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               Le journal de Annie Boban parte (5)
                      Dimanche 5 Juillet 1981

Nous allons à la messe à San José et tout le monde a peur de se diriger vers Milan. Cela me fait mal au cœur. Après tout ce que Milan a fait pour eux voilà comment on est remercié. Mais ça passera. Qui a besoin d’eux de toute façon? Revenons à la maison et nous nous reposons dans l’après- midi.

 Lundi 6 Juillet 1981
Milan va travailler à 39th Ave pour Cvitanović. Lorsqu’il rentre, nous continuons à chercher des papiers pour l’avocat que nous devons voir le lendemain soir. Quant à moi, je passe toute la journée à traduire un article de journal Croate en anglais. La journée est calme,

Mardi 7 juillet 1981
Milan travaille jusqu’à 2 heures a 39th Ave. Nous avons rendez-vous chez l’avocat à 6 heures. A 3h 30 nous partons chez Igor qui lui aussi devait traduire un papier et vers 5 h parton a Oakland chez l’avocat. Revenons là bas à 6h. Dennis nous reçoit tout de suite et, ce soir-là, il pose des questions à Milan sur l’organisation OTPOR. Quand il s’aperçoit qu’en fait, ce n’est pas ce que le FBI prétend, cela l’amuse.
Milan lui explique à propos de meeting, à propos de membres de cette organisation et lorsqu’il pose des questions sur les autres defendants, il ne peut rien dire car il les connaît à peine. Quelle genre d’organisation “terroriste”!…
Vers 7h30 le soir Judy arrive et 1/2 h plus tard nous partons pour le dîner dans un restaurant Korean. Nous restons environ 1 heure pendant laquelle nous parlons de divers aspects de ce proces. Mais parlons de ce que Zvonko Pavelić a amené et combien cela va nous aider. Judy nous quitte après le dîner et nous remontons dans le bureau et parlons urgent. Dennis nous dit qu’il va prendre $150 de l’heure et que le prix total devrait être environ $150.000, mais cela peut changer, cela dépend combien long ce procès vas être. Il veut voir notre “deed of trust” la prochaine fois que nous venons le voir et 10.000 pour les premiers frais.
Sur le chemin de la maison, Milan et moi on a parlé, plus moi que Milan combien ce procès va nous coûter? Milan grince ses dents et dit simplement “Tout cela est pour ma chère Croatie”. Nous sommes arrivés à la maison vers minuit et comme tous les soirs depuis qu’il est sorti de prison, nous nous demandons comment tout cela va se terminer. Et combien de fois je pense: “Pourquoi avoir attendu si longtemps ou plutôt avoir si peu dit l’un à l’ autre que l’on s’aime”. Pourquoi attendre de presque se perdre pour se le réaffirmer.

Mercredi 8 Juillet 1981
Milan travaille chez Al Blumenthal et à la maison, rien de particulier ne se passe à part que le cerveau marche de trop à penser. Comment se procurer l’argent? Comment cela va se terminer? je n’ai encore rien dit a mes parents et je ne saurais pas quoi leur dire. Je sais qu’il vont penser, alors pourquoi leur dire. Si tout va pour le pire, ils le sauront bien assez tôt.

Jeudi 9 Juillet 1981
Milan travaille ce jour-là aussi chez Al Blumenthal et à la maison, tout est calme. Dennis s’en allant en vacance le lendemain, nous n’aurons pas à le voir pendant une dizaine de jours. Je telephone a Doreen pour savoir si nous irons le lendemain mettre les table pour la soiree du 11 juillet, soiree donnee par les marchants de S.S.F (Expliquation: Milan Cvitanović et sa femme Doreen etaitent les parents de bapteme a notre premier fils Rafael. Nous les Croates avons eu Croatian Associates Hall, Hrvatski Dom u SSF. Les responsables pour cette Croatian Hall étaient Mila Cvitanović i Mile Boban. Cette Croatian Hall avait de salle à louer pour les mariages, les anniversaires, les réunions etc. Notre famille était en charge de la préparation de chaque événement. C’est pour cela que ma femme Annie a appelait Doreen pour aller preparer la salle. Observation de Milan.)

