My forty (41) frist writnig to my grandchildren = Moj četrdeset (41) prvi opis mojim unucima


                              Forty first (41) writing to my grandchildren.
The question is:
“What simple pleasures of life do you really enjoy?”


Croatia’s National anthem.

Our beautiful homeland,
Oh so fearless and gracious,
Our fathers’ ancient glory,
May you be blessed forever.

Dear, you are our only glory,
Dear, you are our only one,
Dear, we love your plains,
Dear, we love your mountains.

Drava, Sava, Drina flowing,
Danube, do not lose your vigour,
Deep blue sea, tell the world,
That a Croat loves his homeland.

Whilst his fields are kissed by sunshine,
Whilst his oaks are whipped by wild winds,
Whilst his dear ones go to heaven,
Whilst his live heart beats.

My dear grandchildren, this is a very nice question asked to your grandfather “Babu” Mili Boban. I will mention to you some of my life’s pleasures that I have gone through or used in my life. In same time i am attaching for you your grandfather’s picture holding a frame of the Croatian Coat of Arms and Croatian National Anthem.

– As a boy growing up in the Croatian village of Bobanova Draga where I was born on August 21, 1939, with my friends and colleagues of my age, I loved playing children’s games, talking about our wishes, what we would like or want to be, whether we will stay in the countryside and do hard work like our parents to survive, or go to school and learn some craft, have an easier and happier life, etc. When we sweat well from playing children’s games, then each of us goes home. So it was then, in the countryside, during my childhood life, and today with today’s new techniques it is quite different. It could be said in short: Everything is in the reflection of time.

– Then comes the time of maturity and you think completely differently, you think about the future of your life, and the future of life is: get married, have children and family, be happy, and be completely satisfied only when you spend as much time with your children and family . Then family satisfaction is achieved.

– Along with many of my life pleasures, there was one that satisfied me even in my greatest worries (that is) when I was with my friends, sitting at tables, each  holding a glass of drink, toasting each other, telling various stories from our life experience, in a word, me, your grandpa “Babu” Mile always enjoyed it. That pleasure of your grandfather “Babu” Mile can’t be bought for any money anywhere in the store. That pleasure I carry with me to my grave: R.I.P.

 And now, my dear grandchildren, what makes me happy is to sit on the couch and watch a good cowboy movie. Why cowboy? In my opinion, the fact that cowboy films have historically been shown as if they were original, without embellishments, reminds me of my peasant life in the Croatian village of Bobanova Draga, where everyone fought for their lives to survive. It is my enjoyment, it is my pleasure. I am putting a picture of…

 Grandfather Milan, grandson Tristan / John (6) and grandson Cash/David (10), are watching a children’s movie on Sunday, November 13, 2021. If I knew that at my age today it is a greater pleasure to be with grandchildren than with my children, then I should have had grandchildren before my children. Yesterday was Cash/David’s tenth (10) birthday. My dear grandson Cash/David your grandfather “Babu” wishes you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
– I also like to watch sports, especially soccer. Since childhood, I loved soccer and I played whenever I was given the opportunity. In San Francisco, I was the goalkeeper of the Croatian Soccer Club. On one occasion in 1971, we played against United Mexico. The referee awarded a penalty kick. I was lucky and defended the free kick, but the referee annulled it and awarded another free kick. It made me angry that I started arguing with the referee. In that argument, he spoke to me and I answered him, I lost control and slapped the judge. The referee stopped the match, punished our Croatian Team. I took all the blame on myself so that our Croatian Club would not be punished. Thank God that FIFA took my guilt into account, acquitted the Croatian Sports Club of all guilt and expelled me from the FIFA organization for life. I am putting a picture. Your grandfather “Babu” is squatting in a yellow suit holding his right hand on the soccer ball. The picture was taken in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, October 1970.
My dear grandchildren, I admit to you and (to) the whole world that it was my fault, because I did not behave myself in a sporty way. For that, my advice to you, my dear grandchildren and all the athletes of the world: During any sports game, behave politely, when you talk to a referee, keep your hands on your back and don’t behave like a cowboy.
“Now that I’m retired, I want to tell my grandchildren what else – among many other pleasures – makes me happy, and that’s when I clean all around the house and in the garden behind the house, so that it doesn’t look like my wife Annie, your grandmother.” Mamie ” is a widow. Then  I like to lie on a hammock, swing a little and sometimes even fall asleep. That should be the pleasure of every retiree, and I am one of them, your grandfather “Babu” Mile Boban.- My dear grandchildren, I read somewhere that the English dictionary has about eight hundred thousand words. All these words are not used in daily conversation, even if, in my opinion, each word has its own special meaning and its own special purpose. One ordinary worker or housewife in their daily conversation uses between 350 to 500 hundred words, while one teacher between 500 to maybe 1000 words, a professor maybe between 1500 to 2000 words, while book writers and philosophers between 3000 and even up to 5000 words.

