I am talking about the Croatian State – Ja govorim o Hrvatskoj Državi, piše Mile Boban, Hrvatski Tjednik June, lipanj 7 1988


I am talking about the Croatian State, writes Mile Boban, Hrvatski Tjednik, June 7, 1988.

(This letter appeared in Croatian Weekly No. 531, June 7, 1988, page 11/12)

Letter to Miroslav Šimić in MOSTAR

Mile Boban, Texas, May 23, 1988.

Dear neighbor,

I received your letter that you sent me about my brother Rafa last summer, as well as materials about the trial of Dr. Andrija Artuković and newspaper clippings regarding the spread of ideas about a third Yugoslavia. It means that there are those among you who are against both the first monarchist and the second communist Yugoslavia, that is, against you, and that they are – supposedly – for a better and more democratic Yugoslavia. In other words, it is not only Croatian emigration that is against Yugoslavia, but many others that you meet daily are also against it. Therein lies the core of the problem, which will not be solved by international political and diplomatic circles, nor by the billions and billions of debts owed to foreign countries by Yugoslavia.

You certainly would not have sent me that material if you were not tormented by the same miseries that tormented all those Croats in the past who wanted to keep the name of our nation from dying out, as our national fiddler Željko Šimić said about your Koljinović Andrijica Šimić:

“So that the name of that hero does not die,
because everyone in our house knows him”.

I divided your letter into 25 parts so that I could respond to it as expediently as possible.

1. You read your letter: “I have no intention of engaging in dialogue with members of terrorist organizations (HNO, HDP, etc.)…” The organizations you belong to and the job you occupy dictate that you write like this, but not think like that. I say this because our problem lies within us and we must and should solve it ourselves. For this purpose, you sent me a bracelet of newspaper clippings and feuilletons of the Udba writer Đorđe Ličina about the trial of dr. A. Artuković, so that I could better prepare for the joint dialogue. And as for the terrorist label for Croatian National Resistance HNO ., and HDP (Croatian Nationalist Movement) and other Croatian organizations, I am not so naive as to demand from you that from the position you occupy in Udba, you praise and celebrate those who are for the Croatian State , which is the negation of every Yugoslav state-building concept. That’s why I understand you and agree with you in this matter.

2. In my letter, I addressed you as “You” and inadvertently created a distance between the two of us. You brought me closer to you by addressing me as “You” and thereby greatly reduced the political, ideological, social and Croatian differences and distances, which – if there were and if they existed – are not your product or mine, but the product of those who oppress the libertarians aspirations of other nations, and Yugoslavia is among them in the first place. I honestly admit that I agree with you here as well.

3. You are surprised that I, as a mature man, have not yet realized that I am living in delusion, you write to me in your letter. Hitler, who as an Austrian worked and died for Germany, and Tito, who as a Croat worked and died for Yugoslavia, lived in delusion. Therefore, it is not surprising that there was a great similarity between them. The first one had its own youth, which had its own “relay”, i.e. Hitler’s relay. With his policy, Hitler managed to devastate Germany with Western bombs and create two, one East and one West Germany, from one. Tito also had his youth and hers, i.e. Tito’s “relay”, modeled after Adolf Hitler. With his anti-Croatian policy, Tito managed to destroy the existing Croatian State and turn it into nothing. Tito will destroy his, everyone’s and the last Yugoslavia with Western loans and interest. There is no doubt about that, as fiddler Željko Šimić says in the song: Stabilization and dinar. If you thought that I was living in a delusion because I live in America, which I “expect” to help Croats in our legitimate demands, then I agree with you. Only the truth will help us, and the people should be told the truth and then you will help the people. That is why I am fighting for Your people and my people to learn the truth, which I am neither ashamed of nor afraid of. In the truth there is salvation!

4. You supported your letter with “…as our elders say…” You must have meant their just and wise advice. Our elders also say about those who are always bragging: Strength breaks and rust destroys, which can literally be applied to the Yugoslav force, which breaks from great power and rust from internal crisis. You like to use old sayings like I do. So we agree on that too.

5. I like your word “pržun” thinking of me and all those Croats who testified for Croatia for their national and political ideals in prison. It will not be out of place to mention that all the people with great and progressive ideas and broad views were in the “pržun” , from which they spread their: religious, political, ideological, philosophical and national ideas: Saint John the Baptist, St. Paul, St. Nikola Tavelić, the future Croatian saint Alojzija Stepinac, Your koljenović Andrijica Šimić, with whom our

people and our entire region, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Pavelić, Tito, Andrija Artuković, Hebrang, Bruno and Zvonko Bušić and many others. You have no idea how much you have honored me by including me among those who became “BIG” through prison, and you follow one of the above, which in a figurative sense would mean that at a given moment you would also follow me. And following my idea means: having your own pride, your own identity, your own national state, your own economy, your own freedom, your own peace and well-being, your own upbringing, your own future, your own justice and equality, your own pleasure in your earnings, your own prosperity and your own the standard of living on a high scale, its truth and its virtues. Thank you and as you can see we agree here as well.

6. As for the people of the SFRY, that they will defend their freedom, these peoples proved that in April 1941, when they all started fighting for their own and in a few days they dismembered Yugoslavia into national natural particles. Those nations will prove it again at the first opportunity. Believing in the disintegration of Yugoslavia is not a struggle against the SFRY of the people, but to perceive the reality that these peoples of the SFRY have shaped over the centuries, each one individually. And at the expense of the international diplomatic and political game, it has been proven in the last 70 years that the peoples of SFRY do not want to give up their own shaping. And I appreciate that! If the peoples of the SFRY value it as well, as you say, then I have to admit that we agree here again.

7. I don’t need to be convinced because I am convinced “…that my friends from Hrbov (Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood) and from Luburić…” Members of the Croatian National Resistance founded by Ivan Planina in 1944. Croatian general Maks Luburić.) inserted in 1972. to Croatia with the intention not to start an uprising, but to raise the morale of the Croatian people, which had faded after the arrest, imprisonment and persecution of the Croatian communist leadership in December 1971, better known by the name “Karađorđevo”. They proved with their young lives that they succeeded in this, and with their courage they became RAMBO in the eyes of young Croatians. You agree that a film is made about them, and films are only made about heroes, not cowards. That’s why I also look at how I would be portrayed nationally if someone wanted to make a film about Croatian nationalists in Croatian political emigration in fifty or a hundred years. For sure, no one could classify me as cowards, freaks and informers. We both agree that a film should be made about them.

8. “…You know, Milan, how they fared…” referring to the people of Bugoj. They went through as they had agreed: Died for Croatia! and not for this or that regime, this or that man, this or that ideology. The purpose of human life is determined: to live selfishly for oneself like a hermit in the desert and die for one’s own purpose like highway robbers who die in robbery to get rich, or to live for the people, for the community, for which it is worth fighting and even one’s life give. The people of Bugojno chose the more famous, the more honorable, and proved that their ideal is not life but Motherland Croatia! GLORY TO THEM! Without them, it will not be possible to write future Croatian history, nor will it be possible to keep silent about their names and their work. You and I agree on that.

9. I am glad that you think as I do when you say “…that there are a large number of virtuous Croats living all over the world…” I wrote in “Letter to my Neighbors” that we Croats are scattered around the world like Jews. And as a virtuous people, no force will be able to destroy us, regardless of someone’s wishes. The Jews waited and welcomed. Croats will wait and they will welcome. You love the honesty of Croats as much as I do, that is, we agree on this point as well.

10. Those who “are not filled with crazy ideas like you and come to their native land without any problems…” do not make history, because they are not asked to do so. They are a part of our Croatian nation that they did not run away from, like me and many others. We escaped from Yugoslavia for the sake of Yugoslavia, not from Croatia for the sake of Croatia. They are the link between the homeland and the Croatian political state-building emigration, and we are the Ambassadors of Croatia in the foreign world. We respect each other, help and need each other. Every year and from year to year there are more and more of them who visit their native land, as you say “your native land”, which truly means: if I had to leave my homeland because of Yugoslav pressure, misery and poverty, I will not leave it because of a comfortable life and forget the unlimited freedoms in the west. That’s why I understand you completely and I take seriously your concern for those honest Croats who do not intend to return to their native land. That’s why we both have to work on it so that we regain the trust of those Croats who don’t want to return because of fear and life insecurity. So, you are for the return of our Croatian people, as am I. And here we agree.

