‘Pleme naše izginuti ne će’. = ‘Our nation will not perish’. kaže Vjekoslav Klaić u svojim 10 Zapovijedi Majke Hrvatske svojim vjernim sinovima i kćerima

Priložena slika je Hrvatske Majke od petnaestero (15) djece
The attached picture is of Croatian Mother of fifteen (15) children

The Ten Commandments of the Mother of Croatia to all faithful sons and daughters
Vjekoslav Klaić – Croatian genius and patriot whose recommendations to Croats from 1917 are still relevant.
Vjekoslav KlaićFoto
On this day in 1928, in his apartment at 63 Gundulićeva Street in Zagreb, Vjekoslav Klaić died “having received the Holy Mysteries of the Dying” at the age of 79. Condolences to the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb were expressed by the rectors of the universities of Prague, Vienna, Paris, Geneva, Graz, Berlin, Heidelberg and Padua. The funeral was led by Klaić’s friend, the Archbishop of Zagreb, Antun Bauer.

His cultural and scientific legacy is enormous (in the book Vjekoslav Klaić – Character and Work, 2000, his bibliography is listed on 30 pages, and so much is still left in manuscripts). However, these were not only the top achievements of the science of that time, which laid the foundations for the development of many Croatian modern sciences, but above all these works and activities played an important role in strengthening national consciousness and cultural development of Croatia. He lived in a time that, like every time since the beginning of humanity, was demanding and it was necessary to respond to his demands, jump over obstacles, not lose sight of what is moral, good, right and build yourself as a man. Looking at Klaić’s life, we conclude that he succeeded in that.

The Ten Commandments of the Mother of Croatia to all faithful sons and daughters

In 1917, three years after the outbreak of World War I, in a time of war, death, suffering, uncertainty and despair, he wrote a work to encourage his people and remind them of true, enduring values and give hope in these unimaginably difficult times. Reading the Ten Commandments of the Mother of Croatia to all faithful sons and daughters (Hrvatska njiva, 1917), it is hard to imagine that such an instruction was given by a Croatian intellectual, university professor, and that this text was written 100 years ago. The text (or parts of it) will be published in Sisacki glas, Jutarnji list, Vjerni drugu, and then it will be reproduced (until 1962).


“l. Speak Croatian!

God has given you the wonderful Croatian language, as it is almost non-existent in the world. He is sonorous and rich, so that with him you can say everything that your mind tells you and your heart feels. You sin against God and nature, when you don’t speak Croatian, wherever you need to and when the opportunity arises. Speak Croatian at home and in public, because only in your language will the world know that you are a Croat. If you say that you are a Croat and you do not speak your native language, then you are simply lying. A bird is known by its feathers, and a man by his speech. Strive to speak Croatian as beautifully and perfectly as possible, as if you were reading from the best book. Because it is a great shame when you say that you are a Croat and do not speak your mother tongue perfectly. Do not involve foreign words (German, Italian or Turkish) in your Croatian speech, because you are showing that you are a slave to a foreigner, or that you do not know your language. He also learns and appreciates foreign languages, but speaks them only when absolutely necessary and when you are in a foreign country. ()

ll. It works!

God created two hands for you – not to cross them and hang them, but to work with them. You can work with your feet, and how! And you have a head, to think and work with it, not to stare into the air. For man was created to work like few other creatures of God. It is not a shame to work, but a pride. It is not the gentleman who does nothing, wasting time and money, who inherited it, – but the gentleman is the one who gained wealth through his work. Therefore, work day and night, and work systematically and reasonably, to make your work useful. (…) Persistent and elaborate work benefits the body and soul. It is not true that work kills. No one has died from the work itself. On the contrary, it is stated that persistent and systematic physical work only strengthens and strengthens the body. It is not allowed to work in one go until extreme fatigue, but there is a long way to go from danguba to extreme fatigue. If you are tired of physical work, rest by working your head; if you are tired of mental work,then you accept work with your hands or feet. Work is also good for the soul.employment must result in sin and vice of every kind. He who works does not think evil. You will calm your passions with your work. Because when you work generously and continuously, you are so overwhelmed by work that you are not even suitable for anything else. And bad dreams will not bother you, if you are tired of work, you have fallen asleep. He finally gives you work and earthly treasures. Even if you don’t get rich quickly and always, you save at least so much that you can live honestly and decently. You don’t need anyone’s alms, you don’t need to beg, and you’re also not tempted to get hold of anything in an illegal or impermissible way. You sweetly eat the pear, which you earned in the sweat of your brow.