My dear grandchildren, one can now, justifiably or not, wonder why the English language has so many words and they are not used. Heh, heh, heee, that’s right, we use in daily conversation the words we need, just as we use daily  those pleasures that make us happy, cheerful and content. I hope, my dear grandchildren, that I have answered the question to some extent:

“What simple pleasures of life do you really enjoy?”Your eternal grandfather “Babu” Mile Boban.

                             Moj četrdeset (41) prvi opis mojim unucima.

                                                       Pitanje je:
“Kojim jednostavnim životnim zadovoljstvima vi uistinu uživate?”


Hrvatska Harodna Himna

Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj, junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!

Mila kano si nam slavna,
Mila si nam ti jedina,
Mila kuda si nam ravna,
Mila kuda si planina!

Dravo, Savo, Drino teci,
Nit’ ti, Dunav, silu gubi,
Sinje more, svijetu reci
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi

Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Dok mu mrtve grobak krije,
Dok mu živo srce bije.

Dragi moji unuci to je jako lijepo pitanje postavljeno vašem djedu “Babu” Mili Boban. Ja ću vam napomenuti neke moje životne zadovoljštine kroz koje sam prošao ili koje sam koristio u mojem životu. U isto vrijeme prilažem za vas sliku vašeg djeda kako drži Hrvatski Nacionalni Grb sa hrvatskom Nacionalnom Himnom.

 Kao dečkić dok sam rastao u hrvatskom selu Bobanova Draga gdje sam rođen 31 kolovoza 1939. godine, sa mojim prijateljima i kolegama mojih godina, ja sam se volio igrati dječjih igara, pričati o našim željama šta bi mi htjeli ili željeli biti, da li ćemo ostati na selu i raditi teške fizičke poslove kao naši roditelji za preživjeti, ili ići u školu i izučiti neki zanat, imati lakši i zadovoljniji život itd. Kada se dobro oznojimo od igranja dječjih igara, tada svaki od nas iđe svojoj kući. Tako je to bilo tada, na selu, za vrijeme mojeg dječjeg života, a danas sa današnjom novom tehnikom sasvim je drugačije. To bi se moglo ukratko reći: Sve u odrazu vremena.

 Zatim dolazi vrijeme zrelosti i sasvim drugačije se razmišlja, misli se o budućnosti života, a budućnost života je: oženiti se, imati djecu i obitelj, biti zadovoljan, a biti potpuno zadovoljan je samo kada što više vremena sprovedeš sa svojom djecom i svojom obitelji. Tada je postignuto obiteljsko zadovoljstvo.

 Uz mnoga moja životna zadovoljstva bilo je jedno koje me je i u mojim najvećim brigama zadovoljavalo a to je kada sam sa mojim prijateljima, sjedimo za stolovima, svaki drži čašu pića, nazdravljamo jedni drugima, pričamo razne priče iz našeg životnog iskustva, jednom riječju, ja, vaš djed “Babu” Mile je uvijek uživao. To zadovoljstvo vašeg djeda “Babu” Mile ne može se kupiti za nikakve novce nigdje u dućanu. To zadovoljstvo ja nosim sa sobom u moj grob: R.I.P.

