My thirty-first (31) writing to my grandchildren = Moj trideset prvi (31) opis mojim unucima

                  Lijepa naša domovino,                Dravo, Savo, Drino teci,
                 Oj junačka zemljo mila,               Nit ti, Dunav, silu gubi,
                 Stare slave Djedovina,                 Sinje more, svijetu reci,
                 Da bi vazda sretna bila!               Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi!
                 Mila, kano si nam slavna,            Dok mu njive sunce grije,
                 Mila si nam ti jedina,                   Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
                 Mila kuda si nam ravna,              Dok mu mrtve grob sakrije,
                 Mila kuda si planina!                   Dok mu živo srce bije!

My thirty-first (31) writing = Moj trideset prvi (31) opis mojim unucima

                               My thirty-first (31) writing to my grandchildren.
The title is:
“What was the biggest surprise of your life?”
                                                       “Sretan Rođendan”
                                                           It’s a Surprise
                                                        Milan Boban’s 70th

                         image.pngMy dear grandchildren, I, your grandfather “Babu”, had my first surprise on the occasion of my birthday on August 21, 1960 in Paris. It was the first time in my 21st year that my friends from the organization I was a member of the Croatian Liberation Movement organized a birthday surprise. While I was at home, in the village in Bobanova Draga, our birthday was not celebrated then, but our name day was. My name is Mile and my name day falls on St. Michael, which is September 29 every year. But for the truth, some of my friends have let me know that on Sunday I will meet at 10 Rue Vic d’Azire on Colonel Fabien Metro at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Now comes the biggest surprise of my life. That was for my 70th birthday, Sunday, August 16, 2009. I am enclosing a picture of the surprising look.

The picture obviously shows a surprise view, Coyote Park, San Mateo Sunday, August 16, 2009.

My wife Annie and I then lived on the Croatia Ranch some hundred miles north of Dallas. Take a look at this DVD.

We decided to go to California to visit the children and grandchildren and celebrate the American National Day on July 4 in the family community. Our plan was 5/6 weeks back and forth. We were with our daughter Catherine and son-in-law Erik. Our children: daughter Sophie, Drina and son Mile often came to visit us at Catherine and Erik. We had pleasant and very nice weather, but little by little the time  is approaching that we have to return to Texas for the Croatia Ranch.  I am attaching a picture of the Croatia Ranch.

From left: Annie, Mile, ami Davor Balaver and his son Mario from Phoenix, Arizona, April 2008.

My plan was, I said “my plan was” to leave Petaluma on Friday, August 7 to be home on Croatia Ranch on Sunday night. Now comes the story.

Every time I tell my wife Annie: come on, let’s get ready. Let’s not forget anything, etc., my wife always tells me that we have to do something because the kids require it, and that is that I have to examine my ears, eyes, heart, and it will take time. I was not the most satisfied but I still agreed to all the requests of my children who told me that everything was over on Friday afternoon, August 14th. Then I said: okay, we are leaving on Saturday 15th of August and we will arrive home on Monday 17th  which is 8 days later, which is no problem. But this was not the case, as the Croatian proverb says: He who clings is stronger; and now you will find out why it was not so.

Tomorrow Saturday, August 15, early in the morning, my son-in-law Mike came to me and told me that he had a good friend who had just bought a house and before moving into it he would like to fix it and he would like to know how much it would cost and  maybe I would  like to take the job because that friend of his knew I was a builder. I didn’t want to upset my son-in-law and I agreed to the fact that we could leave for Texas the next day, Sunday, August 16th. We were already at 8 o’clock at that “sold house” where a man was waiting for us. We met and immediately started talking about the project. Everything was fine, great! Time passes. It’s past noon. I thought we were going home now and if we left around two o’clock, we would arrive in Los Angeles around 8/9 o’clock and spend the night there. That didn’t happen. We went to lunch and came back again and started talking again about repairing the house which took us almost until 6pm. When Mike and I got home around 7pm all the family was there waiting for us. Dinner was on the table. During the evening conversation. I tried to hide my displeasure and we started talking about our departure and trip to Texas. Everyone is happy and everything is under control.

Tomorrow Sunday, August 16, 2009, we got up early. Breakfast and coffee are on the table. I’m in a hurry to get to Texas as soon as possible, others are in no hurry. Wife Annie, daughter Catherine and son-in-law Erik give a plan for the day. I have not a slight idea  of what they are talking about and what they are planning. Their topic of conversation was that we should meet at Coyote Park at two o’clock in the afternoon to see our son Mile junior, daughter Drina and son-in-law Mike who live in San Francisco, not far away from Coyote Park near San Mateo. Erik will go to San Francisco right away to tell Drina, Mika and Mili Jr. that they are coming to Coyote Park together, while daughter Catherine, their two children Zane and Simone, Annie and I will be coming to Coyote Park later. All this gets on my nerves because nothing is going according to my plan, but sticking to the old Croatian saying: I have to give in because the world belongs to the young.

