image.jpegJOHN (krsno ime Ivan) PRCELA, rođen je u Košutama (Trilj) 9. ožujka 1922. Nakon završenih 5 godina osnovne škole u Trilju i jedne godine u Košutama, on se je u rujnu 1935. upisao kao učenik Franjevačke klasične gimnazije (sjemeništa) u Sinju, gdje je maturirao u srpnju 1944. Onda je otišao na teološke studije na Visoku franjevačku bogosloviju u Makarsku, a 3. travnja 1945. mobiliziran je u i više nego okrutnu Jugoslavensku armiju. Iz te zločinačke vojske, radi masovnih pokolja u zaleđu Trsta, 10. lipnja 1945. dezertirao je u tome istom gradu, krijući se puna dva tjedna tu u kapucinskome samostanu na Monte San Giusto. On je, 8. rujna 1945., konačno stigao u Vječni grad Rim, na Franjevačko papinsko sveučilište Antonianum. Sveučilišne studije je 4. studenoga 1947., radi teške bolesti, iznenada prekinuo. Nakon duga i potpuna oporavka, 20. listopada 1949., on je napustio Franjevački red i 11. prosinca te iste godine odselio se u SAD. Nakon 19 mjeseci boravka u Chicagu, J. I. Prcela se 11. srpnja 1951. preselio u Cleveland, gdje i danas živi i vrlo plodno djeluje na Božjoj i hrvatskoj njivi. 

Naš svečar je godine 1954. diplomirao sa John Carroll University a magistrirao je 1957. na Western Reserve University u Clevelandu. Od 1954. do 1988. odgajao je mlade američke srednjoškolce u Lakewoodu i South Euclid-Lyndhurstu, u Državi Ohio, predavajući im latinski, francuski, španjolski, te čak i njemački (samo dvije godine). Početkom srpnja 1988., stupio je u mirovinu, ali kao hrvatski javni radnik nikad ne miruje! Već desetljećima on djeluje na hrvatskoj javnoj njivi, pišući na engleskom i hrvatskom povijesnu istinu o svome POKLANOME hrvatskom naraštaju, poklanom diljem komunističke Jugoslavije, najzločinačkije države na kugli zemaljskoj!

Koncem 1963., J. I. Prcela, u gradiću Carcagenete (Valencia), Španjolska, oženio se je sa svojom životnom odabranicom Amelijom “Chelo” Mir Cogollos, s kojom je postao otac četvero djece i djed osmero unučadi. U srpnju 2002., Amelija se preselila u vječnost i našega svečara ostavila udovcem! 

Slika: Vjenčanje Ivana Prcele 26 prosinca 1963.

J. I. Prcela je preživjeli iz Hrvatskog holokausta “Bleiburga” pa sve tamo od godine 1960. pa do dana današnjega piše članke i knjige o toj najvećoj tragediji čitave hrvatske povijesti. Od tih njegovih djela najpoznatije su knjige, Operation Slaughterhouse (Pothvat Klaonica) i Hrvatski Holokaust. 

Sve od svoje rane mladosti, punih 80 godina, J. I. Prcela je zaljubljen u josipologiju pa je napisao dug niz josipoloških članaka, te cak i PET knjiga! Te knjige su na engleskom a dobar broj članaka pisani su i na hrvatskom. Desetak njih je objavio Glasnik Sv. Josipa u Karlovcu.

John Prcela, točno na svoj 100. rođendan 9. ožujka ove godine, za velik blagoslov dugovječnosti Bogu će se zahvaljivati na dvije Svete mise: u 9 sati u crkvi sv. Paskala u Highland Heightsu i u 12:10 sati u crkvi Presvetoga Srca Isusova u South EuclIdu, Ohio. Druželjubivo svetkovanje, t. zv. “Open House,” bit će održano od 14 do 18 sati u Mayfield Village Community Center, na SOM Center i Wilson Mills Roads.Našemu najnovijemu 100-godišnjaku od svega srca čestitamo i želimo mu da još doživi mnogo godina, plodno djelujući na slavu Božju i na dobro naše Vječne Hrvatske.



image.jpegJOHN (Baptismal name Ivan) PRCELA was born on March 9, 1922, in Kosute (Trilj), Croatia. After finishing five years of the elementary education in Trilj and one year in Kosute, in September 1935 he enrolled as a student at the Franciscan Classical Gymnasium (Seminary) in Sinj, Croatia. From this school, he graduated in July 1944. Then he enrolled at The Franciscan Theological Institute in Makarska. On April 3, 1945, he was conscripted into the cruel Yugoslav Army. Due to the postwar massacres in the hinterland of the City of Trieste, on June 10, 1945, he deserted from that Hitler-type army, hiding for two weeks in the Capuchin monastery “Monte San Giusto,” overlooking that city. On September 8, 1945, he finally arrived in Rome and enrolled as a student of theology at the Pontifical University Antonianum on Via Merulana in the Eternal City. On November 4, 1947, he suddenly got gravely ill and interrupted his studies. After a long and complete recovery, on October 20, 1949, he left the Franciscan Order, and on December 11 of that year, he sailed from Naples, Italy for New York and settled in Chicago. After living for nineteen months in that Windy City, on July 11, 1951, J. Prcela moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he is still very active for the glory of God and a better future of his native land Croatia.  

In June 1954. J. Prcela graduated from John Carroll University and then in May 1957, he obtained his Master of Arts Degree from Western Reserve University. From 1954 to 1988, he taught the American high school students Latin, French, Spanish, and German, the first four years at St. Edward High School in Lakewood and the next thirty years in South Euclid-Lyndhurst, Ohio. In July 1988, he retired from the teaching profession but never retired as a Croatian dynamic activist. For decades, he has been a prolific writer both in English and Croatian, writing the historical books about his heroic Croatian generation massacred AFTER World War Two throughout the then existing Communist Yugoslavia, the world’s most criminal country!

On December 26, 1963, J. Prcela married in Carcagente (Valencia), Spain, his life’s chosen one, Amelia “Chelo” Mir Cogollos, and with her became the father of four children and grandfather of eight grandchildren. On July 6, 2002, Amelia entered the Eternal Father’s Home, leaving her husband John a widower! 

Slika: Vjenčanje Ivana Prcele 26 prosinca 1963.

J. Prcela is a survivor of the Croatian Holocaust, popularly known as the “Bleiburg Tragedy.” It was at Bleiburg, Austria, that on May 15, 1945, the British Eighth Army disarmed the Croatian Army and extradited the Croatian POWs to “Operation Slaughterhouse” in Yugoslavia! Starting in 1960, J. Prcela dedicated his free time on writing about that Tragedy and came out with the works of the historical value: Operation Slaughterhouse of 1970 and 1995 and Hrvatski Holokaust of 2001 and 2005.

For the past 80 years, Prcela has been all ablaze with the love for the Mystery of St. Joseph in the Drama of Salvation. That is why he is the author of a long list of the Josephological articles and five books! Those books are in English, and about a dozen of his articles are in Croatian. They are published in “The Messenger of St. Joseph” in Karlovac, Croatia.

On March 9, 2022, John Prcela will thank God for his longevity at two Masses: one at 9:00 am in St. Paschal Baylon in Highland Heights and the other at 12:10 pm in Sacred Heart of Jesus in South Euclid, Ohio. The “Open House” social gathering will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2022, from 2pm to 6 pm in Mayfield Village Community Center on SOM Center and Wilson Mills Roads. We congratulate our centenarian and wish him many more years of the fruitful work FOR GOD AND THE COUNTRY.