Tko je Bog? — (Who is God? –) piše Božo Šimunović


Tko je Bog? –> (Who is God? –>) piše Božo Šimunović

Božo Šimunović - Master Architect from Croatia

Tko je upoznao Boga taj je spašen za cijelu vječnost!, piše Božo Šimunović.
Biti intelektualno potkovan sa mnogo informacija i znanja ne znači automatski i biti duhovno-emocionalno-mentalno razvijen/ prosvijećen! Tek kada ljudi uistinu upoznaju Boga onda postanu duhovno-emocionalno-mentalno prosvijećeni.
Predrasude i osobni (pojedinačni) egoistični porivi vode u razdor društva, i to vrijedi za cijelo čovječanstvo, bilo gdje na planeti  Zemlji. Pa, tako isto vrijedi i za hrvatske domoljubne skupine, i za hrvatski narod. To je vrćenje u “začaranom krugu”/ na “zaludjenom ringišpilu”. Šteta!
Zašto sotonistički “globalni faraoni”, kao i njihov vrhovni zapovjednik Zloduh, već tisućama godina vladaju nad masama ljudi na planetu Zemlji – nad njihovim robljem?
Jednostavno; zato jer te masonsko-sotonerijske elite poznaju kompletno stvarnu psihu i niske duhovne vibracije ljudi. “Globalni faraoni” vladaju nad robovima na temelju ljudskih mana; s negativnim emocijama STRAHA, ljubomore, mržnje, sirovih strasti, pohlepe i oholosti. A negativne emocije pak potječu iz mentalno-fizičke obrane pojedinačnog NARCISOIDNOG EGA (zbog hibridnog straha od konačne smrti)! Odnosno, većina (oko 90%) ZLA ovoga svijeta i čovječanstva izvire iz ljudskog EGA! (Onih manjinskih 10% problema nastaje iz kojekakvih kozmičkih nesreća; od udarca meteora i kometa, od solarnih izboja na Suncu, od erupcije vulkana, zemljotresa, ili od slučajnog ugriza zmije otrovnice u prirodi, …)
Sotona od samih početaka (još od drevnih vremena Adama i Eve) manipulira s ljudima upravo preko egoizma u ljudima. A pogotovo sa prastarom masonskom psiho-metodom: ZAVADI, PA VLADAJ!
Samo treba stvoriti u društvu i narodu dvije skupine sa razlicitim (krivim i/ili ispravnim) egoističnim stavovima i mišljenjima, i onda ih na temelju toga medjusobno posvaditi (domobrani versus partizani, patrioti vs. komunisti, anti-vaxeri vs. vaxeri, oni koji nisu “popušili” prevaru suvremenih klimatskih promjena vs. oni koji jesu “popušili” prevaru suvremenih klimatskih promjena, i slične zlonamjerne umjetne “namještaljke”).
Nota bene; za aktivno zlo su najviše krivi Adam i Eva jer su dozvolili Sotoni da ih prevarantski manipulira! Zloduh, taj veliki kozmički manipulator, je manje kriv od Adama i Eve koji su mu se podarili, jer su narcisoidno-egoistično, pohlepno i pohotno željeli uzeti kozmičku moć. … I onda je potom Bog Otac ušetao u Eden, kojega je i sam stvarao, te se povišenim tonom obratio (neočekivano) najvećem grešniku: “Adameee, zašto se skrivaš?!” …
SOTONA = EGO (bolesno obožavanje samoga sebe)!
ISUS = LJUBAV (prema drugima i svijetu)!
Dakle, DJECA TAME su samozarobljeni EGOISTI, a DJECA SVJETLA, kao Isusovi sljedbenici, su u slobodi Božjom LJUBAVI okupani.
DJECA TAME se boje (fizičke) smrti i to im je zagarantirani put u vječni pakao, koji počinje od onog trenutka od kada strahuju od (tjelesne) smrti.
A DJECA SVJETLA se raduju vječnom životu (u ovom materijalnom matriksu i u duhovnoj dimenziji, u VJEČNOJ NEBESKOJ DOMOVINI) u zagrljaju Boga Otca Stvoritelja! DJECA SVJETLA su svjesna da duša nikada ne umire, već vječno živi, ali, ovisno o vlastitom odabiru – u SVJETLOSTI ili u TAMI!
To je razlika kao noć i dan.
Tek kada se ljudi iz čovječanstva odreknu vlastitog EGA onda će automatski “uginuti” i ZVIJER 666Zloduh (jer se više neće moći hraniti s “palim dušama”). Tada će nestati sve patnje i nesreće ljudi!
Nikada ne zaboravimo da je metafizika (duhovna i ezoterijska dimenzija) apsolutno superiorna iznad fizike (ovozemaljske materijalne matrice)!
Zato; utjecimo se trojedinome Bogu Otcu, Bogu Sinu – Isusu i Duhu Svetomu, te i svim svetima! Amen!
Bog i Hrvati! 😇🙏🇭🇷