11. I’m glad you encourage me to ask my brother Rafa about “… enjoying freedom…”, which I did. Everyone experiences freedom in their own personal way, including my brother Rafo. A prisoner in prison is so free that he has to get up at a certain time, sit down in a designated place, eat what he is given, do what he is commanded, go to bed when he is commanded, etc. He, the prisoner, considers this his freedom within closed walls. Dear neighbor, I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t briefly tell you what my brother Rafo told me.

At my request, he went to Mostar, handed you my letter and some other things, greeted you as well as your colleagues in the office. The meeting was friendly and full of enthusiasm until you started making noise and shouting. My brother Rafo (1944-2004), as a smart man full of Western education, did not want to oppose you or fight back with noise. He calmly and calmly answered the questions. He did not lie or lay the blame on others, as many do, who forcibly visit you, in order to justify themselves and protect themselves from Croatia. The only thing I reproached and objected to my brother was that he too should have shouted and shouted and cursed, and when he left their office, he should have gone to the first and nearest church and made a nice confession there. Your colleagues warned you to calm down, to which you defiantly went out and my brother Rafo never met or saw you again. Maybe it was a police tactic, I’m just saying maybe, or your freedom over a neighbor and former schoolmate, in order to ingratiate yourself with your bosses. Your colleagues in the office apologized to my brother because of you and said that they send the educated and smart ones to the field, and the war-weary ones, from the war, rude and stupid, to send them to the fights to compromise them as much as possible.

The second and other meetings were very questioning but also friendly, all in the style of “kindness”. He was questioned mostly because of the date on the letter, which is June 21, and my brother came there on June 11. My brother Rafo couldn’t answer that because he didn’t know. I deliberately put the date on June 21 in order to give importance to point 11 of my program that I sent in “LETTER TO MY NEIGHBORS”, which really meant the FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BUGOJAN ACTION.

Police methods, intimidation and those magic words: we know everything, they are not unknown to me. All the police in the world use psychological methods, which is equated with terrorism. It would be foolish to believe that the Yugoslav police do not use international police psychological methods of intimidation. That’s why I fully understood Your and Your colleagues’ actions towards my brother Rafa. And even more so when one of Your colleagues escorted him to the door on his way out and said to him: “Greet Your brother and tell him that we agree with what he writes, but Sarajevo does not agree, and you know that we are subject to Sarajevo and he to those in Belgrade”. Soon, when the Croats will have their own state, you and your colleagues will continue to remain in government positions for the preservation of the state, in this case the Croatian State, because you know from experience how it is done and how to screw people up. So we agree on this point as well.

12. As for the contempt you speak of, that is a matter of personal taste. American politics from Washington despise the American Indian from the state of South Dakota, Mr. Leonard Peltier, who has been in prison since 1975. for his Indian feelings. The Washington government declared him a terrorist, and Russian radio from Moscow called him a freedom fighter and granted him political asylum on August 19 last year, if the Washington government wants to release him. In the same way, Yugoslavia treats its political opponents in the same way, calling them all sorts of names, etc. If you were thinking of the contempt that Yugoslavia attaches to every honest Croat, especially a patriot like me and many others, then I agree with you. .

13. The natural rule is that no one fights for the grave, which you mention in your letter to me “… and that your closest ones won’t even know about your grave…” But that’s why everyone fights for life and many succeed and many fail again. We have more or less succeeded in emigrating, and with God’s help we will succeed in getting our graves known. In point two of this letter, I mentioned how we got closer to each other, so I’m not surprised that you care whether my grave will be known or not. But be assured that there will not be an inscription on my grave: Was and is not, but our Croatian national coat of arms, which will clearly testify to my Croatian origin. In that context, you wanted to say that, and that’s why I agree with you.

(I found it appropriate to include this picture with this description from a cemetery in the capital of Texas, Austin, where my son-in-law, Bruce Tschosik, husband of my daughter Sophie Boban, married Tschosik, is buried. Mile Boban, Austin, Texas April 20, 2023)


14. You write to me “…It’s really sad, but you didn’t even deserve anything else…” thinking about my grave, whose whereabouts will never be known. Every man will earn as much as he invests. The American Nobel laureate for PEACE, the late Martin Luther King Jr. (1961), said among other things: “A man who won’t die for something, is not fit to live”. Translated into Croatian: A man who does not want to die for something is not worthy of life. In almost other words, they would tell us that a soldier who has no ambition to be a general one day will never be a good soldier. It’s the same with me. My mother gave birth to me as a Croat and that is her merit. It is my merit to prove that I am Croatian, and if I fail in proving that, it means that I deserved to die for something, that is, to die as a good Croat whose grave will always be known. If such circumstances were such that my grave would not be known, then it is more than “sad”, as you said about me, and I completely agree with you.

15. “…I would like you to be able to hear these former neighbors and friends of yours to whom you wrote some letters, what they think about you and others like you…” My former neighbors and friends are for me my lifelong neighbors and friends. In order not to disappoint you, one of our neighbors literally writes to me:

“Dear Milan! Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, know that I love you!” Your neighbor.

I am sorry that in order to protect her safety I cannot send you a copy of her letter. That is why I firmly believe that the time will soon come when I will be able to show you all the correspondence between me and our neighbors. Then you would wonder what my neighbors write to me. And the mentioned letter is full of concerns, about which I will write to you later. But if you were thinking of those neighbors who left God, their people and Croatia a long time ago, then I agree with you, because neither have I lost anything because of them, nor will others gain anything because of them.

16. “…it would only be clear to you to what low branches you have fallen and if you “enjoy the reputation” of an ordinary Ustasha terrorist…” The word “terrorism” was mentioned for the first time during the French Revolution (1789-1799) when Maximilien Robespierre was forcibly and terrorized the citizens of Paris to watch the execution of his political opponents. Those execution sites had such a psychological impact on the Parisians that they called Roberspierre’s violence terrorism. As far as I know, no country in the world had a law against terrorism before the Second World War. Many countries lumped every wrongdoing and violence into “crime”, so that highway robbers (from Sicily and elsewhere), bank robberies, rape of women, bar fights and murders, political and national struggle, were all put in the same basket. The League of Nations in Geneva (1932-1933) for the first time took into consideration the difference between the aforementioned acts and misdemeanors. This was done by the League under pressure from Hungary, which was accused by the then Yugoslav government of the criminal act of allowing the Ustaše Movement to operate freely on Janko Pusta. Hungary defended itself that it allowed political and national activity to a Croatian organization that has its own laws and its own right for the national struggle. Thus, the Lič Uprising of 1932. became a national-political-revolutionary Uprising, not as Belgrade wanted to portray it. That is why the Bugojan Uprising has its own revolutionary-political and national character.

The gray book published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the NDH in 1942, which shows Chetnik-partisan crimes against the unprotected Croatian population in Eastern Bosnia, does not mention a single word of terrorism, but of crime. I do not want to minimize or justify offenses that deserve punishment. At the trial of His Exemplary Archbishop Alojzija Stepinac (1946) in Zagreb, there was also not a word about terrorism. See the book: “The Trial” – Lisak, Stepinac, Šalić and the Company, Ustaša-Crusader Criminals and Their Helpers,” and you will see for yourself that Comrade Jakov Blažević, who was so full of everything that smelled of Croatia, could not put he put “terrorists” on the front page instead of criminals, which was a reflection of that time. If he were to write such and such a book today, he would undoubtedly include the word “terrorist”.

When in self-defense Miro Barešić killed Yugoslav Ambassador Vladimir Rolović in Sweden on April 7, 1971, Swedish law could not charge Miro Barešić with a terrorist act, because at that time Sweden did not have a law on terrorism. She introduced the law on terrorism sometime in 1975, and Mira’s murder was in 1971. So, if Mati Gubac, Zrinski and Frankopani, Eugen Kvaternik Rakovacki and others from their era cannot be attributed a terrorist act, in what sense can it be attributed to the Ustashas and me, who was never an Ustashas. Maybe according to the taste of some scribbler Stipe Jolić, who in his sequels in “Arena” brings under the title: “…How the Yugoslavs conquered the Wild West, fleeing poverty in their homeland and how they changed the history of America…” The events in his sequels are hundreds or more older years, i.e. the era when Yugoslavia was nowhere to be found. In some places, it would have been more accurate if he had written that they were the Austro-Hungarians, because our people of that time traveled to a foreign world and to this country, America, under those passengers. This way, his sequels lose their seriousness because he lied right at the beginning. So some scribbler, Miodrag Djurić writes in the Arena on the occasion of the death of Dr. Andrija Artuković. With his “fierceness” he mixed things up so quickly that you can’t figure out what’s true and what’s a lie. I read that description several times to see if I could classify it somewhere, at least in a little novel, but, unfortunately, I couldn’t, simply because all novels have an opponent, and in his article there is no one but Artuković. What I wanted to say with this is that even in hatred, one should rule with sportsmanship, and not according to the one: hit him, your mother did not give birth to him. I believe that you are for FAIR PLAY just like me. That’s why I agree with you on this point as well.

