Vrijedno bi bilo ovo prevesti na hrvatski kako bi se današnji hrvatski naraštaji osvjedočili da svijestna i nacionalna hrvatska politička emigracija je vršila svoju hrvatsko/nacionalnu dužnost među Amerikancima i u zemljama gdje su živjeli. Mile Boban, Otporaš.

Prilažem ovdje poveznicu koje sadržaj je na engleskom jeziku, a jedan Hrvat (samo inicijali za sada M.M.) mi je jutros, petak, 24 travnja 2020. to poslao prevedeno na hrvatski. Ispod ove poveznice prilažem prijeved na hrvatski. (Zatražit ću suglasnost gosp. prevoditelja MM da stavim njegovo ime. Ako odobri, to ću naknadno dodati.) Njaljepša hvala, Mile Boban, Otporaš.


Priredili: Terry Wilson i Henry Wood

CHICAGO TRIBUNE Fubruar 17 1987

Domaćin radio emisije na hrvatskom jeziku, za koje su prijatelji rekli da je primio brojne prijetnje smrću zbog protivljenja politici jugoslavenske vlade, pronađen je mrtav u srijedu u stanu prožetom krvlju u ulici N. Orleans St. Istražitelji za ubojstva, međutim, rekli su da je tijelo Franka Mašića (62) djelomično razgrađeno i da na tijelu nisu pronađeni “očigledni znakovi nasilja”. Obdukcija u četvrtak bit će potrebna kako bi se utvrdio uzrok smrti, rekao je Sgt. Thomas Keane iz jedinice za nasilne zločine u području Belmont. Keane je rekao da je Masicino tijelo imalo “utisak” na vratu koji bi mogao biti rana. Rekao je da se slučaj istražuje u srijedu navečer kao moguće ubojstvo. Keane je također rekao da Mašićev automobil nedostaje sa svog parking mjesta iza zgrade. Sgt. Robert Hansford iz okruga East Chicago Avenue rekao je da je stan preuređen. “Izgledalo je kao da je probijen”, rekao je. ” Neke su ladice izvučene. Članci su ležali naokolo. Izgledalo je kao da je pretraženo. ” Hansford je međutim rekao da nije pronađeno oružje i da nema znakova prisilnog ulaska.

Mašić je bio domaćin posljednjih sedam godina tjedne radio emisije, ” Glas Hrvatske ”, čuje se svake subote od 15.05. do 16:00 na stanici WCEV-AM, postaji koja nudi emisije na nekoliko jezika, rekla je Diana Maria Migala, potpredsjednica postaje. Rekla je da je Mašić rođen u Hrvatskoj, a preselio se u Chicago 1956. godine. Hrvatska je dio moderne nacije Jugoslavije, nastala nakon Prvog svjetskog rata kao amalgam nekoliko manjih naroda. Od Drugog svjetskog rata Jugoslavijom je upravljala komunistička vlada, a mnogi emigranti iz Jugoslavije izrazito su antikomunistički. Istražitelji su rekli kako je Mašić posljednji put viđen u 15:30 sati. Subota. Ali čovjek koji je rekao da je Mašićev prijatelj i koji se identificirao samo kao ” Johne ”, rekao je Mašić posljednji put viđen oko 8:00. Subota u hrvatskom nogometnom klubu. Prijatelj, intervjuiran ispred Mašićeve zgrade, rekao je da se Mašić nije pojavio u McCormick Placeu u nedjelju, gdje je bio primljen u susret prijateljima da bi vidjeli Auto Show. Prijatelji su rekli da je Mašić radio kao domar u zgradi u kojoj je živio. Prema policiji, Mašićevi susjedi postali su zabrinuti nakon što ga nekoliko dana nisu viđali, a vlasnik zgrade i građevinski inženjer otvorili su njegov zaključani stan, otkrili da je krv poprskana krvlju i pozvali policiju. Masićevo tijelo pronađeno je u kupaonici obučeno u hlače i čarape, ali bez majice. Značajna krv pronađena je na vratima i na zidu stana i u kupaonici, objavila je policija. Vlado Glavaš (42), domaćin drugog programa hrvatskog radija na WCEV-u, koji se zove “Radio Slobodna Hrvatska”, rekao je u srijedu: “Frank Frank Mašić vjerujem da je 100 posto ubila jugoslavenska tajna policija. Primio je puno prijetnji, isto kao i ja. ”

