“Šta smatrate od svojih najvećih životnih postignuća?” = What do you consider one of your greatest achievement in life?”

Molim cijenjene čitatelje da poslije engleskog je prijevod na hrvatski. Hvala i uživajte u čitanju. Ovo je moj deseti (10) opis mojim unucima na tri jezika. Najprije napišem na hrvatskom, zatim prevedem na engleski i francuski. Ako dragi Bog dozvoli bit će ovih opisa 52. Poduzeće koje me je zamolilo da im svakog ponedjeljka napišem moja sjećanja i uspomene koje će oni kasnije tiskati za svoj račun. Ja ne mogu postavljati pitanja. Pitanja dolaze od poduzeća ili ako hoćete od kompanije koje mi oni šalju. Danas je nedjelja 31 listopada 2021., a već sutra ću primiti pitanje za tjedan od 1 studenog do 8 studenog, i tako će to ići za godinu dana. Moja unučad mene zovu “Babu” umjesto djede. To je bio moj prvi opis zašto mene moja unučad zovu “Babu”.

“Babu” Mile Boban.



         “What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?”

My tenth writings to my dear grandchildren entitled, “What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?”, Their grandfather “Babu” replies:

We the inhabitants of our common planet we all have several successes in our lives. These successes could not be bought in the store, but they had to be achieved through work. I will talk about my success in America.

My wife Annie and I came from Paris to San Francisco on December 10, 1968 with two daughters, Sofia born on August 2, 1965, Katrina on January 21, 1968, with three suitcases of personal belongings and $ 180. We were greeted by my sister Jakica born (1934-), my brother Rafael born (1944-2004) and my sister Kata born (1945-) During the Christmas and New Year holidays my sisters and my brother did not want me to look for a job, but spend time with them as if I were on vacation. And it was like that. I am putting a picture of my sister Kata, my brother Rafo, myself Mile Boban, your “Babu” and my brother Jerko, September 1980. in my house in San Francisco.

Image preview

After the New Year, I found a job as an assistant waiter at the Laffitte Restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf. The hourly wage was a dollar and a half plus a tip, which would be between $ 70 and $ 85 a week. I paid rent 130 a month. I didn’t have a car. I used a city bus to go to work. I changed buses two times going to the restaurant where I worked. At one point where I was waiting for the bus, I saw some sign on the window that I didn’t understand. I transcribed literally and when I came home with the help of French and American dictionaries I managed to translate into Croatian which meant: Why would I work 8 hours a day for someone else, when I can work 16 hours a day for myself. Then I said to myself: Bingo! That will be my guiding idea of my success. Our third daughter Iva / Drina was born on January 30, 1970. I worked long hours and made little money as my salary. It was not enough for family needs. There was no choice for me but to look for another and better job.

One Sunday at the Croatian Catholic Church on Fell Street in San Francisco, I met a man I knew back in Paris. We recognized each other immediately and were both surprised. His name is Vinko Padjan. He left Paris for America in 1960 or 1961. I asked him what he was doing now. He told me that he works as a carpenter for the “Standard Building Company” and that he is the foreman. I asked him to hire me, to which he gladly agreed. Day two after that I started working with them. I worked there for almost 4 years, and I have to admit that I learned my construction job there.

But, once again but my dear grandchildren through all that time in the brain of your grandfather “Babu” the idea revolved: Why would I work for someone else 8 hours a day, when I can for myself 16 hours a day. And so the idea came that I had an Iranian friend Efrem Eyvazoff who was a good carpenter, we worked together in the same company “Standard Building Company”. We decided to leave that construction company and open a joint “E” means Eyvazoff and “B” means Boban Construction Company. I enclose for you a business card of my construction company.                                   image.png

While my partner Efrem and I worked together, I went to evening school for 3 years, 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to nine in the evening. The teachers who taught us construction work and how to be an employer, recorded everything and wrote it on official paper. I went to that school and others also to get a state building license to build houses. After a year we had an exam and those who succeeded were given permission to go to Sacramento, the capital of the state of California to take the state exam to get a license to build houses. The first year I failed mostly due to not knowing enough of the English language. The second year I failed too, but that didn’t discourage me. The third year I succeeded.

