Above are: Picture of the letter, picture of the envelope and picture of the manuscript signed with “Kvaternik” This was the official name of Nikola Štedula, who was then the Secretary of the HNO under the name Tomislav Kvaternik.
     “A people may want a free government, but if, from insolence, or carelessness, or cowardice, or wnt of public spirit, they are unequal to the exertions necessary for preserving it; if they will not fight when it is attacked;……they are unlikely long enjoy it”.
John Stuart Mill.

Do the American people know what is happening on behalf of them and their Constitution? I believe they have the right to know, because in one single case their Constitution was violated no less than 7 times, (Amendments, 1; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9;) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights violated in at least 18 articles, (Articles, 1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8; 8; 10; 11; 12; 13; 19; 20;)s
My name is Miro Baresc. On the 17th July, 1979, in Asunción en Paraguay, six secret agents from the U.S. Marshall Service and the C.I. A. appeared before me with automatic rifles, after I had been sent by an official of the paraguayan government to Asuncion Airport, allegedly on business. The American agents assaulted me, tied me up and dragged me into an airplane of the American Braniff Line. I eventually landed in New York, together with my friend Ivan Vujičević, whom I had discovered was kidnapped and forced onto the same plane. I have since learned that the paraguayan officials were bribed by the Americans, because on the 10th April, 1979, or thereabouts, the American government had put an official request to the paraguayan government to extradite me from that country, which the paraguayan government had turned down.
When I landed at Kennedy Airport, New York, I was charged with illegal entry into the U.S.A.
Apparently this charge was in connection with the time when I was in the U.S.A in 1977 and 1978. the documents shown here can confirm the fact that the time I had spent in the U.S.A at that time was not only fully legal, but also that the U.S authorities had full knowledge and had, indeed, consented to my bein in U.S.A under the name of Tony Saric, (which I was given by the Paraguayan government for security reason). During my time in the U.S.A. in 1977 and 1978 I was employed as Chief of Security of the Diplomatic Core (službe) for the paraguayan government in the U.S.A. I had also at that time participated in special training assignments at the Pentagon and at Fort Myers Marine Base in Florida.

(…Documents  to  be  inserted…)


     After an extensive court procedure during which all the above information was introduced, I was found not guilty of illegal entry into the U.S.A, because at all times when I was previously in the U.S.A. I had been there legally as an employee of the Paraguayan government.
          After I was found not guilty, I had expected to be returned to paraguay, from where I had been kidnapped, or released to find my own way back, but this was not to happen. I was held in the U.S prison where I was tortured and maltreated with drugs, intermittent starvation, physically abused  and had poison when I was suffering severe headaches and was vomiting badly. A coloured guard advised me not to eat the food. He showed me several instances where poison had been injected into the food he had been given for me. This guard brought me sandwiches from his own home, which I believe saved my life. I was bound by the hands and feet with chains for 108 days of solitary confinement and during that time I was released only five or six times. At those times i was taken to kennedy Airport where  Yugoslav plane stood on the tarmac and I was told that if I did not sign certain papers, I would be put immediately onoto the plane and sent to Belgrade, where I most surely would meet my death at the hands of Yugoslav authorities. (I should explain here that I am a Croatian and I have been involved in several anti-Yugoslav activities on behalf of fostering the idea of the Free, Independent State of Croatia.)

But each time, even though I resisted signing any papers put in front of me, I was returned to prison. In all, I spent almost a year in prison in New York. During this time I filed 150 applications for a doctor’s examination, but my request was refused.
My circumstances were by no means secret as there were many demonstrations held to draw attention to my plight, not only in the U.S.A., but also in Canada, Australia, Sweden and West Germany. At the same time, letters and telegrams were being sent to the President of the U.S.A., (then was 39th president of the USA. James E. Carter., born 1924., mo. Mile Boban.) influential politicians, members of the U.S judiciary and a cross section of the news media.
But it was all to no avail. I was left to my fate at the hands of the American authorities despite the fact that I had been cleared in a U.S. court of law on the only charge the U.S. authorities could file against me. The U.S. authorities had desperately tried to find witnesses in order to charge me with some other crime, but they did not find any. Finally they decided to extradite me to Sweden.
Since that time it has come to my knowledge that the American authorities told the Paraguayan government to declare that they did not want me back as they knew the Parahuayans would not imprison me, and for some reason the U.S. authorities wanted me kept imprisoned. I was later told in a telephone conversation with a Paraguayan official, General Fretes Davalos, – “Miro, on behalf of my people, I would like to express our humble apologies for what is happening to you. We understand and sympathize with you and your nation’s problems, but we are also a small country. Not only would the U.S.A. refuse us 43,000,000 dollars they have promised us to build a hydro-electric station in return for our cooperation in this affair, but they would cancel any other credits, and what is even more serious, there are liable to be more coercive measures taken against us, such as a C.I.A. instigated a coup against our government.”

