My forthy-eighth (48) writing to my grandchildren= Moj četrdeset (48) opis mojim unucima


                     My forty-eighth (48) writing to my grandchildren.
The question is:
“What was one of the most romantic moments of your life?”
My dear grandchildren, this is one complex question with multiple meanings and multiple answers. I will mention some of these meanings, which certainly does not mean that there are not more. I see it like this:

1 – Romanticism that is romantic in spirit and feelings between a woman and a man,
2 – adventurous, which refers to the adventures a person goes through in his life,
– fantastic which could mean all those things that a man – a person – does perfectly and fantastically,
4 – strange and funny, which refers to the adventures that each person does strangely,
5 – incredible, which in this case could mean that often we all do sometimes incredible things,
6 – a man of imaginative ideas,
7 – a dreamer, a wizard, poetically gifted, etc.,
8 – infatuated or romantic in his ideas, fantasies, etc.,
9 – a man of imagination in his ideal feelings: history, politics, religion, love, etc.
10 – I will briefly refer to history, and every history is connected with politics.

My dear grandchildren, you should not take these ten points of mine as God’s Ten Commandments, but you can learn from them how to behave in life, how to treat your fellow man and all others, and how to choose your own school education, profession and trace your own life path .

I went to the French language school “ALLIANCE FRANCAISE” in Paris at 101 Boulevard de Raspail. I was already well versed in French, and in the summer of 1962, I asked a Croatian friend of mine named Mavro Zbodulja, 10 years older than me, He lived in room no. 36 and I in room no. 37 on the same third floor, he was very educated to tell me what branch I should take as my life’s profession. Since we had known each other well for over three years and since we often and too often talked about many and various historical and other things, he told me without hesitation that my talent was more politically oriented and as such that I should go to law school or engage in politics and thus become a politician. But he immediately added that as much as there are people who love and adore politicians, there are more who don’t like them and even hate them. Again, that’s down to personal taste.

I committed myself to finish my French at “Alliance Francaise” in order to have a diploma to speak, write and read French. Yes, my dear grandchildren, I finished that French language course and received a diploma on June 30, 1966, that I am a professor of French language. I was already married then and our first daughter Sophie was born. At that time, I worked in the famous French company “Librairie Hachette” and I earned more than if I had been a French language teacher for foreigners in a school.

When we, my wife Annie, myself, our two daughters Sophie aged 3 years and 4 months, Catherine not even 11 months came to San Francisco on December 10, 1968, my two sisters Jakica and Kata and brother Rafo were already there. Since it was before Christmas time, my two sisters and brother told me that they would look for a job for me after the New Year, until then enjoy sightseeing in San Francisco and the surrounding area. That’s how it was and it was a great joy to spend Christmas and New Year in the company of a brother and two sisters whom I haven’t seen for more than 10 years.

At the beginning of January 1969, my sister Jakica told me that through her connections and acquaintances she had found a job for me at the Galilee School to teach French for foreigners. I applied and the school management received me and told me to come next Monday, which was, as far as I remember, January 13. I came before 8 o’clock in the morning. The school administration assigned me one class in which there were already over 25 students. On the wall was a large school blackboard, under which were several chalks of various colors. I introduced myself and as I learned it in Paris, I told them that they are here to learn French, and during the class I don’t want to hear any conversations other than in French.

Now, my dear grandchildren, you will hear how your grandfather “Babu” finished that first lesson. Since those 25 or more students of various nationalities started whispering among themselves, my warnings did not help much, but those warnings helped me to make a decision for myself that this is not for me and that I do not want to spend my life in this kind of tension. When the bell rang for recess after the first lesson, I went to the school administration and told them that I was leaving, because this job was not for me. The management was surprised, but they could not change my decision.

That’s how I ended up with my diploma in French, with which I never earned a single cent. After so many moves and changes of address, even today as I write this I don’t know where my diploma got lost. Maybe it’s somewhere in one of my many boxes? A Croatian proverb says: You can live without it. And after all that, I became a builder. I am putting a picture taken in august 1988 in Austin Texas, building a commercial building.

Your eternal grandfather “Babu” Milan.
                       Moj četrdeset osmi (48) opis mojim unucima.
Pitanje je:
“Koji je bio jedan od najromantičnijih trenutka u vašem životu?”
Dragi moji unuci, ovo je jedno složeno pitanje s više značenja i više odgovora. Spomenut ću neka od tih značenja, što svakako ne znači da ih nema više. Ja to vidim ovako:

1 – Romantizam koji je romantičan u duhu i osjećajima između žene i muškarca,
2 – avanturistički, koji se odnosi na avanture kroz koje osoba prolazi u svom životu,
3 – fantastično što bi moglo značiti sve one stvari koje čovjek – osoba – radi savršeno i fantastično,
4 – čudno i smiješno, što se odnosi na avanture koje svaka osoba čini čudno,
5 – nevjerojatno, što bi u ovom slučaju moglo značiti da često svi ponekad činimo nevjerojatne stvari,
6 – čovjek maštovitih ideja,
7 – sanjar, čarobnjak, pjesnički nadaren itd.,
8 – zaljubljen ili romantičan u svojim idejama, fantazijama itd.,
9 – čovjek mašte u svojim idealnim osjećajima: povijest, politika, religija, ljubav itd.
10 – Osvrnut ću se kratko na povijest, a svaka je povijest povezana s politikom.