In May 1980, I received an invitation to come to Sacramento to take the state exam to build houses. I think it was Thursday, May 22, 1980. The hall where the exams will be held was very huge. There were about 400 examinees: plumbers, painters, electricians, roofers and of course carpenters. There were 400 questions that each examiner had to answer. They gave us 10% forgiveness for mistakes, which means out of 400 questions you need to answer correctly 360 and more. I had more than 40 mistakes and I failed.

I was very sad about that. I was looking for a responsible man and  boss. They told me his name, which I don’t remember today, that his office was on the first floor and told me which room number was. I knocked on the door, I heard the answer: come in. I came in. A man was sitting in an armchair, legs crossed and holding on his working desk, smoking a large cigar and asking me why I came here. I told him with tears in my eyes the reason for my arrival. He already had my list in front of him. I told him that I knew my construction job very well but that my vocabulary of the English language was very bad. He asks me: How much did you pay the state taxes last year. I told him about $ 600. He says to me: I give you a license to build houses so you pay $ 6,000 in taxes next year, because the American system is built on a tax base.
He asked me: How much tax did you pay last year? I told him: about $ 600. In a serious tone, he said to me: Here are your permits to build houses. Next year, pay 6,000 in taxes, because each of our American successes is based on a system of paying taxes.

I thanked him very nicely and left his office with a smile and came to my house so cheerfully and happily.

My dear grandchildren, your grandfather “Babu” thus received permission from the State of California to build houses. Only dear God knew how many houses I had built. I made hundreds of houses and as a builder I was very successful. I am now retired and enjoying my retirement life.

Your eternal grandfather “Babu” Mile Boban.

            “Što smatrate jednim od svojih najvećih životnih postignuća?”

Moj deseti opis mojim dragim unucima s naslovom: “Što smatrate jednim od svojih najvećih životnih postignuća?”, njihov djed “Babu” odgovara:Svi mi stanovnici naše zajedničke planete imamo nekoliko uspjeha u životu. Ti se uspjesi ne mogu kupiti u dućanu, nego se moraju postići radom. Govorit ću o mojem uspjehu u Americi.Moja supruga Annie i ja došli smo iz Pariza u San Francisco 10. prosinca 1968. s dvije kćeri, Sofijom rođenom 2. kolovoza 1965., Katrinom 21. siječnja 1968., s tri kovčega osobnih stvari i 180 dolara. Dočekali su nas moja sestra Jakica rođena (1934-), moj brat Rafo rođen (1944.2004), i moja sestra Kata rođena )1945-) Za vrijeme praznika Božića i Nove Godine moje sestre i brat nisu htjeli da ja tražim posao nego da sa njima provedem vrijeme kao da sam na odmoru. I tako je bilo. Prilažem sliku moje sestre Kate, mojeg brata Rafe, mene vašg djeda “Babu” Mile i moj brat jerko u mojoj kući u San Francisku rujna mjeseca 1980.
Image preview


Nakon Nove godine našao sam posao kao pomoćni konobar u restoranu Laffitte na Fisherman’s Wharf. Satnica je bila dolar i pol plus napojnica, što bi bilo između 70 i 85 dolara tjedno. Plaćao sam stanarinu 130 mjesečno. Nisam imao auto. Na posao sam išao gradskim autobusom. Dva puta sam mijenjao autobuse do restorana u kojem sam radio. U jednom trenutku gdje sam čekao autobus, vidio sam neki natpis na prozoru koji nisam razumio. Prepisao sam ga doslovno i kada sam došao kući uz pomoć francuskog i američkog rječnika uspio sam prevesti na hrvatski što je značilo: Zašto bih radio 8 sati dnevno za nekog drugog, kada mogu raditi 16 sati dnevno za sebe. Tada sam sam sebi rekao: Bingo! To će biti moja ideja vodilja mog uspjeha. Naša treća kći Iva / Drina rođena je 30. siječnja 1970. Radio sam duge sate i zarađivao malo kao plaću. Nije bilo dovoljno za obiteljske potrebe. Nije mi bilo druge nego tražiti drugi i bolji posao.