     I was not permitted to be present at the initial court case that decided I was to be extradited. The first I learned of this decision was when I was smuggled secretly into an isolation cell in the prison and allowed no contact with my lawyer or any other person, apart from my guards.
      I began a hunger strike in protest. Two days later I was doped completely with drugs and sent to Sweden, even though, according to the American Constitution, I was entitled to other appeals.

I have since learned the Swedish government did not ask for my extradition, although, in 1971, when i was serving a prison sentence in Sweden for my involvement in the attack on the Yugoslav Embassy in Sweden, I had been sent out of sweden at the insistence of the swedish government in return for hostages of a hi-jacked S.A.S. plane.
(I am attaching here the Croatian Resistance Badge made by the hijackers of that Swedish plane to release Mira Barešić and others from prison. Mo. Mile Boban.)


image.png     However, it has since emerged that the Swedish authorities were coerced into accepting me from New York, or to be held responsible for me being sent to Yugoslavia – that was the choice the American authorities gave to the Swedish government.
From the time of my kidnapping from Paraguay until I was sent to Sweden, the U.S. authorities paid out 6,00,000 dollars – most of which was spent to bribe the Paraguayan officials who had agreed to participate in the kidnapping Three high officials in the government in Paraguay have been dismissed for their part in the affair.

During my detention in the U.S.A. i was continuously pressured to agree to be an F.B.I witness for some charges that were trying to pin on 60 American-Croatians. For my assistance in the matter, I was offered a complete change of identity as an American citizen, a home in California, and a well-paid job in the police service.
This was also one of the conditions put to me in front of Yugoslav plane at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the morning.
To-day some of those 60 American-Croatians I was expected to perjure myself for, to gain my freedom, and indeed, my life, are facing “racketeering” charges in the U.S.A., or have already been sentenced to prison on this charge. One can only assume the U.S. authorities were eventually able to buy “suitable” witnesses to enable them to fulfill their commitment to the dictatorial regime of Yugoslavia by persecuting Croatians for their political beliefs.
The amount of 6,000,000 dollars which was spent on my case, (mainly to bribe Paraguayan officials), is only a drop in the ocean in proportion to what the American taxpayer has to pay to keep the status-quo on the Balkan, The American tax is paying two and half billion dollars to Yugoslavia this year alone, to pay for Yugoslav requirements to settle only the interest charges on previous borrowing of some 20 billion dollars.
In 1964, John A. Stormer, a leading American Republican wrote:
“Since 1956, American aid has provided about half of Communist Yugoslav’s national income.” The American people should question how much is being spent on their behalf to keep Yugoslavia together to-day – and not only in the material cost! Apart from the vast amounts of dollars, the U.S. authorities use kidnappig, torture, bribery, psychological terror, drugs, poison, and other means of co-ercion with complete disrespect for legalities, the Constitution, or basic human rights.
They, on behalf of the American people, totally disregarded the great principles upon which America was conceived.
The U.S administration(s constant cries of threats to freedom from the East are becoming more absurd with each day’s passing.
Thomas Jefferson, so long ago was contemplating possible future danger to the American way of life. “Yes, we did produce a near perfect republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom. Material abundance without character is the way to destruction.“…….

(here is Miro’s signature)

                                                                                                  Miro Baresic.
Correction Center,

15th October, 1981.


