DA JE TRUMP BIRAO PROTIVNIKA NEBI BOLJEG NAŠAO, piše Borislav Ristić, Večernji List 5.9.2020

Borislav Ristić:
Da je Trump birao protivnika nebi boljeg izabrao…
Dear Mr. President of The Great America Donald J. Trump,
I’m sending to You the article written in Croatian language by a journalist Borislav Ristic, published by Vecernji List in Croatia. This article reflects in whole opinion most of the Croatians, especially mine.
Dear President, I am willing to put this article on website otporas.com for the readers on both languages: English and Croatian if You are for it. Please read it and let me know.


Official 2020 Trump Team Leader

Sincerely Mile Croatia, Boban.
Borislav Ristic:
If Trump had chosen an opponent, he would not have chosen a better one
Published on 05/09 / 2020

The presidential campaign in America is nearing its grand finale. In other words, what we have had the opportunity to follow so far has only been preparation for what follows.

The average American – by the way – cares little about politics and, as a rule, begins to follow it more intensively only after Labor Day, which is celebrated in America on the first Monday in September. Then he starts playing with the strongest cards and the real fun begins. And everything we have seen so far promises a tense game to the end and a top political clash, which will be remembered and retold for a long time.
Truth be told, if any other American president in an election year faced mass street riots, general chaos over a pandemic, and economic depression, regardless of his eventual qualities, it would be reasonable to bet on the victory of his challenger.
Because, the rule says that the re-election of the president does not depend only on the quality of running the country, but equally on the general atmosphere in which the elections are held. But despite the “cocoon” times, Trump’s chances of winning a second term at the moment don’t seem at all bad. In fact. Not a small part of his appearance is contained in the fact that his challenger is Joe Biden, a dilapidated museum exhibit of visibly reduced cognitive abilities.
If Trump had chosen an opponent himself, he would not have chosen a better one, and he openly hoped for his choice. While the media won’t mention it, it’s important to point out that Biden isn’t in the best of shape and isn’t wearing the best of his beautiful years. He is the oldest presidential candidate in American history, in his late eighth decade of life, and if he wins the election, he will be the oldest resident of the White House, writes Borislav Ristic / Vecernji list
Biden is a veteran of the Democratic Party, vice president in the Obama administration, whose career has lasted for almost 50 years. He has been in the party since the time when the party gathered proponents of segregation from the south, and that long “southern” shadow has followed him to this day.
His numerous scandalous statements speak in favor of this, such as when he boasted that he came from a “slave-owning state” or when he called the KKK leader Robert Byrd “a friend, a teacher and a leader.” Obama was once criticized for electing such a person as a deputy, because it was considered hypocritical for the “first black president” to go into a campaign with the “southern strategy”.
And just imagine that Trump ever did or said something similar? Of course, it would revolve for days on all televisions and on all front pages. Or imagine what would happen if Trump told a black leader, if he didn’t like the direction the conversation was going, “if you’re not for me, then you’re not black.” Or imagine what it would be like if Trump insinuated to a black journalist, to an attempt to avoid answering the question “did he do cognitive tests,” that he, too, should be tested for drugs. But Biden is going through it and none of the “media activists” are asking about it.
Instead, we hear him read accusations against Trump of “structural racism” from a teleprompter. To many, it seems comical and utterly inappropriate for him to say that, not only because of his past statements, but also because it is not clear how Trump, who has been in power for three and a half years, can be responsible for “structural racism” while he , which part of the government has been in power for 50 years and which should have solved it a long time ago, isn’t it?
And where did racism come from again in America, when the main mantra of the previous administration was how Biden and Obama finally defeated racism and allowed everything to flourish? We remember how Hillary Clinton, in order to dispel doubts about her health, had her open a jar of cucumbers in the studio.
So now, in order to dispel doubts about his psycho-physical condition, Biden was allowed to ride a bicycle around the house. What about his recent statements like, “I’m Joe Biden and I’m running for senator,” or “I’m going to beat Joe Biden in this election.” It seems that even the media can no longer “cover” all of Biden’s “gaffes”, so now they have thought that spreading the news about Biden’s dementia is “Russian propaganda”.
While the media on the one hand portrays Biden as a likable blanket who radiates understanding and trust, on the other hand, there is a whole list of women accusing Biden of sexual harassment in public. We all remember how much media dust has risen because of the footage of Trump telling “male stories” on the bus, but now regarding Biden’s predatory behavior towards women, we don’t see feminists and women’s rights activists anywhere.
This only shows that these movements are exclusively an ideologically motivated radical political agenda, and not the protection of women’s rights and dignity. Moreover, the media is trying to profile Biden himself as a great protector of women. Tja, didn’t he choose a woman as a candidate for vice president?

