SJEĆANJE NA OVU ŽENU, Ivu Boban, nadimak Belinica, Bobanova Draga, 1963.

  SJEĆANJE NA OVU ŽENU, Ivu Boban, nadimak Belinica, Bobanova Draga, 1963.

Sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća je U Chicagu je izlazio jedan časopis “HRVATICA ‘‘. Glavna i odgovorna urednica je bila Danica Glavaš. Prilažem sliku prve stranice časopisa “HRVATICA” sa slikom glavne urednice Danice Glavaš. Sva šteta da nemam taj časopis u kojem je sadržaj kojeg ću doslovno prepisati. Ja sam u jednoj mojoj fascikl našao sam ovu stranicu br. 8., a ne znam koji je to broj niti koje godine je to tiskano. Ali svakako je zanimljivo ovo pročitati, jer naša hrvatska izbjeglička i politička emigracija od nekoliko milijuna Hrvatica i Hrvata je u velikom postotku sa sela, te su na jedan ili drugi način proživljavali ovakovu sudbinu seljačkog života.
Mile Boban iz Bobanove Drage i iz iste kuće u kojoj se je rodio 2 svibnja 1962. godine dečkić dolje na sliki, i njegova baka Iva Vićeka Boban, mu je bila sesoka babica. Na uspomenu svojeg sina Milana dala mu je ime Mile. Od velikog milja ukućani i seljani su ga zvali i prozvali “Mišo” kojim imenom je i danas poznati. Pročitajte cijeli sadržaj dolje ispod priloženih slike.
Mile, Milan Boban, Gabrića, stric dečkića pred ženom s burilom na leđima.


                                 O  V  A    Ž  E  N  A 
      Ova žena ili ti je majka ili kao i majka, pa prije nego se uputiš niz ove retke, prouči svaku cretu ove slike. Nemoj se žuriti! Ako slučajno nemaš vremena, odgurni u stranu, jer napamet komentiraju samo polupismeni…
                                             (Ispod slike piše:) 
                                         Bobanova Draga 1963.
                    Belinica   i   mali   Mišo  Jerke Boban, Gabrića                                                   
      Eto dok gledaš znatiželjno i misliš, što ti je tu ženu nasmijalo pod punim burilom vode, pomisli malo i na svoj, ali samo svoj vlastiti život. Zamisli se nekoliko sekunda…Vidiš li sam sebe (brže nego ove riječi možeš pročitati), vidjet ćeš se i kao ponosan i kao postiđen. Za ponos ti svatko zna, a za sramotu, e to se bome grdno krije.
      Nisi li već promašio! Čitao si samo da pročitaš, misleći valjda da ćeš nešto nova naći. Nema ništa nova u dvadesetom stoljeću. Ljudi su i mjesec otkrili, a kako ne bi one grobare koji radi umišljene časti, novca i prkosa pljuju po vlastitoj materi i njezinoj djeci. I bjednik je svaki onaj koji zaboravlja svoju mater, svoju mlađu braću, svoj jezik, svoj narod i svoju zemlju. I bjednik je svaki onaj koji služi tuđincu na bilo koji način, svjesno ili nesvjesno. I bjednik je svaki onaj koji zatvara oči pred materom koja je mater svih nas. Mater je mater i mater se ne dijeli, misleći da imaju više matera, nisu ništa drugo nego roboti, i to plaćeni roboti.
      Naše su matere plakale, molile i veselile se rađajući nas za sebe i za zemlju svoju. To samo njoj čast nosimo. Samo njoj služimo i radi matera naših budimo ono što i trebamo biti… Ponosni, čestiti i spremni na svaku žrtvu u korist naših matera i naše zemlje Hrvatske.
                                                                                   KATA GRIZELJ
Tko je ta žena Belinica sa burilom vode na leđima? Ona  je naša susjedkinja Iva Boban, nadimak Belinica. Ona je išla na bunar udaljen od njezine kuće pola kilometra, konopom zavezala kantu, spustila u bunar, izvukla vodu i usula tu vodu tu drvenu posudu, stavila na leđa, zavezala konopom da posuda ne padne s leđa. Kada je došla pred kuću Ive Boban, Vićeke koja je tu bila sa unukom Mišo, od dragosti Belinica ga je počela milovati. Tako je došlo do te slike.
                          Translated in English for my children and our friends 
                                           MEMORY OF THIS WOMAN

In the seventies of the last century, a magazine “HRVATICA” was published in Chicago. The main and responsible editor was Danica Glavaš. I am attaching a picture of the first page of the magazine “HRVATICA” with a picture of the editor-in-chief Danica Glavaš. It’s a shame that I don’t have that magazine in which the content is. I will copy it verbatim. I found this page No. 8 in one of my folders, and I don’t know what number it is or what year it was printed. But it is certainly interesting to read this, because our Croatian refugee and political emigration of several million a large percentage of Croats are from the countryside, and in one way or another they experienced this fate of peasant life.
Mile Boban from Bobanova Draga and from the same house where the little boy Mišo in the picture below was born on May 2, 1962, and his grandmother Iva Vićeka Boban, was his midwife. For a souvenir of her son Milan, she named her grand-som Mile. From a big pleasure, the family members and villagers called him “Mišo”, by which name he is still known today. Read the full content below the attached images.
Mile, Milan Boban, Gabrića, the boy’s uncle in front of a woman with a drill on his back.

                                                 T H I S   W O M A N 
This woman is either your mother or someone who is also a mother, so before you go down these lines, study every line of this picture. Don’t rush! If you happen to have no time, push it aside, because only the semi-literate comment by heart…
(Below the picture it says:)
                                                Bobanova Draga 1963.
                                         Belinica   and   little   Mišo  Jerke

While you are looking curiously and thinking, what made that woman laugh at you under a full bucket of water, think a little about your own life, but only your own life. Think for a few seconds… If you see yourself (faster than you can read these words), you will see yourself as both proud and ashamed. Everyone knows about your pride, and about your shame, it’s something you hide from everyone. Haven’t you missed it already! you read just to skim, thinking that you will find something new. There is nothing new in the twentieth century. People also discovered the moon, and why not those gravediggers who, for the sake of conceited honor, money and defiance, spit on their own mother and her children. And wretched is anyone who forgets his mother, his younger brothers, his language, his people and his country. And the wretch is anyone who serves a stranger in any way, knowingly or unknowingly. And wretched everyone who closes his eyes to the mother who is the mother of us all. Mother is mater and mother does not divide, thinking that they have more mother they are nothing but robots, and paid robots at that. Our mothers cried, prayed and rejoiced giving birth to us for themselves and for their country. We honor her only. We only serve her and for the sake of our mother let us be what we should be… Proud, honorable and ready to make any sacrifice for the benefit of our mother and our country Croatia.

                                                                                  KATA GRIZELJ
Who is that white woman with a water kettle on her back? She is our neighbor Iva Boban, nicknamed Belinica. She went to the well half a kilometer away from her house, tied a bucket with a rope, lowered it into the well, drew water and poured water into that wooden container, put it on her back, tied it with a rope so that the container wouldn’t fall off her back. When she came in front of the house of Iva Boban, Vićeka who was there with her grandson Mišo, out of love Belinica started to caress him. That’s how that picture came about.

Mile Boban

Mar 21, 2023, 4:18 PM

to vladovlado.boban@gmail.coms_coricmluburic08ljubo.grRobinRitameMijoFrasophieBozoMilanMile
Pogledajte tridesetak slika uživanja hrvatskog folklora, gange, pjesme, diple i drugih razonoda
u Bobnovoj Dragi, subota 24 kolovoza 2019.…hzTVA3dnB1ejlB


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