                                  Prijevod na hrvatski
Slika pisma, slika omotnice i slika rukopisa potpisanog s “Kvaternik”
To je bilo službeno ime Nikole Štedula, koji tada bio Tajnik HNO imenom
Tomislav Kvaternik.
“Narod može željeti slobodnu vladu – državu, ali ako, zbog drskosti, ili nemara, ili kukavičluka, ili nevoljnog javnog duha, nije dorastao naporima potrebnim za njeno očuvanje; ako se neće boriti kad je napadnuta;… …malo je vjerojatno da će dugo uživati u tome”.
John Stuart Mill.

Zna li američki narod što se događa u ime njih i njihova ustava? Vjerujem da imaju pravo znati jer im je u jednom jedinom slučaju čak 7 puta prekršen Ustav (amandmani 1; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9;) i Opća deklaracija o ljudskim pravima u najmanje 18 članaka, (članci, 1; 2; 3; 5; 7; 8; 8; 10; 11; 12; 13; 19; 20;)

Moje ime je Miro Barešić. Dana 17. srpnja 1979., u Asuncionu u Paragvaju, šest tajnih agenata iz US Marshall Service i C.I. A. se pojavio preda mnom s automatskim puškama, nakon što me službenik paragvajske vlade poslao u zračnu luku Asuncion, navodno poslom. Američki agenti su me napali, vezali i odvukli u avion američke Braniff Line. Na kraju sam sletio u New York, zajedno sa svojim prijateljem Ivanom Vujičevićem, za kojeg sam otkrio da je otet i natjeran u isti avion. Od tada sam saznao da su paragvajske dužnosnike podmitili Amerikanci, jer je 10. travnja 1979., ili negdje oko toga, američka vlada uputila službeni zahtjev paragvajskoj vladi da me izruči iz te zemlje, što je paragvajska vlada odbila dolje.
Kad sam sletio u zračnu luku Kennedy u New Yorku, optužen sam za ilegalni ulazak u SAD.

      Očigledno je ova optužba bila u vezi s vremenom kad sam bio u SAD-u 1977. i 1978. Ovdje prikazani dokumenti mogu potvrditi činjenicu da je vrijeme koje sam u to vrijeme proveo u SAD-bilo ne samo potpuno legalno, već da su i Vlasti SAD-a imale  potpuno saznanje i doista su pristale na moj boravak u SAD-u pod imenom Tony Saric (koje mi je dala paragvajska vlada iz sigurnosnih razloga). Tijekom mog boravka u SAD-u 1977. i 1978. bio sam zaposlen kao šef sigurnosti diplomatske službe za paragvajsku vladu u SAD-u. U to sam vrijeme također sudjelovao u posebnim zadacima obuke u Pentagonu i u Marini Fort Myers Baza na Floridi.
(…Dokumenti koje treba umetnuti…)

      Nakon opsežnog sudskog postupka tijekom kojeg su uvedene sve gore navedene informacije, proglašen sam nevinim za ilegalni ulazak u SAD, jer sam sve vrijeme dok sam prethodno boravio u SAD-u tamo bio legalno kao zaposlenik paragvajske vlade.
     Nakon što sam proglašen nevinim, očekivao sam da ću biti vraćen u Paragvaj, odakle sam bio otet, ili pušten da sam nađem put natrag, ali to se nije dogodilo. Držali su me u američkom zatvoru gdje su me mučili i maltretirali drogama, povremenim izgladnjivanjem, fizički zlostavljali i stavljali otrov u hranu dok sam patio od jakih glavobolja i jako sam povraćao. Crnac stražar mi je savjetovao da ne jedem hranu. Pokazao mi je nekoliko slučajeva u kojima je u hranu koju je dao za mene ubrizgan otrov. Taj čuvar mi je iz vlastite kuće donosio sendviče, što mi je, vjerujem, spasilo život. Bio sam vezan lancima za ruke i noge 108 dana samice i za to vrijeme pušten sam samo pet-šest puta. Tada su me odvezli u zračnu luku Kennedy gdje je jugoslavenski avion stajao na pisti i rečeno mi je da ću, ako ne potpišem određene papire, odmah biti stavljen u avion i poslan u Beograd, gdje ću najvjerovatnije dočekati smrt u rukama jugoslavenskih vlasti. (Ovdje bih trebao objasniti da sam Hrvat i da sam bio uključen u nekoliko antijugoslavenskih aktivnosti u ime širenja ideja o Slobodnoj i Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj.)

