Stjepan i Robin Boban’s Wedding i Bobanova Draga July 20th 2007


Residents of Bobanova Draga from 1957 and the Croatian American Wedding in Bobanova Draga 5/20/2007



 Croatian American Wedding in Bobanova Draga, May 20, 2007.


Residents of Bobanova Draga from 1God bless you! Dear friend, I will be happy to answer you a few questions. First, Venco Boban, nicknamed “Toljušin ” because his mother is from Tolića Draga above Grude, so he was called Venco Toljušin for that reason.

Second, you ask me if I know approximately how many inhabitants Bobanova Draga had when I was there and lived there. 

Almost 9 years ago, I wrote to a man named Lilith who was interested in the same things and by the way,

I looked for that on my email this morning and found it, and so that I don’t have to bother and write again, I will forward it to you, and there are other things that should interest you; because you like to know everything and you like to read a lot, so my dear friend, read and enjoy, and contact me again if you are interested in anything else. God! blesse you. Milan Boban, Gabrića.


Comment from: Mile Boban, Otporaš | Commented: February 14, 2014 9:54 pm

I Milan, congratulations! I learned many things from you as I used to. Write more about our old customs. For us younger people, it is history for us.
Greetings from our sunny Herzegovina.

Dear and very dear friend Lilith,

Here I am back. I had to listen to my wife and run to the store to buy her something that she forgot yesterday while we were in the store buying groceries. I said, “had to”, because there was no other way. I know my wife very well, so if I listen to her immediately, in the blink of an eye, she is satisfied and so am I, because I avoided the worst, which is to be called a LAZY MAN. And me, my mouth is full when I say to myself: Ah, “ME”!, born in Ercegovina, so as not to disobey my one and only single wife. If I had a thousand of them, it would be a different story, because I would get lost in (not) finding my way around and I wouldn’t know which one to listen to and which one not to. This way I have only one wife and I only listen to that one, so I’m not lost, that’s why I got the TITLE: HUSBAND OF THE YEAR forty (49) times in a row, especially!!!

Let me go back and answer your “question about how guys thought about the values of girls back then, in your time”.A very good question, and every serious guy of that time, when he came out of the army, considered himself serious and looked most seriously at girls. Namely, it was a great shame to see a girl walking down the street anywhere without some knitting in her hands; whether it was socks, injuries, bells, etc. Serious guys would immediately say: she is not for my house. As if it were yesterday, I remember how my recently deceased mother Iva Boban Vićeka spoke to my sisters and her daughters and “caressed” them on the fingers with a spinning wheel or a quill, saying the name: God bless you, I don’t want that your husbands, whoever they are, to curse you because of me and to say that I didn’t teach you anything. Our Mother always taught us how we should behave in society. I believe that this is how other Mothers raised their children also in this spirit.

Here is an example that the guys looked at and made their judgments about the girl or girls based on that. The girls would agree in the village where they would meet that evening and in whose house they are going to be that evening. Truth be told, in my house, in the house of Petar and Iva Boban Gabrić, in which was almost always MEETINGS, in Croatian= SIJELO, simply because at that time our house was the biggest in the village, and I had three sisters ready to settle down and get married. The custom was, as soon as the boys knocked on the door and received the answer “come in”, the boys rushed into the house, and the girls, as their mothers had taught them that the chair should always be given to a man, because a man is always older than any woman. Real girls, as the “first” guys called them, would stand up and offer their chair to the first guy, while some others would stand up and guard the chair so that she wouldn’t give it to the guy, that she could sit down on it, as snarky guys would say about those girls who didn’t give up the chair to the guy. It was not a universal rule, but it was still a rule of our rural and honest parents, which on the one hand gave us the direction of life, which we had to follow in order not to get lost in ignorance. When I say in ignorance, I mean that in my time when I was in my village of Bobanova Draga, there were 87 households, 483 inhabitants, 17 horses and 12 carts, 13 wells, 3 cisterns and 90% of the parents were illiterate, who could neither read nor write; my parents were among them.

There, my dear friend Lilith, why did both girls and boys, for the same purpose, for the same concern and for the same family goal, watch each other’s behavior closely, because then there was nothing in the wall like today, neither electricity nor water. When I say in the “wall”, I mean that today’s girls in the “wall” have water, so they don’t need to go to the well to bring water to the kettle and for household needs when they are tired, in the “wall” they have electricity, so they don’t need when they come home from the fields tired and immediately go to the hill to get wood to cook food for the family, in the “wall” today they have a phone to call anyone without having to run around trough the village to take a message to anyone in need, as was the case before. I personally ran to Velika Gospojina on August 15, 1953 to inform my cousin Dinka Boban, Rapišić, who was married in the village of Drinovci, to tell her that her father had died. Her father was Stjepan Baban, Rapišića.

Mile Boban, Otporaš.