Jedne nedjelje u Hrvatskoj katoličkoj crkvi u Fell Streetu u San Franciscu sreo sam čovjeka kojeg sam poznavao još u Parizu. Odmah smo se prepoznali i obojica smo bili iznenađeni. Zvao se Vinko Padjan. Otišao je iz Pariza u Ameriku 1960. ili 1961. Pitao sam ga što sada radi. Rekao mi je da radi kao drvodjelac u “Standard Building Company” i da je šef na gradilištu. Zamolio sam ga da me zaposli, na što je on rado pristao. Drugi dan nakon toga počeo sam raditi s njima. Tamo sam radio skoro 4 godine, i moram priznati da sam tamo naučio svoj građevinski posao.

Ali, još jednom ali moji dragi unuci kroz svo to vrijeme u mozgu vašeg djeda “Babu” vrtjela se ideja: Zašto bih ja radio za nekog drugog 8 sati dnevno, kad mogu za sebe 16 sati dnevno. Ja sam imao prijatelja Iranca Efrema Eyvazova koji je bio dobar drvodjelac, zajedno smo radili u istoj firmi “Standard Building Company”. Odlučili smo zajedno napustiti tu građevinsku tvrtku i otvoriti zajednički “E” znači Eyvazov, a “B” znači Boban građevinsko poduzeće. Prilažem vam posjetnicu moje građevinske tvrtke.

image.pngDok smo moj partner Efrem i ja radili zajedno, ja sam 3 godine išao u večernju školu, 3 puta tjedno, ponedjeljkom, srijedom i petkom od 7 do 9 sati navečer. Instruktori koji su nas učili u građevinarstvu i kako biti poslodavac, sve su bilježili i napisali na službeni papir. Išao sam u tu školu kao što su i drugi išli da dobijemo državnu građevinsku dozvolu za gradnju kuća. Nakon godinu dana imali smo ispit i oni koji su uspjeli dobili su dozvolu da odu u Sacramento, glavni grad države Kalifornije, da polažu državni ispit i dobiju dozvolu za gradnju kuća. Prvu godinu nisam uspio uglavnom zbog nedovoljno poznavanja engleskog jezika. Ni drugu godinu nisam uspio, ali to me nije obeshrabrilo. Treće godine sam uspio.

U svibnju 1980. dobio sam poziv da dođem u Sacramento na državni ispit za gradnju kuća. Mislim da je bio četvrtak, 22. svibnja 1980. Dvorana u kojoj će se održavati ispiti bila je jako ogromna. Bilo je oko 400 ispitanika: vodoinstalatera, molera, električara, krovopokrivača i naravno drvodjelaca, karpantera. Bilo je 400 pitanja na koja je svaki ispitivač morao odgovoriti. Dali su nam 10% oprosta za pogreške, što znači da od 400 pitanja trebamo točno odgovoriti na 360 i više. Imao sam više od 40 grešaka i nisam uspio.

Bio sam jako tužan zbog toga. Tražio sam odgovornog čovjeka i šefa. Rekli su mi kako se zove, kojeg se danas ne sjećam, da mu je ured na prvom katu i rekli mi koji je broj sobe. Pokucao sam na vrata, čuo sam odgovor: uđi. Ušao sam. Čovjek je sjedio u fotelji, prekriženih nogu i držao ih na svom radnom stolu, pušio veliku cigaru i pitao me zašto sam došao ovdje. Rekla sam mu sa suznim očima razlog mog dolaska. Već je imao moj spisak ispred sebe. Rekao sam mu da jako dobro poznajem moj građevinski posao, ali da je moj rječnik engleskog jezika jako loš. Pitao me je: On me je pitao: Koliko ste poreza platili prošle godine? Rekao sam mu: oko prilike 600 dolara. Ozbiljnim tonom on meni: Evo vam dozvola za gradnju kuća. Iduće godine platite porez 6 tisuća, jer svaki naš američki uspjeh je baziran na sistemu plaćanja poreza. ja sam mu se vrlo lijepo zahvalio i s smješkom napustio njegov ured i tako veselo i sretno došao mojoj kući.