17 . “…a few years ago, the American authorities (and) closed them down…” Native American Indians used to say: “Only a dead Indian is a good Indian.” I don’t know how it would sound to you and your like-minded people if I were to compare it to: “Who Washington and Belgrade imprison for political and national struggle, he needs no better testimony than this that he is an honest man, a good patriot and an even better Croat.”

I have my certificate issued to me in New York by the US Supreme Court that I am a good and honest citizen of this country of America. This testimony is made of American paper, like their dollar, in which Yugoslavia sees its salvation and in which it believes, so I see no reason why not to believe my testimony that I am an honest man. I know, Miroslav, that you have a testimony as a teacher and that you believe in it. Well, I also believe in your testimony, which means that you should also believe in my testimony, so that we completely agree on this as well.

18. “…I don’t know why you sent me the theses of the HDP…” The theses of the Croatian Nationalist Movement are of a national-political nature, and you are the one who deals with both, because you are in such a service, etc. I thought that you are an adequate person to study these theses and that, if possible, give your personal remarks, because it concerns us all. We must not bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich and claim that we see nothing and that problems do not exist. Now, Miroslav, you won’t say that we in the diaspora live by ideals and that you live ideally in your homeland. That would be lying to yourself. I believe that You agree with this, because otherwise our people would not be leaving their country to this day in search of a better life, if there was an ideal life there. So, as you can see, we agree on this point as well.

19. “…You are always late. Your friends sent it to me much earlier…” It’s not so much about whether I’m early or late as it’s about you getting good and honest material in your hands. You know how to read and you have a developed idea, which is good, because a man without an idea is a man without a head. Since you have both an idea and a head, read and exert yourself so that you can draw up an indictment against those who wrote those theses and those who represent those theses. I am in favor of these theses, they just need to be supplemented and perfected. Just, Miroslav, be FER and submit in a sporting manner if nothing can be found to be incriminated in these theses. You agree that theses should be subjected to analysis. I also agree, i.e. we both agree.

20. “…so I’m sending you double plus Your daughter’s letter…” My daughter Iva/Drina was born in this country and is a citizen of this country. She is so smart and educated that she finished two classes twice in one year. She cannot be sold candle horns. I am her father and colleague and as such I am free to talk to her about everything, because she teaches me and not me her. That is why she is familiar with all my problems and the sufferings of the Croatian people. On my wish for her to go with her younger brothers to visit her father’s hometown, she expressed great concern and fear. When asked why?, she replied that the entire American press would write about it, two governments would fight over me, if anything happened to me. When I return, all my male and female schoolmates will look at me with a certain amount of reserve. Well, that’s why she wrote a letter to the American government in Washington and asked for protection from her government, so that it wouldn’t happen to her like Australian citizen Dragoljub Pantelić, who was convicted in Šabac last year only because he was an ordinary member of a Serbian national organization in Australia.

If you, Miroslav, and your colleagues are troubled by the content of my daughter Iva/Drina’s letter to the American government, you can prove by your actions when she comes there to visit, that she was wrong. If you don’t cause problems for her like you did Fr. To Šimun Čorić last year, then I, Miroslav, assure you that my daughter Iva/Drina will change her original opinion about you; but mine remains unchanged. She agrees that nothing ugly and unpleasant happens to her. You also agree with that and I agree. Here, involuntarily, we agree here again.

21. “…Here, just so you can see that I can do without You…” It’s not about who can do without whom, it’s about the people of the SFRY who are starving, among them our Croatian people. In order to help the peoples of the SFRY, there is only one possibility, and that is: “Divide Yugoslavia into its natural-national components” and thus be freed from all obligations to foreign creditors. The national states of the people of the SFRY would not be obliged to return the debts that Yugoslavia took and spent on its luxuries. The peoples of SFRY would start their lives anew without any burdens of the past. There would be no more of that: S EXTENDED IN THE MILL. I know for sure that You know what this means. You are for the happiness and progress of our Croatian people and workers, just like me. So we agree again.

22. “.., but you in the end still as obedient and loyal…” Yes, I am both obedient and loyal. I am obedient because in a foreign world I am equal to the natives of the countries where I lived. I am loyal because their laws are based on truth and justice, separated from state-political influence, which proves the freedom of man. And based on the experience I gained abroad, I want to help my people feel the benefits of justice, freedom and truth. Through the centuries our people suffered, through the centuries our people wanted to be on their own, through the centuries our people were afraid. I think that we Croats are so civilized that we no longer need any tutoring from outside, and that we have already earned the freedom of our OWN OPINION. I am obedient and loyal to my own opinion just like you and we agree on that.

23. “…I recommend that you show this letter to your bosses…” I’m glad that you freed me from the obligation to remain silent, because otherwise I don’t present my letters at the windmill for radiation, as many do. That’s why I will comply with your wish and send both letters to my bosses, the state-forming Croats who are in Croatia, including you. As a professional official and public worker, you have experience in this and I believe you are right, because there should not be any secret between our letters, because secrets are conspiracies, and conspiracies go to prison. I have to admit with sympathy that I agree with you.

24. “…in order not to be inconvenienced by the report you sent me…” I read somewhere that some atheist wrote a book for years in which he wanted to show that God does not exist. After so much effort and futile proof, he finished the book with: “Thank God I finished it.” The same could be said about your letter in which you want to protect me and save me from possible inconveniences. I cannot remain indifferent to that. I must sincerely thank you and tell you that I agree with you.

25. There, dear neighbor, read on. Maybe something will stay in your head as a memory of your neighbor. But you will surely notice that I agree with you in all 25 points. So if that’s the case, and it is, I don’t see what the two of us couldn’t agree on. If there is an area, as mature and responsible people, let’s solve it in an intelligent way, as befits civilized people. In your letter, you called me a servant, and that’s why I left that word as the end of this 25-point letter, which you can freely consider as the 25 fields of the Croatian national and national COAT OF COAT.

Yes, I am a servant, but not a slave, as you probably meant. I am a servant of good things, the homeland of Croatia and my family. I don’t need to read a thick Bible to be able to understand the biblical sense of what a servant means. My Bible is very thin. It has only six words: “MY GOD, MY CROATIA AND MY FAMILY”. I know that you also thought so, so I will end these 25 points with politics so that the two of us agree on the above.

Dear neighbor, let’s talk about where I disagree with you. Let this not be a polemic between us, but a benevolent remark, dialogue and friendly conversation.

1. Namely, a few years ago, Stjepan Boban, brother, son of Vlado Rapišić got married and in that wedding celebration someone sang some Croatian songs. Allegedly, you excelled in persecuting those singers, and you never thought of that famous movie: WHO SINGS EVIL DOESN’T THINK.

2. When my Mother returned from America in the spring of 1986, You ordered Your snoopers to spy and stalk my Mother and to follow what she would say and where. If my Mother, an old woman of 74 years old, is so dangerous to the regime and the country that You guard, then that regime and that country are pitiful to You. I am fighting for a free Croatian State where its citizens will not be spied on. (Today, April 20, 2023, while I am writing this, I am attaching a picture of my mother of fifteen (15) children, Iva Vićaka Boban, the mother of the author of this letter to the Croatian Udbas, Miroslava Šimić, appeared with this description on page 12 of Hrvatski Tjednik. The picture was requested from me by the main and responsible editor of HT Dinko Dedić to put it with this description.)


What were you doing with those young men who met with Matišić’s son before going to the army? You arrested them, under threat you forced them to testify that they made the letter “U” out of prosciutto, etc. You forced people to swear and beg that the Croatian flag was there. This should be translated into several world languages and sent to all the governments of the world so that they can get to know the freedom in which the peoples of SFRY live, the freedom that you wrote to me that my brother Rafo enjoyed when he visited there last year.

4. What did you do to Dragan Marić (Kalić?) You put him in prison for a year, you beat and tortured him.

5. What was the fault of your neighbor Mirko Šimić, whom you tortured, beat and imprisoned for two and a half years. He was even on TV as an anti-state element. You found a spy who testified that Mirko intended to blow up the substation.

