English – My eighth (8) writing to my grandchildren. = Hrvatski – Moj osmi (8) opis mojim unucima.

Priložena slika je iz Slovenj Gradca ljeta Gospodnjega 1959. Na sliki su dva teška fizička radnika iz općine Gruda. S dena je: Frano “Vreja” Brnadić, sin Mašin iz sela Vrućica, do njega na lijevo je Mile Boban iz sela Bobanova Draga.


                            My eighth (8) writing to my grandchildren.
The question is:
“What’s one of the weirdest things you’ve ever eaten”?

My dear grandchildren, I am happy to answer to you this question that happened in the last century. That was exactly on Thursday, September 10, 1959. Where did it happen and how? In order for the meaning of this question to be understood better and more truthfully, I will start from the beginning, because the question is related to one of the strangest meals I have ever eaten in my life. I’ll start from the beginning:

“I worked in Slovenia, in the city of Slovenj Gradec. My neighbor and friend Jerko Boban nicknamed Kukić (1934-1994) was with me. My sister Jakica (born in 1934, died exactly on New Year 2024) was a nurse, she lived in the south of France in the city of Nice. I corresponded with her. Through that correspondence she expressed her wish for me to come and visit her. I was in my twenties and had been drafted into the army. I told my sister Jakica about it and she replied to me to escape and not join the Yugoslav communist army, which is against God and our Croatian people. I read that letter to my friend Jerko Boban “Kukić”. He told me that it was the truth and that he had been in the JNA for two years, which means “Yugoslavian People’s Army” where he was taught that God does not exist, that nations, i.e. people, came from monkeys, etc. Then my friend Jerko Boban “Kukić” told me that he would also like to go with me to France, which is where we mutually agreed and started preparing, of course in great secrecy, because you never know who might hear you and report you to the state authorities.

The day came, Sunday, September 6, 1959. As a souvenir of my last picture before my escape I am attaching a picture here.

                                                                                   Sloven Gradec
                                                                     Slika nedjelja 6 rujna 1959.
                                           MOJ BIJEG ZA EMIGRACIJU, NEDJELJA 6 RUJNA 1959.
                                           MY ESCAPE TO EXILE, SUNDAY 6 OF SEPTEMBRE 1959.
                              MA FUITE EN EMIGRATION, DIMANCHE LE 6 SEPTEMBRE 1959.
Na ovoj sliki se nalaze, s lijeva na desno:
Ivan Boban Glavašušića, zvani “Juka”, Ante Pejić, Zvane “Lelo”, Mile, Milan Boban Gabrića. Jerko Boban, Kukić, Ante Kozina.
Sjede s lijeva: Frano Boban, “Belić”, Frano Boban, “Coković”.
In this picture are: from left to right:
Iva Boban, nickname WJuka”, Ante Pejić, nickname “Lelo”, Milan Boban, nickname “Gabrića”, Jerko Boban, Kukić, Ante Kozina.
Sitting from left: Frano Boban, “Belić”, Frano Boban, “Coković”.
We had already prepared for the trip. We bought an Atlas, tore out two sheets on which there was a map from the city of Trieste, Italy to the city of Nice, France, we bought backpacks, some food and the necessary drinks and we went towards Koper, the border between Italy and Yugoslavia at the time. In great secrecy and at night, we crossed the Yugoslav border at 3:15 in the morning and came, of course, all the way to Trieste on foot. There we took a bus to the city of Turin. We left Trieste around 8 in the morning and arrived in Turin around 4:30 in the afternoon. We took a train from Turin to Cuneo, which was not far from the Italian-French border. On the train, we also studied maps in which direction to go to the border. On the maps, everything seemed very close to us and that we would arrive in Nice in one day. We arrived there on Monday morning, we took our backpacks, maps in our hands and with God’s help we set off in the direction that the map showed us. We got lost from place to place. We are in the mountains. Night has fallen. It started to get cold. We found a shelter, we hid there and spent the night there.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8, 1959, we got up, nobody anywhere, on top of the mountain, we saw smoke down at the foot of the mountain. We went down the mountain and came to that house with smoke coming out of it. It was an Italian family, they don’t speak Croatian and we don’t speak Italian. With our fingers we understood each other very well. They gave us food, we washed and shaved there. We wanted to pay them, they just shrugged their shoulders and laughed. We stayed there that day, rested and spent the night in their barn.