Dragi moji unuci vaš djed “Babu” je tako dobio dozvolu države Kalifornije za gradnju kuća. Samo dragi Bog znao koliko sam kuća napravio. Više stotina kuća sam napravio i kao graditelj bio sam vrlo uspješan. Sada sam u mirovini i uživam moj umirovljenički život.

Vaš vječni djed “Babu” Mile Boban.



« Qu’est-ce que vous considérez comme l’une de vos plus grandes réalisations dans la vie ? »

Mon dixièmes écrit à mes chers petits-enfants intitulés « Qu’est-ce que vous considérez comme l’une de vos plus grandes réalisations dans la vie ? », répond leur grand-père « Babu » :

Nous les habitants de notre planète commune, nous avons tous plusieurs succès dans nos vies. Ces succès ne pouvaient pas être achetés dans le magasin, mais ils devaient être obtenus par le travail. Je vais parler de mon succès en Amérique.

Ma femme Annie et moi sommes venus de Paris à San Francisco le 10 décembre 1968 avec deux filles, Sofia née le 2 août 1965, Catherine le 21 janvier 1968, avec trois valises des choses personnels et 180 $. Nous avons été accueillis par ma sœur Jakica née (1934-), mon frère Rafael né (1944-2004) et ma sœur Kata née (1945-) Pendant les vacances de Noël et du Nouvel An, mes sœurs et mon frère ne voulaient pas que je cherche un travail, mais passe mon temps avec eux comme si j’étais en vacances. Et c’était comme ça. Je join la photo de ma soeur Kata, mon frere Rafo, moi votre grandpere “Babu” Mile i moj brat Jerko chez moi au mois de septembre 1980.Image preview

Après le Nouvel An, j’ai trouvé un emploi d’assistant serveur au restaurant Lafitte sur Fisherman’s Wharf. Le salaire horaire était d’un dollar et demi plus un pourboire, soit entre 70 $ et 85 $ par semaine. J’ai payé 130 loyers par mois. Je n’avais pas de voiture. J’ai utilisé un bus de ville pour aller au travail. J’ai changé deux fois de bus pour me rendre au restaurant où je travaillais. À un moment où j’attendais le bus, j’ai vu un panneau sur la fenêtre que je n’avais pas compris. J’ai transcrit littéralement et en rentrant à la maison avec l’aide de dictionnaires français et américains j’ai réussi à traduire en croate ce qui voulait dire : Pourquoi travaillerais-je 8 heures par jour pour quelqu’un d’autre, alors que je peux travailler 16 heures par jour pour moi-même. Alors je me suis dit : Bingo ! Ce sera mon idée directrice de ma réussite. Notre troisième fille Iva / Drina est née le 30 janvier 1970. Je travaillais de longues heures et gagnais peu d’argent comme salaire. Ce n’était pas suffisant pour les besoins de la famille. Je n’avais pas d’autre choix que de chercher un autre et meilleur travail.

Un dimanche à l’église catholique croate à Fell Street à San Francisco, j’ai rencontré un homme que je connaissais à Paris. Nous nous sommes reconnus immédiatement et avons tous les deux été surpris. Il s’appelle Vinko Padjan. Il a quitté Paris pour l’Amérique en 1960 ou 1961. Je lui ai demandé ce qu’il faisait maintenant. Il m’a dit qu’il travaillait comme charpentier pour la “Standard Building Company et qu’il en était le contremaître. Je lui ai demandé de m’embaucher, ce qu’il a volontairement accepté. Le deuxième jour, j’ai commencé à travailler avec lui. J’y ai travaillé presque 4 ans, et je dois avouer que j’y ai appris mon métier de la construction.