Croatian-American wedding in Bobanova Draga on May 20, 2007.

Croatian-American wedding in Bobanova Draga Published by: Krešimir K Date: July 11, 2013 in: From Otporaš’s bag,
I raised them well, says Milan.

I am so happy that we got married here. This is much more than what I expected and wanted in my life. It is an honor for us to be here and to get married in my father’s hometown, and I cannot find words to describe our happiness that we are here – said Stjepan, who only visited Bobanova Draga once, and that was when he was still a child, in 1991.

A wedding that will be remembered for a long time in Bobanova Draga was held in true Herzegovina style. There was dancing, singing, fiddling, dancing and singing, and according to the true Herzegovinian wedding custom, the bride threw an apple over the roof of the house. – I found throwing an apple interesting. I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t transfer it, but I managed. If we have already decided to get married in Croatia, Herzegovina, then I have to respect these beautiful customs, which do not exist in America, but are very interesting. I am especially happy that we got married here – said Robin, Stjepan’s wife. Milan’s wife Annie, who is French, also threw the apple over the ridge of the roof. – Annie said: We got married in Paris, so there was no occasion for me to throw an apple over the roof, so we decided to do it now here – said Annie, Milan’s wife. I am attaching a picture of the wedding of Mile and Annie Boban in Paris on Saturday, July 31, 1965.

Milan said: French is spoken in my house. The daughters also speak Croatian well, but the sons speak poorly. Maybe I made a mistake here, but maybe not, because it is not said – I speak my  father’s language, but I speak my mother language, jokes sixty-eight-year-old Milan. We will remember this forever, even though they don’t know the Croatian language, Stjepan and Robin were very satisfied with the wedding. – It doesn’t matter what language you speak, but how you think. They didn’t have to come to Croatia and Herzegovina, but luckily for their parents, they came and that will be remembered – said Vlado Boban, Stjepan’s wedding godfather, who is also the mayor of the municipality of Velika next to Požega. – This is really rare, and I can’t even tell you how happy I am. This event will be remembered by future generations, who will not see it, but they will certainly be told about it.
How Stjepan and Robin Boban got married traditionally in Bobanova Draga. No one and nothing can make a man happier than his child. Nor can it make him prouder. That’s how Stjepan Boban made his father happy by coming from America with his fiancee Robin to get married in Bobanova Draga, the birthplace of his father Milan Boban – Gabrić, who left his Bobanova Draga 49 years ago.
  1. Stjepan and Robin got married in the church of St. Stjepan the First Martyr in Gorica, and they were married by Fr. Jozo Grubišić, who is in the parish in Montreal, Canada, but came only for this occasion. The Golden Feast of Texans – My son Stjepan, who lives in America, like the rest of my family, decided to get married here on the hundredth anniversary of the birth of my father Petar Boban Gabrić. His fiancee Robin, who is a real American, from Cleveland, had nothing against it, in fact. When they told me that news, there was no happier and prouder person than me, because I knew then that I had raised my children well, so that they would never forget where they came from. I always told them about this area, about Bobanova Draga, about the beauties of Herzegovina, about the reasons why I ran away and went abroad, and now it seems to me that it was not in vain – said Milan.

    At the American-Croatian wedding, among the two hundred guests there were also about thirty Americans and French who enjoyed every second of their unusual customs. – We have never experienced something like this here. The ceremony was beautiful and all weddings should be like this. We especially like the ganga and the songs, as well as the folk costume – said Joe and Lily Foster, Milan’s friends from Texas, who celebrated 50 years of marriage on Stjepan and Robin’s wedding day.

    All the daughters speak Croatian well, but the sons speak poorly. Milan left home in 1957, worked for a while in Slovenia, and then went to France, where he learned the French language perfectly, because, as he says, he didn’t want to be blind with healthy eyes. In Paris, he met his wife, French Annie, who gave birth to his two daughters, Sofia and Katarina, in Paris. – In 1968, with my family and three suitcases, I went to San Francisco, where I had two sisters and a brother. After that, four more children were born to me, daughter Iva Drina, and sons, twins Rafael and Stjepan and son Milan Junior – recalls Milan.

    Milan now lives with his family in Austin, Texas, and until his retirement he was engaged in construction, and as he says, he doesn’t even know how many houses he built. He built a Ranch in Texas –  CROATIA RANCH, where he currently lives. I am attaching the Croatia Ranch link. _ _

  2. My son made me very proud by proposing to get married here. This is the result of my talking about Croats, because something like this only happens here. Their children will know that their parents got married in their grandfather’s village and that way they will never forget where they came from. If I had knelt down and prayed to God all my life, I would not have deserved this much happiness – concluded Milan.

    Read more on  Croatian-American wedding in Bobanova Draga | Kamenjar , Kamenjar

  3. 5/11/2015, 2:15:031   AM You are resisting


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