On Wednesday, September 9, 1959, we took the same route to the top of the mountain. We walked all day and towards evening we reached a place not far from the French border. There we met some shepherds and through our fingers we asked them about crossing the border. They told us which way to go. We crossed the Italian-French border in the evening without any problems. Thank God we are now in France. With our backpacks, we were very conspicuous to all passers-by. We had enough money. We took a hotel there and I would say first class. There we rested very nicely, washed, bathed, shaved, and even sang the Croatian song Ganga. Now comes the answer to the question:

“What’s one of the weirdest things you’ve ever eaten”?

On Thursday morning, September 10, 1959, we took the bus to the town of Nice. We arrived there around noon. We headed to the address where my sister Jakica lived. When we knocked on the door, a woman appeared. We showed the address and name of Jakica Boban. She told us everything in French and gave us the address of the hospital where my sister Jakica worked. Even though we didn’t speak French, we still understood where and at which address my sister Jakica was. Of course, showing the address to the passers-by who directed us to the address where that hospital is located, we got there around 5 o’clock in the evening, so dinner time. As soon as we got to the room where my sister Jakica works, she was pleasantly surprised with great pleasure. She immediately told her colleagues to bring dinner for us too, because we were her brothers. The servant brought us an artichoke dinner. Because we didn’t know what it was and out of politeness we ate everything, leaves and chokes. So Jerko and I ate it all, and our lips and throat were injured, which made us uncomfortable and very painful.

My dear grandchildren, this is one of the strangest meals that I have ever eaten before. That is my history that has not been forever forgotten.”

Your eternal grandfather Mile Boban.

                         Translated into Croatian = Prevedno na hrvatski
                                   Moj osmi (8) opis mojim unucima.
Pitanje je:
“Koja je jedna od najčudnijih stvari koju ste ikada jeli”?

Dragi moji unuci rado odgovaram na ovo pitanje koje se je dogodilo u prošlom stoljeću. To je točno bilo u četvrtak 10 rujna 1959. godine. Gdje se je to dogodilo i kako? Da bi se smisao ovog pitanja mogao što bolje i istinitije razumijeti, ja ću početi od početka, jer je pitanje vezano na jedno najčudnije jelo koje sam ikada u mojem životu jeo. Počet ću od početka:

“Ja sam radio u Sloveniji, gradu Slovenj Gradec. Sa mnom je tu bio moj susjed i prijatelj Jerko Boban nadimkom Kukić (1934-1994) Moja sestra Jakica (r.1934. umrla točna na Novu Godinu 2024) je bila medicinska sestra, živjela je na jugu Francuske u gradu Nice. Ja sam se sa njom dopisivao. Kroz to dopisivanje ona je izrazila želju da ju dođem posjetiti. Ja sam bio u dvadesetoj godine i bio sam regrutiran u vojsku. Ja sam javio to sestri Jakici a ona meni odgovara da pobjegnem i da ne idem u jugoslavensku komunističku vojsku koja je protiv Boga i našeg hrvatskog naroda. Ja sam to pismo pročitao mojem prijatelju Jerki Boban “Kukić”. On mi reče da je to velika istina i da je on bio dvije godine u JNA, što znači “jugoslavenska narodna armija” gdje su ga učili da Bog ne postoji, da su narodi, tj. ljudi postali od majmuna itd. Tada mi je moj prijatelj Jerko Boban “Kukić” rekao da bi i on rado sa mnom išao u Francusku, što znači pobjegao. Tu smo se uzajamno dogovorili i počeli se pripremati, naravno u velikoj tajnosti, jer nikad ne znaš tko te može čuti i državnim vlastima prijaviti.

Došao je dan, nedjelja 6 rujna 1959. Kao uspomenu prilažem ovdje moju zadnju sliku prije moga bijega.

