Danas 22 veljače 2023 Korizma počima.

Today February 22-ond 2023 Lent begins.

Read it in Croatian and English.

Korizma ili Četrdesetnica 2023


Korizma 2023 Uskrsnji post 2023 počinje u Srijedu, 22. Veljača/Februar 2023. (22.02.2023) — također poznata kao Pepelnica početak posta.

Korizma 2023 traje do Četvrtka, 06. travnja/aprila 2023.

Koliko traje korizma?

Korizma traje 40 dana, ne uključujući nedjelje (to znači da sezona tehnički traje 46 dana). Činjenica da je to 40 dana ima značaj. Prema ocu Williamu Saundersu iz Catholic Education Resource Centera , “broj 40 je uvijek imao posebno duhovno značenje u pogledu pripreme… što je najvažnije, Isus je postio i molio se 40 dana i 40 noći u pustinji prije nego što je započeo svoju javnu službu ( Matej 4:2).”

Kada završava korizma?

Korizma 2023 završava tri dana prije Uskrsa u četvrtak, 06. travnja 2023 . Tjedan prije Uskrsa 2023 – koji se zove Veliki tjedan – velika je stvar u kršćanskoj crkvi. Veliki tjedan počinje na Cvjetnicu, u spomen na Isusov trijumfalni dolazak u Jeruzalem, gdje je pod noge primio palmine grane. Zatim dolazi Velika srijeda, koja priznaje Judin plan da izda Isusa. Dan nakon Velike srijede je Veliki četvrtak, na koji se spominje Posljednja večera između Isusa i njegovih učenika. Veliki četvrtak je posljednji dan korizme.

Međutim, u katoličkoj tradiciji ” Opće norme za liturgijsku godinu i kalendar ” ažurirane su 1969. i glase: “Korizma traje od Čiste srijede do isključivo mise Večere Gospodnje.” Misa Večere za katolike je na Veliki četvrtak ili Veliki četvrtak, a to je 06. travnja 2023. Za one koji se pridržavaju te tradicije, korizma će završiti u četvrtak, 06. travnja.


Lent 2023

Non-working days

Lent 2023 Easter Lent 2023 begins on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 (February 22, 2023) — also known as Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.

Lent 2023 lasts until Thursday, April 6, 2023.

When is Lent or Lent in 2024
Easter 2023
How long does Lent last?
Lent lasts 40 days, not including Sundays (this means the season technically lasts 46 days). The fact that it is 40 days has significance. According to Father William Saunders of the Catholic Education Resource Center, “the number 40 has always had a special spiritual meaning in terms of preparation…most importantly, Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert before beginning his public ministry (Matthew 4:2).”

When does Lent end?
Lent 2023 ends three days before Easter on Thursday, April 6, 2023. The week before Easter 2023 – called Holy Week – is a big deal in the Christian church. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, in memory of Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, where he received palm branches under his feet. Then comes Holy Wednesday, which recognizes Judas’ plan to betray Jesus. The day after Holy Wednesday is Maundy Thursday, which commemorates the Last Supper between Jesus and his disciples. Maundy Thursday is the last day of Lent.

However, in the Catholic tradition, the “General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar” were updated in 1969 and read: “Lent lasts from Holy Wednesday until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper exclusively.” The Mass of the Lord’s Supper for Catholics is on Maundy Thursday or Maundy Thursday, which is April 6, 2023. For those who adhere to that tradition, Lent will end on Thursday, April 6.

If you want to learn more about other articles similar to Lent or Lent 2023, visit the Religious Holidays category.


My Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of a season of grace that invites us into a profound reflection of our relationship with God and one another. Over the next forty days, we are called to conversion through the traditional pillars of a holy Lent – prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Prayer draws us ever deeper into an encounter with God. By fasting we create space in our lives for God. Almsgiving helps us move from being self-centered to serving others, like the poor, the hungry, the lonely, and the homeless.

As we receive ashes on our foreheads, let us recall that God created us out of the very dust of the ground (Gen 2:7). The ashes recall that dust and show that Lent is not a time of deprivation and sadness; but, rather, a time of renewal in preparation for the Resurrection at Easter. Brothers and sisters, as we begin Lent with such a visible sign of our faith, we trust that God’s steadfast love and mercy will sustain us during this holy season.

“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”

Bishop Vásquez


Moja draga braćo i sestre:

Čista srijeda označava početak razdoblja milosti koje nas poziva na duboko promišljanje našeg odnosa s Bogom i međusobnog odnosa. Sljedećih četrdeset dana pozvani smo na obraćenje kroz tradicionalne stupove svete korizme – molitvu, post i milostinju.

Molitva nas sve dublje uvlači u susret s Bogom. Postom stvaramo prostor u svom životu za Boga. Milostinja nam pomaže da prijeđemo iz egocentričnosti u služenje drugima, poput siromašnih, gladnih, usamljenih i beskućnika.

Dok primamo pepeo na čelo, prisjetimo se da nas je Bog stvorio od samog praha zemaljskog (Post 2,7). Pepeo podsjeća na taj prah i pokazuje da korizma nije vrijeme neimaštine i tuge; nego, radije, vrijeme obnove u pripremi za Uskrsnuće. Braćo i sestre, dok korizmu započinjemo s tako vidljivim znakom naše vjere, vjerujemo da će nas Božja postojana ljubav i milosrđe podržati tijekom ovog svetog razdoblja.

“Obratite se i vjerujte Evanđelju.”

biskup Vásquez