Prilažem sliku Zvonka Bušića, bivčeg Pročelnika Hrvatskog Narodnog Otpra za Sjevero/američki kontinent.
Donosim ovdje dio skoro već zaboravljene povijesti hrvatske političke emigracije koja je uspjela upoznati Ameriku i ostali svijet o hrvatskom pitanju, patnjama hrvatskog naroda i njegovom željom za Hrvatskom Državom. Zahvaljujući Zvonki Bušiću i njegovoj petorki da se je svijet počeo upoznavati s hrvatskim problemom. Tada sam živio u San Franciscu i živo pratio zbivanja ovog slučaja. Tako sam sačuvao i priloženi isječak iz San Francisco Chronicle od 14 rujna 1976., samo četiri dana iza otmice aviona. Prevest ću ovo na hrvatski za hrvatske čitatelje. Pilot gosp. Richard W. Carey donosi svoju izjavu glede zbivanja tog ordila od 30 sati; pa se to kome svidjelo ili ne.
Mile Boban.

Pilot hijacked “TWA” Richard W. Carey tells of “30 hours of Hell”, San Francisco Chronicle, Tues, Sept. 14, 1976, 4 days after Croatian nationalists took a “Trans World Airways”.

New York
    The pilot of the Trans World Airways jet hijacked over the week-end by Croatian nationalists described his transatlantic ordeal yesterday as “30 hours of hell” and said he would have liked to have had “more support” from French authorities.
    “There were moments of terror, there were moments of calm and there were moments of confusion,” Captain Richard W. Carey told reporters at Kennedy International Airport. “We were going 100 per cent all the time.”
    The 40-year old flier from North Scituate, Mass., said the hijackers “conducted themselves like gentlemen, but believe me, we were dealing with terrorists.”
    Boeing 727 jet from New York to Chicago had been commandeered through a letter that was brought to the flight  cabin by a steward.
    The commander of the group then came into the cabin wearing a “vest with what appeared to be sticks of dynamite stuck together with electrical tape, a penlight battery and an electrical switch,” Carey said.
    “We believed them (the supposed dynamite sticks to be real,”
    “They looked real.” It was only after the hijackers surrendered in Paris that officials determined that the “bombs” were fake.
   “I dealt mainly with their commander. We were respectful of one another,” Carey said. He said there was real danger any time the plane was on the ground because of concern about precipitous action by police.
    The most danger came “while on the ground in Paris, ” while the negotiations to end the hijacking were under way, Carey said. “I would like to have had more support from the French…I was given an ultimatum that restricted the negotiations.”
    That echoed the position Carey took in conversations with the U.S. ambassador to France, Kenneth Ruch, during those talks, as shown by a tape recording obtained by the National Broadcasting Co.
    “They want to drop leaflets on cities…and for this you are asking that this whole ship could be killed to prove that you take a stand against terrorism,” Carey said on the tape, adding, “Tell us, please, what we are being killed for?”
    At another point on the tape, Rush was speaking about American friendship for Croatians when Carey cut in angrily:
    “Please, sir. You are not talking to a representative of the state. You are talking with a human being who is not conversant with diplomacy. You can’t talk and reason with him. Just reason with the people around you to accomplish what we want.”
    Carey, who was questioned by the FBI before meeting reporters at Kennedy, said the hijackers were “surprised and upset” to learn that a New York City policeman had been killed trying to disarm a bomb in a subway station to which the terrorists had directed police.
                                                                          Associated Press
                             Prijevod na hrvatski
Otmica “TWA” Richard W. Carey govori o “30 sati pakla”,
San Francisco Chronicle, utorak, 14. rujna 1976.,
4 dana nakon što su hrvatski nacionalisti zauzeli “Trans World Airways”.
New York
Pilot aviona Trans World Airways-a koji su krajem tjedna oteli hrvatski nacionalisti opisao je njegovu transatlantsku kalvariju jučer kao “30 sati pakla” i rekao da bi volio da je imao “veću podršku” francuskih vlasti.
“Bilo je trenutaka terora, bilo je trenutaka smirenja i bilo je trenutaka zbunjenosti”, rekao je kapetan Richard W. Carey novinarima u međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Kennedy. “Išli smo 100 posto cijelo vrijeme.”
40-godišnji letač iz Sjevernog Situata, Massachusetts, rekao je da su se otmičari “vladali odlično, poput gospode, ali vjerujte mi, imali smo posla s teroristima”.
Avionom Boeinga 727 iz New Yorka u Chicago dirigiralo, upravljalo se je dopisima koje je stjuardesa donosila u kabinu leta.
Zapovjednik skupine je ušao u kabinu odjeven u “prsluk s, kako se činilo, štapićima dinamita zalijepljenim električnom trakom, baterijom i električnim prekidačem”, rekao je Carey.
“Vjerovali smo im (navodni dinamit je izgledao stvarnim,” “Sve je izgledali su stvarno.” Tek nakon što su se otmičari predali u Parizu, službenici su ustvrdili da su “bombe” lažne.
“Ja sam uglavnom saobrađao i imao posla s njihovim zapovjednikom. Uzajmno smo se poštivali”, rekao je Carey. Rekao je da je postojala stvarna opasnost svaki put kad je zrakoplov bio na zemlji zbog zabrinutosti brze akcije policije.
Najviša opasnost došlo je onda “dok smo bili na uzletištu u Parizu”, dok su pregovori o prekidu otmice bili u tijeku, rekao je Carey. “Volio bih da sam imao veću podršku Francuza … Dobio sam ultimatum koji je ograničavao moje pregovore.”
To je odjeknulo u stavu koji je Carey zauzeo u razgovorima s američkim veleposlanikom u Francuskoj, Kennethom Ruchom, tijekom tih razgovora, kao što je zabilježeno na magnetofonskoj vrpci pribavljenoj od strane National Broadcasting Co. NBC.
“Žele bacati letke po gradovima … i zbog toga vi tražite da bi cijeli zrakoplov trebalo uništiti kako bi vi dokazali da zauzimate stav protiv terorizma”, rekao je Carey na vrpci, dodajući “Recite nam, molim vas, zašto nas se ubija? “
U drugom trenutku na traci, Rush je govorio o američkom prijateljstvu za Hrvate kad ga je Carey bijesno presjekao: “Molim vas, gospodine. Vi ne razgovarate s predstavnikom države. Vi razgovarate s čovjekom koji nije upoznat s diplomacijom. Vi ne možete razgovarati i urazumijeti ga. Samo molim vas urazumite ljude oko sebe da mi postignemo ono što mi želimo.”
Carey, kojeg je FBI ispitivao prije sastanka s novinarima na Kennedy uzletištu, rekao je da su otmičari bili “iznenađeni i uznemireni” kad su saznali da je policajac iz New Yorka ubijen pokušavajući razmontirati bombu u stanici podzemne željeznice na koju su teroristi usmjerili policiju .
                                                                     Associated Press