Today are name day, feast of three Archangels:

Holly Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

image.pngToday, three Archangels are named:
On September 29, the church celebrated the feast of the three archangels mentioned by name in the Bible: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. MichaelGabriel, and Raphael are three biblical angelic names. The original meanings of the name are, as is often the case in ancient Eastern cultures, sentences, a kind of definition of the bearer of the name: Mi-ha-el means Who is like God ?, Ga-bri-el – God is strong, and Ra-fa-el – God heals, cure.
According to Catholic teaching, angels are personal, God-created beings who “always look on the face of the heavenly Father” (Mt 18:10), and are direct witnesses to his great deeds and proclaim his glory (Greek angelos, (angel) means messenger).
Unlike humans, angels are not attached to the body. They are pure souls, spirits and possess greater power over matter than man, and a greater capacity for cognition. The science of angels (angelology) classifies angels into nine weeds. The eighth weed are archangels and among them are Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
The oldest worship of Archangel Michael was recorded as early as the 4th century. According to the Bible, at the beginning of God’s creation, Michael was the leader and victor in the fight against the rebellious angels led by Lucifer (Satan). According to liturgical texts, Michael is the guide of souls to paradise. The old writers called him the ” weighing of souls” at the Last Judgment, and iconographers painted him with a scale in his hand.
He (Michael) is also depicted as the “commander of the heavenly army” with a flaming sword or spear, and in the Middle Ages in the military equipment of the time: armor, helmet, shield, and spear. Usually in the heat of battle, surrounded by other angels, he defeats Satan (who is often depicted as a dragon or similar frightening figure) and throws him into hell.
In general, Michael is revered as a defender and protector of the faith and the Church. As his patron, he is especially honored, in connection with his role, by soldiers and policemen, then by pharmacists, scales and merchants, bakers dying.
Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle against the wickedness and ambushes of the devil. May God command him, we humbly pray: You, duke of the army of heaven, Satan and other evil spirits, who travel the world to the ruin of souls, with divine virtue and put them in  to hell. Amen.
Archangel Gabriel appears in the Bible as a messenger of God’s decisions. In the Old Testament, he explains to the prophet Daniel the vision of the ram and the goat (Dan. 8: 16-26) and the meaning of the seventy years (Dan. 9: 21-17). In the New Testament, the priest Zechariah announces the birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1: 11-20), appears to Mary and announces the birth of Jesus (Luke 1: 26-38).
Until the reform of the Catholic calendar (1969), Gabriel’s calendar memorial was on March 24, the day before the Feast of the Annunciation. He is now with Michael and Rafael, Sept. 29. In iconography, he is most often depicted as a herald with a lily in his hand. In 1951, he was proclaimed the patron saint of telecommunications and intelligence in the Church. He is the patron of messengers, postmen and philatelists.
O God, who among all angels hast chosen the archangel Gabriel to proclaim the mystery of your incarnation, grant us, we beseech thee, that by glorifying him on earth we may hope for his protection in heaven, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Raphael is mentioned in the Bible only in the Book of Tobias, as a companion on the journey, protector, and advocate of young Tobias. By God’s command, he overcomes the evil demon Asmodeus and heals Tobias’ father. Rafael is the patron saint of pharmacists, emigrants, pilgrims, travelers, shipowners, miners, roofers.
O God, who you gave to your servant Tobias as an escort on the way of St. Archangel Raphael, grant us, we humbly beseech you, your servants, that we may always be protected by this prince of the Heavenly Court and strengthened by His help, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Angels, spiritual beings, cannot be painted. The fine arts are imaginative, so they are usually depicted as beautiful creatures, resembling young men or children, with wings. The wings are a symbol of their undisturbed mobility and detachment from time and space. In the earliest depictions, from early Christian times, angels have no wings. Painters did not start adding this label to them until the 4th century.


Danas je imenjdan trojice Arkanđela:

Sveti arkanđeli Mihael, Gabriel i Rafael


Crkva 29. rujna slavi blagdan trojice arkanđela koji se imenom spominju u Bibliji: Mihael, Gabriel i RafaelMihael, Gabriel i Rafael tri su biblijska anđeoska imena. Izvorna značenja imena su, kako je to često u drevnim istočnim kulturama, rečenice, svojevrsne definicije nositelja imena: Mi-ha-el znači Tko je kao Bog?, Ga-bri-el – Bog je jak, a Ra-fa-el – Bog iscjeljuje, liječi.

