Slika Kuće Petra Boban, Gabrića u kojoj sam se rodio uoči velike Goepe 14 kolovoza 1939. Kršten sam tjedan dana kasnije 21 kolovoza 1939. U svim mojim papirima je to moj službeni dan rođenja.

                                                   POVIJEST KUĆE PETRA BOBAN GABRIĆA – BOBANOVA DRAGA - Kamenjar



Kutija za duhan pokojnoga moga ćaće

Ovo je napisano na hrvatskom za Hrvate i na engleskom za moju djecu i prijatelje koji govore engleski.
Hvala svima. Tata, brat, stric, prijatelj Mile, Milan Boban, Gabrića.


Slika Petra Boban, Gabrića (1907.-1981.) (objavljena je u prošlom 686. broju Hrvatskoga fokusa ( je uzeta pred zidom goričkog groblja kojeg se je zvalo “Šamatorje”.


Ova slika je uzeta u nedjelju 20. rujna 1981. godine. Naš otac je umro u srijedu 23. rujna 1981. od kljenuti srca, berući kukuruz na njivi zvanoj Lokva.

The box with tobacco and rolling paper that our dear father, Petar, had in his pocket at about 9:30 in the morning as he collected the corn on the field called Moba near the village of Blaževići on Wednesday, September 23th 1981, when he died of a heart attack. This box was given to me by my dear mother Iva Boban Vićeka, Gabrić on Easter, 1998, when I was visiting Bobanova Draga.

This is the second photo: The box in which our deceased father Petar carried his tobacco to smoke. He told me that he filled the box well, in the morning, before going to the field to work. If he is very careful and during the day doesn’t give to anyone a cigarette, he says that’s enough for him for that day. That’s how the other people, the smokers did. But, there were some smokers who smoked constantly and smoked all their tobacco for that day, smoking one cigarette after the another and using one cigarette to light the next one and how they said they would save the matches for that day. One of these was my uncle, Ikan Grubišić, who would start smoking in the morning and one after the other of his cigarettes he would light until the evening. There were other smokers who would smoke and finish all the tobacco from their tobacco box for that day and then, once out, would go from one man to the next one looking for someone to give them tobacco for a cigarette. In some cases, some of those smokers would put so much tobacco in rolling paper, a thick cigarette that they could hardly close the rolling papers. These cases were not unique and that some people invented for those smokers a ganga’s song:

                                          In english for my children

Tobacco box with rolling paper of our deceased father, Petar Boban, Gabrić (1907 -1981)


                                   This is the first photo: 

The box with tobacco and rolling paper that our dear father, Petar, had in his pocket at about 9:30 in the morning as he collected the corn on the field called Moba near the village of Blaževići on Wednesday, September 23th 1981, when he died of a heart attack. This box was given to me by my dear mother Iva Boban Vićeka, Gabrić on Easter, 1998, when I was visiting Bobanova Draga.

                            This is the second photo: 

The box in which our deceased father Petar carried his tobacco to smoke. He told me that he filled the box well, in the morning, before going to the field to work. If he is very careful and during the day doesn’t give to anyone a cigarette, he says that’s enough for him for that day. That’s how the other people, the smokers did. But, there were some smokers who smoked constantly and smoked all their tobacco for that day, smoking one cigarette after the another and using one cigarette to light the next one and how they said they would save the matches for that day. One of these was my uncle, Ikan Grubišić, who would start smoking in the morning and one after the other of his cigarettes he would light until the evening. There were other smokers who would smoke and finish all the tobacco from their tobacco box for that day and then, once out, would go from one man to the next one looking for someone to give them tobacco for a cigarette. In some cases, some of those smokers would put so much tobacco in rolling paper, a thick cigarette that they could hardly close the rolling papers. These cases were not unique and that some people invented for those smokers a ganga’s song:

Moj kolega pošteno se vladaj, tanko savij pa se opet nadaj. = My fellow friend be honest in rule, wrap thinly and look for again. Once upon a time, it is worth to be mentioned now.



Moj kolega pošteno se vladaj, tanko savij pa se opet nadaj. = My fellow friend be honest in rule, wrap thinly and look for again. Once upon a time, it is worth to be mentioned now.

Ovo je druga slika: Kutija u kojoj je naš pok. Ćaća Petar nosio duhan za pušiti. Pričao mi je da ju dobro napuni ujutro prije nego pođe na njivu ili u polje raditi. Ako pazi i nikome ne dadne cigar duhana, kaže da mu je to dosta za taj dan. Tako su i drugi ljudi, pušači radili.