Dragi moji unuci, ovih mojih deset točaka ne biste smjeli uzimati kao deset Božjih zapovijedi, ali iz njih možete naučiti kako se ponašati u životu, kako se odnositi prema bližnjima i prema svima drugima, kako odabrati vlastito školovanje, zanimanje. i trasirati vlastiti životni put.

Išao sam u školu francuskog jezika “ALLIANCE FRANCAISE” u Parizu na adresi 101 Boulevard de Raspail. Francuski sam već dobro poznavao i u ljeto 1962. Zamolio sam jednog mojeg prijatelja Hrvata Mavra Zbodulju, 10 godina starijeg od mene, koji je stanovao u sobi br. 36 i ja u sobi br. 37 na istom trećem katu, koji je bio vrlo školski obrazovan da mi kaže koju bih ja granu trebao uzeti kao moju životnu profesiju. Budući da smo se dobro poznavali više od tri godine i kako smo često i prečesto razgovarali o mnogim i raznim povijesnim i drugim stvarima, bez oklijevanja mi je rekao da je moj talent više politički usmjeren i da bih kao takav trebao ići na pravni fakultet. ili se baviti politikom i tako postati političar. No, odmah je dodao da koliko god ima ljudi koji vole i obožavaju političare, toliko je i više onih koji ih ne vole, pa čak i mrze. Opet, to je stvar osobnog ukusa.

Obvezao sam se da ću završiti francuski na “Alliance Francaise” kako bih dobio diplomu da govorim, pišem i čitam francuski. Da, dragi moji unuci, završio sam taj tečaj francuskog jezika i dobio diplomu 30. lipnja 1966. godine da sam profesor francuskog jezika. Tada sam već bio u oženjen i rodila nam se prva kći Sophie. U to vrijeme radio sam u poznatoj francuskoj firmi “Librairie Hachette” i zarađivao sam više nego da sam bio profesor francuskog jezika za strance u školi.

Kad smo mi, moja žena Annie, ja, naše dvije kćeri Sophie od 3 godine i 4 mjeseca, Catherine ni 11 mjeseci došli u San Francisco 10. prosinca 1968., moje dvije sestre Jakica i Kata i brat Rafo već su bili tu. Kako je bilo pred Božić, moje dvije sestre i brat su mi rekli da će mi tražiti posao nakon Nove godine, a do tada uživaj u razgledavanju San Francisca i okolice. Tako je i bilo i bilo je veliko zadovoljstvo Božić i Novu godinu provesti u društvu brata i dvije sestre koje nisam vidio više od 10 godina.

Početkom siječnja 1969. sestra Jakica mi je rekla da mi je preko svojih veza i poznanstva našla posao u školi Galeli da predajem francuski jezik za strance. Prijavio sam se i primila me uprava škole i rekla mi da dođem sljedeći ponedjeljak, a to je bilo, koliko se sjećam, 13. siječnja. Došao sam prije 8 sati ujutro. Uprava škole mi je dodijelila jedan razred u kojem je već bilo preko 25 učenika. Na zidu je bila velika školska tabla ispod koje je bilo nekoliko kreda raznih boja. Predstavio sam se i kako sam to naučio u Parizu, rekao sam im da su oni ovdje da bi učili francuski, a na satu ne želim čuti nikakve razgovore osim na francuskom.

Sada ćete, dragi moji unuci, čuti kako je vaš djed “Babu ” završio taj prvi čas. Budući da se tih 25 i više studenata raznih narodnosti počelo došaptavati između sebe, moja upozorenja nisu puno pomogla, ali su mi ta upozorenja pomogla da sam sebi donesem odluku da to nije za mene i da ne želim provesti moj život u ovakvoj vrsti napetosti. Kad je nakon prvog sata zazvonil odmor, otišao sam u upravu škole i rekao im da odlazim, jer ovaj posao nije za mene. Uprava je bila iznenađena, ali moju odluku nisu mogli promijeniti.

Tako sam završio s diplomom francuskog jezika s kojom nikad nisam zaradio niti jednog jedinog centa. Nakon toliko selidbi i promjena adresa, ni danas dok ovo pišem ne znam gdje mi se izgubila ta diploma. Možda je negdje u jednoj od mojih brojnih kutija? Hrvatska poslovica kaže: Koga nema bez njega se može. I poslije svega toga postao sam građevinar. Prilažem sliku uzetu u kolovozu 1988. prigodom gradnje jedne trgovačke zgrade u Austinu, Texas.


Vaš vječiti djed “Babu” Milan.