Hrvatska Treba Trumpa! – “Trump objavljuje knjigu pisama koje je primio od slavnih ljudi”


HRVATSKA TREBA TRUMPA!Official 2020 Trump Team Leader




Trump objavljuje knjigu pisama kojih je primio od slavnih ljudi



Donald Trump

Foto: EPA

Bivši američki predsjednik Donald Trump objavit će više od 150 pisama slavnih ljudi poput Richarda Nixona, Kim Jong Una i Oprah Winfrey, najavio je u četvrtak.

Zbirka ‘Pisma Trumpu’ sadrži „nevjerojatnu, često privatnu“ korespondenciju Trumpa i stranih čelnika, medijskih ličnosti, sportaša i predvodnika industrija.

“Što predsjednici, članovi kraljevske obitelji, slavne osobe i poslovni titani imaju zajedničko? Svi vole Donalda Trumpa”, rekao je osnivač izdavačke kuće Winning Team Publishing Sergio Gor u izjavi za agenciju France Presse.

“Dugo prije nego što je ušao u politiku, Trump je živio nesvakidašnjim životom. Nijedna knjiga dosad ne naglašava njegove izvanredne odnose sa slavnima poput ‘Pisma Trumpu’ i oduševljeni smo što to možemo podijeliti s našim čitateljima”, dodao je Gor.

Knjiga je najavljena za idući mjesec, a obuhvatit će četiri desetljeća korespondencije. Između ostalog, knjiga otkriva da je slavna televizijska voditeljica Oprah Winfrey 2000. godine rekla 76-godišnjem Trumpu: „Šteta što se ne kandidiramo, kakav tim!“

Oprah je pisala Trumpu nakon što joj je poslao ulomak iz svoje knjige „Amerika kakvu zaslužujemo“ u kojoj je pisao da bi ona bila njegova idealna potpredsjednica.

Winfrey je Trumpu navodno rekla da su je njegovi komentari „pomalo rasplakali“, piše američki medij Axios.

“Jedna je stvar pokušati živjeti pošteno, a druga je kada ljudi poput tebe to primijete”, navodno je rekla.

‘Nevjerojatna pisma’

Svako pismo u knjizi bit će popraćeno Trumpovim komentarom. Za Oprah piše da je „nevjerojatna“, ali se i žali što “više nikada nije razgovarala s njim” nakon što je 2015. objavio svoju kandidaturu za Bijelu kuću.

Velik dio pisama na 320, koje je sam odabrao, pisali su istaknute ličnosti iz pop kulture u vremenu dok je Trump bio glamurozniji nekretninski magnat i zvijezda reality showa na Manhattanu.

Pisma su mu slali Michael Jackson, Clint Eastwood i Shaquille O’Neal kao i britanska kraljica Elizabeta II., koja je umrla u rujnu prošle godine.

Trumpu su pisali i bivši predsjednici Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush i Barack Obama, a knjiga će sadržavati i dosad neviđenu korespondenciju s kineskim predsjednikom Xi Jinpingom i sjevernokorejskim diktatorom Kimom Jong Unom.

Trumpovo dopisivanje s Kimom potaknulo je bivšeg predsjednika, koji je najavio kandidaturu i na idućim predsjedničkim izborima, da su se on i taj autoritarni vođa „zaljubili“.

Kimova pisma bila su među povjerljivim vladinim dokumentima pronađenim prošle godine u Trumpovoj vili na Floridi, zbog čega ga se optužuje za pronevjeru iz Bijele kuće, a što je potaknulo raciju FBI-a i kaznenu istragu koja je u tijeku.

‘Pisma Trumpu’ prodavat će se za visoku cijenu od 99 dolara, uz mogućnost potpisanog primjerka za 399 dolara, a knjiga će se naći u prodaji 25. travnja.

Trump je na svojoj društvenoj platformi Truth Social reklamirao knjigu kao “najnevjerojatnija pisma koja je primio tijekom mnogo godina”.

Prošle godine izdavačka kuća Winning Team Publishing, kojoj je suosnivač Trumpov najstariji sin Donald Trump Jr, izdala je knjigu fotografija republikanskog bivšeg predsjednika pod naslovom “Our Journey Together” („Naše zajedničko putovanje“), zaradivši time oko 20 milijuna dolara. (Hina)

The letter to president Donald Trump August 27th 2020
Pismo predsjedniku Amerike Donaldu Trump 27 kolovoza 2020.

Official 2020 Trump Team Leader

My Dear President of Great America Donald Trump,

I am pleased to let You know and I know that You know that I am Republican followers since the Republican Convention in Chicago in August 1968. I am sending to You my speech that I would be giving to American people if I was there with all of you during the Convention.
My speech has 10 points. Here they are:
TEN (10) POINTS OF NEVER SATISFIED OR ALWAYS DISSATISFIED AMERICANSFIRST POINT:Although Americans always wanted to be on their own, to have their own name and their own Great State of America, to not attack anyone, wrest from anyone and have friendly and good relations with neighbors, and always we had to defend ourselves from outside attackers and invaders.SECOND POINT:Although Americans throughout our turbulent history have lived in the reflections of various times, various systems, various customs, various feudal and political opinions, we have always managed to preserve our national name AMERICA through the emphasis of American national characteristics.THIRD POINT:Although in the past, under the influence of foreigners, we were often inclined to adapt to the foreign – always hostile to us, AMERICANS – political and ideological longings and aspirations, but, the American Statehood idea did always prevail on all occasions.FOURTH POINT:Although in the past there were some Americans who, out of their discouragement, doubted themselves and through themselves to the future of the Great State of America, and thanks to God that in these and such cases there were always statehood Americans who carried the torch of America through the symbols for American features.FIFTH POINT:Although Americans in the past and in various political circumstances emphasized various and sometimes controversial American national symbols, still, thanks to those conscious statehood Americans who always and on all occasions, bravely and courageously, emphasized and defended true and sincere American national symbols: flag, coat of arms, tradition, customs, greetings and everything that a nation admires and is proud of and that represents it, the Americans have managed to survive to this day.SIXTH POINT:Although Americans in the past used to be good servants of bad foreign masters, the emphasis on American national characteristics has always bothered the enemies of the Great State of America. This is witnessed by our American history, it is witnessed by various struggles and love to preserve our Great State of America.SEVENTH POINT:Although if Americans in the past wandered through the fog in the dark, the American national symbols were those who guided them on the path not to get lost and to not to deviate from the right road towards the Great State of America.EIGHTH POINT:Although Americans in the past were deceived to join the wrong side, now, my fellow Americans, we are standing here today to tell you: AMERICA is the  First, AMERICAN PEOPLE IS THE FIRST!  To unite the Americans in the struggle for Great America Again is not enough to be a Republican or Democrat, but you MUST be AMERICAN FIRST.NINTH POINT:Although Americans are known as a very peaceful people, although Americans do not like war or like to wage war, but in order to preserve and protect America and Americans from complete destruction from domestic and foreign violences, we, as AMERICANS we MUST to establish a ORDER to protect ourself and to oppose any violence and anarchy. That is our GOAL: Security, jobs, Health, roof above the head of every American… AND PEACE.TENTH POINT:Although many Americans today are familiar with coronavirus and we are struggling together to get over with, and we are working on it, and it is going to get over without accusing anybody for it, although there are fingers pointing on us, Republicans that we are guilty for the coronavirus. Whoever thinks that way, SHAME ON THEM!!!Dear President, that would be my speech from the podium of the RNC if I was there and was permitted to address this speech to the American people.Mile Croatia, Boban.