HRVATSKA I USTAŠTVO, POSEBNI PRILOG br. 42., 30 svibnja 2009


               HRVATSKA I USTAŠTVO, POSEBNI PRILOG, 30 svibnja 2009
Yesterday, Sunday, October 30, 2022, a lady called me. Lili Foster, widow of my friend Joe Foster. She told me that I must come to visit, because her husband Joseph Matus’s relatives are visiting from the Czech Republic and I want you to meet them. My wife Annie and I went to visit Lili Foster and there we met three members of the Joseph Matos family. In the conversation, Lili let them know how beautifully I described the brief content of the history of Matos and the death of Lili’s brother Albert Matos. These three from the Czech Republic were very interested in this description, they gave me their email address to forward it to them and that they would translate it into Czech via google. I sent that to them today.
Mile Boban.
Jučer, nedjelja 30 listopada 2022 nazvala me je gospođa. Lili Foster, udova mojeg prijatelja Joe Foster. Rekla mi je da neizostavno dođem u posjetu, jer da ima u posjeti iz Češke Republike rodbinu njezina muža Joseph Matusa i želim da ih upoznaš. Supruga Annie i ja smo otišli u posjetu kog Lili Foster i tu se upoznali sa tri osobe obitelji Josepha Matos. U razgovoru Lili im je dala do znanja kako sam ja lijepo opisao kratki sadržaj povijesti Matos i smret Lilina brata Alberta Matos. Ovi troje iz Češke su bili vrlo zainteresirani za ovaj opis, dali mi svoj email adresu da im to proslijedim a da će oni to preko google prevesti na češki. To sam im danas poslao.
Mile Boban.

By Mile Boban, Otporaš

The attached picture is of Mile and Joe Foster. Joe Foster married Lillie Matoš, sister of the now deceased Albert Matoš. Joe Foster and I are very good friends and as a friend I was at the funeral of Albert Matoš. I am putting a picture.

Right: Joe Foster i Mile Boban


Right: Joe Foster and Mile Boban

(Author: MILE Boban)


Yesterday, May 29, 2009 was a significant day for me. A quarter of a century ago, I met a virtuous American family whose parents were Czechs. Josef Matuš (1892-1972) was born in the Czech Republic, in a small village called ZLIN. As a boy, hungry for bread, he came to Texas, Galveston, in 1907. At that time, the state of Texas was developing, giving foreigners opportunities to develop. That’s how the young “celebrity” Josef Matuš began to dream of his “empire” and wealth.

In 1915, an already developed American in search of fortune reached the small undeveloped town of Caldwell. There he met a girl of the same family, Czech parents, Franceska Muzny. They got married in 1917. The first child, Albert Matuš, was born in 1918. They had five (5) children.

Albert Matuš joined the American army in February 1942. It is known that Japan attacked America on December 7, 1941. Albert Matuš went through many battles in World War II. He was a participant in the Normandy invasion on June 6, 1944. As a prominent fighter against the enemy, – it is known who was the American military enemy at that time – in these various combat skirmishes with the Germans, Albert reached the liberation of Paris, therefore, the whole of France, on August 25, 1944.

He and I, i.e. Albert Matuš and I were able to find a common vocabulary many times, if not always, on the issue of the war events of the Second World War. We used to drink bottles of whiskey discussing how to correct the wrong DRINA. (DRINA is a crooked river that cannot be straightened. We Croats have a saying for wrong opinions that they cannot be straightened, just like the river DRINA which is the border between Croatia and Serbia.) He even wanted to visit Croatia with me and come to my village in Bobanova Draga, and that was in his plan. He was very healthy, very alive and agile. The last time we were together was for his 91st birthday in March of this year. He was worn out, burned out. We sat together and talked. He was open to me and said that he was ready, i.e. to die.