Ali svaki put, iako sam se opirao potpisivanju bilo kakvih papira koji su mi stavljeni pred mene, vraćali su me u zatvor. Sveukupno sam proveo gotovo godinu dana u zatvoru u New Yorku. Za to vrijeme podnio sam 150 zahtjeva za moj doktorski pregled, zahtjev mi je uvijek odbijen.
Moje okolnosti nipošto nisu bile tajne jer je bilo mnogo demonstracija održanih kako bi se skrenula pozornost na moju nevolju, ne samo u SAD-u, već i u Kanadi, Australiji, Švedskoj i Zapadnoj Njemačkoj. U isto vrijeme, pisma i telegrami upućivani su predsjedniku SAD-a, (tada je bio 39-ti predsjednik SAD-a. James E. Carter., rođen 1924., mo. Mile Boban.) utjecajnim političarima, članovima američkog pravosuđa. i presjek medija vijesti.
Ali sve je bilo uzalud. Bio sam prepušten mojoj sudbini u rukama američkih vlasti unatoč činjenici da sam na američkom sudu bio oslobođen te jedine optužbe koju su američke vlasti mogle podići protiv mene. Vlasti SAD-a očajnički su pokušavale pronaći svjedoke kako bi me optužili za neki drugi zločin, ali ih nisu pronašle. Na kraju su me odlučili izručiti Švedskoj.
Tada sam saznao da su američke vlasti rekle paragvajskoj vladi da izjavi da me ne žele natrag jer su znali da me Paraguajci neće zatvoriti, a iz nekog su razloga vlasti Sjedinjenih Država željele da me zadrže u zatvoru. Kasnije mi je rečeno u telefonskom razgovoru s paragvajskim službenikom, generalom Fretesom Davalosom, – “Miro, u ime moog naroda, želio bih izraziti naše skromne isprike za ono što ti se događa. Razumijemo i suosjećamo s tobom i problemom tvojeg naroda, ali mi smo jedna mala zemlja. Ne samo da bi nam SAD odbile 43 milijuna dolara koje su nam obećale izgraditi hidroelektranu u zamjenu za našu suradnju u ovoj aferi, nego bi poništili sve druge kredite, a što je još ozbiljnije, moguće je da će protiv nas biti poduzete dodatne mjere prisile, kao što je državni udar protiv naše vlade kojeg je poduzela C.I.A.
Nije mi bilo dopušteno prisustvovati u početku sudskog procesa koji je odlučio da ću biti izručen. Za tu sam odluku prvi put saznao kad su me tajno prebacili u zatvorsku samicu i nije mi bio dopušten kontakt s mojim odvjetnikom ili bilo kojom drugom osobom, osim mojih čuvara.

     U znak mojeg prosvjeda počeo sam štrajk glađu. Dva dana kasnije potpuno sam drogiran i izručen u Švedsku, iako sam, prema američkom Ustavu, imao pravo na druge žalbe.

Od tada sam saznao da švedska vlada nije uopće tražila moje izručenje, iako sam 1971. godine, kada sam služio zatvorsku kaznu u Švedskoj zbog umiješanosti u napad na jugoslavensko veleposlanstvo u Švedskoj, bio poslan izvan Švedske na inzistiranje švedske vlade u zamjenu za taoce otetog S.A.S. avion. (Prilažem ovdje značku Otpora koju su izradili otmičari tog švedskog zrakoplova za pustiti na slobodu Miru barešića i druge iz zatvora. Mo. Mile Boban.) 




Međutim, od tada se pokazalo da su švedske vlasti bile prisiljene da me prihvate iz New Yorka, ili da budu odgovorne za moje slanje u Jugoslaviju – to je bio izbor kojeg su američke vlasti dale švedskoj vladi.

Od vremena moje otmice iz Paragvaja do mog slanja u Švedsku, američke su vlasti isplatile 6.00.000 dolara – od kojih su većinu potrošili na podmićivanje paragvajskih dužnosnika koji su pristali sudjelovati u otmici. Tri visoka dužnosnika u vladi u Paragvaj su otpuštena zbog svoje uloge u aferi.

