Translated in english – Prevedeno na engleski

My dear Krešimir and all my friends,

As you know today is a big day in America, voting day. It will start with an official screening starting at 5 pm Eastern time, which means midnight in Croatia.
Before that, they will bring here and there some news and reports related to the vote, but nothing official. When the vote closes at 7 p.m. in the eastern parts of America, official data will begin to be displayed.
Then, how time moves towards west until California and Alaska, which will be 10 p.m., or something like that, the final election results will begin to know who the winner is and who is the loser.
In the past, it happened that the result was already known before the official election screenings towards the Pacific coast. This time it is very tense, it is tense because on the Democratic side is starched Joe Biden, an old veteran of 47 years of political experience, who can only go on paved and charted paths, courting others to get as much applause as possible, while on the other Republican side we have Donald J. Trump, a man hard as steel, full of energy in breaking all negativity in the American well-established political system, full of life experience in achieving a richer, better and happier life for every American who wants always to work, earn well, afford every need of life  to the family, in all the time and with will to settle every obligation, as to the community in which he lives: Church, School, Community, District, State, etc.
The Croatian Bible has only six (6) words: MY GOD!, MY CROATIA!, only then MY FAMILY! Americans can also say that their Bible has only six (6) words: My God! My America! and only then MY FAMILY!
Mile Croatia, Boban.


Dragi moj Krešimir i svi moji prijatelji,

Kako i znate danas je u Ameriki veliki dan, dan glasovanja. Počet će sa službenim prikazivanjem počevši od 5 sati poslije podne po istočnom vremenu, što znači pol noći u Hrvatskoj. Prije toga će tu i tamo donositi kojeje kakove vijesti i izvještaje vezane za glasovanje, ali ništa službeno. Kada se glasovanje zatvori u 7 sati poslije podne u istočnim krajevima Amerike, počet će se prikazivati službeni podatci. Zatim, kako god se vrijeme pomiče prema zapadu dok ne dođe do Kalifornije i Aljaske, što će biti 10 sati na večer ili tome slično, konačni izborni rezultati će se početi poznavati tko je dobitnik a tko gubutnik.
U prošlosti se je dešavalo da se je rezultat već znao prije službenih izbornih prikaza sa obale Pacifika.
Ovog puta je vrlo napeto, napeto je zato što je na demokratskoj strani uštirkani Joe Biden, stari veteran od 47 godina političkog iskustva, koji zna samo ići utrtim i ucrtanim stazama, udvarati se drugima kako bi što više aplauza dobio, dok na drugoj republikanskij strani imamo Donalda J. Trumpa, čovjeka tvrda kao čelik, pun energije u razbijanju svih negativnosti u američkom uhodanom političkom sistemu, pun životnog iskustva u ostvarenju bogatijeg, boljeg i zadovoljnijeg života svakog Amerikanca koji želi uvijek raditi, dobro zarađivati, dobro priuštiti svake životne potrebe svojoj obitelji, na vrijeme i sa voljom podmiriti svake obveze, kako zajednici u kojoj živi: Crkvi, Školi, Općini, Kotaru, Državi itd. Hrvatska Biblija ima samo šest (6) riječi: MOJ BOG!, MOJA DOMOVINA!, tek onda MOJA OBITELJ! Amerikanci mogu isto tako reći da i njihova Bibila ima samo šest (6) riječi: Moj Bog! Moja Amerika! i tek onda Moja obitelj!
Mile Croatia, Boban.
                      Translated in english – Prevedeno na engleski

My dear Krešimir and all my friends,

As you know today is a big day in America, voting day. It will start with an official screening starting at 5 pm Eastern time, which means midnight in Croatia.
Before that, they will bring here and there some news and reports related to the vote, but nothing official. When the vote closes at 7 p.m. in the eastern parts of America, official data will begin to be displayed.
Then, how time moves towards west until California and Alaska, which will be 10 p.m., or something like that, the final election results will begin to know who the winner is and who is the loser.
In the past, it happened that the result was already known before the official election screenings towards the Pacific coast. This time it is very tense, it is tense because on the Democratic side is starched Joe Biden, an old veteran of 47 years of political experience, who can only go on paved and charted paths, courting others to get as much applause as possible, while on the other Republican side we have Donald J. Trump, a man hard as steel, full of energy in breaking all negativity in the American well-established political system, full of life experience in achieving a richer, better and happier life for every American who wants always to work, earn well, afford every need of life  to the family, in all the time and with will to settle every obligation, as to the community in which he lives: Church, School, Community, District, State, etc.
The Croatian Bible has only six (6) words: MY GOD!, MY CROATIA!, only then MY FAMILY! Americans can also say that their Bible has only six (6) words: My God! My America! and only then MY FAMILY!
Mile Croatia, Boban.

VIDEO: RASPLESANI PREDSJEDNIK Ne biste nikada pogodili: Evo kojom je pjesmom Trump motivirao birače na izborni dan



Aktualni američki predsjednik Donald Trump (74), u ”lovu” na još jedan četverogodišnji mandat, u samom finišu kampanje, odlučio se na pomalo neuobičajen potez. Tako se posljednjega dana kampanje na društvenim mrežama proširila kompilacija njegovog plesa uz pjesmu ‘Y.M.C.A.’.

03.11.2020. u 14:11

Ispiši članak

Prisjetimo se, to je bezvremenski disco-hit s kraja ’70-ih godina 20. stoljeća, koji je do dana današnjeg ostao – gay himna.

I baš ta pjesma postala mu je svojevrsni zaštitni znak pa se posljednjih tjedana predsjednik uz nju veselo rasplesao na izbornim skupovima, pomalo ”drveno”, ali simpatično.

Iako mu ples očito nije jača strana, Trump je dodatno motivirao svoje brojne glasače, stoga pogledajte njegovu izvedbu…




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