Mais, encore une fois, mes chers petits-enfants, pendant tout ce temps dans le cerveau de votre grand-père “Babu”, l’idée a tourné : Pourquoi travaillerais-je pour quelqu’un d’autre 8 heures par jour, alors que je peux pour moi-même 16 heures par jour. Et donc l’idée est venue que j’avais un ami iranien Efrem Eyvazov qui était un bon charpentier, nous avons travaillé ensemble dans la même entreprise “Standard Building Company”. Nous avons décidé de quitter cette entreprise de construction et d’ouvrir ensemble “E » signifie Eyvazov et “B » signifie Boban Construction Company. Je joins à vous une carte de visite de mon entreprise de construction.

image.pngPendant que mon partenaire Efrem et moi travaillions ensemble, je suis allé à l’école du soir pendant 3 ans, 3 fois par semaine, les lundi, mercredi et vendredi de 7 à 9 heures du soir. Les enseignants qui nous ont appris les travaux de construction et comment être un employeur, ont tout enregistré et l’ont écrit sur le papier officiel. Je suis allé dans cette école et les autres aussi pour obtenir un permis de l’État pour construire des maisons. Au bout d’un an, nous avons passé un examen et ceux qui ont réussi ont été autorisés à se rendre à Sacramento, la capitale de l’État de Californie, pour passer l’examen d’État afin d’obtenir une licence pour construire des maisons. La première année, j’ai échoué principalement parce que je ne connaissais pas assez la langue anglaise. La deuxième année, j’ai échoué aussi, mais cela ne m’a pas découragé. La troisième année, j’ai réussi.

En mai 1980, j’ai reçu une invitation à venir à Sacramento pour passer l’examen d’État pour construire des maisons. Je pense que c’était le jeudi 22 mai 1980. La salle où se dérouleront les examens était très vaste. Il y avait environ 400 candidats : plombiers, peintres, électriciens, couvreurs et bien sûr charpentiers. Il y avait 400 questions auxquelles chaque examinateur devait répondre. Ils nous ont accordé 10 % de pardon pour les erreurs, ce qui signifie que sur 400 questions, nous devons répondre correctement à 360 et plus. J’ai fait plus de 40 erreurs et j’ai échoué.

J’étais très triste à ce sujet. Je cherchais un homme responsable et un patron. Ils m’ont dit son nom, dont je ne me souviens pas aujourd’hui, que son bureau était au premier étage et m’ont dit quel était le numéro de la chambre. J’ai frappé à la porte, j’ai entendu la réponse : entrez. Je suis entré. Un homme était assis dans un fauteuil, les jambes croisées et les tenant sur son bureau, fumant un gros cigare et me demandant pourquoi je suis venu ici. Je lui ai dit avec les larmes aux yeux la raison de mon arrivée. Il avait déjà ma liste devant lui. Je lui ai dit que je connaissais très bien mon travail dans le bâtiment mais que mon vocabulaire de la langue anglaise était très mauvais. Il m’a demandé : Combien d’impôts avez-vous payé l’année dernière ? Je lui ai dit : environ 600 $. D’un ton sérieux, il m’a dit : Voici votre permis de construire des maisons. L’année prochaine, payez 6 000 d’impôts, car chacun de nos succès américains repose sur un système de paiement d’impôts. Je l’ai remercié très gentiment et j’ai quitté son bureau avec le sourire et suis venu chez moi si gaiement et joyeusement.

Mes chers petits-enfants, votre grand-père « Babu » a ainsi reçu l’autorisation de l’État de Californie de construire des maisons. Dieu seul savait combien de maisons j’avais construites. J’ai construit des centaines de maisons et en tant que constructeur, j’ai eu beaucoup de succès. Je suis maintenant à la retraite et je profite de ma vie de retraité.Votre grand-père éternel “Babu” Mile Boban.

Milan Boban

6:11 AM (4 hours ago)

to divab3@gmail.comsophiesuzanavlado.boban@icloud.combobaniac@gmail.comStjepanMilecamessage@gmail.comMilanJeanMichelgermoni@hotmail.frgerard.malbate@numericable.frMijoMilanRitaRobinme


                             “Što smatrate jednim od svojih najvećih životnih postignuća?”