III. Save!

A popular proverb says beautifully: “In doing everything, you would save even more.” Therefore, one should not only work, but also save. (…) Saving is easy, only if you want to. Let the first rule be for you, never to spend everything you have earned with your work, but to take away and save at least some of your earnings at every opportunity. () Just be careful that the sweetness of saving does not degenerate into passion, so that you do not become a miser from a saver. () Save for the sake of your loved ones, to give back to the old parents what they have equipped you in the world, and to help your children, who are not to blame for giving birth to them, to help them stand on their feet. (…) So we all save: old and young, male and female! Especially you, Croatian women, intend to show off the luxuries and luxuries of everyone. A good housewife keeps three corners of the house, many times the fourth. Only a caring and thrifty woman is faithful love to her spouse, and a good mother to her children.

IV. Be moderate and sober!

There is no sign of work or savings, if you do not live moderately and soberly. Moderate in everything and everything, especially when you eat and drink. The Scriptures teach us that God created man in his own image and likeness. So should an overweight and drunk man be an image of God? It is not an animal image either, because an unreasonable animal does not overeat or get drunk. Or have you ever seen a horse overeat, or a dog drunk? Defend the animal’s instinct, to devour and feed it beyond measure; and you, a reasonable creature, to be worse than her? ()

V. Keep healthy!

Moderate and sober living benefits in  health. But that’s not enough. You still have to work purposefully and systematically to preserve your health and prolong your life to the deepest old age. They say that health is the greatest treasure a person can have in this world. When it is so, and it is so, then you are the greatest criminal against yourself, when you do not keep that greatest treasure with all your attention. And you will certainly save it, if you stay away from everything, which could harm your health. If you are harmed by a pipe and tobacco, then break a pipe and smoke tobacco; if you, a Croatian woman, are bothered by a corset or tight shoes, then throw them aside. To whom you are dear, you will remain dear all without corsets and hellish torments on your feet.
But health also needs strengthening. Health is wasted for years, so the sweater needs to make up for the spent energy. You will achieve this by systematically strengthening your body, strengthening your limbs, your muscles and your nerves. And you can easily achieve that, even if you are a poor man, because all you need is a strong will, then cold water and fresh air. So to see the wonders of the great! (…) Let’s keep healthy, strengthen the body, strengthen muscles and nerves. Muscles will be harder than stone, and nerves stronger than iron. Because we will need both.

Vl. YOU. Get married!

They say: The burden of life is heavy, you can barely make ends meet, so you can still get married! And I tell you: Get married and get married, because if the burden of life is heavy, it will be easier for you to bear it in two, than each for himself. From the far east, where the Russian “People of God” and “Scots” roar, to the far west, where proponents of free love gather in France, a password is heard throughout Europe; Don’t get married when you can live without it! But where and where the voice of great nature rings out louder, shouting to you: Marry and be married, because you are a social being, and the first embryo of human society is marriage and family! (…) So get married, Croatian sons and daughters, all in a row, if and how you can! Women are prudent, not crazy. Marry early, when you are in full force and in the flower of your virginity. It is a great trouble, when a man takes a woman, after he has exhausted his strength: and the ugliness is over, when a girl wants to come under a hat, having changed a dozen lovers. It is not a holy marriage, but either an infirmity or a shelter!
Give birth to children! Children are God’s blessing, and there are never too many of them in the house. (…) Children are the care of parents, but sweet care and joy are theirs. There is sadness and grief in the most harmonious family, but happy and joyful days regularly prevail. (…) The lawsuit is often heard: “We are a small number of Croats!” It is up to us to have as many of us as possible, to have two and three times as many of us in two generations. ()
One thing is irrefutable: If there are no Croats, there will be no Croatia.