Vendredi 10 juillet 1981
J’étais prête à aller à South San Francisco pour mettre les tables et le matin il m’ a appelé pour me dire que Debby – sa fille . préparait la salle et que je ne devais pas être désappointé s’il n’avait pas besoin de moi ce jour-là. O.K. Milan est parti travailler à 39h Ave. et vers 1h, Rafo a téléphoné pour me dire qu’il avait de l’argent pour nous. En effet 5 jours auparavant, il a acheté un lot à San Carlos et a dû emprunter $60.000 à la Banque. De ces 60 milles 15 iront pour nous. Je descends donc chez Rafo, nous allons chercher Milan à 39th Ave., allons à la Banque a Hillsdale. A 2h30 nous sortons de B of A et partant vers Wells Fargo Bank ou nous devons donner $10.000. De la, Milan retourne travailler. Le soir, nous allons dîner chez Cvitanović. Rafo a acheté un saumon, j’ai deux baisses et nous avons du poisson barbecu. Très bonne soirée.

Continue parte (6)
Samedi 11 juillet 1981.

               Dnevnik Annie Boban dio (5)


                        Nedjelja, 5. srpnja 1981

Idemo na misu u San Jose i svi se boje prići k Milanu. U srcu me to boli. Nakon svega što je Milan učinio za njih, ovako nam se zahvaljuje i osvećuju. Ali neka, i to će proći. Tko takve uopće treba? Vraćamo se kući i poslijepodne se odmaramo.

  Ponedjeljak, 6. srpnja 1981
Milan će danas kod Cvitanovića raditi na 39. aveniji. Kad se vrati, nastavljamo tražiti papire za odvjetnika s kojim se moramo vidjeti iduće večeri. Što se mene tiče, ja cijeli dan prevodim hrvatske novinske članke na engleski. Dan je miran,

 Utorak, 7. srpnja 1981
Milan radi do 2 sata na 39th Ave. Imamo sastanak kod odvjetnika u 6 sati. U 3.30 krećemo kod Igora (Buljan, (1935-2009) sinovac prvoborca Vice Buljana. Živio je u Zagrebu, študirao kemiju, sa stricem se nije slagao, i to je natjeralo Igora da napusti Zagreb i Hrvatsku 1962, došao je u pariz, upoznao sam ga, zaposlio sam ga u poduzeću Librairie Hachette, bili smo vrlo dobri prijatelji, 1967 odselio se za Cleveland, zatim u kolovozu 1970 je došao kod mene u San Francisco, tu smo uz druge Hrvate uzajamno radili na hrvatskom državotvornom polju, savršeno je govorio engleski, umro je od leukemije 9 siječnja 2009. Ovo sam naveo za to da netko ne bi mislio da je Igor Buljan simpatizirao svojeg strica za to što se je borio za Jugoslaviju u titovim brigadama protiv Hrvatske tada postojeće Države. Naprotiv!!! Moja opaska Mile Boban.) S njim se nije slagao koji je također trebao prevesti rad i oko 5 sati krećemo za Oakland kod odvjetnika. Vratćamo se tamo u 6 navečer. Dennis nas odmah prima u ured i te večeri pita Milana za organizaciju “OTPOR”. Tada je Dennis shvatio da to zapravo nije ono što FBI tvrdi, to ga zagolicalo i zabavljalo.
Milan mu objašnjava o sastancima, o članovima ove organizacije, a kada ga je pitao za ostale optuženike, Milan mu ne može mnogo reći jer ih slabo poznaje. Kakva je “teroristička” organizacija?!…
Oko 7:30 navečer dolazi Judy, Dennisova radnica i 1/2 sata kasnije odlazimo na večeru u restoran Loreen. Ostajemo oko 1 sat i tijekom večere razgovaramo o raznim aspektima ovog suđenja, procesa. No, ajmo i o tome što je donio Zvonko Pavelić i koliko će nam to pomoći. Judy nas ostavlja nakon večere a mi se vraćamo u ured i brzinom razgovaramo. Dennis nam kaže da je njegova satnica 150 dolara po satu i da bi ukupna cijena trebala biti oko 150.000 dolara, ali to se može promijeniti, ovisno o tome koliko će ovo suđenje trajati. Dennis želi vidjeti “dokument i potpis ugovora” naše kuće kada ga idući put dođemo posjetiti i da mu donesemo 10.000 dolara za prve troškove, što u stvari znači do danas.
Na povratku kući Milan i ja smo razgovarali, više ja nego Milan, koliko će nas koštati ova tužba? Milan je stisnuo zube i jednostavno rekao “Ovo je sve za moju dragu Hrvatsku”. Kući smo stigli oko ponoći i kao svake večeri otkako je izašao iz zatvora, pitamo se kako će sve ovo završiti. I koliko sam puta pomislila: “Zašto smo toliko dugo čekali ili bolje rečeno tako malo puta rekli jedno drugom da se volimo”. Zašto čekati dok se gotovo ne izgubimo da to sada ponovno potvrdili.