How authentic a proponent Biden is of the culture of women’s rights is nicely illustrated by his words, when he says that  “no one should raise a hand against a woman” and that “we must change the masculine culture”, to add – “and hit, hit, hit”. Even more scandalous is the public silence about Biden’s attacks on girls in public, who, like adult women, tend to inappropriately touch and sniff their hair, but again we see no one standing up to protect these girls, even though those disturbing footage are familiar to everyone. If we look at Biden’s political agenda, we will see, as a rule, how he criticizes today what he himself represented until yesterday – unless that is also a consequence of his senility?

Once an advocate of “fracking” technology, today he is a true fighter against climate change. The author of the criminal law, under which the police were given great powers and financial resources, and who imprisoned thousands of African Americans because of his strict provisions on minor crimes, is today King Antifa and an advocate of cutting revenue for the police. One of the legislators and implementers of harsh anti-immigration policies and deportations, he is today a great critic of the construction of the Trump Wall, which wants to leave the Mexican border to mafia cartels.
Many therefore wonder – who is Biden anyway? The old one or the one from the campaign? While reciting slogans from the arsenal of the radical left, this timeless mid-stream apparatchik with prominent sentiments towards the “old south” offers a picture of the ideological Frankenstein of the “new left”.
The irony is that the left, which usually stands out with stories of a bright future, has now highlighted a candidate who can only evoke nostalgia for a forgotten past. As his future can end at any moment, it is unlikely that his invocation of the future can arouse enthusiasm in anyone.
There has been a tendency to make bizarre public statements that have previously stood for presidential ambitions, and now an old age “loss” has been added to that. Hence, Obama’s fear that old Joe might be “embarrassed” in the campaign and a warning to co-workers not to underestimate Biden’s ability to mess things up is justified.
Locking him in the basement and throwing the key to the election therefore seems to be the only sure strategy for his eventual victory. Or to declare the elections irregular in advance, for which they seem to be preparing, aware that Biden has no chance against Trump in regular conditions, writes Borislav Ristic / Vecernji list.

Borislav Ristić: Da je Trump sam birao protukandidata ne bi boljeg izabrao


Predsjednička kampanja u Americi primiče se svom velikom finalu. Drugim riječima, ono što smo do sada imali prilike pratiti bila je samo priprema za ono što slijedi.

Prosječni Amerikanac, inače, malo mari za politiku i, po pravilu, počinje ju nešto intenzivnije pratiti tek nakon Dana rada, koji se u Americi obilježava prvog ponedjeljka u rujnu. Tada se počinje igrati s najjačim kartama i kreće prava zabava. A sve ono što smo dosad vidjeli obećava napetu igru do kraja i vrhunski politički okršaj, koji će se dugo pamtiti i prepričavati.

Istini za volju, da je bilo koji drugi američki predsjednik u izbornoj godini suočen s masovnim uličnim neredima, sveopćim kaosom oko pandemije i ekonomskom depresijom, bez obzira na njegove eventualne kvalitete, bilo bi razumno okladiti se na pobjedu njegovog izazivača.