VII. Learn and progress!

It is said that in a healthy and strong body there is also a healthy and strong soul. But the soul also rusts if you do not nurture it. And you will nurture it mainly in such a way that you learn and progress. He does not learn only from written and printed books, he learns from the book of life. The old folk saying: “Knit a wheel, like your father”, is not valid for science and progress, but only for the consecrated customs and virtues of your ancestors. He learns everywhere and from everyone. Learn from a foreigner who settled in your homeland (…) If a diligent Bulgarian as a gardener can feed the whole of Croatia with vegetables, how could you, who have your lands in abundance (…) Knowledge is power, it is a stronger force of any force in the world. Knowledge is the first and greatest superpower, which cannot be overthrown by anything. That is why all the thugs of this world reap knowledge and those who have girded themselves with the power of knowledge. Knowledge creates enlightenment, and enlightenment leads to freedom, after the dark clouds of ignorance and stupidity are scattered. Croatian son, learn and progress! Dispel the darkness of ignorance and free yourself from spiritual bondage. Everything else, for which your soul dies, will come to you without fail.

VIII. Be yourself

It is not enough to enlighten the mind and load it with knowledge, you need to give discipline to both your feelings and your will. What your mind tells you, that it is right and healthy, let your heart feel, and with your will, do your best to do it. Let there be complete harmony between your thoughts, feelings and will, because only in this way will you be harmonious, whole man, only in this way will you be your own and no one else’s. Only then will you be of real importance. Be your own and significant. Do not deviate from the path, which you once chose and which you set out for, for anyone’s will, for anyone’s love. Look neither left nor right, but always surrender straight. Do not deviate from the path of truth, honesty and beauty by grace or force, by myth or threat: do as your mind, heart and will dictate to you. So let the whole world shake and crumble around you, you stand fearlessly in the midst of the ruins, which have accumulated around you, and threaten to bury you.
Be yourself and hope  to perform all your duties. He performs his duty, even if it is difficult. He performs his duty to his neighbor, to his homeland and people, to the government and the state. In performing his duties, do not seek or expect praise or rewards; may the most beautiful and greatest reward be your living awareness, that you have fulfilled your duty. Give to God what is God’s, and to the king what is the king’s; – but he persistently seeks and defends his sacred right.

Equally, this is how he performs his duty, defends and seeks his right. Do not give in to force or oath when it comes to your right. Stand up for your rights, even if all the devils conspire against you. Power is not stronger than law; every force is for the times, and the law is eternal, the one whom the law declines must not bow down. The law can be trampled on, but it cannot be trampled on. Be your own: do your duty, keep your right and fear no one but the one God. ()

IX. Help the Croat

Help the Croat, because you are helping your brother! Our enemies inflict too much misery on us, who want to destroy us, so that we disappear from the face of the earth. And should we be their partners, quarreling with each other and eating each other? An honest man does not work on anyone’s head, not even on the destroyer of his happiness. And how can an honest Croat dig a grave for his Croatian brother! Help the Croat, where you can and how you can. Help the farmer, the craftsman, the merchant; help everyone who works like a real Croat. (…) Help the Croat, without asking him whether he is from Zagorje or Primorje, from Dalmatia or Istria, from Bosnia and Herzegovina or Slavonia. You are all sons of one mother, you are all Croats!