6. How can you arrest people on the road for the smallest of trifles and take them to Mostar Čelovina for questioning?

7. What are your neighbors guilty of, that you often search their houses, barns and farms? Doesn’t that look like a state of war?

8. Did your neighbor hide so much that you had to sit him on the toilet bowl and run cold and hot water on his head? When even that wasn’t enough for you, you used it to conduct experiments with light, etc.

9. Do you know the reason why you took Mata Šimić, who is a relative of Markočevič, to Mostar? Do you know why you tortured and beat him, etc.

10. What kind of delict did Šale Grubišić, Blagin, who said to his cousin Jura Bazina at the funeral: “Croatian land was easy for you.” In the evening they arrested him and brought him to You in Mostar for questioning? The land where Jure Bazina and many others were buried changed masters in the past, but no one could change it. I doubt that you will succeed either.

11. Allegedly, you ordered the postman from Sovic to hand over to you all the letters coming from me. Is it compliance with the international postal agreement of October 9, 1874??? Since Yugoslavia did not exist at that time, its leaders today can claim that their government did not exist at that time and that Yugoslavia was not subject to that law. In any case, it will be interesting to notify the International Postal Union in Bern, Switzerland, of the violation of these international postal rights.

12. On page five point 15 of this letter I said that I would mention some things to you later, which I am doing now. From the statements with which I disagree with you, you will notice that my neighbors write to me. One writes to me – if it is to be believed – that you personally threatened me. I emphasize what I said earlier that only then would I become equal to all those who were killed by the Yugoslav Udbaska criminal machine.

Finally, my dear neighbor Miroslav, I want to tell you that a Chinese proverb says: “If you want to take ten thousand steps, you must first take the first step.” We Croats have already taken that first step. We are now working on the 9999th step. One more step and the Croatian State is here!!! Now you can see how close we are to the goal. It is up to you and everyone else whether you want to join those who want to help their people or not.

I’m not talking about demolition, I’m talking about construction. I’m not talking about a fight. I’m talking about reconciliation. I’m not talking about tensions, I’m talking about tolerances. I am not talking about Catholics, Muslims and Orthodox. I am not talking about Croats, Serbs and others. I’M TALKING ABOUT THE CROATIAN STATE, WHOSE CITY WILL BE BANJA LUKA.

Sincere greetings to you and your colleagues in the office.

Your neighbor Mile Boban from Texas.

                                                        Prijevod na hrvatski

“Ja govorim o hrvatskoj Državi, Hrvatski Tjednik 7 lipnja 1988.

Poštovani prijatelju iz Gruda najljepša hvala na ovom poslatom opisu. Vrlo interesantno kako je prije bilo. da li je taj Miroslav Šimić živ i gdje živi. Kako vi pripadate istoj općini Grude, možda nešto znate o njemu. Ako što saznate ili znate, javite mi.

Iskreni pozdravi.
Mijo Potkrajac.



Prva stranica novine Hrvatski Tjednik, slika prikazuje iz tih doba kako su Grude Izgledale.

(Ovo pismo je izašlo u Hrvatskom Tjedniku br. 531., 7 lipnja 1988., strana 11/12.)

Pismo Miroslavu Šimić, Mostar

Texas, 23 svibnja 1988. god.

Dragi komšija,

Primio sam Tvoje pismo kojeg si mi poslao po moje bratu Rafi prošlog ljeta kao i materijale o slučaju suđenja dru. Andriji Artukoviću i novinske izreske glede širenja ideja o trećoj Jugoslaviji. Znači da ih ima među vama koji su protiv i prve monarhističke i druge komunističke Jugoslavije, to jest protiv vas, a da su – navodno – za jednu bolju i demokratskiju Jugoslaviju. Drugim riječima nije samo hrvatska emigracija protiv Jugoslavije, već su protiv nje i mnogi drugi s kojima se vi dnevno susrećete. Tu i jest srž problema kojeg neće riješiti međunarodni politički i diplomatski krugovi niti milijarde i milijarde dugova stranim zemljama.

Za sigurno mi nebi poslao taj materijal kada Te nebi mučili isti jadi koji su mučili u prošlosti sve one Hrvate koji su htjeli pošto-poto da ne izumre ime našega naroda, kako je to naš narodni guslar Željko Šimić rekao za Tvojeg kolinovića Andrijicu Šimić:

” Da ne umre ime tog junaka,
jer ga pozna naša kuća svaka”.

Ja sam Tvoje pismo radijelio na 25 dijelova kako bih mogao što svrshiodnije na isto odgovoriti.

1. Ti počimaš svoje pismo: “Nemam namjeru da se upuštam u dijalog sa pripadnicima terorističkih organizacija (HDP idr.)…” Organizacija kojoj Ti pripadaš i služba koju zauzimaš ti diktiraju da tako pišeš ali ne da tako i misliš. To kažem zato što naš problem leži u nama i mi ga sami moramo i trebamo riješiti. U tu svrhu si mi i poslao naramak novinskih izrezaka i feljtona Udbaškog piskarala Đorđa Ličine o suđenju dra. A. Artukovića, kako bih se što bolje mogao pripremiti za zajednički dijalog. A što se tiče terorističke etikete za HDP (Hrvatski Državotvorni Pokret) i dr. hrvatskih organizacija, nisam toliko naivan da od Tebe zahtijevam da sa položaja kojeg zauzimaš u Udbi, hvališ i slaviš one koji su za Hrvatsku Državu, koja je negacija svakoj jugoslavenskoj državotvornoj koncepciji. Tato te razumijem i slažem se s Tobom u ovom pitanju.

2. Ja sam Tebe u mojem pismu oslovljavao sa “Vi” i nehotice učinio jednu udaljenost i odstojanje između nas dvojice. Ti si mene približio k sebi oslovljavajući me sa “Ti” i time uveliko smanjio političke, idiološke, socijalne i hrvatske razlike i udaljenosti, koje – ako ih je bilo iako su postojale – nisu Tvoj niti moj proizvod, već proizvod onih koji uništavaju slobodarske težnje drugih naroda, a među njih u prvom redu spada Jugoslavija. Iskreno priznajem da se i ovdje s Tobom slažem.

3. Ti se čudiš kako ja kao zreo čovjek još nisam shvatio da živim u zabludi, pišeš mi u svojem pismu. U zabludi su živijeli Hitler koji je kao Austrijanac radio i umro za Njemačku, i Tito koji je kao Hrvat radio i umro za Jugoslaviju. Stoga se nije niti čuditi da je između njih postojala velika sličnost. Prvi je imao svoju omladinu koja je imala svoju “štafetu” tj Hitlerovu štafetu. Hitler je svojom politikom uspio zapadnim bombama opustošiti Njemačku i od jedne stvoriti dvije, jednu Istočnu i jednu Zapadnu Njemačku. Tito je također imao svoju omladinu i njezinu, tj. Titinu “štafetu”, po uzoru Adolfa Hitlera. Tito je svojom anti hrvatskom politikom uspio uništiti postojeću Hrvatsku Državu i od jedne napraviti ni jednu. Tito će zapadnim kreditima i kamatama uništiti svoju, svačiju i posljednu Jugoslaviju. U tome nema dvojbe, kako to guslar Željko Šimić kaže u pjesmi: Stabilizacija i dinar. Ako si Ti mislio da ja živim u zabludi zato što živim u Americi od koje “očekujem” da će pomoći Hrvate u našim opravdanim zahtjevima, onda se slažem s Tobom. Nas će pomoći samo istina a narodu treba reći istinu i onda ćete narod pomoći. Zato se ja borim da Tvoj i moj narod zna i sazna našu hrvatsku istinu, koje se ja niti sramim niti bojim. U istini je spas!

4. Ti si potkrijepio svoje pismo sa “…kako to naši stari kažu…” Za sigurno si mislio na njihove pravedne i mudre savjete. Naši stari također kažu za one koji se uvijek hvale: Od sile puca a od rđe propada, što se doslovno može primijeniti na jugoslavensku silu, koja od silne Sile puca a od unutarnje krize i rđe propada.Ti voliš upotrebljavati stare izreke kao i ja. Znači i u tome se slažemo.