Tko je Bog? –> (Who is God? –>)


Bozo Simunovic

11:43 AM (50 minutes ago)

to me, froate,
Whoever met God is saved for all eternity!
Being intellectually equipped with a lot of information and knowledge does not automatically mean being spiritually-emotionally-mentally developed/enlightened! Only when people truly know God do they become spiritually-emotionally-mentally enlightened.
Prejudices and personal (individual) egoistic urges lead to social discord, and this applies to all humanity, anywhere on planet Earth. Well, the same is true for Croatian patriotic groups, and for the Croatian people. It’s spinning in a “vicious circle”/on a “crazed merry-go-round”. Too bad!
Why have satanic “global pharaohs”, as well as their supreme commander the Evil Spirit, ruled over the masses of people on planet Earth – over their slaves – for thousands of years?
Simply; because those masonic-satanic elites know completely the real psyche and low spiritual vibrations of people. “Global Pharaohs” rule over slaves based on human flaws; with the negative emotions of FEAR, jealousy, hatred, raw passions, greed and arrogance. And the negative emotions come from the mental-physical defense of the individual NARCISOID EGO (due to the hybrid fear of final death)! In other words, the majority (about 90%) of the EVIL of this world and humanity springs from the human EGO! (Those minority 10% of problems arise from some kind of cosmic accidents; from the impact of meteors and comets, from solar flares on the Sun, from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or from the accidental bite of a poisonous snake in nature, …)
Satan has been manipulating people from the very beginning (since the ancient times of Adam and Eve) precisely through people’s egoism. And especially with the age-old Masonic psycho-method: DIVIDE AND RULE!
You just need to create two groups in society and the people with different (wrong and/or right) egoistic attitudes and opinions, and then on the basis of that, fight them among themselves (home defenders versus partisans, patriots versus communists, anti-vaxers versus vaxers, those who didn’t “blow” the modern climate change fraud vs. those who did “blow” the modern climate change fraud, and similar malicious artificial “fixes”).
Nota bene; Adam and Eve are most to blame for active evil because they allowed Satan to fraudulently manipulate them! The evil spirit, that great cosmic manipulator, is less guilty than Adam and Eve who gave themselves to him, because they narcissistically-egoistically, greedily and lustfully wanted to take cosmic power. … And then God the Father entered Eden, which he created himself, and in a raised tone addressed (unexpectedly) the greatest sinner: “Adam, why are you hiding?!” …
SATAN = EGO (sick self-worship)!
JESUS = LOVE (for others and the world)!
Therefore, CHILDREN OF DARKNESS are self-trapped EGOISTS, and CHILDREN OF LIGHT, as followers of Jesus, are bathed in freedom by God’s LOVE.
CHILDREN OF DARKNESS are afraid of (physical) death and that is their guaranteed path to eternal hell, which starts from the moment they fear (physical) death.
And the CHILDREN OF LIGHT look forward to eternal life (in this material matrix and in the spiritual dimension, in the ETERNAL HEAVENLY HOMELAND) in the arms of God the Father the Creator! CHILDREN OF LIGHT are aware that the soul never dies, but lives forever, but, depending on your own choice – in LIGHT or in DARKNESS!
It’s a difference like night and day.
Only when people from humanity give up their EGO will the BEAST 666 / Evil Spirit automatically “die” (because it will no longer be able to feed on “fallen souls”). Then all the suffering and unhappiness of people will disappear!
Let us never forget that metaphysics (the spiritual and esoteric dimension) is absolutely superior to physics (the earthly material matrix)!
Because; let’s influence the triune God the Father, God the Son – Jesus and the Holy Spirit , and all the saints! Amen.
God and Croats! 😇🙏🇭🇷
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