Finally around noon we set off from Petaluma towards San Francisco and through the city south to Coyote Park. We arrived there a little before 2 o’clock. We parked the car in the parking lot. There were five of us: Annie, Catherine, Zane, Simone and me. We headed to the Park where we were supposed to meet with other relatives. Walking through the Park, I spotted our friend Starr living in Atascadero, 200 miles south of San Francisco. I greet her and daughter Catherine and wife Annie tell me: are you blind, that (that is) not Starr.

It’s only now that the surprise begins. 

The first person I saw was my son Rafael from Texas. As soon as I saw him I was surprised and asked myself: why is my son Rafael here? We hugged and went forward, when I saw a large  inscription  S R E T A N    R O Đ E N D A N    M I L A N ! in front of me. As soon as I saw and passed the inscription I saw a multitude of people, a hundred or more aproariously  applause me, I saw lined up tables, food and drink, cakes, decorations, flowers, a large tent under which the musicians play music and sing a birthday song. When I saw it all, I was pleasantly surprised. It was only then that I clung on and understood everything why my dear and beloved family had kept me aside for all that time. There, on my 70th birthday, I saw many of my good and sincere friends who came to see me. And not only that: Everyone was very friendly with their gifts for my birthday. It is for me one of my life memories that cannot be forgotten. I live and sleep with that memory. I will attach a few suitable pictures.
This trophy is presented to me from my children and my family as a recognition for all my goodness I did for the family.
My dear grandchildren, your grandfather “Babu” Mile thinks this thirty-first (31) writing to my grandchildren described the meaning of the word “surprise” and with that I answered the question: “What was the biggest surprise in your life?”
                                             Translated into Croatian
                                 Moj trideset prvi (31) opis mojim unucima.
Naslov je:
“Koje si u tvom životu imao najveće iznenađenje?”


                                                “Sretan Rođendan”

                                   Iznenađenje za Milavon 70 eti Rođendan
                                                        It’s a Surprise
                                                    Milan Boban’s 70th

image.pngDragi moji unuci ja vaš djed “Babu” sam imao moje prvo iznenađenje prigodom mojeg rođendana 21 kolovoza 1960. godine u Parizu. To je bilo prvi puta u mojih 21 godinu su moji prijatelji iz organizacije koje sam bio član Hrvatski Oslobodilački Pokret organizirali rođendansko iznenađenje. Dok sam bio kući, na selu u Bobanovoj Dragi, tada se kod nas nije slavio rođendan, ali jest imendan. Moje ime je Mile i moj imendan se svali na dan sv. Mihaila, što je 29 rujna svake godine. Ali za istinu meni su neki moji prijatelji dali do znanja da se u nedjelju nađem na adresi 10 Rue Vic d’Azire na Metro Colonel Fabien u dva sata poslije podne.

Sada dolazi najveće iznenađenje u mojem životu. To je bilo za moj sedamdeseti rođendan, nedjelja 16 kolovoza 2009.

Slika očito prikazuje pogled iznenađenja, Coyote Park, San Mateo nedjelja 16 kolovoza 2009.


Moja supruga Annie i ja smo tada živjeli na Hrvatskom Imanju nekih sto milje sjeverno od Dalasa. Pogledajte ovaj DVD

Odlučili smo otići u Kaliforniju posjetiti djecu i unučad i u obiteljskoj zajednici proslaviti američki državni praznik 4 srpnja. Naš plan je bio 5/6 tjedana tamo i nazad. Mi smo bili kod naše kćeri Catherine i zeta Erika. Naša djeca: kćer Sophie, Drina i sin Mile su nas često dolazili posjetiti kod Catherine i Erika. Imali smo ugodno i vrlo lijepo vrijeme, ali vrijeme se malo po malo primiče da se moramo vraćati u Texas na imanje Croatia Ranch.
S lijeva: Annie, Mile, naš prijatelj Davor Bilaver i njegov sin Mario iz Phoenix, Arizona, travanj 2009.

Moj plan je bio, rekao sam “moj plan je bio” krenuti iz Petalume u petak 7 kolovoza kako bi bili kući na Croatia Ranch u nedjelju večer. Sada dolazi obješnjenje.

Svakog puta kada ja suprugi Annie govorim: daj, spremajmo se. Nemojmo što zaboraviti itd., supruga mi uvijek kaže da nešto moramo učiniti, jer to djeca zahtijevaju, a to je da moram pregledati uši, oči, srce, i da će to uzeti vremena. Nisam bio najzadovoljniji ali ipak sam pristao na sve zahtjeve moje djece koja su mi rekli da je sve gotovo u petak poslijepodne 14 kolovoza. Tada sam rekao: važi, mi polazimo u subotu 15 kolovoza i stići ćemo kući u ponedjeljak 17 kolovoza, što je 8 dana kasnije, što nije nikakav problem. Ali to tako nije bilo, kako hrvatska poslovica kaže: Tko jači taj kvači; a sad ćete saznati zašto to tako nije bilo.