Anđeli su po katoličkom učenju osobna, od Boga stvorena bića, koja “uvijek gledaju lice Oca nebeskoga” (Mt 18,10), te su neposredni svjedoci njegovih velikih djela i razglašuju njegovu slavu (grčki angelos znači glasnik).

Za razliku od ljudi, anđeli nisu vezani na tijelo. Oni su čisti dusi, a posjeduju veću moć nad materijom od čovjeka i veću sposobnost spoznaje. Nauka o anđelima (angelologija) razvrstava anđele u devet korova. Osmi su kor arkanđeli i među njih spadaju Mihael, Gabriel i Rafael.

Najstarije štovanje arkanđela Mihaela zabilježeno je već u 4. stoljeću. Mihael je, po Bibliji, na početku Božjeg stvaranja, vođa i pobjednik u borbi protiv pobunjenih anđela koje je predvodio Lucifer (Sotona). Prema liturgijskim tekstovima, Mihael je voditelj duša u raj. Stari su ga pisci nazivali “vagatelj duša” na posljednjem sudu, a ikonografi ga slikali s vagom u ruci.

Slikaju ga i kao “vojskovođu nebeske vojske” s plamenim mačem ili kopljem, a u srednjem vijeku u tadašnjoj vojničkoj opremi: oklopu, kacigi, sa štitom i kopljem. Obično u žaru borbe, okružena drugim anđelima, kako pobjeđuje Sotonu (koji je često prikazan likom zmaja ili slične zastrašujuće spodobe) i strovaljuje ga u pakao.

Općenito, Mihael se štuje kao branitelj i zaštitnik vjere i Crkve. Kao svojeg patrona posebno ga časte, u vezi s njegovom ulogom, vojnici i policajci, pa ljekarnici, vagari i trgovci, pekari; umirući.

Sveti Mihaele Arhanđele, brani nas u boju; protiv pakosti i zasjedama đavolskih budi nam zaklon. Neka mu zapovjedi Bog, ponizno molimo: Ti, vojvodo vojske nebeske, Sotonu i druge duhove zlobne, koji svijetom obilaze na propast duša, božanskom krepošću i jakošću u pakao strovali. Amen.

Arkanđeo Gabriel u Bibliji nastupa kao glasnik Božjih odluka. On u Starom zavjetu tumači proroku Danijelu viđenje ovna i jarca (Dan 8, 16-26) i značenje sedamdeset godina (Dan 9, 21-17). U Novom zavjetu svećeniku Zahariji naviješta rođenje Ivana Krstitelja (Lk 1,11-20), ukazuje se Mariji i naviješta rođenje Isusovo (Lk 1,26-38).

Do reforme katoličkog kalendara (1969.) kalendarski spomendan Gabriela bio je 24. ožujka, dan uoči blagdana Blagovijesti. Sada je zajedno s Mihaelom i Rafaelom, 29. rujna. U ikonografiji se najčešće prikazuje kao navjestitelj s ljiljanom u ruci. U Crkvi je godine 1951. proglašen zaštitnikom telekomunikacija i obavijesnih sredstava. Patron je glasnika, poštara i filatelista.

O Bože, koji si između svih anđela, odabrao arkanđela Gabrijela, da navijesti tajnu tvoga utjelovljenja, daj nama, molimo te, da se, slaveći ga na zemlji, možemo nadati njegovoj zaštiti na nebu, po Kristu Gospodinu našemu. Amen.

Rafael se u Bibliji spominje samo u Knjizi o Tobiji, kao pratilac na putu, zaštitnik i zagovornik mladog Tobije. Po Božjoj zapovijedi svladava pakosnog zloduha Asmodeja i iscjeljuje Tobijina oca. Rafael je patron ljekarnika, iseljenika, hodočasnika, putnika, brodara, rudara, krovopokrivača.

O Bože, koji si svom slugi Tobiji dao kao pratnju na putu sv. arkanđela Rafaela, daj nama, ponizno te molimo mi, tvoje sluge, da uvijek budemo zaštićeni pomoću ovog kneza Nebeskog Dvora i ojačani Njegovom pomoći, po Kristu Gospodinu našemu. Amen.

Anđele, duhovna bića, nije moguće naslikati. Likovna se umjetnost domišlja pa ih uobičajeno prikazuje kao lijepa bića, nalik na mladiće ili djecu, s krilima. Krila su simbol njihove nesmetane pokretljivosti i nenavezanosti na vrijeme i prostor. U najranijim prikazima, iz prvih kršćanskih vremena, anđeli nemaju krila. Tu oznaku su im slikari počeli dodavati tek od 4. stoljeća.