Sunic: Whoever wins, the situation will be extremely tense in the coming months, and this will have consequences for Croatia


Barbara Kraš Kedmenec

“America is a terribly polarized country and regardless of the decision of the Supreme Court, the situation will be a status quo,” Tomislav Sunić, an analyst of political science and sociological phenomena, said in an interview for the Direktno portal. He added that the existing tension was further highlighted by the Covid pandemic and that whoever sits in the White House is facing a difficult period.

11/04/2020 at 13:24

Photo: FaH
Americans have had the opportunity to elect existing or new president to run the country for the next four years. Republican candidate and incumbent President Donald Trump declared an election victory, but also warned that a “big scam” was underway, referring to a correspondence vote that the U.S. president has been criticizing for some time. “We’re going to go to the Supreme Court to prove it,” Trump said.

Sunic believes that Trump made the right decision in that regard. Namely, correspondence voting “by mail” in America lasts more than a month, and approximately 90 million Americans have already voted there.

“There is a great possibility of fraud and various entanglements. It is not electronic voting, it is correspondence voting which is a bit strange and this process of opening envelopes and counting votes will take quite a long time. If we look at the total number of votes Trump got, he leads , I think that he acted correctly, at least as far as his decision to convene the Supreme Court, ie to initiate this action and to end this election mess as soon as possible “, is the opinion of our interlocutor, also the author of the book” Homo Americanus; Child of the postmodern ” age “.

He recalled the 2016 election when Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton received several million more votes, but the electoral votes were the ones that prevailed in favor of Donald Trump.

Trump wants an ‘ad hoc victory’, Biden is delayed His Democratic opponent. To Joe Biden correspondence votes goes in his favor. He, in turn, addressed his constituents in Wilmington, Delaware: “I believe we are on the road to victory. It will take time, but we will be patient. It is not over until every vote is counted.”

‘One small negative detail, either from Trump’s or Biden’s side, is enough for people to start protesting and possibly for a conflict.’

“You have seen for yourself what happened in Croatia in the recent elections, specifically with Mr. Glasnovic, who, either rightly or wrongly, complained that he was deprived of 11 votes and could not come to the Croatian Parliament. In a way, in many in a stronger and more serious form we see it in America today.

Biden also has good arguments, he says ‘we have to count the votes’, but in any case he is supported by those correspondence votes, envelopes that have yet to be opened and he can procrastinate for a long time, which is contrary to President Trump “ad hoc ‘victory,” Sunic said.

He believes the votes will be counted all Wednesday, and maybe even the next few days. In a situation where anti-racial protests were taking place in the United States in the spring, in the midst of the Covid crisis, the fact is that this close race could very easily end in new racial unrest. Sunic points out that one should always keep in mind that America is a very polarized country and that “one small negative detail from either Trump or Biden’s side is enough for people to start protesting and for a conflict to occur.”

Two different Americas – globalist and protectionist

This eminent analyst points out that the east and west coasts of the United States are two different Americas, and two different worlds make up Central America predominantly inhabited by whites, who mostly sympathize with Trump, compared to the multicultural New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco where they mostly live Biden’s voters.

As he said, the whole process of polarization of America takes a long time and has its roots far back in the 60s when legal measures were passed regarding minorities that needed to be met. “What we also had in communist Yugoslavia according to a republican key. There was negative discrimination where specifically African Americans were allowed to progress in state affairs, etc. So this process and what we see now in America has its psychological and anthropological causes that touch quite deep.

Whether Trump wins the election or not, this is a logical continuation of a very charged atmosphere that has been going on in America for a very long time. It is the term ‘Balkanization’, which has long been used in America, although it does not refer to the Balkans as a demographic term, but has one negative connotation that the country is increasingly disintegrating between globalists, which in a figurative sense represents Biden, and Trump’s views, which we can reduce to protectionist policies, “Sunic said.

In the last 35-40 years, he says, the demographic picture of society in the U.S. has changed; then there were 85 percent Americans of European descent, and today that number has been reduced to 60 percent in favor of 40 percent made up of non-European Americans: “Logically, now this new demographic picture is shifting into the political arena. And nothing knew in that. In our neighborhood the Republic of Kosovo where the demographic picture has changed, and ultimately in the whole of Europe, which has 15 percent of the non-European population, but in America it is quite radical. ”

Possible new racial unrest

“I can’t say what can happen, but even the secession of some countries is not ruled out. I don’t want to invoke evil spirits, but given that every family there has two weapons, we must not rule out the possibility of riots, primarily to racial unrest. I can say that this tense situation will last regardless of who is legally enthroned and gets the mandate of the next president. Whether it is Trump or Biden, the situation will be extremely tense in the coming months, if not years, and this will certainly have consequences for the European Union, and consequently for Croatia as well “, said our interlocutor.