Help not only the Croat, but also everything that is Croatian. Support Croatian books, Croatian painting and sculpture, Croatian song and music, Croatian companies and choirs; help everything that promotes  progress, honor, happiness and glory of the Croatian people and homeland. (…) There are two severe wounds, from which the Croatian people have been bleeding for centuries. One is the early Croatian envy or “Croatian jal”, and the other is the early Slavic discord. (…) God forbid that the “Croatian brotherhood” will soon begin to be celebrated and renewed in the mother country as well, since the Croatian woes and Slavic disagreements will disappear in it.

X. Everything for the homeland, for Croatia!

It is sweet and wonderful for the homeland to live, for it to breathe, to work, for it to make every sacrifice. The Spaniard is native to Spain, the Italian to Italy, the German to Germany, the Polish to Poland, the Czech to the Czech Republic, and the Bulgarian to Bulgaria. And the Croat? Croatia’s homeland is Croatia, only Croatia.
The homeland is to man as well as the birth mother. As there is only one mother, so there is one homeland. No one in the world has two homelands, let alone wider and narrower! (…) Live and work for your homeland Croatia, Croatian son,  be great, free, glorious and happy! By working for her good, you are working for yourself, for your family, for everything that is dear and dear to you.

God forbid that this homeland of Croatia would ever be threatened with death by some tyrant. But if you threaten, do not hesitate to sacrifice everything for the salvation of the homeland, even your precious life. Because it is better to fall into the grave than to be a slave. The people, who love the hands of their executioner, who shed their blood for their slavery, are not really a people either, because they trample on their human dignity. He is the excrement of the people. It is sweet and glorious to live for the homeland, but it is even sweeter and more glorious, if necessary, to die for it. Do not hesitate, if necessary, to die for the homeland of Croatia and on thin gallows. Jesus Christ did not shrink for the salvation of mankind to die on the shameful tree of the cross! (…) ‘Our nation will not perish’. ”


Vjekoslav Klaić – hrvatski genij i domoljub čije su preporuke Hrvatima iz 1917. još aktualne.

Na današnji dan 1928. u svom stanu u Gundulićevoj ulici 63, u Zagrebu, umro je Vjekoslav Klaić „primivši Sveta Otajstva umirućih“ u 79. godini života. Sućut Rektoratu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu izrazili su rektori sveučilišta u Pragu, Beču, Parizu, Ženevi, Grazu, Berlinu, Heidelbergu i Padovi. Sprovod je vodio Klaićev prijatelj zagrebački nadbiskup Antun Bauer.

Njegova kulturna i znanstvena ostavština je ogromna (u knjizi Vjekoslav Klaić – lik i djelo, 2000. na 30 stranica navedena je njegova bibliografija, a toliko je toga još ostalo u rukopisima). No nisu to samo vrhunska ostvarenja tadašnje znanosti kojima je postavljao temelje za razvoj mnogih hrvatskih suvremenih znanosti već prije svega ta su djela i djelovanja imala važnu ulogu u jačanju nacionalne svijesti i kulturnom razvitku Hrvatske. Živio je u vrijeme koje je, kao i svako vrijeme od početaka čovječanstva, bilo zahtjevno te je trebalo odgovoriti na njegove zahtjeve, preskakati prepreke, ne izgubiti iz vida što je moralno, dobro, ispravno te se izgraditi kao čovjek. Gledajući Klaićev život, zaključujemo da je u tome uspio.

Deset zapovijedi majke Hrvatske svim vjernim sinovima i kćerima

Godine 1917., tri godine poslije početka Prvoga svjetskoga rata, u vrijeme rata, smrti, trpljenja, neizvjesnosti i očaja piše djelo kojim želi ohrabriti svoj narod i podsjetiti na prave, neprolazne vrijednosti i dati nadu u tim nezamislivo teškim vremenima. Čitajući Deset zapovijedi majke Hrvatske svim vjernim sinovima i kćerima (Hrvatska njiva, 1917.) teško je zamisliti da takvu uputu daje hrvatski intelektualac, sveučilišni profesor te da je taj tekst pisan prije 100 godina tako aktualan. Tekst  će (ili njegovi dijelovi) biti objavljeni još u Sisačkom glasu, Jutarnjem listu, Vjernom drugu, a onda se prestaje reproducirati (sve do 1962.).

