koji je procesuirao slučaj, odbio je komentirati ishod dugog suđenja osim, rekavši: “Porota je očito prihvatila dokaze vlade van svake razumne sumnje” u pronalasku krivnje šestorice Hrvata.
Dvojica čikaških čelnika bila su osuđen za ucjenu: Ante Ljubas (36), kojeg su smatrali “glavni dirigentom” OTPOR-a, i Mile Markić (56), kojeg su okarakterizirali kao “starijeg državnika” organizacije.
Obojici hrvata prijeti 20 godina saveznog zatvora po svakoj od dvije točke, rekao je Baskin.



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