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Also, there is another field, Mr. Pickle, where I will need your help and advice. I am married to a French woman and my first two daughters were born in Paris. Sophie was born on August 2, 1965, and Catherine on January 21, 1968. Last year, after graduation, I thought of sending them to Croatia to see my hometown, but before that I sent a letter to the French consulate in Houston asking them if they would protect my two daughters who are of French nationality. The answer was short. They do not guarantee anything, and they advise me that it is better not to send them to Croatia because of my Croatian political engagement against the Yugoslav regime.
Now, this summer, after the school year, I would like to send my four children who were born in this country and have US passports to Croatia. Their names are: Drina, born on January 30, 1970. at Kaiser Hospital, San Francisco, California, Rafael and Stjepan (twins) born 10/22/1975, at Kaiser Hospital, Redwood City, California, and Mile junior, born May 28, 1978 at Kaiser Hospital, Redwood City, California. My biggest wish this summer is to send them to Croatia for five or six weeks, but I am afraid that the Yugoslav government could take revenge on my children because of my Croatian beliefs and hold them hostage in order to put some kind of pressure on me. If that happens, Mr. Pickle, can the United States Government step in and help its citizens, in this case my children?
I would be glad to hear from you and we will contact you again.
Mile Boban.