5. Sviđa mi se Tvoja riječ “pržun” misleći na mene i sve one Hrvate koji su za svoje nacionalne i političke ideale u zatvoru svjedočili za Hrvatsku. Neće biti na odmet spomenuti da su svi ljudi velikih i naprednih ideja, širokih pogleda bili u “pržunu”, iz kojeg su širili svoje: religiozne, političke, ideološke, filozofske i nacionalne ideje: Sveti Ivan Krstitelj, sv. Pavao, sv. Nikola Tavelić, budući hrvatski svetac Alojzije Stepinac, Tvoj koljenović Andrijica Šimić


s kojim se ponosi cijeli naš kraj, Lenjin, Staljin, Hitler, Pavelić, Tito, Andrija Artuković, Hebrang, Bruno i Zvonko Bušić i mnogi drugi. Ti i ne slutiš koliko si me počastio uvrstivši i mene među one koji su kroz zatvor postali “VELIKANI”, a i Ti slijediš jednog od gore navedenih, što bi u prenosnom smislu značilo da bi u datom trenutku i mene slijedio. A slijediti moju ideju znači: imati svoj ponos, svoj identitet, svoju nacionalnu državu, svoje vlastito gospodarstvo, svoju slobodu, svoj mir i blagostanje, svoj odgoj, svoju budućnost, svoju pravdu i ravnopravnost, svoj užitak u svojoj zaradi, svoj prosperitet i svoj standard života na visokoj ljestvici, svoju istinu i svoje vrline. Hvala Ti i kako vidiš da se i ovdje slažemo.

6. Što se tiće SFRJ-a naroda da će braniti svoju slobodu, to su ti narodi dokazali u travnju 1941. god., kada su se svi počeli boriti za svoje i za nekoliko dana raskomadali Jugoslaviju u nacionalne prirodne čestice. Ti narodi će to opet dokazati prvom prilikom. Vjerovati u raspad Jugoslavije nije borba protiv SFRJ-a naroda, već uočiti stvarnost koju su ti narodi SFRJ-a oblikovali stoljećima, svaki za sebe posebno. A za račun međunarodne diplomatske i političke igre, dokazalo se je u zadnjih 70 godina da se narodi SFRJ-a ne žele odreći svojeg vlastitog oblikovanja. A ja to cijenim! Ako to isto cijene narodi SFRJ-a, kako Ti kažeš, onda moram priznati da se opet slažemo.

7. Mene ne treba uvjeravati jer sam uvjeren “…da su se moji prijatelji hrbovci (Hrvatsko Revolucionarno Bratstvo) i luburićevci…” Članovi Hrvatsko Narodnog Otpora kojeg je osnovao na Ivan Planini 1944 god. hrvatski general Maks Luburić) ubacili 1972 god. u Hrvatsku s namjerom ne da podignu ustanak, već da dignu hrvatskome narodu moral, koji je bio izblijedio poslije hapšenja, zatvaranja i proganjanja hrvatskog komunističkog vodstva u prosincu 1971 god., bolje poznat imenom “Karađorđevo”. Svojim maldim životima su dokazali da su u tome uspjeli, a svojom hrabrošću su u očima mladih Hrvatica i Hrvata postali RAMBO.Ti se slažeđ da se o njima snima film, a filmovi se snimaju samo o junacima, a ne o kukavicama. Zato i ja sebe gledam kakav bih nacionalno bio prikazan kada bi netko za pedeset ili sto godina htio snimati film o hrvatskim nacionalistima u hrvatskoj političkoj emigraciji. Za sigurno me nitko ne bi mogao svrstati u kukavice, izrode i doušnike. Da se o njima film snima, obadvojica se slažemo.

8.  “…Ti znaš Milane kako su prošli…” odnoseći se na Bugojance. Oni su prošli kako su se bili dogovorili: Poginuti za Hrvatsku! a ne za ovaj ili onaj režim, ovog ili onog čovjeka, ovu ili onu ideologiju. Svrha čovječjeg života je odredjena: živjeti sebično za sebe kao pustinjak u pustinji i poginuti za svoju vlastitu svrhu kao drumski razbojnici koji ginu u pljačkanju kako bi se obogatili, ili živjeti za narod, za zajednicu, za koju se je vrijedno boriti i čak svoj život dati. Bugojanci su odabrali ono slavnije, časnije, i dokazali su da im ideal nije život već Majka Domovina Hrvatska! SLAVA IM! Bez njih se neće moći pisati buduća hrvatska povijest niti moći prešutjeti njihova imena i njihovo djelo. Ti se i ja u tome slažemo.

9. Veseli me da misliš kao i ja kada kažeš “…da diljem svijeta živi velik broj čestitih Hrvata…” Ja sam u “Pismu mojim komšijama” pisao da smo mi Hrvati razbacani po svijetu kao Židovi. I kao čestit narod nikakva nas sila neće moći uništiti, bez obzira na nečija priželjkivanja. Židovi su čekali i dočekali. Hrvati će čekati i dočekati će. Ti voliš čestitost Hrvata kao i ja, to jest da se i u ovoj točki slažemo.

10. Oni koji “…nisu nasjeli sumanutim idejama kao Ti i bez ikakvih problema dolaze u svoju rodnu grudu…” ne čine povijest, jer se to od njih ne traži. Oni su dio našeg hrvatskog naroda od kojeg nisu pobjegli, kao ni ja ni mnogi drugi. Mi smo pobjegli iz Jugoslavije poradi Jugoslavije a ne iz Hrvatske poradi Hrvatske. Oni su spona između domovine i hrvatske političke državotvorne emigracije, a mi smo Ambasadori Hrvatske u stranom svijetu. Međusobno se poštivamo, pomažemo i trebamo jedni druge. Svake godine i iz godine u godinu sve ih je više i više koji posjećuju svoj rodni kraj, kako Ti kažeš “svoju rodnu grudu”, što uistinu znači: ako sam zbog jugoslavenskog pritiska, bijede i neimaštine morao napustiti domovinu, neću je zbog ugodna života i neograničene slobode na zapadu zaboraviti. Zato Te razumijem potpuno i uzimam ozbiljno Tvoju brigu o onim čestitim Hrvatima koji se ne misle nikako povratiti u svoju rodnu grudu. Zato obadvojica moramo raditi tako da povratimo povjerenje onim Hrvatima koji se ne misle povratiti zbog straha i životne nesigurnosti. Dakle, Ti si za povratak naših ljudi Hrvata kao i ja. I ovdje se slažemo.

11. Drago mi je da me potičeš da pitam mojeg brata Rafu o “… uživanju u slobodi…”, što sam i učinio. Svatko slobodu doživljava na svoj osobni način, pa tako i moj brat Rafo. Zatvorenik u zatvoru je toliko slobodan da se mora ustati u određeno vrijeme, sjesti na označeno mjesto, jesti što mu se dadne, raditi što mu se zapovjedi, ići u krevet kada mu se naredi, itd. On, zatvorenik, to smatra svojom slobodom unutar zatvorenih zidina. Dragi komšija ne bih bio iskren kada ti u kratkim crtama ne bih ispričao šta mi je moj brat Rafo rekao.

Na moj zahtjev on je otišao u Mostar, predao Ti moje pismo i još neke stvari, pozdravio Te kao i Tvoje kolege u uredu. Susret je bio prijateljski i pun oduševljenja sve dok Ti nisi počeo galamiti i vikati. Moj brat Rafo kao pametan čovjek pun zapadnog odgoja, nije se htio vama suprostavljati niti uzvraćati galamom. On je staloženo i mirno odgovarao na postavljena pitanja. Nije lagao niti svaljivao krivnju na druge, kao što to mnogi čine, koji vas prisilno posjećuju, da bi se opravdali i zaštitili od hrvatstva. Jedino što sam bratu zamjerio i prigovorio je to da je i on trebao vikati i nadvikivati i psovati, te kada iziđe iz njihova ureda, da ode u prvu i bližnju crkvu i da de ispovjedi. Tvoje kolegu su Te upozoravali da se smiriš, našto si demonstrativno izašao i moj brat Rafo Te više nije sreo niti vidio. Možda je to bila policijska taktika, kažem samo možda, ili Tvoja sloboda nad jednim susjedom i bivšim školskim kolegom, kako bi se što bolje udvorio svojim gazdama. Tvoji kolege u uredu su se ispričali mojem bratu zbog Tebe i rekli da oni školovane i pametne šalju na teren, a one ratne, iz rata, grube i glupe da šalju u tuče da ih se što više kompromitira.

Drugi i ostali susreti su bili vrlo ispitivački ali i prijateljski, sve u stilu “ljubeznisti”. Najviše je ispitivan zbog datuma na pismu, koji je 21 lipnja a moj brat došao tamo 11 lipnja. Moj brat Rafo nije mogao dati odgovor na to jer nije znao. Ja sam namjerno stavio datum 21 lipnja kako bih dao važnost točki 11 mojeg programa kojeg sam poslao u “PISMO MOJIM KOMŠIJAMA”, a što je uistinu značilo PETA GODIŠNJICA BUGOJANSKE AKCIJE.