Sutra subota 15 kolovoza rano ujutro k meni je došao moj zet Mike Nova i govori mi da on ima jednog dobrog prijatelja koji je upravo kupio kuću i prije nego se u nju useli želio bi ju popraviti i da bi želio znati koliko bi to koštalo i da li bi ja htio uzeti posao, jer taj njegov prijatelj je znao da sam ja građevinar. Ja nisam htio naljutiti mojeg zeta i ja sam na to pristao s tim da možemo sutra, nedjelja 16 kolovoza krenuti za Texas. Mi smo već u 8 sati bili kod te “prodane kuće” gdje nas je jedan čovjek čekao. Upoznali smo se i odmah počeli razgovarati o projektu. Sve je bilo u redu, super! Vrijeme prolazi. Prošlo podne. Ja sam mislio sada idemo kući i ako pođemo oko dva sata, stići ćemo u Los Angeles oko 8/9 sati i tu ćemo prenoćiti. To se nije dogodilo. Mi smo otišli na ručak i opet se vratili i počeli opet razgovarati o popravku kuće što nam je uzelo skoro do 6 sati poslije podne. Kad smo Mike i ja došli kući oko 7 sati sva čeljad su tu bila i čekali na nas. Večera na stolu. Za vrijeme večer razgovor. Ja nastojim sakriti moje nezadovoljstvo te smo počeli razgovarati o našem dolasku i putu za Texas. Svi zadovoljni i sve je pod kontrolom.

Sutra nedjelja 16 kolovoza 2009. rano smo se digli. Doručak i kafa su na stolu. Meni se žuri da pođemo što prije na put za Texas, drugima se ne žuri. Supruga Annie, kćer Catherine i zet Erik daju plan za taj dan. Ja nemam blage veze niti pojma o čemu oni govere i šta planiraju. Njihova tema razgovora je bila da se trebamo sastati u Coyote parak u dva sata poslije podne vidjeti našeg sina Mile junior, kćer Drina i zeta Mike koji živu u San Franciscu, nedaleko Coyote Park kod San Mateo. Erik će poći odmah za San Francisco kako bi saopćio Drini, Miku i Mili junioru da oni zajedno dođu u Coyoti Park, dok kćer Catherine, dvoje njihove djece Zane i Simone, Annie i ja ćemo doći kasnije u Coyote Park. Sve to meni ide na živce jer se ništa ne odvija po mojem planu, ali držeći se stare hrvatski izreke: moram popuštati jer svijet mladima pripada.

Konačno oko podne smo pošli iz Petaluma prema San Franciscu i kroz grad prema jugu do Coyote park. Tu smo došli malo prije 2 sata. Parkirali smo auto u parkiralištu. Pošli smo nas pet: Annie, Catherine, Zane, Simone i ja. Uputilo smo se prema Parku gdje smo se trebali sastati s ostalom rodbinom. Idući kroz Park ugledah ja našu prijateljic Starr koja živi u Atascadero, južno od San Francisca 200 i više milja. Ja ju pozdravljam a kćer Catherine i supruga Annie meni govore: zar si ćorav, to nije Starr.

Tek sada počima iznenađenje. 

Prva osobu koju sam vidio je moj sin Rafael iz Teksasa. Čim sam ga vido iznenadio sam se i sam sebe pitao: zašto je moj sin Rafael ovdje? Zagrlili smo se i pošli naprijed, kad pred menom ugleda ja veliki natpis S R E T A N   R O Đ E N D A N   M I L A N ! Čim sam vidio i prošao taj natpis ugledah mnoštvo ljudi, stotinjak i više koji mi urnebesno aplaudiraju, poredanih stolova, jela i pića, kolača, ukrasa, cvijeća, veliki šator pod kojim svirači sviraju glazbu i pjevaju rođendansku pjesmu. Kada sam sve to vidio, ugodno sam bio iznenađen. Tek tada sam skopčao i sve razumio zašto su moja draga i voljena obitelj mene držali po strani za cijelo to vrijeme. Tu na tom mojem 70-estom rođendanu sam vidio mnoge moje dobre i iskrene prijatelje koji su me došli vidjeti. I ne samo to: Svi su se vrlo dobro prijateljski pokazali sa svojim poklonima za moj rođendan. To je za mene jedna od mojih životnih uspomena koja se ne može zaboraviti. Ja sa tom uspomenom živim i spavam. Priložit ću nekoliko prikladnih slika.
image.pngOvaj trofej su mi dali moja djeca i moja obitelja za priznanje za sve obiteljske dobrote koje sam učinio.
Dragi moji unuci vaš djed “Babu” Mile misli ovaj moj trideset prvi (31) opis mojim unucima je opisao značenje riječi “iznenađenje” i tim odgovorio na postavljeno pitanje: “Koje je u tvom životu bilo najveće iznenađenje?”
Attachments area


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