Slika Petra Boban, Gabrića (1907-1981) uzeta pred zidom goričkog groblja kojeg se je zvalo “Šamatorje”. Ova slika je uzeta u Nedjelju 20 rujna 1981. god.


Slika Petra Boban, Gabrića (1907-1981) uzeta pred zidom goričkog groblja kojeg se je zvalo “Šamatorje”. Ova slika je uzeta u Nedjelju 20 rujna 1981. god.

 Duhanjska kutija sa ćatima našeg pok. Ćaće Petra Boban, Gabrića (1907 – 1981)
                                Ovo je prva slika:


Tobacco box with rolling paper of our deceased father, Petar Boban, Gabrić (1907 -1981)


                                   This is the first photo: 

The box with tobacco and rolling paper that our dear father, Petar, had in his pocket at about 9:30 in the morning as he collected the corn on the field called Moba near the village of Blaževići on Wednesday, September 23th 1981, when he died of a heart attack. This box was given to me by my dear mother Iva Boban Vićeka, Gabrić on Easter, 1998, when I was visiting Bobanova Draga.

                            This is the second photo: 

The box in which our deceased father Petar carried his tobacco to smoke. He told me that he filled the box well, in the morning, before going to the field to work. If he is very careful and during the day doesn’t give to anyone a cigarette, he says that’s enough for him for that day. That’s how the other people, the smokers did. But, there were some smokers who smoked constantly and smoked all their tobacco for that day, smoking one cigarette after the another and using one cigarette to light the next one and how they said they would save the matches for that day. One of these was my uncle, Ikan Grubišić, who would start smoking in the morning and one after the other of his cigarettes he would light until the evening. There were other smokers who would smoke and finish all the tobacco from their tobacco box for that day and then, once out, would go from one man to the next one looking for someone to give them tobacco for a cigarette. In some cases, some of those smokers would put so much tobacco in rolling paper, a thick cigarette that they could hardly close the rolling papers. These cases were not unique and that some people invented for those smokers a ganga’s song:

Moj kolega pošteno se vladaj, tanko savij pa se opet nadaj. = My fellow friend be honest in rule, wrap thinly and look for again. Once upon a time, it is worth to be mentioned now.