Policijske metode, zastrašivanja i one magične riječi: sve mi znamo, nisu meni nepoznate. Sve policije svijeta upotrebljavaju psihološke metode, što je izjednačeno s terorizmom. Bilo bi glupo vjerovati da se jugoslavenska policija ne služi međunarodnim policijskim psihološkim metodama zastrašivanja. Zato sam u potpunosti razumio Tvoj i Tvojih kolega postupak prema mojem bratu Rafi. A još više kada ga je jedan od Tvojih kolega ispratio do vrata na polasku i rekao mu: “pozdravi Ti Tvojeg brata i reci mu da se mi sa njim slažemo što on piše, ali se Sarajevo ne slaže, a znaš da smo mi podložni Sarajevu a on onima u Beogradu”. Ubrzo kada Hrvati budu imali svoju državu, Ti i Tvoji kolege ćete i dalje ostati na državnim položajima za očuvanje države, u ovom slučaju Hrvatske Države, jer vi znate kako se to iz iskustva radi. Dakle i u ovoj točki se slažemo.

12. Što se tiče preziranja o kojem Ti govoriš, to je stvar osobnog ukusa. Američka politika iz Washingtona prezire američkog Indijanca iz savezne države Južne Dokote, gosp. Leonarda Peltiera, koji je u zatvoru od 1975. god. za svoje indijanske osjećaje. Njega je vlada iz Washingtona proglasila teroristom a ruski radio iz Moskve ga nazvao borcem za slobodu i dao mu 19 kolovoza prošle godine politički azil, ako ga vlada Washingtona hoće pustiti na slobodu. Na isti način i Jugoslavija postupa sa svojim političkim protivnicima, naziva ih svakakvim imenima, itd. Ako si Ti mislio na onaj prezir kojeg Jugoslavija prišiva svakom čestitom Hrvatu, osobito rodoljubu kao što sam ja i mnogi drugi, onda se ja s Tobom slažem.

13. Prirodno pravilo je da se nitko ne bori za grob, što Ti u pismu meni smopinješ “…i da Tvoji najbliži ni za grob Ti neće znati…” Ali se zato svi bore za život i mnogi uspiju a mnogi opet ne uspiju. Mi u emigraciji smo više-manje svi uspjeli i sa pomoću Božijom uspjet ćemo da nam se i za grobove znade. U točki dva ovoga pisma ja sam spomenuo kako smo se mi približili jedan drugome, zato me i ne čudi da se brigaš da li će se za moj grob znati ili ne. Ali budi uvjeren da na mome grobu neće biti natpis: Bio i nema ga, nego naš hrvatski nacionalni grb koji će jasno svjedočiti moje hrvatsko podrijetlo. U tome kontekstu si Ti htio to reći i zato se s Tobom slažem.

14. Ti mi pišeš “…Stvarno žalossno, ali nisi ništa drugo ni zaslužio…” misleći za moj grob za koji se neće znati ni gdje je. Svaki čovjek će zaslužiti onoliko koliko gdje uloži. Američki Nobelovac za MIR, pok. Martin Luther King je (1961). rekao između ostaloga i ovo: “A man who won’t die for something, is not fit to live”. Prevedeno na hrvatski: Čovjek koji ne želi umrijeti za nešto, nije dostojan života. Skoro drugim riječima, mi bi rekli da vojnik koji nema ambiciju da jednog dana bude general, nikada neće biti dobar vojnik. Slično je i sa mnom. Majka me je rodila kao Hrvata i to je njezina zasluga. Moja je zasluga da ja to hrvatstvo dokažem i ako u tom dokazivanju padnem, znači da sam zaslužio umrijeti za nešto, to jest umrijeti kao dobar Hrvat za čiji grob će se uvijek znati. Ako bi takove okolnosti bile da se za moj grob neće znati, onda je više nego “žalosno”, kako si Ti to za mene rekao, te se u potpunosti s Tobom slažem.

15. “…Volio bih da možeš čuti ove svoje nekadašnje komšije i prijatelje kojima si Ti upućiva neka pisma, šta misle o tebi i Tebi sličnima…” Moji nekadašnji komšije i prijatelji za mene su moji doživotni komšije i prijatelji. Da Te ne bih razočarao, jedan naš komšija mi doslovno piše:

“Dragi Milane! Ma gdje god ti bio i bilo šta da ti se desi, znaj da te volim!” Tvoja komšinka.

Žao mi je da Ti poradi zaštite njezine sigurnosti ne mogu poslati kopiju njezina pisma. Zato čvrsto vjerujem da će ubrzo doći vrijeme kada ću Ti moći pokazati svu korespondenciju između mene i naših komšija. Tada bi se Ti čudom čudio šta mi komšije pišu. I spomenuto pismo je puno zabrinutosti, o kojoj ću Ti kasnije pisati. Ali ako si Ti mislio na one susjede koji su davno napustili Boga, svoj narod i Hrvatsku, onda se ja s Tobom slažem, jer niti sam ja zbog njih što izgubio, niti će drugi zbog njih što dobiti.

16. “…tek bi Ti bilo jasno na kakve si niske grane pao i da “uživaš ugled” običnog ustaškog teroriste…” Riječ “terorizam” je po prvi puta spomenuta za vrijeme francuske revolucije (1789-1799) kada je Maximilien Robespierre silom i terorom nagonio građane Pariza da gledaju egzekuciju njegovih političkih protivnika. Ta stratišta su toliko psihološki utjecala na Parižane koji su Roberspierrovo nasilje nazvali terorizmom. Koliko mi je poznato ni jedna država na svijetu nije imala zakon o i protiv terorizmu prije drugog svjetskog rata. Mnoge države su svako nedjelo i nasilje uđuture strpavali u “kriminal”, tako da su drumski razbojnici (sa Sicilije i drugdje), obijanje banaka, silovanje žena, kafanske tuče i ubojstva, politička i nacionalna borba, sve strpano u isti koš. Liga Naroda u Genevi (1932-1933) je po prvi put uzela u razmatranje razliku između navedenih čina i prekršaja. To je Liga učinila na pritisak Mađarske koju je tadašnja jugoslavenska vlada optužila za kriminalno djelo što je dopustila slobodno djelovanje Ustaškom Pokretu na Janka Pusti. Mađarska se je branila da je ona dopustila političko i nacionalno djelovanje hrvatskoj organizaciji koja ima svoje zakone i svoje pravo za nacionalnu borbu. Tako je Lički Ustanak iz 1932 god. postao nacionalno-političko-revolucionarni Ustanak, a ne kako ga je Beograd htio prikazati. Zato i Bugojanski Ustanak ima svoj hrvatski, revolucionarni, politički i nacionalni karakter.

Siva knjiga koju je izdalo Ministarstvo Vanjskih poslova NDH 1942 god., u kojoj su prikazani četničko-partizanski zločini nad nezaštićenim hrvatskim pučanstvom u Istočnoj Bosni, ne spominju ni jednom riječi terorizam, nego zločinstvo. Ja ne želim umanjiti ili opravdati prekršaje koji zaslužuju kaznu. Na suđenju Njegovoj Uzoritosti, Nadbiskupu Alojziji Stepincu (1946.) u Zagrebu, također ni riječi o terorizmu. Vidi knjigu: “Suđenje” – Lisaku, Stepincu, Šaliću i Družini, Ustaško-Križarskim Zločincima i Njihovim Pomagačima,” pa ćeš se osvjedočiti da drug Jakov Blažević, koji je bio tako nadut na sve što je mirisalo na hrvatstvo, nije mogao staviti na naslovnu stranicu “teroristi” nego je stavio zločinci, što je bio odraz onoga vremena. Kada bi on danas pisao tu i takovu knjigu, bez sumnje bi stavio riječ “terorista”.