(dijelovi Deset zapovijedi majke Hrvatske svim vjernim sinovima i kćerima)

I. Govori hrvatski!

Bog ti je darovao divni jezik hrvatski, kako ga gotovo više na svijetu nema. On je zvučan i bogat, tako da njime možeš izreći sve, što ti pamet kaže i srce osjeća. Griješiš protiv Boga i prirode, kad ne govoriš hrvatski, gdje god treba i kad ti se zgoda nadade. Govori hrvatski u kući i u javnosti, jer samo po jeziku tvome znat će svijet, da si Hrvat. Ako kažeš, da si Hrvat, a ne govoriš svojim rodjenim jezikom, onda naprosto lažeš. Ptica se pozna po perju, a čovjek po govoru. Nastoj, da govoriš hrvatski što ljepše i savršenije, kao da iz najbolje knjige čitaš. Jer velika je sramota, kad kažeš, da si Hrvat i ne govoriš savršeno svojim materinjim jezikom. Nemoj upletati u svoj hrvatski govor riječi tudjinske (njemačke, talijanske ili turske), jer tim odaješ, da si rob tudjincu, ili da ne znaš svoga jezika. Uči i cijeni takodjer strane jezike, ali govori njima samo u krajnjoj potrebi i kad si u tudjoj zemlji. (…)

ll. Radi!

Bog ti je stvorio dvije ruke, – ne da ih prekrstiš i dangubiš, već da njima radiš. Raditi možeš i nogama, i te kako! A i glavu imaš, da njome misliš i radiš, a ne da blejiš u zrak. Jer čovjek baš je i stvoren za rad kao malo koje drugo stvorenje Božje. Raditi nije sramota nego dika. Nije onaj gospodin, koji ništa ne radi, trateći vrijeme i novac, što ga je baštinio, – već je gospodin onaj, koji je radom svojim stekao imetak. Radi stoga dan i noć, a radi sustavno i razložito, da ti rad bude koristan. (…) Ustrajan i razložit rad koristi tijelu i duši. Nije istina, da rad ubija. Od samoga rada nije još nitko umro. Nasuprot stoji, da se ustrajnim i sustavnim tjelesnim radom samo tijelo jača i krijepi. Ne smije se doduše raditi u jedan mah do krajnjega umora, ali od dangube do krajnjega umora dalek je put. Ako si se umorio tjelesnim radom, odmaraj se radeći glavom; ako te je umorio duševni rad, a ti se prihvati rada rukama ili nogama. Rad je koristan i za dušu. Besposlica mora uroditi grijehom i porokom svake vrsti. Tko radi, zlo ne misli. Radom ćeš smiriti i strasti svoje. Jer kad radiš izdašno i neprekidno, tako te obuzme rad, da za drugo nijesi ni podoban. A ni zli sni ne će te mučiti, ako si umoran od rada tvrdo usnuo. Napokon ti podaje rad i zemaljskog blaga. Ako i ne postaješ brzo i uvijek bogat, privredjuješ bar toliko, da možeš pošteno i pristojno živjeti. Ne treba ti ničije milostinje, ne treba ti moljakati, a nijesi takodjer u napasti da se dočepaš čega nezakonitim ili nedopuštenim načinom. Slatko jedeš krušac, koji si privrijedio u znoju lica svoga.

