Croatian Branik , No.46; Vinkovci, November 15, 1941


The Head of the Ustasha Youth

Interpretation of the Ustasha salute to the Ustasha Junks

Dear Ustasha heroes!

Every day, before every hour in school, before and after each meeting, on the street and at home, we are greeted with our beautiful Ustasha greeting: for the home ready. That greeting is beautiful, full of meaning and content. To make this greeting more appealing to us, with the utmost understanding and respect, I will tell you today what this greeting is and why we are greeted so well.

When we say, for a home, you know we do not think this or that home, this or that house, but we think of the common home of all of us Croatians on our beautiful Croatian homeland. Like a home, a home, a family home of a small family of people connected to the blood supply, so the homeland is a great habitat for a huge family, called the people.

But you see dear Ustasha heroes, it’s not just by chance, that word home comes from the word home. Homeland is home to great, and home is homeland in small. This is what our poet Djuro Arnold plays beautifully in his poem: Domovina. This song is in the old reading III. grade gymnasium and certainly some have already read.

It describes a small, homely home where, for long winter evenings with a lamp, a family is sitting: a father with a little son on his lap, a mother, who tore her daughter and sings her: Our beautiful homeland.

The little son heard the word homeland, so he became interested in what that meant. He turned to Dad:

The shawl was shaved over her son’s lips

Tell me, dad, what is your homeland …?!
And now daddy can read it:

ÌDo you, son, was a little like a whore, your homeland was all this stuffy and soft backpack, mother, me and this whitish white. But afterwards, when you grew up a little bit, you saw that you did not belong only to this community, our home and family, but that you were a member of this village. Later, when you set up in school, you will see that you belong to an even larger community, a community of people:

Which same language lives life.

Which same heart warms the breasts. . .

They make up a large community, called the people.

Oni imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog, što svi nazivlju svojim. N. pr. imaju zajedničke velikane s kojima se ponose pred drugim narodima kao što se mi Hrvati ponosimo sa svojim kraljem Tomislavom, Krešimirom, Zrinskim, Starčevićem, Kvaternikom i s našim Poglavnikom. Nikada ne ćete čuti pripadnika drugog naroda n. pr. Srbina, da bi te ljude nazvao svojim i da bi se s njima ponosio.

A mi s ponosom izgovaramo: oni su naši! I mi znamo, kako su naši velikani učinili velika i sjajna djela, kojima se divio čitav svijet. Kako su oni čitavim svijetom pronijeli slavu hrvatskoga imena. Vi znate, da su nas katoličke Hrvate zvali svuda u Europi: predziđe kršćanstva. A u isto vrijeme su muslimanski Hrvati na drugoj strani bili najugledniji dostojanstvenici na dvorovima sultana na kojima se govorilo hrvatskim jezikom . . .

Kada je trebalo braniti svoju grudu zemlje na kojoj žive Hrvati, naši su pređi bili prvi. Bili smo narod ratnika i boraca za krst časni i slobodu zlatnu. No osim toga našlo se kod nas ljudi, koji su dospjeli usred bojne buke da pograbe pero još u ruke, – – da napišu krasna književna djela, koja dokazuju, da mi Hrvati nismo samo narod vojnika, nego i kulturni narod književnika, umjetnika i učenjaka.

I, evo dragi ustaški junaci, to sve što su oni nama ostavili, to je naš dom, to je naša domovina. Obranili su nam naše lijepe krajeve svojom krvlju. Njima imamo zahvaliti da divno Jadransko more možemo nazivati našim. Ostavili su nam slavu ratnika i boraca, slavu umjetnika i književnika.

To je sve naš dom, to je naša domovina. Baština naših umrlih junaka. I oni su nam je ostavili, ne da se samo s njome hvalimo, nego da njihovu baštinu još povećamo, da nastavimo njihovo djelo.

U spomenotoj pjesmi ˝Domovina˝ pita na završetku otac svoga maloga sina: Hoćeš li mi, sinko, ti djedova stazom?

A mali sinčić odgovara:

Hoću, tato, kunem ti se vjerom

Radit ob dan, učit u noć kasnu.

Junak bit ću mačem ili perom

Za tu našu domovinu krasnu.

Vidite, dragi ustaški Junaci, taj mali je pokazao tim riječima sve ono, što mi razumijevamo pod rječju: spreman!

Spreman! – raditi, učiti, da se izobrazim za pametnog, spremnog i za svaki posao sposobnog Hrvata, koji će moći dobro poslužiti domovini.

Ready!  – Listen and obey your predecessors, keep discipline at every step, because without discipline you can not achieve anything.

Ready!  – to sacrifice, to burn up their personal wishes and concerns, because only the victims are built the size of the Croatian home.

So, dear Ustasha heroes, say our greeting with respect, to show that you understand what it means.

Show in your life that you understand our Ustasha greeting. Do not just say it in words, but in your rule, show that you are really


Ustasha youth camp