Trump: Afghanistan ‘Greatest Embarrassment in the History of Our Country’

president donald trump speaks during a rose garden speech
(Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

By Eric Mack    |   Tuesday, 17 August 2021 09:44 PM

Lamenting the results of President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, former President Donald Trump on Tuesday night declared his “conditions-based agreement” with a Taliban co-founder had been both forceful and “understood.”

“We had very strong conversation,” Trump told Fox News’ “Hannity” of a conversation with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, a Taliban co-founder. “I told him up front, I said, ‘look, before we start, let me just tell you right now that if anything bad happens to Americans or anybody else — or if you ever come over to our land, we will hit you with a force that no country has ever been hit with before, a force so great that you won’t even believe it, and your village — and we know where it is, and I named it — will be the first one.’”

Trump noted the Taliban’s planned trip to Washington was canceled during his administration after an American was killed as a show of power in the country, but the Taliban co-founder had understood his warning.

“I asked him, ‘do you understand?’ And he said, ‘I do understand,’” Trump told host Sean Hannity. “And I wanted them to get a deal done with the Afghan government.”

Trump added fleeing former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani was a “crook” who had “gotten away with murder,” and did not have Trump’s confidence.

“I never had a lot of confidence in Ghani,” Trump added. “I said that openly and plainly. I thought he was a crook and got away with murder. He spent all of this time wining and dining our senators. The senators were in his pocket.

“That was one of the problems that we had, but I never liked him.”

Trump mentioned the corruption of the fleeing president having reportedly escaped with piles of cash, adding the Taliban was truly the leadership to negotiate with during his administration.

“He got away with murder in many different ways, but I had a very strong talk with the Taliban, which I consider to be much more important in a sense, because they were the problem,” Trump said. “And they had been there for a long time and are good fighters and they fight hard. And after I said that, we had a pretty good conversation.”

Trump lamented the fall of Afghanistan under Biden’s withdrawal without conditions.

“I don’t think in all of the years our country has ever been so humiliated,” Trump said, calling it the “greatest embarrassment in the history of our country.” “I don’t know if I would call it a military defeat or a psychological defeat; there has never been anything like what’s happened here.

“This has been the most humiliating period of time that I’ve ever seen.”

Trump added the Afghan military “was basically bribed to fight,” saying the soldiers did it for money and not for their country, before they permitted the Taliban to take over quickly.

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Tagovi: Afganistan | Bajdenova uprava | Donald Trump | Joe Biden | Bliski istok | talibani | povlačenje.

Trump: Afganistan najveća sramota u povijesti naše zemlje
predsjednik donald trump govori tijekom govora u ružičnjaku
(Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

Napisao Eric Mack | Utorak, 17. kolovoza 2021. 21:44

Žaleći zbog rezultata povlačenja predsjednika Joea Bidena iz Afganistana, bivši predsjednik Donald Trump u utorak navečer izjavio je da je njegov “sporazum temeljen na uvjetima” s suosnivačem Talibana bio i silovit i “razumljiv”.

“Imali smo vrlo snažan razgovor”, rekao je Trump za “Hannity” za Fox News razgovor s Mullahom Abdul Ghanijem Baradar Akhundom, suosnivačem Talibana. “Rekao sam mu unaprijed, rekao sam, ‘gledaj, prije nego što počnemo, odmah ću ti reći da ako se nešto loše dogodi Amerikancima ili bilo kome drugome – ili ako ikada dođeš u našu zemlju, udarit ćemo te sila s kojom još nijedna zemlja nije pogođena, sila tako velika da nećete vjerovati, a vaše će selo – a mi znamo gdje se nalazi, nazvao sam ga – biti prvo. ”

Trump je primijetio da je planirano putovanje Talibana u Washington otkazano tijekom njegove administracije nakon što je Amerikanac ubijen kao pokazatelj moći u zemlji, ali je suosnivač talibana razumio njegovo upozorenje.

“Pitao sam ga,” razumiješ li? ” A on je rekao: ‘Razumijem’, rekao je Trump voditelju Seanu Hannityju. “I želio sam da postignu dogovor s afganistanskom vladom.”

Trump je dodao kako je bijeg bivšeg predsjednika Afganistana Ashrafa Ghanija bio “lopov” koji se “izvukao ubojstvom” i nije imao Trumpovo povjerenje.

“Nikada nisam imao puno povjerenja u Gani”, dodao je Trump. “Rekao sam to otvoreno i otvoreno. Mislio sam da je prevarant i izvukao se s ubojstvom. Sve je to vrijeme proveo pobjeđujući i večerajući naše senatore. Senatori su mu bili u džepu.

“To je bio jedan od problema koje smo imali, ali nikad mi se nije sviđao.”

Trump je spomenuo korupciju odbjeglog predsjednika koji je navodno pobjegao s hrpama gotovine, dodajući da su talibani doista vodstvo s kojim se pregovaralo tijekom njegove uprave.

“Pobjegao je s ubojstvom na mnogo različitih načina, ali imao sam vrlo snažan razgovor s talibanima, što smatram da su u određenom smislu mnogo važniji, jer su oni bili problem”, rekao je Trump. “A oni su tamo već dugo i dobri su borci i žestoko se bore. I nakon što sam to rekao, imali smo prilično dobar razgovor.”

Trump je žalio zbog pada Afganistana pod Bidenovim povlačenjem bez uvjeta.

“Mislim da svih ovih godina naša zemlja nije bila toliko ponižena”, rekao je Trump nazvavši to “najvećom sramotom u povijesti naše zemlje”. “Ne znam bih li to nazvao vojnim porazom ili psihološkim porazom; ovdje se nikada nije dogodilo ništa slično.

“Ovo je bilo najponižavajuće razdoblje koje sam ikada vidio.”

Trump je dodao kako je afganistanska vojska “u osnovi bila podmićena za borbu”, rekavši da su vojnici to učinili za novac, a ne za svoju zemlju, prije nego što su dopustili talibanima da brzo preuzmu vlast.