‘Trump represents the classic liberal and what he says, Nixon said 50 years ago’

He stressed that Trump is a “solo player” because he had “complete media, a large part of the academic world as well as various stars and celebrities, practically the whole of Hollywood” against him.

In addition, he says, “both the European media and the European Commission and the European Parliament and the European Council are hidden against Trump. They are still for the globalist, abstract world and Trump bothers them perhaps because of his views that are often misinterpreted as too right-wing , which is not true. He
represents a classic liberal and what he is saying, Nixon also said 50 years ago. ”

Trump is no extremist in his view, “except for his personal peculiar attitude.” He added that Trump still has a strong base in the common people in Central America who still make up a relative majority. Still, he reiterates, the electorate has the final word to say, and we can expect the Supreme Court to have the final say.

American presidential election, Donald trump, Joe Biden, Tomislav Sunić.

Prevedeno sa hrvatskog na engleskiTranslated from Croatian in English



Sunić: Tko god pobijedio, situacija će biti krajnje napeta u sljedećim mjesecima, a to će imati posljedice i na Hrvatsku


Barbara Kraš Kedmenec

“Amerika je užasno polarizirana zemlja i bez obzira na odluku Vrhovnog suda, situacija će biti status quou”, kazao je u razgovoru za portal Direktno analitičar politoloških i socioloških fenomena Tomislav Sunić. Dodao je da je postojeća napetost dodatno naglašena Covid pandemijom i da tko god zasjedne u Bijelu kuću predstoji mu težak period.

04.11.2020. u 13:24

Ispiši članak

Amerikanci su imali priliku birati starog ili novog predsjednika koji će zemlju voditi idućih četiri godina. Republikanski kandidat i aktualni predsjednik Donald Trump proglasio je izbornu pobjedu, ali isto tako upozorio na to da je u tijeku “velika prijevara”, osvrnuvši se na dopisno glasovanje koje američki predsjednik kritizira već neko vrijeme. “Ići ćemo do Vrhovnog suda kako bismo to dokazali”, kazao je Trump.

Sunić smatra da je Trump što se toga tiče donio ispravnu odluku. Naime dopisno glasovanje “preko pošte” u Americi traje više od mjesec dana, a već tu je glasovalo otprilike 90 milijuna Amerikanaca.

“Tu postoji velika mogućnost prijevara i raznih zavrzlama. To nije elektronsko glasovanje, to je dopisno glasovanje koje je malo čudno i taj će proces otvaranja kuverti i brojanja glasova trajati još dosta dugo. Ako gledamo na broj ukupnih glasova koje je dobio Trump, on vodi, smatram da je postupio ispravno, barem što se tiče njegove odluke da sazove Vrhovni sud, odnosno da pokrene tu akciju i da se ta izborna zavrzlama što prije završi”, mišljenja je naš sugovornik, ujedno autor knjige “Homo Americanus; Child of the postmodern age”.

Podsjetio je na izbore 2016. godine kada je Trumpova protukandidatkinja Hillary Clinton dobila i nekoliko milijuna glasova više, ali su elektorski glasovi bili ti koji su prevagnuli u korist Donalda Trumpa.

Trump želi ‘ad hoc pobjedu’, Bidenu odgovara odugovlačenje

Njegovom demokratskom protukandidatu Joe Bidenu dopisni glasovi idu na ruku. On se pak obratio svojim biračima iz Wilmingtona u Delawareu: “Vjerujem da smo na putu pobjede. Potrajat će, ali bit ćemo strpljivi. Nije gotovo dok se svaki glas ne prebroji”.

‘Jedan mali negativan detalj,  bilo s Trumpove ili Bidenove strane, dovoljan je da se ljudi počnu buniti i da eventualno dođe do sukoba’

“Vidjeli ste i sami što se dogodilo u Hrvatskoj na nedavnim izborima, konkretno s  gospodinom Glasnovićem, koji se, bilo s pravom bilo s krivom, žalio da je bio zakinut za 11 glasova i nije mogao doći u Hrvatski sabor. Na neki način u puno jačem i ozbiljnijem obliku to danas gledamo u Americi.

Ima i Biden dobre argumente, on kaže ‘mi moramo prebrojiti glasove’, ali u svakom slučaju njemu idu u prilog ti dopisni glasovi, kuverte koje se još moraju otvoriti i on to još dugo može odugovlačiti što je suprotno stavovima predsjednika Trumpa koji bi htio proglasiti ‘ad hoc’ pobjedu”, rekao je Sunić.

