My Thirty-ninth (39) writing to my grand children = Moj (39) opis mojim unucima



                 Thirty-ninth (39) writing to my grandchildren.
The question is:
“Who had the most positive impact on you when you were a child? »

My dear grandchildren, your grandfather Milan “Babu” will try to answer this very important question for every human being on the globe. Truth be told my parents had a great and greatest influence on me; as they had a great influence on me, I think that their parents also had a great influence on them, which, in this particular issue, can be said that it is on the one hand the transmission of old and moral influences from the past to us younger generations today.

Yes, my dear grandchildren, I will not go into the distant past before our era, that is, the Old Testament, but I will take the core of my answer to the above question as a guide to my answer, and that will be the influence of religion.


My answer is simple and can be found in all the influences that began from the beginning of Jesus Christ to the present day, and there have been thousands of them, if not more in the last two millennia. All of these influences have disappeared except for one influence, and that influence is Religion. And the science of religion, no matter who belongs to which religion, teaches its members the virtues of honesty and justice with one proverb: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.”

Since my parents belonged to the Catholic religion, I am convinced that they were influenced by their parents just as I was raised under the influence of my parents. And now when we talk about influence, it should also be pointed out that I had two influences, one of my mother Iva and the other of my father Petar. I need to explain this a little bit to my grandchildren here so they don’t get confused. My parents had two parenting roles in influencing my upbringing; the mother is the mother’s upbringing on the female side and the father on the male side. My mother used to tell me: son, you have 4 sisters and you would not want or want someone to embarrass your sister, and also others have sisters who would not want someone to embarrass their sisters. In addition to this influence on me from my mother Iva there was another also great influence, and that influence is the Catholic religion. Cross yourself every night when you go to sleep and thank God that you had a good and pleasant day, cross yourself every morning when you get out of bed and ask God for happiness, contentment and joy for that day, etc. My son, always ask God to give you the strength to forgive all those who have offended you in any way and anywhere, and at the same time ask God to give strength to those who have offended me anywhere and anytime, so that they too forgive me, so that we may live together in the love of God. It’s a big influence of my mother on me.

I am putting 3 pictures of my parents and their house, the house where I was born.

                   Slikao Slavo Boban, Ikasov (1934-1070)
Standing on the left: daughter Mila, wife Ivo / Vićeka Boban, Petar Boban, Gabrić, daughter Jakica, son Milan, son Rafo and daughter Matija.


      Picture (2) Appearance of a house built of stone 1939


Picture (3) Eastern part of the house of Patra Boban, Gabrić. Stairs lead from the lower part of the house to the kitchen.

My sister Jakica Boban is standing on the steps of her right hand – but this is not a fascist or Nazi salute as Yugoslav and Yugoslav friends of all colors and tendencies call us Croats even today – our father Petar Boban, our mother Iva Boban and a woman in black unknown to me. I think it could be some of our family, aunt or something. Picture between 1966-1970.
Now my dear grandchildren know a little about the influence of my father Peter on me, which could mean as two influences I have from my parents, one of my mother Iva, one of my father Peter. My father was a big man, over two meters, which is something like 6 feet 2 “. He was a great worker and as such he always knew how to say: only fools can say they have nothing to do, while people who want to have everything they need for family and for life, they always have something to do.My father did not like bad jokes and as such he always looked very serious.He was cheerful and when he laughs at nice, good and tasty jokes the whole village could hear him.When he talking about the experience of his life from the past, many adventures could be learned from which many tips could be drawn that could help many in their lives.

He used to tell me: son, never fight, it’s not good, you have a tongue and you defend yourself with it, if you have to defend yourself, then I’d rather visit you in prison than in the hospital. Never think that you know everything, because all people know everything and one man knows only a little. Only smart people write everything down, and fools think they will remember, so they don’t write anything down, so they look like they don’t know anything. Never make fun of others, because our Croatian proverb says: he sits in the middle of the road mocking everyone, and the poor man doesn’t even see that everyone is making fun of him. Every story has two mirrors and every mirror is the light of truth, which does not mean that a story or stories can be true. That is why there is a court with two mirrors, one of the state attorneys and the other of the defense. The jury listens and makes a decision based on these two mirrors of the presented facts, and the judge manages both mirrors, which in this case could mean: God rules everyone.

My dear grandchildren, conclusions can be drawn from this description:
“Who had the most positive impact on you when you were a child? »
These were my parents of fifteen (15) children Petar and Iva Boban.

Your eternal grandfather “Babu” Milan.-

                   Trideset deveti (39) opis mojim unucima.
Pitanje je:
„Tko je imao najpozitivniji utjecaj na tebe dok si bio dijete? »

Dragi moji unuci vaš djed Milan “Babu” će nastojati odgovoriti na ovo vrlo važno pitanje za svakog ljudsko biće na kugli zemaljskoj. Istini za volju moji roditelji su na mene imali veliki i najveći utjecaj na mene; kako su oni imali veliki utjecaj na mene, mišljenja sam da su i njihovi roditelji također imali veliki utjecaj nanjih, što, u ovom konkretnom pitanju se može mirne duše reći da je to u jednu ruku prijenos starih i moralnih utjecaja iz prošlosti na nas mlađe naraštaje danas.

Da, dragi moji unuci ja neću ulaziti u daleku prošlost prije naše ere, to jest Stari Zavjet, nego ću uzeti srž mojeg odgovora na gore postavljeno pitanje kao putokaz mojeg odgovora, a to će biti utjecaj religije.


