Kratka povijest 3 priloženih slika – Brief story of attached 4 picturs


Kratka priča o priloženim 3 slikeTristan i djed Milan,

                               Tristan 7 i pol godina galopira na konju
                       Tristan 7 and half years old galloping a horse
 Tristan 7 i pol godina trenira es na konju
   Tristan 7 and half years old riding a horse on the training field

Tristan, unuk star  7 i pol godina i Djed = Babu Milan

Tristan, unuk star 7 i pol godina jaši konja

Tristan, star 7 i pol godina u galopu na konja

Tristan, star 7 i pol godina jaši konja na konjskom vježbalištu

U siječnju 2004. moja žena i ja živjeli smo na adresi 10051 West Cave Loop, Dripping Spring, jugozapadno od grada Austina. Pred večer netko pokuca na vrata. Otvorio sam vrata i vidio gospođu koja se predstavlja kao Katy i pitala me: jeste li vi gospodin Boban. Odgovorio sam da, ja sam Mile Boban. Vi gradite kuće, pita me gospođa. Odgovorio sam da. Možete li mi pokazati kuću koju ste izgradili? Pošto sam gradio 5 kuća u istoj ulici, samo sam pokazao rukom na kuće, kad je ona rekla: možemo li otići vidjeti samo jednu. Išli smo vidjeti jednu kuću, a gospođa čim ju je vidjela rekla je da joj se sviđaju radovi na kući i pitala me bih li joj htio sagraditi kuću. Složio sam se. Otišla je uzeti plan iz svog auta i dala mi ga. Dala mi je i adresu. Imala je 13 jutara zemlje na kojoj je bilo razno drveće. Htjela je sagraditi kuću na vrhu brda kako bi imala pogled na cijelo imanje.Dao sam joj cijenu od A do Ž, odnosno: Ključ u ruke. Pristala je na cijenu. Kuću sam počeo graditi krajem siječnja 2004., a gotova je bila par dana prije američkog nacionalnog praznika 4. srpnja. Želio sam američki nacionalni praznik provesti s prijateljima na Croatia Ranchu.

To sam rekao gđi Katy. Samo je rekla: onda sutra, u petak, idemo u banku podići lovu da ti ja platim sveukupno, a ti mi donesi zadnji i konačni račun. To sam i učinio. Otišli smo u banku u petak, 2. srpnja. Gospođa Katy je otišla u banku, ja sam čekao na parkingu. Za nekoliko trenutaka dolazi gospođa Katy i daje mi ček u ukupnom iznosu, a ja njoj potvrdu da sam isplaćen u cijelosti. Onda smo se razišli i nikad se više nismo vidjeli…Stavio sam točkice ispod kojih ću sve objasniti i priložiti 4 slike.

Moj sin Stjepan je 15. lipnja 2023. godine upisao je svog sina Tristana koji nema ni 8 godina kod ove gospođe Katy koja ima obrt za obuku djece za jahanje konja. Kad je gospođa Katy vidjela ime Boban, odmah je pitala mog sina Stjepana zna li tko je Mile Boban. Moj sin Stjepan joj je rekao da sam mu ja otac. Gospođa Katy je bila vrlo ugodno iznenađena i zamolila je mog sina Stjepana da me dovede jer bi me htjela vidjeti. Sin me doveo na to imanje prošli petak, tj. 23. lipnja. Velika masa ljudi, konji koje jašu djeca, vriska, veselje; Pitao sam službenicu za Katy, službenica mi je rukom pokazala gdje sjedi u hladu. Došao sam je iznenaditi. Čim me je ugledala, prepoznala me je i jako se iznenadila, baš kao i ja.

Evo, draga moja djeco, dragi moji prijatelji, uz ove 4 priložene slike, smatrao sam shodnim i potrebnim malo pojasniti povijest kako su ove slike nastale.

Tvoj otac Milan, prijatelj mojih prijatelja Mile Boban.


                            Brief story of the attached 4 pictures
                   Your father Milan, a friend of my friends Mile Boban.
               Vaš otac Milan, prijatelj mojih prijatelja Mile Boban.
               Tristan 7 and half years old and Djed = Babu Milan
                       Tristan 7 and half years old galloping a horse
   Tristan 7 and half years old riding a horse on the training field

In January 2004, my wife and I lived at 10051 West Cave Loop, Dripping Spring, southwest of the city of Austin. Towards evening, someone knocks on the door. I opened the door and saw a lady who introduced herself as Katy and asked me: are you Mr. Boban. I answered yes, I am Mile Boban. You build houses, the lady asks me. I answered yes. Can you show me a house that you built? Since I was building 5 houses in the same street, I just pointed with my hand at the houses, when she said: can we see just one. We went to see a house, and as soon as the lady saw it, she said that she liked the work on the house, and asked me if I would like to build her a house. I agreed. She went to get the plan from her car and gave it to me. She also gave me the address. She had 13 acres of land where there were various trees. She wanted to build a house on top of a hill so that she could have a view of her entire property.

I gave her the price from A to Z, that is: Turnkey. She agreed to the price. I started building the house at the end of January 2004, and it was finished a couple of days before the American national holiday 4th of July. I wanted to spend the American national holiday with my friends at Croatia Ranch. That’s what I told Mrs. Katy. She just said: then tomorrow, Friday, we’ll go to the bank to withdraw the money so that I can pay you in total, and you bring me the last and final bill. That’s what I did. We went to the bank on Friday, July 2. Mrs. Katy went to the bank, I waited in the parking lot. In a few moments Mrs. Katy comes and gives me a check in total and I give her a confirmation that I have been paid in total. Then we parted ways and never saw each other again… I put dots under which I will explain everything and attach 4 pictures.

On June 15, 2023, my son Stjepan enrolled his son Tristan, who is not even 8 years old, with this lady Katy, who has a business for training children to ride horses. When Mrs. Katy saw the name Boban, she immediately asked my son Stjepan if he knew who Mile Boban was. My son Stjepan told her that I was his father. Mrs. Katy was very pleasantly surprised and asked my son Stjepan to bring me, because she would like to see me. My son brought me to that property last Friday, i.e. June 23. A large mass of people, horses ridden by children, screams, joy; I asked an employee about Katy, the employee showed me with her hand where she was sitting in the shade. I came to surprise her. As soon as she saw me, she recognized me and was very surprised, just like me.

Here, my dear children, my dear friends, in addition to these 4 attached pictures, I thought it appropriate and necessary to explain a little about the history of how these pictures came to be.

Your father Milan, a friend of my friends Mile Boban.


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