I sada dragi moji unuci šta me čini zadovoljnim je sjesti na divan i gledati jedan dobar kaubojski film. Zašto baš kaubojski? Po mojem mišljenju za to što su kaubojski filmovi povijesno prikazani tako kao da su originalni, bez uljepšavanja, što me podsjeća na moj seljački život u hrvatskome selu Bobanova Draga gdje se je svaki posebno borio za svoj život kako preživjeti. To je moje uživanje, to je moje zadovoljstvo. prilažem sliku sa unucima gledajući jedan film.

Djed Milan, unuk Tristan/John (6) i unuk Cash/David (10) , nedjelja 13 studenoga 2021. gledaju dječiji film. Da sam znao da u mojim godinama danas veći užitak biti sa unucima nego sa mojom djecom, onda sam trebao imati unučad prije moje djece. Jučer je Cash/David-u bio deseti (10) rođendan. Dragi moj unuk Cash/David tvoj djed “Babu” ti želi SRETAN ROĐENDAN!
               – Ja također volim gledati šport, osobito nogomet (soccer). Od djetinjstva ja sam volio nogomet (soccer) i igrao sam kada god mi se je pružila prilika. U San Franciscu bio sam vratar Hrvatskog Nogometne (Soccer) Kluba. (sliku) Jedne prilike 1971. godine igrali smo protiv United Mexico. Sudac je dosudio penal (cick). Ja sam bio dobre sreće i obranio sam slobodni udarac, ali sudac je to poništio i dosudio ponovni slobodni udarac. Mene je to razljutilo da sam se počeo prepirati sa sudcem. (referee) U toj svađi on je govorio meni a ja odgovarao njemu, ja izgubio kontrolu i ošamario sudca. Sudac je prekinuo utakmicu, kaznio naš Hrvatski Tim. Ja sam uzeo svu krivnju na sebe tako da naš Hrvatski Klub ne bude kažnjen. Fala dragome Bogu da je FIFA moju krivnju uzela u obzir, oslobodila svake krivnje Hrvatski Športski Klub a mene doživotno izbacili iz FIFA organizacije. Prilažem sliku.
Vaš djed “Babu” je u žutom dresu, čuči, drži lijevu ruku na lopti. Slika uzeta u Golden Gate Parku u San Franciscu listopada 1970.
Dragi moji unuci vama i cijelom svijetu priznajem da je to bila moja pogreška, jer se nisam ponašao športski. Za to vama, mojim unucima i svim sportašima svijeta moj savjet je: Za vrijeme bilo koje športske igre vladaj se uljudno, drži ruke na leđima kada sa sudcem govoriš i ne vladaj se kaubojski.- Sada kada sam u mirovini želim reći mojim unucima šta me još – uz mnoga druga zadovoljstva – čini zadovoljnim, a to je kada ja ispred moje kuće i u bašči pozadi kuće očistim sve krajeve, tako da ne izgleda kao da moja supruga Annie, vaša baba “Mamie” je udovica. Zato ja volim leći na viseću mrežu, njihati se malo pa čak ponekad i zaspati. To bi trebalo biti zadovoljstvo svakog umirovljenika, a ja sam jedan od njih, vaš djed “Babu” Mile Boban.

– Dragi moji unuci negdje sam pročitao da engleski rječnik ima oko osam stotina tisuća riječi. Sve te riječi u dnevnom razgovoru se ne upotrebljavaju i ako, za moj pojam svaka ta riječ ima svoje posebno značenje i svoju posebnu svrhu. Jedan obični radnik ili domaćica u njihovom dnevnom razgovoru se služi između 350 do 500 stotina riječi, dok jedan učitelj između 500 do možda 1000 riječi, profesor možda između 1500 do 2000 riječi, dok pisci knjiga i filozofi između 3000 pa čak i do 5000 riječi.

Dragi moji unuci sada se netko može, opravdano ili ne zapitati zašto onda engleski jezik ima toliko mnogo riječi a sa njima se ne služi. He, he, heee, to je tako, služimo se u dnevnom razgovoru sa onim riječima koje su nam potrebne, kao što se dnevno služimo i sa onim zadovoljstvima koji nas čine sretnima, veselima i zadovoljnima. Nadam se dragi moji unuci da sam donekle odgovorio na pitanje:

“Kojim jednostavnim životnim zadovoljstvima vi uistinu uživate?”Vaš vječiti djed “Babu” Mile Boban.


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