III. Štedi!

Lijepo kaže narodna poslovica: “U radiše svega biše, u štediše jošte više.” Treba dakle ne samo raditi, nego i štedjeti. (…) Štedjeti je lako, samo ako hoćeš. Neka ti bude prvo pravilo, da nikad ne potrošiš sve ono, što si svojim radom privredio nego da svakom prigodom bar nešto od svoje zarade otkineš i pohraniš. (…) Samo pripazi, da ti se slast štednje ne izrodi u strast, pa da od štediše ne postaneš škrtac. (…) Štedi zbog svojih milih i dragih, da starcima roditeljima vratiš, što su te u svijet opremili, a djeci svojoj, koja nijesu kriva što si ih porodio, da pomažeš, dok stanu na svoje noge. (…) Štedimo dakle svi: staro i mlado, muško i žensko! Naročito vi, žene hrvatske, kanite se gizde i raskoši svake. Dobra kućanica drži tri ugla kuće, mnogo puta još i četvrti. Samo brižna i štedljiva žena vjerna je ljuba svome bračnome drugu, a dobra majka djeci svojoj.

IV. Budi umjeren i trijezan!

Nema traga ni radu ni štednji, ako ne živiš umjereno i trijezno. Umjereno u svemu i svačemu, a naročito kad jedeš i piješ. Uči nas Sveto pismo, da je Bog stvorio čovjeka na sliku i priliku svoju. Pa zar da presit i pijan čovjek bude slika božja? Nije ni slika životinjska, jer se nerazumna životinja ne prejeda i ne opija. Ili zar si kad vidio konja da se je prejeo, ili pseto da se je opilo? Životinji brani pusti nagon, da se naždere i napaja preko mjere; a ti, razumno stvorenje, da budeš gori od nje? (…)

V. Čuvaj zdravlje!

Umjereno i trijezno življenje koristi u velike i zdravlju. Ali to nije dosta. Moraš još naumice i sustavno poraditi, da svoje zdravlje uščuvaš i život svoj produljiš do najdublje starosti. Kažu, da je zdravlje najveće blago, što ga čovjek može na ovome svijetu imati. Kad je tako, a jest tako, onda si najveći zločinac spram samoga sebe, kad to najveće blago svom pomnjom ne čuvaš. A sačuvat ćeš ga svakako, ako se svega kloniš, što bi ti zdravlju nauditi moglo. Ako ti škodi lula i duhan, a ti razbij lulu i razaspi duhan; ako tebi, hrvatska ženo, smeta steznik ili tijesne cipelice, a ti ih baci na stran. Kome si mila, ostat ćeš i dalje draga sve bez steznika i paklenih muka na nogama.
Ali treba zdravlje i krijepiti. Zdravlje se troši godinama, pa treba istrošene sile svedjer nadoknadjivati. To ćeš postići sustavnim jačanjem tijela svoga, jačanjem udova svojih, mišica svojih i živaca svojih. A to možeš lako postići, pa bio i gola sirotinja, jer za to treba tek čvrste volje, pa hladne vode i svježeg zraka. Pa da vidiš čuda golemoga! (…) Čuvajmo zdravlje, jačajmo tijelo, krijepimo mišice i živce. Mišice da nam budu tvrdje od kamena, a živci jači od željeza. Jer trebat će nam jedno i drugo.

VI. Ženi se!

Govore: Teško je breme života, jedva se sam proturaš, pa da se još ženiš! A ja ti velim: Ženi se i udavaj, jer ako je breme života teško, lakše ćeš ga snositi u dvoje, nego svaki za sebe. Od krajnjeg istoka, gdje se roče ruski “Božji ljudi” i “Skopci” pa do dalekog zapada, gdje se u Francuskoj okupljaju pobornici slobodne ljubavi, čuje se po Evropi lozinka; Ne ženi se, kad možeš i bez toga živjeti! Ali kud i kamo jače ozvanja glas velike prirode, koja ti dovikuje: Ženi se i udavaj, jer si društveno biće, a prvi zametak čovječjemu društvu je brak i obitelj! (…) Ženite se dakle i udavajte se, hrvatski sinci i kćeri, svi redom, ako i kako samo možete! Ženite se razborito, a ne ludo. Ženite se rano, kad ste u naponu snage i u cvijetu djevičanstva svoga. Velika je nevolja, kada čovjek uzima ženu, nakon što je istrošio svoju snagu: a gotova je rugoba, kad djevojka hoće da dodje pod kapu, pošto je promijenila desetak ljubavnika. To nije sveti brak, već ili nemoćnica ili opskrbilište!
Radjajte djecu! Djeca su blagoslov Božji, te ih nikad u kući suviše nema. (…) Djeca su briga roditelja, ali su slatka briga i veselje njihovo. Ima i u najskladnijoj porodici tuge i žalosti, ali redovito pretežu srećni i radosni dani. (…) Često se čuje tužba: “Malen je nas Hrvata broj!” Do nas je, da nas bude što više, da nas za dva pokoljenja bude dva puta i tri puta toliko. (…)
Jedno stoji neoborivo: Ako ne bude Hrvata, ne će biti ni Hrvatske.