Kada je u samoobrani Miro Barešić u Švedskoj ubio jugoslavenskog Ambasadora Vladimira Rolovića, švedski zakon nije moga teretiti Miru Barešića za terorističko djelo, jer u to vrijeme Švedska nije imala zakona o terorizmu. Ona je uvela zakon o terorizmu negdje 1975 god., a Mirino ubojstvo je bilo 1971 god. Znači, ako se Matiju Gubcu, Zrinskim i Frankopanima, Eugenu Kvaterniku Rakovačkom i drugima iz njihovog doba ne može pripisati terorističko djelo, po kakvu ukusu se to može pripisati Ustašama i meni koji nikada nisam bio Ustaša. Možda po ukusu nekog piskarala Stipe Jolića koji u svojim nastavcima u “Areni” donosi pod naslovom: “…Kako su Jugoslaveni osvojili Divlji Zapad bježeći od siromaštva u zavičaju i kako su mjenjali povijest Amerike…” Događaji u njegovim nastavcima su stariji od stotine i više godina, tj. doba kada Jugoslavije nigdje nije bilo. Kamo-kud bi bilo točnije da je on napisao da su to bili Austro-Mađari, jer su pod tim putnicama naši ljudi onoga doba putovali u tuđi svijet i u ovu zemlju Ameriku. Ovako, njegovi nastavci gube ozbiljnost jer je odmah u početku slagao. Tako neki piskaralo, Miodrag Djurić piše u Areni povodom smrti dr. Andrije Artukovića. On je svojom “žestinom” tako brzine pomiješao da se više ne možeš snaći, što je istina a što je laž. Ja sam taj opis nekoliko puta pročitao ne bih li ga negdje mogao svrstati, barem u neki romančić, ali, na svu žalost, to nisam mogao, jednostavno zato što svi romani imaju protivnika, a u njegovu članku nikoga nema osim Artukovića. Šta sam ovim htio reći je to da se i u mržnji treba športski vladati, a ne po onoj: udri ga nije ti ga majka rodila. Vjerujem da si Ti za FAIR PLAY kao i ja. Zato se i u ovoj točki slažem s Tobom.

17. “…eto prije nekoliko godina, i američke vlasti (te) zatvoriše…” Američki domorodci Indijanci su znali reći: “Samo mrtav Indijanac je dobar Indijanac.” Ne znam kako bi to zvučilo Tebi i Tvojim istomišljenicima ako bih ja to usporedio sa: “Koga Washington i Beograd zatvaraju za političku i nacionalnu borbu, ne treba mu bolje svjedočanstvo od ovoga da je pošten čovjek, dobar rodoljub i još bolji Hrvat.”

Ja imam moje svjedočanstvo kojeg mi je izdao u New Yorku američki Vrhovni sud da sam dobar i pošten građanin ove zemlje Amerike. Ovo svjedočanstvo je učinjeno od američkog papira kao i njihov dolar u kojem Jugoslavija vidi svoj spas i u kojeg vjeruje, pa ne vidim razloga zašto ne vjerovati i mojem svjedočanstvu da sam pošten čovjek. Ja znam, Miroslave, da Ti imaš svjedočanstvo kao nastavnik i da u njega vjeruješ. Pa i ja vjerujem u Tvoje svjedočanstvo, što znači da bi i Ti trebao vjerovati u moje svjedočanstvo tako da se i u ovome potpuno slažemo.

18. “…Ne znam iz kog razloga si mi poslao teze HDP-a,…” Teze Hrvatskog Državotvornog Pokreta su nacionalno-političke naravi a Ti si i taj koji se baviš i jednim i drugim, jer si u takvoj službi, itd. Mislio sam da si Ti adekvatna osoba za proštudirati ove teze i da po mogućnosti dadneš svoje osobne primjedbe, jer nas se sviju tiče. Mi ne smijemo zabiti glavu u pijesak kao noj i tvrditi da ništa ne vidimo i da problemi ne postoje. Nećeš sada, Miroslave, reći da mi u iseljeništvu živimo od idela a da vi tamo u domovini živite idealno. To bi bilo laganje sama sebe. Ja vjerujem da se Ti slažeš s ovim, jer u protivnom slučaju nebi naš narod i dan-danas napuštao svoju zemlju u potrazi za boljim životom, kada bi se tamo živijelo idealno. Eto, kako vidiš da se i u ovoj točki slažemo.

19. “…Ti uvijek kasniš. Tvoji prijatelji su mi to mnogo ranije poslali…” Ne radi se toliko o tome da li sam ja uranio ili okasnio koliko se radi o tome da Ti dobiješ dobar i čestiti materijal u ruke. Ti znaš čitati i imaš izgrađenu ideju, što je dobro, jer čovjek bez ideje je čovjek bez glave. Budući da Ti imaš i ideju i glavu, pa čitaj i napreži se kako bi Ti mogao optužnicu sastaviti protiv onih koji su te teze pisali i onih koji te teze zastupaju. Ja sam za te teze samo ih treba nadopuniti i usavršiti. Samo, Miroslave, budi FER te športski podnesi ako se ništa ne mogne naći inkriminiranog u tim tezama. Ti se slažeš da teze treba podvrgnuti analizi. I ja se slažem, tj. obadvojica se slažemo.

20. “…pa ti šaljem duplo plus Tvoje kćerke pismo…” Moja kćerka Iva/Drina je rođena u ovoj zemlji i građanka je ove zemlje. Ona je toliko pametna i školovana da je dva puta završila dva razreda u jednoj godini. Njoj se ne mogu prodavati rogovi za svijeće. Ja sam njoj i otac i kolega i kao takav slobodan sam sa njom o sveme razgovarati, jer ona mene uči a ne ja nju. Zato je ona upoznata sa svim mojim problemima i patnjama hrvatskog naroda. Na moju želju da ode sa svojom mlađom braćom posjetiti očev rodni kraj, izrazila je veliku zabrinutost i strah. Na upit zašto?, odgovorila je da će cijeli američki tisak o tome pisati, dvije vlade se zbog mene natezati, ako mi se išta desi. Kada se povratim svi moji kolege i školske kolegice će me gledati s jednom dozom rezerve. Eto, zato je ona pisala pismo američkoj vladi u Washington i tražila zaštitu od svoje vlade, da joj se nebi dogodilo kao australskom građaninu Dragoljubu Pantelić, koji je prošle godine osuđen u Šabcu samo zato što je bio obični član jedne srpske nacionalne organizacije u Australiji.

Ako Tebe, Miroslave, i Tvoje kolege muči sadržaj pisma moje kćeri Ive/Drine američkoj vladi, možete dokazati vašim postupkom kada ona dođe tamo u posjetu, da je ona bila u krivu. Ako vi njoj ne budete stvarali problema kao što ste fra. Šimunu Ćoriću prošle godine, onda te ja Miroslave uvjeravam da će moja kćer Iva/Drina promijeniti svoje prvobitno mišljenje o Vama; ali moje ostaje nepromjenjeno. Ona se slaže da joj se ništa ružnoga i neugodnog ne desi. Ti se također s tim slažeš a i ja se slažem. Eto, nehotice, opet se i ovdje slažemo.

21“…Eto, samo toliko da vidiš da mogu bez Tebe…” Nije ovdje u pitanju tko može bez koga koliko su u pitanju narodi SFRJ-a koji gladuju, među njima i naš hrvatski narod. Da bi se narodima SFRJ-a moglo pomoći, postoji samo jedna mogućnost a ta je: “Podijeliti Jugoslaviju na njene prirodno-nacionalne sastave” i tako se osloboditi svih obveza stranim kreditorima. Nacionalne države naroda SFRJ-a nebi bili obvezni vraćati dugove koje je Jugoslavija uzimala i u svoje luksuze potrošila. Narodi SFRJ-a bi počeli svoje življenje iznova bez ikakovih opterećenja prošlosti. Nebi bilo više one: S IZDENIM U MLINICU. Ja znam za sigurno da Ti znaš šta ovo znači. Ti si za sreću i napredak našeg hrvatskog čovjeka i radnika kao i ja. Znači da se opet slažemo.

22. “.., ali Ti na kraju ipak kao poslušnoj i odanoj…” Jest, ja sam i poslušan i odan. Poslušan sam zato jer sam u tuđem svijetu ravnopravan domorodcima zemalja u kojima sam živio. Odan sam zato jer su njihovi zakoni temeljeni na bazi sitine i pravde, odvojeni od državno-političkog utjecaja, što dokazuje slobodu čovjeka. I na osnovu tog iskustva kojeg sam stekao u tuđini, želim mome hrvatskom narodu pomoći da i on osjeti blagodati te pravde, slobode i istine. Kroz stoljeća naš narod je trpio, kroz stoljeća naš narod je želio biti svoj na svome, kroz stoljeća naš narod je strahovao. Mislim da smo mi Hrvati toliko civilizirani da nam više nisu potrebna nikakva tutorstva iz vana, i da smo mi već jednom zaslužili slobodu VLASTITOG MIŠLJENJA. Ja sam poslušan i odan mojem vlastitom mišljenju kao i Ti i u tome se slažemo.