Glavaš je rekao da su tipične prijetnje koje su i on i Mašić dobili anonimni telefonski pozivi koji govore: “Ako ne prestanete razgovarati protiv Jugoslavije, bit ćete mrtvi.” Glavasova supruga Danica (39) izbodena je i teško ranjena, pokucala na vrata i rekla da je stan u Glavasu “Sjeverna strana” želio ispitati o apartinu u siječnju 1985., muškarca kojeg je iznajmljivao. Glavaš vjeruje da je njegova supruga bila za jugoslavensku tajnu policiju. izboden od strane nekoga tko radi Detektiv David Ryan iz jedinice za nasilne zločine u Belmontu, koji je istraživao slučaj Glavaš, rekao je da nikada nije uhićen zbog uboda gospođe Glavas. Ryan je rekao da nikada nije pronašao dokaze da je tajna policija bila umiješana; rekao je da ozbiljno sumnja u bilo kakvu tajnu policijsku umiješanost zbog napadačevog neobičnog ponašanja. Keane i neki Hrvati rekli su da je Mašićeva radijska emisija nedovoljno ključna, bavila se glazbom i poviješću Hrvatske, te vijestima hrvatske zajednice u Chicagu, ali o politici malo ili nimalo. Glavaš je rekao da se i njegova i Masićeva emisija bavila politikom, ali Mašićeva emisija manje tako. U lipnju 1977, urednik srpskog antikomunističkog dnevnika u Chicagu, 45-godišnji Dragiša Kasikovich i devetogodišnja djevojka koja je bila s njim, brutalno su ubijeni u uredu novina pri Srpskom vijeću za nacionalnu odbranu Amerike. , 3909 W. Sjeverna avenija Srbija je također dio Jugoslavije.


Chicago Tribune, 17. veljače 1987.,

Chicago Tribune, 17. veljače 1987.,

Croats and Serbs in Chicago: Pride and Fear Over Growing Violence

By Douglas E. Kneeland Special to The New York Times

Credit…The New York Times Archives
See the article in its original context from
December 9, 1978, Page 8Buy Reprints
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CHICAGO, Dec. 7 — Two Croats stand convicted in the recent armed takeover of the West German Consulate here. Six Serbs have just been indicted on charges that they plotted to kill Marshal Tito on his visit to Washington last March. A dozen Chicago businessmen of Croatian descent have complained of extortion threats from a purported nationalist band.

While Federal agents and local policemen have pressed their investigations of the latest outbreak of Balkan intrigue in Chicago, the New York City metropolitan area and on the West Coast, the events have left a mixed legacy of nationalist pride, embarrassment and some fear in the Croatian and Serbian communities here, reportedly the largest in this country with perhaps 100,000 members each.

The Serbs and Croats scattered in pockets among the old blue‐collar and middleclass neighborhoods of Chicago and northwestern Indiana have retained the political, religious and cultural enmities that have divided them for a millenium. But most of them are in accord in their hatred of the Communist Yugoslav Government that rules their ancient homelands.

Fervor of Immigrants

Three members of the Croatian National Council, one a priest, tried last night to explain the fervor that still. grips large numbers of post‐World War II immigrants from Yugoslavia, a fervor not usually shared by those who came earlier. The interviews took place in a back room of the rectory of St. Jerome Roman Catholic Curch in the South Side neighborhood of Bridgeport that spawned the late Mayor Richard J. Daley and is the home of Mayor Michael A. Bilandic.


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“Tito is the only true Yugoslav,” said the Rev. Slavko Soldo, a 32‐year‐old, redhaired former resident of Sarajevo, smiling at the old joke. “Serbians don’t want Yugoslavia, the Croatians don’t want it, the Macedonians don’t want it.”

“Only Tito and the United States State Department want it,” interjected Vlado Misetic, 38, the dark, intense co‐producer of a weekly Free Croatia radio program here.

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“After Tito goes, nobody has the power,” he added, sounding the note of hope that has given new urgency to the old dreams of an independent Croatia.

Spilt in Nation Foreseen

Father Soldo and Vlado Glavas, 35, who produces the radio program with Mr. Misetic, nodded solemnly in agreement. Like other members of the Croatian National Council, an international organization that says it has 15,000 members in this country, they are convinced that when the 80‐year‐old Marshal Tito dies the disparate and contentious nationalities in Yugoslavia’s six republics will become embroiled in so much infighting that the country will be ungovernable and the only solution will be to divide it into its ethnic parts.