Jer, pravilo kaže da reizbor predsjednika ne ovisi samo o kvaliteti vođenja države, već u jednakoj mjeri i o općoj atmosferi u kojoj se izbori održavaju. No, unatoč “kokuznim” vremenima, Trumpove šanse za osvajanje drugog mandata u ovom trenutku ne čine se nimalo loše. Dapače. Ne mali dio tih njegovih izgleda sadržan je u tome što mu je izazivač Joe Biden, oronuli muzejski eksponat vidno smanjenih kognitivnih sposobnosti.

Da je Trump sam birao protukandidata ne bi boljeg izabrao, a njegovom se izboru otvoreno i nadao. Iako to mediji neće spominjati, važno je istaknuti da Biden nije u najboljoj formi i da ne nosi najbolje svoje lijepe godine. On je najstariji predsjednički kandidat u američkoj povijesti, u poznoj osmoj deceniji života, a ako pobijedi na izborima bit će najstariji stanovnik Bijele kući, piše Borislav Ristić / Večernji list

Biden je veteran Demokratske stranke, potpredsjednik u Obaminoj administraciji, čija karijera traje skoro punih 50 godina. U stranci je još od vremena kada je stranka okupljala zagovornike segregacije s juga, a ta duga “južnjačka” sjena prati ga do danas.

U prilog tome govore i njegove brojne skandalozne izjave, poput one kada se hvalio kako dolazi iz “robovlasničke države” ili kada je vođu KKK Roberta Byrda nazvao “prijateljem, učiteljem i vođom”. Zbog izbora takve osobe za zamjenika svojevremeno je kritiziran i Obama, jer se smatralo licemjernim da “prvi crni predsjednik” ide u kampanju s “južnjačkom strategijom”.

A zamislite samo da je Trump nešto slično ikada napravio ili izjavio? Naravno, vrtjelo bi se danima na svim televizijama i po svim naslovnicama. Ili zamislite što bi se dogodilo da je Trump nekom crnom voditelju, kada mu se ne bi svidio smjer u kome ide razgovor, rekao: “ako nisi za mene, onda nisi crn”. Ili zamislite što bi bilo da je Trump crnom novinaru, u pokušaju da izbjegne odgovor na postavljeno pitanje “je li radio kognitivne testove”, insinuirao da se i on trebao testirati na drogu. Ali, Bidenu to prolazi i nitko od “medijskih aktivista” ne postavlja pitanje oko toga.

Umjesto toga, slušamo ga kako s telepromptera čita optužbe protiv Trumpa za “strukturni rasizam”. Mnogima djeluje komično i krajnje neprimjereno da baš on to izgovara, ne samo zbog njegovih izjava iz prošlosti, već i zato što nije jasno kako to Trump, koji je tri i pol godine na vlasti, može biti odgovoran za “strukturni rasizam”, dok on, koji je dio vlasti već 50 godina i koji je to već odavno trebao riješiti, eto, nije?

I otkud sad opet rasizam u Americi, kad je glavna mantra prethodne administracije bila kako su Biden i Obama konačno pobijedili rasizam i omogućili da sve procvjeta? Sjećamo se kako su Hillary Clinton kako bi odbacila sumnje o svom zdravstvenom stanju dali da u studiju otvori teglu s krastavcima.

Tako su sada Bidenu, kako bi otklonili sumnje o njegovoj psiho-fizičkoj kondiciji, dali da vozi bicikl oko kuće. Što tek reći za njegove nedavne izjave poput: “Ja sam Joe Biden i natječem se za senatora”, ili, pak, “na ovim izborima ću pobijediti Joe Bidena”? Izgleda da ni mediji ne mogu više “pokriti” sve Bidenove “gafove”, pa su sada smislili kako je širenje vijesti o Bidenovoj demenciji “ruska propaganda”.