VII. Uči i napreduj!

Kaže se, da je u zdravu i jaku tijelu takodjer zdrava i jaka duša. Ali i duša zardja, ako je ne njeguješ. A ponjegovat ćeš ju poglavito tako, da svedjer učiš i napreduješ. Ne uči tek iz pisanih i štampanih knjiga, uči iz knjige života. Ona stara narodna: “Pleti kotac, kao što i otac”, ne vrijedi za nauk i napredak, nego tek za posvećene običaje i kreposti predaka tvojih. Uči svugdje i od svakoga. Uči i od tudjina, koji se je u tvojoj domovini naselio (…) Ako može marljivi Bugarin kao baštovan čitavu Hrvatsku povrćem hraniti, kako ne bi mogao i ti, koji imaš svoje zemlje na pretek (…) Znanje je moć, ono je sila jača od ma koje sila na svijetu. Znanje je prva i najveća velevlast, koja se ničim ne da oboriti. Zato se i svi siledžije ovoga svijeta žacaju znanja i onih, koji su se snagom znanja opasali. Znanjem se stvara prosvjeta, a prosvjeta vodi do slobode, nakon što su raspršeni tmasti oblaci neznanja i gluposti. Hrvatski sine, uči i napreduj! Rasprši tminu neznanju i oslobodi se duševnoga ropstva. Sve ostalo, za čim ti duša gine, tada će samo sobom nefaljeno doći.

VIII. Budi svoj

Nije dosta da prosvijetliš um i da ga nakrcaš znanjem, treba da podaš stegu i svojim osjećajima i svojoj volji. Što ti kaže um, da je pravo i zdravo, neka i tvoje srce osjeća, a voljom pregni, da ono i izvršiš. Neka bude potpun sklad izmedju misli, osjećaja i volje tvoje, jer samo tako bit ćeš skladan, čitav čovjek, samo tako bit ćeš svoj, a ničiji drugi. Samo tako bit ćeš pravi značaj. Budi svoj i značajan. Nikomu za volju, nikomu za ljubav ne skreni s puta, koji si jednom odabrao i kojim si pošao. Ne gledaj ni lijevo ni desno, već uvijek ravno preda se. Ne daj se odvratiti s puta istine, poštenja i ljepote ni milom ni silom, ni mitom ni prijetnjom: radi onako, kako ti skladno nalažu pamet, srce i volja tvoja. Pa neka se sav svijet drma i ruši naokolo tebe, ti stoj neustrašivo sred ruševina, koje su se nagomilale oko tebe, pa prijete da te pokopaju.
Budi svoj i vrši nada sve svoju dužnost. Vrši dužnost, makar i tegobna bila. Vrši svoju dužnost prema bližnjemu, prema domovini i narodu, prema vlasti i državi. Vršeći svoje dužnosti ne traži i ne očekuj ni pohvale ni nagrade; najljepšom i najvećom nagradom neka ti bude živa svijest, da si svoju dužnost ispunio. Daj Bogu što je Božje, i caru što je carevo; – ali traži i brani uporno svoje sveto pravo.