In the meantime, they are pledged to do all they can to keep alive the nationalist spirit of Croatia. But they deny the existence of any militant arm of their group such as the Palestine Liberation Organization or the Irish Republican Army.


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However, Federal and local investigators are known, to be seriously concerned about the threat of violence by each ethnic group, both of which they consider extremely volatile and unpredictable.

“I don’t know for a fact that they have a hit squad like the P.L.O. or the I.R.A.,” one source close to the investigation of both groups said, “but what constitutes hit squad? Maybe they’re not standing at the ready like the Marine Corps, but they can always get volunteers. There’s no way to know about specific numbers, but in any kind of a nationalist group like this there are always a handful of diehards.”

Speaking of the Croats and Serbs arrested in recent cases here, he said “these guys are heroes” in their own communities.

On the West Side of town, in a neighborhood now dominated by more resent Spanish‐speaking.immigrants, the hall of the Serbian National Defense Council looks out of place.

“This is a dangerous place,” said Rad Blagojedich, 67, gray‐haired and bushy browed, admitting a visitor through the heavy iron grating outside the main door.

Last year, the editor of the Serbs’ weekly newspaper and his 9‐year‐old daughter were murdered there, repeatedly stabbed with scissors or a similar instrument. The Serbs blame agents of the Yugoslav Government, but a source close to the invc3tigation, noting the lack of professionalism in the killings, says that personal enemies of Dagish Kacikovich, the editor, could have committed the crimes.

Mr. Blagojedich, who is secretary of the national council, said that his group also deplored violence and was devoted to lobbying’ for Serbian causes. Although he conceded that the Serbs had little else in common with the Croats, he agreed with them on one point.


Continue reading the main story

“We are 100 percent against the regime still in Yugoslavia,” he declared vehe mently.

As for the alleged plot to kill President Tito, the exploding of a bomb at the suburban home of the Yugoslav Consul here and a plan to bomb a South Side Yugoslav club on Nov. 29, all of which were charged to the six Serbs indicted by a Federal grand jury last week, he said:

“We don’t have nothing to do with them. We have nothing to do with that and we don’t believe in that.”

Nationalists Blamed

In 1967, a rash of bombings at Yugoslav consulates in this country and in Canada was generally attributed to Serbian nationalists. The F.B.I. investigated, but the only person ever held in connection with the case was the late editor, Mr. Kacikovich, who spent months in jail for refusing to answer questions under grant of immunity from a Federal grand jury.

With the latest arrests and indictments, the F.B.I. is convinced that “saved death or injuries to hundreds of people” who would have been at the Yugoslav Club on Nov. 29, a spokesman said.

“There isn’t any strong sympathy in the Serbian community for those six,” lawyer of Serbian descent, who asked not to be identified, said.

But Mile Kodzoman, 32, of Chicago, and Bozo Kelava, 36, of San Mateo, Calif., appear to be widely supported in the local Croation community for having held eight hostages for hours at the West German consulate here Aug. 17 in an attempt to insure that Stepan Bilandzic, an imprisoned Croatian exile in West Germany, would not be extradicted to Yugoslavia, where they feared he would be executed.

Freed of Two Charges

They surrendered when they were assured that Mr. Bilandzic was in no danger of extradition and released their hostages unharmed. A Federal District Court jury, apparently convinced that they had acted from somewhat justifiable motives, convicted them of having imprisoned “foreign officials” but acquitted them of more serious charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.

“Most Croatian people would condemn any act of violence, but we are proud of the results,” said the Rev. Silvije Grubisic, a pastor of St. Anthony’s Chapel, one of three principal Croatian Roman Catholic parishes in the city.


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As for the apparent extortion threats, William Murphy, a police commander who has been involved in the investigation, said that 12 Croatian‐Americans here had reported receiving nearly identical letters. The only difference, he said, was in the amount of money demanded:

Yugoslav Agents Blamed

He said that the letters had been sent from a West German address and demanded that $3,000 to $5,000 be sent to an address in Paraguay.

Daniel’Nikolic, who received one of the letters and whose business was bombed on Oct. 4, charged, as have others, that Yugoslav agents had sent the letters in an attempt to discredit Croatian nationalists.

“You can be sure it was not Croatians who sent the letter,” he said, “and I guarantee you it was not Croatians who bombed my business.”



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