Srijeda, 8. srpnja 1981
Milan danas radi kod Al Blumenthala i kod kuće se ništa posebno nije dogodilo osim što moj mozak previše radi da bi o tome razmišljao. Kako doći do novca? Kako će sve ovo završiti? Još nisam ništa rekla mojim roditeljima i ne znam što da im kažem. Ja znam šta će oni misliti, pa zašto im išta reći. Ako sve krene prema najgorem, oni će to svakako i uskoro znati.
Četvrtak, 9. srpnja 1981
Milan taj dan također radi kod Al Blumenthala a kod kuće je sve mirno. Dennis sutradan ide na odmor, nećemo ga trebati vidjeti za desetak dana. Zovem Doreen da saznam hoćemo li sutradan ići pripremiti stolove za večeru za 11. srpnja, večer koju imaju trgovci South San Francisco. (Objašnjenje: Milan Cvitanović i njegova supruga Doreen bili su roditelji našeg prvog sina Rafaela. Hrvati su imali dvoranu Hrvatskih Udružitelja, Hrvatski Dom u South San Francisco. Najzaslužniji za ovaj Hrvatski Dom su bili Mila Cvitanović i Mile Boban. Ovaj Hrvatski Dom je imao dvoranu za iznajmljivanje: vjenčanja, rođendane, sastanke, razne priredbe itd. itd. Naše obitelji su bile zadužene za pripremu svakog događaja. Zato je moja žena Annie pozvala Doreen da odu pripremiti dvoranu za tu večer. Moja opaska, Mile.)

Petak, 10. srpnja 1981
Bila sam spremna otići u South San Francisco za pripremanje stolova, a ujutro me nazvao g. Cvitanović da mi kaže da je Debby – njegova kćer – pripremila dvoranu i stolove i da ne budem razočarana ako me taj dan ne budemo trebai. O.K. Milan je krenuo na posao na 39th Ave. a oko 1 sat nazvao me je Rafo da ima novca za nas. Doista, 5 dana ranije kupio je potkućnicu u San Carlosu i morao je posuditi 60.000 dolara od banke. Od tih 60 tisuća 15 će ići za nas. Pa idem do Rafa, uzet ćemo Milana na 39th Ave., ići do banke u Hillsdale. U 2:30 napuštamo Banku i idemo u Wells Fargo Bank gdje moramo dati 10 000 dolara. Odatle se Milan vraća na posao. Navečer ćemo ići na večeru kod Cvitanovića. Rafo je kupio ribu losos, ja imam dvije ribe basiste i imat ćemo ribu na roštilju. Vrlo dobra večer.

Nastavak slijedi šesti (6) dio
Subota 11. srpnja 1981.

                 Annie Boban’s Diary part (5)


                         Sunday, July 5, 1981

We are going to Mass in San Jose and everyone is afraid to approach Milan. It hurts my heart. After everything that Milan did for them, this is how they thank us and take revenge. But let it, this too shall pass. Who needs those anyway? We return home and rest in the afternoon.