Dok mediji s jedne strane oslikavaju Bidena kao simpatičnog dekicu koji zrači razumijevanjem i povjerenjem, dotle, s druge strane, postoji čitava lista žena koje optužuju Bidena za seksualno uznemiravanje u javnosti. Svi se sjećamo kolika se medijska prašina podigla zbog snimka Trumpovog pričanja “muških priča” u autobusu, ali sada povodom Bidenovog predatorskog ponašanja prema ženama, ne vidimo nigdje feministe i borce za ženska prava.

To samo pokazuje kako se kod tih pokreta radi isključivo o ideološki motiviranoj radikalnoj političkoj agendi, a ne o zaštiti ženskih prava i dostojanstva. Štoviše, Bidena se pokušava profilirati kao velikog zaštitnika žena. Tja, zar nije izabrao ženu kao kandidatkinju za potpredsjednicu?

Koliko je Biden autentičan zagovornik kulture ženskih prava lijepo ilustriraju njegove riječi, kada kaže kako “nitko ne smije podizati ruku na ženu”, te kako “mi moramo promijeniti maskulinističku kulturu”, da bi dodao – “i udarati, udarati, udarati”. Još je skandaloznija javna šutnja o Bidenovim nasrtajima na djevojčice u javnosti, koje, slično odraslim ženama, ima običaj neprimjereno pipkati i njuškati im kosu, ali vidimo kako opet nitko ne staje u zaštitu tih djevojčica, iako su te uznemirujuće snimke svima poznate. Ako pogledamo Bidenovu političku agendu, vidjet ćemo po pravilu kako on danas kritizira nešto što je do jučer sam predstavljao – osim ako i to nije posljedica njegove senilnosti?

Nekad zagovornik “fracking” tehnologije, a danas pravi pravcati borac protiv klimatskih promjena. Autor krivičnog zakona, na temelju kojeg je policija dobila velike ovlasti i financijska sredstva, i koji je zbog svojih strogih odredbi oko lakših kaznenih djela u zatvore strpao na tisuće Afroamerikanaca, danas kralj Antifa i zagovornik rezanja prihoda policiji. Jedan od zakonodavaca i implementatora oštrih antiimigracijskih politika i deportacija, danas je veliki kritičar izgradnje Trumpovog zida, koji meksičku granicu želi prepustiti mafijaškim kartelima.

Mnogi se stoga pitaju – tko je uopće Biden? Onaj stari ili ovaj iz kampanje? Dok deklamira parole iz arsenala radikalne ljevice ovaj vječni srednjostrujaški aparatčik s istaknutim sentimentima prema “starom jugu”, nudi sliku ideološkog Frankensteina “nove ljevice”.

Ironija je da je ljevica, koja se obično ističe pričama o sjajnoj budućnosti, sada istaknula kandidata koji jedino može pobuditi nostalgiju za zaboravljenom prošlošću. Kako se njegova budućnost može okončati svakog trena, teško da i njegovo prizivanje budućnosti kod ikoga može probuditi entuzijazam.

Bidena je sklonost davanju bizarnih izjava u javnosti i ranije stajala predsjedničkih ambicija, a sada je tome pridodano i staračko “gubljenje”. Otuda je opravdan i Obamin strah kako bi se stari Joe mogao “osramotiti” u kampanji i upozorenje suradnicima da “ne potcjenjuju Bidenovu sposobnost da zabrlja stvari”.

Njegovo se zaključavanje u podrum i bacanje ključa do izbora stoga čini jedinom sigurnom strategijom za njegovu eventualnu pobjedu. Ili, pak, da unaprijed izbore proglase neregularnim, za što se izgleda pripremaju, svjesni da Biden u regularnim uvjetima protiv Trumpa nema nikakvih šansi, piše Borislav Ristić / Večernji list


3 komentara na “DA JE TRUMP BIRAO PROTIVNIKA NEBI BOLJEG NAŠAO, piše Borislav Ristić, Večernji List 5.9.2020”

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