God bless you! my lovely dear children,
Your dad and your mom wish you.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023, in which they wish you a lot of health, happiness, satisfaction, both among yourselves and also in your family and with your friends, much success in all your endeavors and wishes.
My dear children, I am attaching a picture that will explain to you what the custom was with us and my parents in Bobanova Draga for Christmas. My mother, your grandmother Iva/Vićeka, would give me a container on December 8, the day of The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, to put some barley or wheat in that container. The picture will explain everything.
On Christmas Day, during lunch, we all sat down at the round table, we put that dish on the table with three candles representing the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My father Petar, your grandfather would take matches or a lighter and, while praying the Our Father, light those three candles and say Amen! During the meal we are all happy, we talk about the past and other events, of course from the past, because there are no events from the future, because we haven’t reached them yet.
After the meal, my father Petar would take a piece of bread, dip the bread in the wine, and while praying the Our Father at the end of the meal, he would extinguish the candles with the bread dipped in the wine. When he blows out the last candle, he says Amen in a raised voice! And he says to me: Son Milan, you take these seeds with candles, put them on the sideboard and put them back on the lunch table on New Year’s Day. The same procedure except for the ending, where my father Petar would ask through those three candles that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit give us every happiness, every satisfaction and every success in this coming year in all our works and wishes for every success, Amen!
Here, my dear children, is a little memory of mine that is stuck to the soles of my feet and wherever I step and walk I am reminded of my Christmas memories from my village Bobanova Draga.
I love you all very much and I can’t wait when we will all be together again. Today is the day before Christmas. We will go to Midnight Holy Mass at 4 o’clock. When we get home, here at our place, as always and according to our custom, or rather my custom, for dinner will be sauerkraut with smoked pork. Tomorrow for Christmas we will all meet and be at Stjepan’s for lunch and great joy and enjoyment.
Big greetings to all my children.
God bless you! Dad and mom.
                                                              SRETAN  BOŽIĆ  MOJOJ  DJECI
                                                                     Bog! draga moja djeco,
Vaš tata i vaša mama vam žele,
SRETAN BOŽIĆ, SRETNA NOVA 2023 GODINA u kojoj vam žele mnogo zdravlja, sreće, zadovoljstva, kako između sebe tako isto i u obitelji i sa vašim prijateljima, mnogo uspjeha u svim vašim nastojanjima i željama.

Draga moja djeco ja vam prilažem sliku koja će vam objasniti kakav je običaj bio kod nas i kod mojih roditelja u Bobanovoj Dragi za Božć. Meni bi moja mater, vaša baba Iva/Vićeka dala jednu posudu na 8 prosinca, Blagdan Bezgrešnog Začeća Blažine marije Djevice da u tu posudu stavim malo ječama ili pšenice. Slika će vam sve objasniti.

Na Božić za vrijeme ručka svi smo sjeli za okruglu siniju/stol, stavili smo tu posudu na siniju sa tri svijeće koje predstavljaju Trojstvo: Otac, Sin i Duh Sveti. Moj otac Petar, vaš djed bi uzeo šibice ili upaljač i dok bi molio Oče Naš užiže te tri svijeće i na kraju izgovara Amen! Za vrijeme objeda svi smo veseli, pričaju se kućne i druge dogodovštine, naravno iz prošlosti, jer nema dogodovština iz budućnosti, jer do njih još nismo došli.

Poslije jela moj otac Petar bi uzeo komad kruha, zamočio bi kruh u vino, i dok bi molio Oče Naš kao završetak objeda, on bi gasio te svijeće sa tim vinom umočenim kruhom. Kada gasi zadnju svijeće, povišenim glasom kaže Amen! A meni kaže: Sine Milane uzmi ovo sjeme sa svijećama, stavi u kredenac i na Novu Godinu stavi ih opet na stol za ručak. Ista procedura osim završetka, gdje bi moj otac Petar preko tih tri svijeća tražio da nam Otac, Sin i Duh Sveti dadnu svaku sreću, svako zadovoljstvo i svaki uspjeh u ovoj nadolazećoj godinu u svim našim radovima i željama za svaki uspjeh, Amen!

Eto draga moja djeco jedna malo moja uspomena koja mi se je zalijepila za tabane i kuda god koracam i hodam podsjetim se mojih božićnih uspomena iz mojeg sela Bobanova Draga.

Ja vas sve mnogo volim i jedva čekam kada ćemo opet svi skupa biti zajedno. Danas je badnji dan, dan prije Božića. Mi ćemo u 4 sata ići na Polnoćku svetu Misu. Kada dođemo kući, ovdje kod nas, kao i uvijek i po našem običaju, ili bolje rečeno mojem običaju, za večeru će biti kiseli kupus sa svinjskim suhim mesom. Sutra za Božić svi ćemo se sastati i biti kod Stjepana za ručak i veliko veselje i uživanje.

Veliki pozdrav mojoj djeci i svim mojima.

Bog! Tata i Mama.