                              Sloven Gradec
                     Slika nedjelja 6 rujna 1959.
Na ovoj sliki se nalaze, s lijeva na desno:
Ivan Boban Glavašušića, zvani “Juka”, Ante Pejić, Zvane “Lelo”, Mile, Milan Boban Gabrića. Jerko Boban, Kukić, Ante Kozina, sin Luke Kozine,
Sjede: Frano Boban, “Belić, Frano Boban, Coković.
Mi smo se već spremili za put. Kupili smo Atlas istrgli dva lista na kojima se je nalazila karta od grada Trsta, Italija do grada Nice, Francuska, kupili smo naprtnjače, malo hrane i potrebna pića i pošli smo prema Kopru, granica između Italije i tadašnje Jugoslavije. U velikoj tajnosti i po noći prešli smo jugoslavensku granicu u 3:15 minuta ujutro i došli, naravno sve pješke do Trsta. Tu smo uzeli autobus do grada Torino. Pošli smo iz Trsta oko 8 sati ujutro a došli u Torino oko 4 i pol sati poslije podne. Iz Torina do mjesta Kuneo koji je bio nedaleko talijansko francuske granice uzeli smo vlak. U vlaku smo studirali i karte kojim pravcem krenuti do granice. Na kartama se nama činilo sve blizu i da ćemo mi za jedan dan stići u Nicu.Tu smo došli u ponedjeljak jutro, uzeli smo naše naprtnjače, karte (mape) u ruke i uz pomoć Božju krenuli smo onim pravcem koji nam je karta pokazivala. S mjesta na mjesto mi smo se izgubili. Nalazimo se u planini. Noć je pala. Počelo je biti hladno. Našli smo jedno zaklonište, tu smo se sakrili i tu smo prenoćili.

Sutra utorak 8 rujna 1959., ustali se, nigdje nikoga, na vrh planine, vidjeli smo dolje u podnožju planine dim. Pošli smo niz planinu i došli do te kućice iz koje dim suklja. To je bila jedna talijanska obitelj, oni ne govore hrvatski a mi ne govorimo talijanski. Na prste smo se razumijeli. Dali su nam jesti, tu smo se oprali i obrijali. Htjeli smo im platiti, oni su se samo užimali u ramenima i smijali se. Tu smo ostali taj dan, odmarali se i prenoćili u njihovoj štali.

U srijedu 9 rujna 1959. pošli smo istim putem prem vrhu planine. Hodali smo cijeli dan i pred večer smo došli do jednog mjesta nedaleko  francuske granice. Tu smo sreli neke čobane i preko naših prstiju mi smo ih pitali za prelazak granice. Rekli su nam kojim pravcem krenuti. Prešli smo talijansko francusku granicu u večernje sati bez problema. Fala dragom Bogu sada smo u Francuskoj. Mi smo sa našim naprtnjačama svim prolaznicima bili vrlo upadni. Imali smo dovoljno novca. Tu sm uzli Hotel i rekao bih prve klase. Tu smo se vrlo lijepo odmorili, oprali, okupali, obrijali, te čak i gange pjevali. Sada dolazi odgovor na postavljeno pitanje:

“Koja je jedna od njačudnijih stvari koje ste ikada jeli”?

Četvrtak jutro 10 rujna 1959. uzeli smo autobus za Nicu. Stigli smo oko podne. Uputili smo se na adresu gdje je moja sestra Jakica živjela. Kad smo pokucali na vrata, pojavila se je jedna žena. Pokazali smo adresu i ime Jakica Boban. Ona nam je sve rekla na francuskom i dala nam adresu Bolnice gdje je radila moja sestra Jakica. Iako nismo govorili francuski, ipak smo razumjeli gdje i na kojoj adresi se nalazi moja sestra Jakica. Naravno pokazivajući prolaznicima adresu koji su nas upućivali na adresu gdje se nalazi ta bolnica, mi smo tu došli oko 5 sati na večer, dakle vrijeme večere. Čim smo mi došli u sobu gdje moja sestra Jakica radi, ona se je ugodno i sa velikim zadovoljstvom iznenadila. Odmah je rekla svojim kolegicama da i za nas donese večeru, jer da smo mi njezina braća. Posluga nam je donijela večeru sa artičokom. Kako mi nismo znali šta je to a iz uljudnosti mora se sve jesti. Tako smo Jerko i ja sve to pojeli a naše usne i grlo su bili ozlijeđeni što nas je neugodno vrlo boljelo.

Dragi moji unuci to je moje od najčudnijih jela koje sam ikada prije jeo. To je povijest koja se ne može zaboraviti.”

Vaš vječiti djed Mile Boban.


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