Jednako, tako vrši svoju dužnost, brani i traži svoje pravo. Ne popuštaj ni sili, ni zaklinjanju, kad se radi o tvojem pravu. Stoj za svoje pravo, makar se svi vrazi pakleni urotili protiv tebe. Nije sila jača od prava; svaka je sila za vremena, a pravo je vječno, tek ne smije da se pogne onaj, koga pravo zapada. Pravo se može gaziti, ali pogaziti se ne može. Budi svoj: vrši svoju dužnost, drži svoje pravo i ne boj se nikoga osim jedinoga Boga. (…)

IX. Pomaži Hrvatu

Pomaži Hrvatu, jer pomažeš bratu! Suviše nam jada zadavaju naši dušmani, koji hoće da nas zatru, pa da nas nestane s lica zemlje. A da mi sami budemo ortaci njihovi, gložeći se medju sobom i izjedajući jedan drugoga? Čestit čovjek ne radi nikome o glavi, pa ni zatorniku sreće svoje. A kamo li da čestit Hrvat kopa grob svome bratu Hrvatu! Pomaži Hrvatu, gdje možeš i kako možeš. Pomaži rataru, zanatliji, trgovcu; pomaži svakomu tko radi kao pravi Hrvat. (…) Pomaži Hrvatu, ne pitajući ga, da li je iz Zagorja ili Primorja, iz Dalmacije ili Istre, iz Bosne i Hercegovine ili Slavonije. Ta svi ste sinovi jedne majke, svi ste Hrvati!

Pomaži ne samo Hrvatu, nego i svemu, što je hrvatsko. Podupiraj hrvatsku knjigu, hrvatsko slikarstvo i kiparstvo, hrvatsku pjesmu i glazbu, hrvatske družine i zborove; pomaži svemu, što promiče napredak, čast, sreću i slavu hrvatskoga naroda i domovine. (…) Dvije su teške rane, s kojih hrvatski narod stoljećima krvari. Jedna je rana hrvatska zavist ili “hrvatski jal”, a druga je rana slavenska nesloga. (…) Ej da Bog da, da se “hrvatsko bratimstvo” naskoro stane slaviti i obnavljati i u materi zemlji, pošto u njoj nestane hrvatskoga jala i slavenske nesloge.

X. Sve za domovinu, za Hrvatsku!

Slatko i dično je za domovinu živjeti, za nju disati, raditi, za nju svaku žrtvu prinositi. Španjolcu je domovina Španjolska, Talijanu Talijanska, Nijemcu Njemačka, Poljaku Poljska, Čehu Češka, a Bugarinu Bugarska. A Hrvatu? Hrvatu je domovina Hrvatska, samo i jedino Hrvatska.
Domovina je čovjeku kao i rodjena majka. Kao što ima samo jedna majka, tako je i jedna domovina. Nitko na svijetu nema dvije domovine, a kamo li širu i užu! (…) Za svoju domovinu Hrvatsku živi i radi, hrvatski sine, da ti bude velika, slobodna, slavna i srećna! Radeći za njezino dobro, radiš za sebe, za svoju porodicu, za sve, što ti je milo i drago.

Bože sačuvaj, da bi toj domovini Hrvatskoj ikada zaprijetila pogibija od kakova silnika. Ali ako zaprijeti, ne žacaj se za spas domovine žrtvovati sve, pače i dragocjeni život svoj. Jer bolje je pasti u grob, nego biti rob. Narod, koji ljubi ruke svome krvniku, koji i krv svoju lijeva za ropstvo svoje, nije zapravo ni narod, jer gazi čovječje dostojanstvo svoje. On je izmet naroda. Slatko je i dično za domovinu živjeti, ali još je sladje i dičnije, ako ustreba, za nju umrijeti. Ne žacaj se, ako ustreba, poginuti za domovinu Hrvatsku i na tankim vješalima. Isus Krist nije se kratio za spasenje čovječanstva umrijeti na sramotnom drvu križa!  (…) ‘Pleme naše izginuti ne će’.“


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