Last Monday evening, his sister Lillie called me and said: Albert is gone, i.e. Albert is gone, he died. Even though I was over 600 km away, I said I was coming to the funeral. Yesterday, Friday, May 29, 2009, at 10 o’clock in the morning, we met at the Mortuary, from where we went to the cemetery. I was surprised by the number of people, especially veterans of the Second World War who came, God knows from all over America, who knew him and were with him on the FIRE LINES, to pay him their last respects. The ceremony in the Mortuary lasted more than an hour. I just cried. Many people thought that I was crying for the late Albert Matuš, which on the one hand was very true and on the other hand the truth was: I also cried for those Croatian soldiers and those Croats who gave their lives for the freedom of our Croatia, and NO ONE  DOESN’T REMEMBER THEM. While I’m writing this, tears are streaming down my face. Let’s remember the funeral of Dink Šakić last year, how the political elite of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Stjepan Mesić, mocked him and called him the most derogatory names, just because he fought for the State of Croatia and did not wear the uniform of the Yugoslav brigades, as the brainwashed Croats who still today they called themselves as anti-fascists, and history will record them as enemies of Croatia, because as Yugoslav anti-fascists they fought against the existing Croatian State.

We came to the cemetery. The multitude of people. Military music is here. The uniforms are the same as those from the Second World War. My wife Annie comforts me and I say to her in French: What a miracle! When a soldier is respected like this, then he is not even sorry to die for his homeland. Here, in Croatia today, any mention of Croatian soldiers of the Second World War is prohibited. Shame!!!

Some older officer, in years, probably one of the deceased’s commanders, was commanding the soldiers who will now fire 21 platoons on command. Don’t bother me now if it’s not the right word in our Croatian language. I don’t know that word very well. All I want to do is describe what it was like yesterday at the cemetery. The shots fired were so synchronized that to a calm soul it could be said that it was one shot.

Hand on heart, my dear Croats, isn’t it true that there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, if not a million Croats who gave their lives for Croatia and no honor was ever given to them. On the contrary. They were despised. That is why, please, let us be worthy of every Croat, especially those who gave their lives for Croatia and spoke with their dying lips.

                                     Prijevod na hrvatski

By Mile Boban, Otporaš

Priložena slika je Mile i Joe Foster. Joe Foster je oženio Lillie Matoš, sestru sada pokojnog Alberta Matoš. Joe Foster i ja smo vrlo dobri prijatelji i kao prijatelj bio sam na sprovodu Albertu Matoš. Prilažem sliku.

image.pngDesno: Joe Foster i Mile Boban

(Autor: MILE Boban)


Jučer, 29 svibnja 2009. godine za mene je bio jedan značajan dan. Prije četvrt stoljeća sam upoznao jednu čestitu američku obitelj čiji roditelji su bili Česi. Josef Matuš (1892-1972) je rodjen u Češkoj, jednom malom selu imenom ZLIN. Kao dečkić, trbuhom za kruhom, došao je u Texas, Galveston, 1907. godine. U to vrijeme država Texas se je razvijala, davala strancima mogućnosti se razvijati. Tako i mladi “slaven” Josef Matuš počeo je sanjati o savom “carstvu” i bogadstvu.

Godine 1915, već razvijeni Amerikanac u lutanju za bogadstvom, dospije do malog nerazvijenog mjesta Caldwell. Tu je upoznao jednu djevojku istih dodina, Čeških roditelja, Franceska Muzny. Oženili su se 1917. godine. Prvo dijete, Albert Matuš je rodjeno 1918. godine. Imali su petero (5) djece.

Ovaj Albert Matuš je otišao u američku vojsku u veljači 1942. godine. Zna se da je Japan napao Ameriku 7 prosinca 1941. godine. Albert Matuš je prošao kroz mnoge ratne okršaje u drugom svjetskom ratu. Bio je sudionik u Invazija Normandije 6 lipnja 1944. godine. Kao istaknuti borac protiv neprijatelja, – zna se tko je u to vrijeme bio američki vojnički neprijatelj – u tim raznim borbenim okršajima sa Njemcima, Albert je dospio na oslobodjenje Pariza, dakle, cijele Francuske, 25 kolovoza 1944 godine.