Tijekom mog pritvora u SAD-u stalno sam bio pod pritiskom da pristanem biti svjedok F.B.I-a za neke optužbe koje su oni pokušavali staviti na 60 američkih Hrvata. Za moju pomoć u tom pitanju, ponuđena mi je potpuna promjena identiteta kao američkog građanina, kuću u Kaliforniji i dobro plaćeni posao u policijskoj službi.
To je bio i jedan od uvjeta koji mi je postavljen ispred jugoslavenskog aviona u zračnoj luci Kennedy u tri sata ujutro.
Danas se neki od tih 60 Amerikanaca-Hrvata za koje se očekivalo da ću krivo svjedočiti, kako bih došao do svoje slobode, i možda i život spasiti, ti Hrvati su suočeni s optužbama za “iznuđivanje/ucjenjivanje” u SAD-u ili su već osuđeni na zatvorske kazne po toj optužbi. (Dok ovo danas prepisivam, ponedjeljak 1 2023. i pošto sam ja bio jedan od tih uhapšenika i pošto je meni Nikola Štedul poslao ovo pismo na adresu “Fond za Obranu Hrvatske” koncem listopada 1981., ja sam ovo pismo dao mojem odvjetniku Dennis Roberts koji je na sudu u Njujorku, četvrtak 29 travnja 1982. u mom direktnom ispitivanje zahtjevao da se ovo pismo pročita, i po mogućnosti da se iz tog suda direktno zovne Miro Barešić i da ga se direktno pita i sasluša. Javni tužitelj Stuart Baskin je žestoko prosvjedovao, a sutkinja Constance Motley Baker odobrila, tako da se ovo pismo, ili dio pisma nije moglo pred porotom pročitati, niti telefonski nazvati Miru Barešića., mo. Mile Boban.) Može se samo pretpostaviti da su američke vlasti na kraju uspjele kupiti “prikladne” svjedoke kako bi im omogućili da ispune svoje obveze prema diktorskom režimu Jugoslavije progonom Hrvata zbog njihovih političkih uvjerenja.
Iznos od 6.000.000 dolara koji je potrošen na moj slučaj, (uglavnom za podmićivanje paragvajskih dužnosnika), samo je kap u moru u odnosu na ono što američki porezni obveznici moraju platiti da zadrže status-quo na Balkanu, Amerikanski poreznici su platili dvije i pol milijarde dolara Jugoslaviji samo ove godine, kako bi platili jugoslavenske zahtjeve da podmiri samo kamate na prethodni dug od nekih 20 milijardi dolara.
Godine 1964. John A. Stormer, vodeći američki republikanski glasnik:
“Od 1956. američka je pomoć osiguravala oko polovicu nacionalnog dohotka komunističke Jugoslavije.”

      Američki narod bi se trebao zapitati koliko se u njihovu korist danas troši da bi se Jugoslavija održala na okupu – i to ne samo u materijalnoj cijeni! Osim golemih količina dolara, vlasti SAD-a koriste se otmicama, mučenjem, podmićivanjem, psihološkim terorom, drogama, otrovom i drugim sredstvima prisile uz potpuno nepoštivanje zakonitosti, Ustava ili osnovnih ljudskih prava.
Oni su, u ime američkog naroda, potpuno zanemarili velika načela na kojima je Amerika začeta.
Stalni povici američke administracije o prijetnjama slobodi s Istoka svakim danom postaju sve apsurdniji.
Thomas Jefferson, tako je to davno bilo kada je on razmišljao o mogućoj budućoj opasnosti za američki način života. “Da, stvorili smo gotovo savršenu republiku. Ali hoće li e zadržati ili će, uživajući u izobilju, izgubiti sjećanje na slobodu. Materijalno obilje bez karaktera lako je uništenju…” .

(Ovdje je potpis Mire Barešića)

                                                                                               Miro Barešić.
Popravni centar,

15. listopada 1981.





Miro Barešić (Šibenik, 10. rujna 1950. – 31. srpnja 1991.)

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