                   “What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?”
« Qu’est-ce que vous considérez comme l’une de vos plus grandes réalisations dans la vie ? »

My tenth writings to my dear grandchildren entitled, “What do you consider one of your greatest achievements in life?”, Their grandfather “Babu” replies:We the inhabitants of our common planet we all have several successes in our lives. These successes could not be bought in the store, but they had to be achieved through work. I will talk about my success in America.My wife Annie and I came from Paris to San Francisco on December 10, 1968, with two daughters, Sofia born on August 2, 1965, Katrina on January 21, 1968, with three suitcases of personal belongings and $ 180. We were greeted by my sister Jakica born (1934-), my brother Rafael born (1944-2004) and my sister Kata born (1945-) During the Christmas and New Year holidays my sisters and my brother did not want me to look for a job but spend time with them as if I were on vacation. And it was like that.After the New Year, I found a job as an assistant waiter at the Laffitte Restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf. The hourly wage was a dollar and a half plus a tip, which would be between $ 70 and $ 85 a week. I paid rent 130 a month. I didn’t have a car. I used a city bus to go to work. I changed buses two times going to the restaurant where I worked. At one point where I was waiting for the bus, I saw some sign on the window that I didn’t understand. I transcribed literally and when I came home with the help of French and American dictionaries, I managed to translate into Croatian which meant: Why would I work 8 hours a day for someone else, when I can work 16 hours a day for myself. Then I said to myself: Bingo! That will be my guiding idea of my success. Our third daughter Iva / Drina was born on January 30, 1970. I worked long hours and made little money as my salary. It was not enough for family needs. There was no choice for me but to look for another and better job.

One Sunday at the Croatian Catholic Church on Fell Street in San Francisco, I met a man I knew back in Paris. We recognized each other immediately and were both surprised. His name is Vinko Padjan. He left Paris for America in 1960 or 1961. I asked him what he was doing now. He told me that he works as a carpenter for the “Standard Building Company” and that he is the foreman. I asked him to hire me, to which he gladly agreed. Day two after that I started working with them. I worked there for almost 4 years, and I must admit that I learned my construction job there.

But, once again but my dear grandchildren through all that time in the brain of your grandfather “Babu” the idea revolved: Why would I work for someone else 8 hours a day, when I can for myself 16 hours a day. And so, the idea came that I had an Iranian friend Efrem Eyvazoff who was a good carpenter, we worked together in the same company “Standard Building Company”. We decided to leave that construction company and open a joint “E” means Eyvazoff and “B” means Boban Construction Company. I enclose for you a business card of my construction company.                                   image.png

While my partner Efrem and I worked together, I went to evening school for 3 years, 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to nine in the evening. The teachers who taught us construction work and how to be an employer, recorded everything and wrote it on official paper. I went to that school and others also to get a state building license to build houses. After a year we had an exam and those who succeeded were given permission to go to Sacramento, the capital of the state of California to take the state exam to get a license to build houses. The first year I failed mostly due to not knowing enough of the English language. The second year I failed too, but that didn’t discourage me. The third year I succeeded.

In May 1980, I received an invitation to come to Sacramento to take the state exam to build houses. I think it was Thursday, May 22, 1980. The hall where the exams will be held was very huge. There were about 400 examinees: plumbers, painters, electricians, roofers and of course carpenters. There were 400 questions that each examiner had to answer. They gave us 10% forgiveness for mistakes, which means out of 400 questions you need to answer correctly 360 and more. I had more than 40 mistakes and I failed.

I was very sad about that. I was looking for a responsible man and boss. They told me his name, which I don’t remember today, that his office was on the first floor and told me which room number was. I knocked on the door, I heard the answer: come in. I came in. A man was sitting in an armchair, legs crossed and holding on his working desk, smoking a large cigar, and asking me why I came here. I told him with tears in my eyes the reason for my arrival. He already had my list in front of him. I told him that I knew my construction job very well but that my vocabulary of the English language was very bad. He asks me: How much did you pay the state taxes last year. I told him about $ 600. He says to me: I give you a license to build houses, so you pay $ 6,000 in taxes next year, because the American system is built on a tax base.


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