Moj odgovor je jednostavan a može se naći na svim utjecajima koji su počeli od postanka Isusa Krista pa sve do današnjih dana, a njih je bilo na tisuće, ako ne i više u zadnja dva milenija. Svi ti utjecaji su iščezli osim samo jednog utjecaja, a taj utjecaj je Religija. I nauka religije, bez obzira tko kojoj religiji pripadao, uči svoje pripadnike vrlinama poštenja i pravde sa jednom poslovicom: “Ne čini drugome ono što ti ne bi želio da tebi drugi čine.”

Pošto su moji roditelji pripadali katoličkoj religiji i uvjerenja sam da su bili pod utjecajem svojih roditelja isto kao što sam i ja odgojen pod utjecajem mojih roditelja. I sada kada ovdje govorimo o utjecaju (influance) treba također istaknuti da sam ja imao dva utjecaja, jedan moje majke Ive a drugi mojeg oca Petra. Trebam to ovdje malo objasniti mojim unucima, tako da oni ne budu zbunjeni. Moji roditelji su imali dvije roditeljske uloge u utjecaju mojeg odgoja; majka majčin odgoj sa ženske a otac sa muške strane i odgovornosti. Moja majka mi je znala reći: sinko ti imaš 4 sestre i ti ne bi želio ni htio da netko osramoti tvoju sestru, a isto i drugi imaju sestre što ne bi željeli da im netko osramoti njihove sestre. Uz ovaj utjecaj na mene od moje majke Ive je bio još jedan također veliki utjecaj, a taj utjecaj je katolička religija. Prekrsti se svaku večer kad ideš spavati i zahvali se Bogu što si imao dogar i ugodan dan, prekrsti se svako jutro kada se digneš iz kreveta i zatraži od Boga sreću, zadovoljstvo i veselje za taj dan i td. Moj sinko uvijek zatraži od Boga da ti dadne snage da oprostiš svim onima koji su te na bilo koji način i bilo gdje uvrijedili, a u isto vrijeme zamoli Boga da dadne snage i onima koje sam ja bilo gdje i bilo kada uvrijedio, tako da i oni meni oproste, tako da živimo zajedno u Božjoj ljubavi. To je veliki utjecaj moje majke na mene.

Prilažem sliku kuće mojih roditelja u kojoj sam se ja rodio.

                        Slikao Slavo Boban, Ikasov (1934-1070)
S lijeva stoje: kćer Mila (1938-2018), moja majka Iva (1914-1998) i otac Petar (1907-1981) Boban, Gabrića, kćer Jakica, sin Milan, ćuće sin Rafo (1944-2004) i kćer Matija.


 Slika (2)  Izgled kuće građene od kamena 1939
Slika (3) Istočni dio kuće Patra Boban, Gabrića. Stepenice vode iz donjeg dijela kuće u kuhinju.
Naša sestra Jakica Boban stoji na stepenicama uzdignute desne ruke – ali to nije fašistički niti nacistički pozdrav kako to Jugoslaveni i jugoslavenski prijatelji svih boja i svih tendencija nazivaju Hrvate – naš otac Petar Boban, naša majka   Iva Boban i meni nepoznata žena u crnu. Mislim da bi mogla biti neka naša svojta, tetka ili slično. Slika između 1966-1970 godine.

Sada dragi moji unuci malo o utjecaju mojeg oca Petra na mene, što bi moglo značiti kao dva utjecaja koja ja imam od mojih roditelja, jedan moje majke Ive, jedan mojeg oca Petra. Moj otac je bio krupan čovjek, preko dva metra, što je nešto kao 6 stopa 2″. Bio je veliki radiša i kao takav uvijek je znao reći: samo budale mogu reći da nemaju šta raditi, dok ljudi koji žele imati sve što im treba za obitelj i za život, oni uvijek imaju šta raditi. Moj otac nije volio neukusne šale i kao takav uvijek je izgledao vrlo ozbiljan. Bio je veseljak i kada se za zgodne, dobre i ukusne šale zasmije cijelo selo bi ga moglo čuti. Kad on govori o iskustvu svojeg života iz prošlosti, mogle su se saznati mnoge dogodovštine iz kojih bi se mogle izvući mnogi savjeti koji bi mnogima mogli pomoći u njihovu životu.

Znao je meni reći: sinko, nemoj se nikada tući, to nije dobro, imaš jezik i njim se brani, ako se moraš braniti, onda radije te ja posjetim u zatvor nego u bolnicu. Nikada nemoj misliti da ti sve znaš, jer svi ljudi sve znaju a jedan čovjek zna samo nešto malo. Samo pametni ljudi sve zapišu, a glupani misle da sve znaju pa ništa ne zapišu, pa tako izgledaju kao da ništa ne znaju. Nemoj se nikada drugima rugati, jer naša hrvatska poslovica kaže: sjedi ruglo nasred puta svakome se ruga, a jadnik ni ne vidi da se njemu svak ruga

. Svaka priča ima dva ogledala a svako ogledalo je svjetlo istine, što ne znači da priča ili priče mogu biti istinite. Zato postoji sud na kojem su dva ogledala, jedan državnog odvjetnika a drugi obrane. Porota sluša i na osnovu ta dva ogledala iznesenih činjenica donosi odluku, a sudac upravlja i jednim i drugim ogledalom, što bi u ovom slučaju moglo značiti: Bog upravlja svima.

Dragi moji unuci iz ovog opisa se mogu izvući zaključci:
„Tko je imao najpozitivniji utjecaj na tebe dok si bio dijete? »
To su bili moji roditelji petnaestero (15) djece Petar i Iva Boban.

Vaš vječiti djed “Babu” Milan.


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