23. “…preporučujem da ovo pismo obavezno pokažeš svojim gazdama…” Meni je drago da si me oslobodio obveze na šutnju, jer inače ne iznosim moja pisma na vjetrenjaču za zračenje, kao što to mnogi rade. Zato ću udovoljiti Tvojoj želji i oba pisma poslati mojim gazdama, državotvornim Hrvatima koji se nalaze u Hrvatskoj, uključivši i Tebe. Ti kao profesionalni službenik i javni radnik imaš u tome iskustvo i vjerujem da si u pravu, jer između naših pisama nebi smijala postojati nikakva tajna, jer tajne su urota, a za urote se iđe u zatvor. Moram sa simpatijom priznati da se s Tobom slažem.

24. “…kako nebi imao neprijatnosti zbog izvještaja koji si mi poslao…” Negdje sam čitao da je neke bezvjerac godinama pisao knjigu u kojoj je htio prikazati da Bog ne postoji. Poslije tolikog napora i uzaludnog dokazivanja, završio je knjigu sa: “Fala Bogu da sam ju završio.” Slično bi se moglo reći i za Tvoje pismo u kojemu me želiš zaštititi i sačuvati od možebitnih neugodnosti. Ja ne mogu ostati na tome ravnodušan. Moram ti se iskreno zahvaliti i reći Ti da se s Tobom slažem.

25. Eto, dragi komšija, pa čitaj. Možd će ti nešto ostati u glavi kao uspomena na komšiju. Ali za sigurno ćeš uočiti u svih 25 točaka da se sa Tobom slažem. Onda ako je to tako, a tako je, ne vidim u čemu se nas dvojica nebi mogli slagati. Ako i postoji neko područje, kao zreli i odgovorni ljudi riješimo to na inteligentan način kao što to dolikuje civiliziranim ljudima. U Tvom pismu si me nazvao slugom i zato sam tu riječ ostavio kao završnicu ovog pisma od 25 točaka, kojeg slobodno možeš smatrati kao 25 polja hrvatskog narodnog i nacionalnog GRBA.

Jest, ja sam sluga ali ne rob našto si Ti vjerojatno mislio. Ja sam sluga dobrih stvari, domovine Hrvatske i moje obitelji. Meni ne treba čitati debelu Bibliju da bih mogao shvatiti biblijski smisao šta znači sluga. Moja Biblija je jako tanka. Ima samo šest riječi: “MOJ BOG, MOJA HRVATSKA, MOJA OBITELJ”. Znam da si i Ti tako mislio, onda sa politikom završavam ovih 25 točaka da se nas dvojica slažemo u gore navedenom.

Dragi komšija sada malo i o onome gdje se ja s Tobom ne slažem. Neka ovo ne bude između nas polemika nego dobronamjerna primjedba, dijalog i prijateljski razgovor.

1. Naime, prije nekoliko godina se je ženio Stjepan Boban, braco, sin Vlade Rapišića i u tom svadbenom veselju netko je zapjevao neke hrvatske pjesme. Navodno da si se Ti isticao u proganjanju tih pjevača, a da Ti nikada nije palo na um onaj poznati film: TKO PJEVA ZLO NE MISLI.

2. Kada se je moja Majka vratila iz Amerike u proljeće 1986. god., Ti si naredio Tvojim njuškalima da špijuniraju i uhode moju Majku i da prate što će i gdje će ona što reći. Ako je moja Majka, starica od 74 godine, toliko opasna režimu i državi koju Ti čuvaš, onda jadan ti je taj režim i ta država. Ja se borim za slobodnu Hrvatsku Državu u kojoj se njeni građane neće špijunirati. Slika Ive Vićake Boban, majke autora ovog pisma hrvatskom Udbašu Miroslavu Šimić je izašla uz ovaj opis na strani 12. Hrvatskog Tjednika.

3. Šta si Ti sve radio sa onim mladićima koji su se sastali pred odlazak u vojsku sa Matišića sinom? Pohapsio si ih, pod prijetnjom si ih nagonio da svjedoče da su “U” slovo od pršuta pravili, itd. Nagonio si ljude da se kunu i preklinju da je tu bila hrvatska zastava. Ovo treba prevesti na nekoliko svjetski jezika i poslati svim vladama svijeta da se upoznaju u kakvoj slobodi narodi SFRJ-a živu, o slobodi o kojoj si mi pisao da je moj brat Rafo uživao kada je tu bio prošle godine u posjeti.

4. Šta si učinio od Dragana Marić (Kalića?) Strpao si ga godinu dana u zatvor, tukao si ga i mučio.

5. Šta ti je bio kriv susjed Mirko Šimić kojega si mučio, tukao i uzto zatvorio si ga dvije i pol godine u zatvor. Čak je i na TV bio kao antidržavni elemenat. Našao si nekog uhodu koji je posvjedočio da je Mirko namjeravao dignuti u zrak trafostanicu.

6. Kako možeš za najmanje sitnice hapsiti ljude po cesti i odvesti u Mostarsku ćelovinu na saslušanje?

7. Šta su Tebi Tvoji susjedi krivi da im često puta pretreseš kuće, štale i pojete? Ne izgleda li to kao u ratno stanje?

8. Dali je Tvoj susjed toliko skrivio da si ga morao sjedati na WC školjku i puštati mu na glavu čas hladnu čas vruću vodu? Kada Ti ni to nije bilo dosta, onda si po njemu vršio pokuse sa svjetlom, itd.

9. Znaš li razlog zašto si odveo u Mostar Matu Šimića koji je Markočevičima rođak? Znaš li zašto si ga mučio i tukao, itd.

10. Kakav delikt je učinio Šale Grubišić, sin Blage Kajića koji je na sprovodu svojem rođaku Juri Bazini rekao: “Laka ti bila Hrvatska zemlja.” U večer su ga uhapsili i doveli k Tebi u Mostar na saslušanje? Zemlja u koju je pokopan Jure Bazina i mnogi drugi je mijenjala gospodare u prošlosti, ali nju nije mogao nitko promijeniti. Sumnjam da ćeš i Ti uspjeti.

11. Navodno da si Ti naredio da poštar iz Sovića preda tebi sva pisma koja budu dolazila od mene. Je li to poštivanje međunarodnog poštarskog ugovora od 9 listopada 1874 god??? Kako Jugoslavija u to doba nije postojala, njezini današnji rukovodioci se mogu pozvati da njihova vlada u ono vrijeme nije postojala i da Jugoslavija nije podložna tom zakonu. U svakom slučaju bit će interesantno obavijestiti međunarodnu poštarsku Uniju u Bernu, Švicarska, za kršenje tih međunarodnih poštarskih prava.

12. Na strani pet točka 15 ovoga pisma rekao sam da ću Ti kasnije spomenuti neke stvari, što sada i činim. Iz navoda s kojima se s Tobom ne slažem, primjetit ćeš da mi moje komšije pišu. Jedna mi piše – ako je za vjerovati – da si se Ti meni osobno zaprijetio. Podvlačim što sam ranije rekao da bih tek tada posta ravnopravan svim onima koje je jugoslavenska udbaška zločinačka mašina poubijala.

Na kraju, dragi moj komšija Miroslave, želim Ti reći da jedna kineska poslovica kaže: “Ako želiš napraviti deset tisuća koraka, najprije moraš učiniti prvi korak.” Mi Hrvati smo već učinili taj prvi korak. Sada radimo na 9999 tom koraku. Još jedan korak i Hrvatska Država je tu!!! Sada možeš vidjeti koliko smo blizu cilju. Na Tebi je i svim drugima hoćete li se pridružiti onima koji žele pomoći svojem narodu ili ne.

Ja ne govorim o rušenju, ja govorim o gradnji. Ja ne govorim o svađi. ja govorim o izmirenju. Ja ne govorim o napetostima, ja govorim o snošljivostima. Ja ne govrim o katolicima, muslimanima i pravoslavcima. Ja ne govorim o Hrvatima, Srbima i drugima. Ja govorim o HRVATSKOJ DRŽAVI koje će glavni grad biti Banja Luka.

Iskreni pozdravi Tebi i Tvojim kolegama u uredu.

Tvoj komšija Mile Boban.


3 komentara na “I am talking about the Croatian State – Ja govorim o Hrvatskoj Državi, piše Mile Boban, Hrvatski Tjednik June, lipanj 7 1988”

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