Ali, bilo je i takvih da su svoj duhan popušili, jer su stalno pušili, cigare savijali i od cigare do cigare pripaljivali jednu za drugom, i kako su govorili da su tako sačuvali žigice. Jedan od tih ili takvih je bio i naš ujak Ikan Grubišić koji bi počeo pušiti ujutro i cigaru o cigaretu zapaljivao sve do večeri. Bilo je takvih koji bi popušili sav duhan iz kutije za taj dan, te bi od njive do njive išli i tražili cigar duhana. Neki su u takovom slučaj savili tako debeo cigar da bi jedva kraj s krajom papir sastavio. Ti i takvih slučajevi nisu bili osamljeni, te se je za takove pjesma za gangu izmislila:  “Moj kolega pošteno se vladaj, tanko savij pa se opet nadaj”. Davno bilo sad se spominjalo.

The box in which our deceased father Petar carried his tobacco to smoke. He told me that he fill the box to well, in the morning, before going to the field to work. If he is very carful and during the day doesn’t give to anyone a cigarette, he says that’s enough for him for that day. That’s how the other people, the smokers did. But, there were some smokers who smoked constantly and smoked all their tobacco for that day, smoking one cigarette after the another and using one cigarette to light the next one and how they said they saved the matchs for that day . One of these was my uncle, Ikan, who would start smoking in the morning and one after the other of his cigarettes he would lighted  until the evening. There were other smokers who would smoke and finished all the tobacco from their tobacco box for that day and then, once out, would go from one man to  the next looking for someone to give them tobacco for un cigarette. In some cases, some of those smokers would put so much tobacco in rolling paper that is so much thick cigarette that they could hardly close the rolling papers. These cases were not unique and that some people invented for those smokers a ganga’s song:

Moj kolega pošteno se vladaj, tanko savij pa se opet nadaj. 

= My fellow friend be honest in rule, wrap thinly and look for again. Once upon a time, it is worth to be mentioned now.

Ovo je prva fotografija: Kutija s duhanom i papirom za motanje koju je naš dragi otac Petar imao u džepu oko 9:30 ujutro dok je skupljao kukuruz na polju zvanom Moba kod sela Blaževići u srijedu 23. rujna 1981. umro od srčanog udara. Ovu kutiju mi je poklonila moja draga mama Iva Boban Vićeka, Gabrić na Uskrs 1998. godine, kada sam bio u posjetu Bobanovoj Dragi.

Treća slika: 


Slika naših roditelja pred kućom. Po zadi se vidi duhan. Mislim da je ovu sliku slikala moja supruga Annie kada je prvi puta sa kćeri Sofijom došla posjetiti naše roditelje za Ilijin Dan 20 srpnja 1967. Ako netko ima drugih podataka glede ove slike, bilo bi dobro to ovdje staviti kako bi se točno znalo kada je ova slika uzeta.

Veliki i iskreni pozdravi svima. Mi za tjedan dana krećemo za Bobanovu Dragu. U ponedjeljak 5 kolovoza stižemo u Pariz i već sljedeći dan, od “krčme do krčme” nadamo se biti u Bobanovoj Dragi oko 12, 13 kolovoza.

Bog! brat, stric, ujko Milan.

Third picture:

A picture of our parents in front of our house. In the background you can see the tobacco. I think this photo was taken by my wife, Annie, when she came to visit my parents for Ilijan, Day July 29th 1967 for the first time with our daughter, Sophie. If anyone has other information about this photo, it would be good to include it here in order to accurately capture when this photo was taken.

Big, sincere greetings to everyone. We’re leaving for Bobanova Draga in one week. On Monday, August 5th, we’ll be in Paris and the next day, from “tavern to tavern” we will continue our travels and hope to be in Bobanova Draga on August 12th or 13th.

Bog, – God Bless you – from your brother and uncle, Milan.

Priopćio poznavalac mnogih od ovih starih seljačkih običaja iz Bobanove Drage. Mile, Milan Boban, Gabrića.

Here’s an introduction of many old peasant traditions from Bobanova Draga. Mile, Milan Boban, Gabrića.

Mile Boban




  1. wow, awesome blog article.Really looking forward to read more. Really Cool.