On smatra da će se glasovi brojati cijelu srijedu, a možda čak i nekoliko narednih dana. U situaciji kada su se u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama na proljeće, usred Covid krize, održavali antirasni prosvjedi, činjenica je da ova tijesna utrka vrlo lako može završiti novim rasnim nemirima. Sunić ističe da uvijek treba imati na umu da je Amerika vrlo polarizirana zemlja i da je dovoljan “jedan mali negativan detalj  bilo s Trumpove ili Bidenove strane da se ljudi počnu buniti i da eventualno dođe do sukoba”.

Dvije različite Amerike – globalistička i protekcionistička

Ovaj ugledni analitičar ističe da su istočna i zapadna obala SAD-a dvije različite Amerike, a dva različita svijeta čine i srednja Amerika pretežno naseljena bijelcima, koji većinom simpatiziraju Trumpa, u odnosu na multikulturalan New York, Los Angeles ili San Francisco u kojem većinom obitavaju Bidenovi glasači.

Kako je rekao, cijeli proces polarizacije Amerike traje dugo i svoje korijenje ima daleko u 60-im godinama kada su donesene zakonske mjere glede manjina kojima se trebalo izići u susret.  “Ono što smo i mi imali u komunističkoj Jugoslaviji po jednom republičkom ključu. Došlo je do negativne diskriminacije gdje se konkretno Afroamerikancima omogućavalo da napreduju u državnim poslovima itd. Znači taj proces i ovo što sad gledamo u Americi ima svoje psihološke i antropološke uzroke koji zadiru dosta duboko.

Bez obzira na to hoće li Trump dobiti izbore ili ne, ovo je logičan nastavak vrlo nabijene atmosfere koja u Americi traje već jako dugo. Riječ je o pojmu ‘balkanizacija’, koja je već dugo u uporabi u Americi, iako se ona ne odnosi na Balkan kao na demografski pojam, ali ima jednu negativnu konotaciju da se zemlja sve više rastače između globalista, koje u prenesenom značenju zastupa Biden, i Trumpovih stavova koje možemo svesti pod protekcionističku politiku”, rekao je Sunić.

U zadnjih 35-40 godina, kaže, u SAD-u se promijenila demografska slika društva; tada je bilo 85 posto Amerikanaca europskog podrijetla, a danas je taj broj smanjen na 60 posto u korist 40 posto kojeg sačinjavaju Amerikanci neeuropskog podrijetla: “Logično se sada ta nova demografska slika premješta i u političku arenu. To nije ništa novo, to u konačnici vidimo i u našem susjedstvu u Republici Kosovo gdje se demografska slika izmijenila, a u konačnici i u cijeloj Europi koja ima 15 posto neeuropskog stanovništva, s tim da je u Americi to dosta radikalizirano”.

Mogući novi rasni nemiri

“Ne mogu kazati što se može dogoditi, ali nije isključena čak ni secesija nekih država. Ne želim zazivati zle duhove, ali s obzirom na to da svaka obitelj tamo ima po dva komada oružja, nikako ne smijemo izbaciti tu mogućnost da dođe do nereda, prvenstveno do rasnih nereda. Mogu reći da će ova napeta situacija potrajati bez obzira na to tko bude pravno ustoličen i dobije mandat sljedećeg predsjednika. Bilo da to bude Trump ili Biden, situacija će biti krajnje napeta u sljedećim mjesecima, ako ne i godinama, a to će sigurno imati posljedice i za Europsku uniju, a posljedično i za Hrvatsku”, ocijenio je naš sugovornik.

‘Trump predstavlja klasičnog liberala i ono što on govori, govorio je i Nixon prije 50 godina’

Naglasio je da je Trump “solo igrač” jer je protiv sebe imao “kompletne medije, veliki dio akademskog svijeta kao i razne zvijezde i poznate osobe, praktički cijeli Hollywood”.

Osim toga, kaže, “i europski mediji i Europska komisija i Europski parlament i Europsko vijeće su skriveno protiv Trumpa. Oni su i dalje za globalistički, apstraktni svijet i Trump ih smeta možda i zbog svojih stavova koji se često krivo tumače da su previše desničarski, što nije točno. On predstavlja klasičnog liberala i ono što on govori, govorio je i Nixon prije 50 godina”.

Trump po njegovom mišljenju nije nikakav ekstremist, “osim svog osobnog osebujnog stava”. Dodao je da Trump ipak ima jaku bazu u običnom narodu u srednjoj Americi koji još uvijek čine relativnu većinu. Ipak, ponavlja, zadnju riječ imaju elektorski glasači, a možemo očekivati i da će konačnu riječ imati Vrhovni sud.



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