Monday, July 6, 1981
Milan will work today at Cvitanović’s on 39th avenue. When he comes back we continue to look for papers for the lawyer we have to see the next evening. As for me, I spend all day translating Croatian newspaper articles into English. The day is calm,

Tuesday, July 7, 1981
Milan is open until 2 a.m. on 39th Ave. We have a meeting with the lawyer at 6 o’clock. At 3:30 we leave for Igor (Buljan, (1935-2009) nephew of the first fighter Vica Buljan. He lived in Zagreb, studied chemistry, he did not get along with his uncle, and this forced Igor to leave Zagreb and Croatia in 1962, he came to Paris, met myself, I employed him at the Librairie Hachette company, we were very good friends, in 1967 he moved to Cleveland, then in August 1970 he came to my place in San Francisco, there we worked together with other Croats in the Croatian state-building field, he spoke perfectly English, he died of leukemia on January 9, 2009. I stated this so that someone would not think that Igor Buljan sympathized with his uncle for having fought for Yugoslavia in Tito’s brigades against Croatia, the then existing State. On the contrary!!! My remark, Mile Boban.) He did not agree with him, who was also supposed to translate the work, and around 5 o’clock we left for Oakland to see a lawyer. We return there at 6 in the evening. Dennis immediately welcomes us to the office and that evening asks Milan about the “OTPOR” organization. Then Dennis realized that it wasn’t really what the FBI was claiming, it tickled and amused him.
Milan explains to him about the meetings, about the members of this organization, and when he asks him about the other defendants, Milan can’t tell him much because he doesn’t know them very well. What kind of “terrorist” organization is it?!…
Around 7:30 in the evening, Judy, Dennis’s worker, arrives and 1/2 hour later we go to a Korean restaurant for dinner. We stay for about 1 hour and during dinner we talk about various aspects of this trial, the process. But let’s talk about what Zvonko Pavelić brought and how much it will help us. Judy leaves us after dinner and we go back to the office and have a quick chat. Dennis tells us his hourly rate is $150 an hour and the total price should be around $150,000, but that could change depending on how long this trial takes. Dennis wants to see our house’s “deed and signature” the next time we come to visit and bring him $10,000 for the down payment, which really means until today.
On the way home Milan and I talked, more me than Milan, how much will this lawsuit cost us? Milan gritted his teeth and simply said “This is all for my dear Croatia”. We got home around midnight and like every night since he got out of prison, we wonder how this will all end. And how many times have I thought: “Why did we wait so long or rather told each other so few times that we love each other”. Why wait until we’re almost lost to reconfirm it now.

Wednesday, July 8, 1981
Milan is working at Al Blumenthal’s today and nothing much has happened at home except my brain is working too hard to think about it. How to get money? How will this all end? I haven’t told my parents anything yet and I don’t know what to tell them. I know what they will think, so why tell them anything. If everything takes a turn for the worst, they will certainly know it soon.
Thursday, July 9, 1981
Milan was also working at Al Blumenthal’s that day, and everything was quiet at home. Dennis is going on vacation the next day, we won’t need to see him for ten days. I called Doreen to find out if we’re going to set the tables the next day for July 11th, South San Francisco Merchants Night. (Explanation: Milan Cvitanović and his wife Doreen were the parents of our first son, Rafael. The Croats had a hall of Croatian Associates, the Croatian Home in South San Francisco. The most deserving of this Croatian Home were Mila Cvitanović and Mile Boban. This Croatian Home had a hall for rent: weddings, birthdays, meetings, various events, etc. etc. Our families were in charge of preparing for each event. So my wife Annie invited Doreen to go prepare the hall for that evening. My note, Mile.)

                                           Friday, July 10, 1981
I was ready to go to South San Francisco to prepare the tables, and in the morning Mr. Cvitanović called me to tell me that Debby – his daughter – had prepared the hall and the tables and that I should not be disappointed if we were not needed that day. O.K. Milan went to work on 39th Ave. and around 1 o’clock Rafo called me to say that he had money for us. Indeed, 5 days earlier he bought a condo in San Carlos and had to borrow $60,000 from the bank. Of those 60,000,15 will go to us. So I’m going to Raf, we’re going to pick up Milan on 39th Ave., and go to the bank in Hillsdale. At 2:30 we leave the Bank and go to Wells Fargo Bank where we have to give $10,000. From there, Milan returns to work. In the evening we will go to dinner at Cvitanović’s. Rafo bought salmon , I have two basses  and we will have fish on the grill. A very good evening.

The continuation follows the sixth (6) part
Saturday, July 11, 1981