On i ja, tj. Albert Matuš i ja, smo znali mnogo puta, ako ne i uvijek, naći zajednički rječnik o pitanju ratnih zbivanja drugog svjetskog rata. Znali smo boce Whiskey-a popiti u raspravljanju kako ispraviti krivu DRINU. (DRINA je krijugiva rijeka koja se ne može ispraviti. Mi Hrvati imamo izreku za  kriva mišljenja da se ne mogu ispraviti kao ni rijeka DRINA koja je granica između Hrvatske i Srbije. Čak je htio s menom posjetiti  Hrvatsku i doći u moje selo Bobanova Draga, i to mu je bilo u planu. Bio je vrlo zdrav, jako živ i agilan. Kada smo bili zadnji put zajedno, bilo je za njegov 91 rodjendan u ožujku ove godine. Bio je istrošen, dogorio. Sjedili smo zajedno i razgovarali. Otvoreno mi je rekao da je sperman, tj. umrijeti.

U prošli ponedjeljak večer njegova sestra Lillie me zove i kaže: Albert is gone, tj. Alberta nema više, umro je. Iako sam bio udaljen preko 600 km, rekao sam da dolazim na sprovod. Jučer, petak, 29 svibnja 2009. godine, u 10 sati u jutro smo se sastali u Mrtvačnici iz koje se idje na groblje. Iznenadio sam se mnoštvu ljudi, posebice veterana drugog svjetskog rata koji su došli, Bog zna iz sve kojih krajeva Amerike, koji su ga poznavali i bili sa njim na VATRENIM LINIJAMA, da mu odaju posljednju popčast. Ceremonija u Mrtvačnici je potrajala više od jednog sata. Ja sam samo plakao. Mnogi su mislili da ja plačem za pok. Albertom Matušom, što je s jedne strane bila istina a sa druge strane istina je bila: Ja sam takodjer plakao za onim hrvatskim vojnicima i onim Hrvatima koji su svoje živote dali za slobodu naše Hrvatske, a NITKO IH SE NE SJEĆA. Dok ovo pišem meni suze, ne da cure, nego točno lete niz lice. Sjetimo se prošle godine sprovoda Dinka Šakića kako ga je politička elita predsjednika RH Stjepana Mesića ismijala i nazvala ga najpogrdnijim imenima, samo zato što se je borio za Državu Hrvatsku i nije nosio odoru jugoslavenskih brigada kao što su to nosili oprana mozga Hrvati koji sebe još i danas nazivaju antifašistima, a povijest će ih zabilježiti kao neprijatelji Hrvatske, jer su se kao jugoslavenski antifašisti borili protiv postojeće Hrvatske Države.

Došli smo na groblje. Masa svijeta. Vojnička glazba je tu. Odore su iste kao one iz drugog svjetskog rata. Moja supruga Annie me tješi a ja njoj govorim na francuskom: Kakva divota! Kada se ovako vojnika poštiva, onda mu nije ni žao poginuti za svoju domovinu. Kod nas, u Hrvatskoj danas, se zabranjuje svako spominjanje na hrvatske vojnike drugog svjetskog rata. Sramota!!!

Neki stariji časnik, u godinama, vjerojatno jedan od pokojnikovih zapovjednika, je zapovijedao vojnicima koji će sada na zapovijed ispaliti 21 plotun. Nemojte me sada gnjaviti ako nije prava riječ na našem hrvatskom jeziku. Ja ju ne znam. Sve što želim je opisati kako je bilo jučer na groblju. Ispaljeni plotuni su bili tako sinhronizirani da bi se mirne duše moglo reći kao da je to bio jedan pucanj.

Ruku na srce, dragi moji Hrvati, nije li istina da ima na tisuće, stotine tisuća, ako ne i milijun Hrvata koji su dali svoje živote za Hrvatsku a nikakva počast im se nikada nije dala. Naprotiv. Preziri su im se davali. Zato, molim vas, budimo dostojni svakome Hrvatu, posebice onima koji su svoje živote dali za  Hrvatsku i umirući su svojim usnama izgovarali.



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