Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family – Hrvatska Franjevačka Kustodija Svete Obitelji





The Deceased Friars – Pokojni Fratri

Our Beloved Deceased1.The Franciscan burial site in Holy Sepulchre cemetery in Chicago

The industrialized society in which we live is filled with agony and has distanced us from our mother, the earth. A pervasive feeling that we are lost or unwelcome exists in this modern and post-modern era.  At the same time within each of us there is a desire for belonging, at store of memories and a sense of safety in home and hearth. In former times one’s identity was determined by property and the question of whether or not one owned a piece of land. The theme of possessing land is central in the biblical narrations. Land was a physical manifestation of prosperity and life; a place from which to garner hope and regain strength. All forms of life on this planet including humanity are tied to the earth. The earth does not belong to people. Rather we belong to the earth. Ultimately the earth is a place where humans naturally belong as we await the fullness of resurrection in Christ. Croatians since their origins have carried within themselves a feeling of worth and respect for the land. Like the ancient Israelites, the Croatians were long a nation without a homeland. Croatia arose as a nation of strangers, nomadic peoples and travelers. 

Franciscan SepulchreBecause of this we should not be shocked by the sensitivity of the Croatian people, whether at home or abroad, in regard to territory. Croatians dreamed and sang about their homeland, and they sacrificed their lives to preserve their ideals. They sang like the great Kranjcevica: “Ja domovinu imam, tek u srcu je nosim.” (“I have a homeland, as long as I carry her in the heart.”) Throughout the United States and Canada plots of land were purchased and named “Hrvatsko Zemljiste.” One of the most sensitive issues in their lives was their future burial. They wanted to be buried in their homeland but were relegated to being buried in a foreign country; this naturally led to discussions concerning home, freedom and return to their native land. In this context we also talk about the burial site for the Croatian Franciscans. We talk of a place for the earthly remains of those friars who devoted their lives to the service of others and the good of their native land. They, like their patriarch St. Francis of Assisi, awaited death as a gift and sister. They lived with Christ, and they died in Christ. The earth, like a gift and mother, has communion with the baptized body and so prepares itself for the celebration of resurrection. Thoughts of purchasing land for a Franciscan burial site originated in the 1950’s. Fr. Leo Medić was buried in Mount Olivet cemetery in Chicago in 1951. The friars then began to consider the purchase of a cemetery plot so that those who worked together could be interred together. Fr. Dominic Mandić purchased a plot of land in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery (section number 20, block 1, parcel 12, located at 6001 W. 111 St. Worth, Il., near Chicago, on November 5, 1952. The plot of land is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the cemetery not far from the entrance. The earthly remains of Fr. Leo Medic were transferred there fifteen days later on November 21st. After four years on July 9, 1956, Fr. Ferdinand Skoko bought additional land at this same burial site which was roughly the same size as the original purchase. The total area measured 3,140 square feet or 291 square meters or enough land for 97 graves. Presently there are 33 friars buried at this site. It is important to remember that six friars of the community are buried elsewhere; Frs. Veren, Zrno, Kordic, Lasic, Vištica and Primorac are buried in Croatia and Fr. Feysz is buried in Calvary cemetery in Milwaukee, Wi. After the purchase of the burial site and the burial of a few friars, discussions began concerning the desire for a memorial for the deceased friars.

The famous Croatian artist of the twentieth century, Ivan Meštrovic, began preliminary drawings for a work of art in 1961. The great Croatian sculptor depicted St. Francis of Assisi lying on mother earth and encircled by his brothers as he awaited sister death. The monument began as a plaster mold into which the bronze would later be poured. The work of art was taken to Sacred Heart Church in Chicago where it was displayed until 1982. Fr. Steve Raich was so enthralled by this sculpture that he initiated the transfer of this work of art to the Franciscan burial site. Located in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, today it can be described in this way. On one side are three texts; the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “All praise be yours, my Lord, through sister death,” also the words, “Croatian Franciscans – Custody of the Holy Family,” and the artist’s name, “Ivan Meštrovic.” On the other side is an imprint of the St. Francis the peacemaker, a dove in his hand, and the text of his “Prayer for Peace” :

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

2. The Friars Who Died in the Service of the Lord

Fr. Hugolin (Alojzije) Feysz

Fr. FeyszFr. Hugolin was born on May 20, 1886 in Cakovec, Croatia. He finished grammar school in his hometown and high school in the Hungarian town of Nagykanizsa. He entered the Franciscan P Province of St. John Capistrano in Hungary on September 3, 1901 in Pécs. He studied philosophy and theology in Baja. He was ordained on September 22, 1908. After his ordination he served at Bartf, and he came to America on March 6, 1924. For the next seven years he was a missionary at various parishes until 1931 at which time he was accepted into the Croatian Franciscan Commissariat. He served at several Croatian parishes including St. Augustine in West Allis, and parishes in Portland, Oregon and Chicago. After serving at these Croatian parishes, he served at St. Emeric Hungarian parish in Milwaukee, WI, where he passed away on March 3, 1944. He is buried at Calvary cemetery in Milwaukee.

Fr. Leon (Josip) Medic
Fra Leon MedicFr. Leon was born on October 3, 1873 in Kaštel Novi, Croatia. As a child he lived at the Franciscan Friary in Dubrovnik. He entered the Franciscan Order on February 1, 1891. He received his entire education at his Franciscan province of St. Jerome. He was ordained on August 22, 1897 in Dubrovnik. After his ordination he served as military spiritual director in Kotor for the Croatian soldiers and also served at his province. He came to the United States in May of 1912 and he founded a number of Croatian parishes: St. Jerome in Chicago (1912), Mother of God in Lackawana, NY (1915) and St. Anthony in Sharon (1924). He served as pastor at several Croatian parishes: in New York, Steelton, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Ambridge and Chicago (St. Jerome). He died in Chicago on November 22, 1951 at the age of 79. He is buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Clement (Nikola) Veren

Fra Klement VerenFr. Clement was born on December 5, 1887 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1905, as a member of the Franciscan province of St. Cyril and Methodius in Zagreb. He completed his philosophical and theological studies in Zagreb and was ordained on August 13, 1911. For the next twelve years he served at various parishes in Croatia, and in the summer of 1923 he came to the United States. Upon his arrival he became pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in Bethlehem. In 1926 the Croatian Franciscan Commissariat was founded, and Fr. Clement was named the first Commissary. At the same time, he continued his work as pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish. Due to his poor health, he returned to his homeland in 1929 where he served at various parishes. He died on August 27, 1954 in Cakovac at the age of 66. He is buried at the Franciscan cemetery in Cakovac.

Fr. Bono (Mate) Andacic

Fr. Bono AndacicFr. Bono was born on February 16, 1882 in Hamzici, Herzegovina. He finished high school at Široki Brijeg, and he entered the Franciscan Order on October 4, 1900 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and in Parma, Italy where he was ordained on April 22, 1905. After his ordination he served as assistant at parishes in Bukovica and Gradnici and then as pastor as Gradnici, Seonica, Rakitno and Blizanci. He came to the United States on January 1, 1922 and worked in New York for a few years. He was pastor at several parishes: Sacred Heart in Chicago, SS.Cyril and Methodius in New York, Holy Trinity in Ambridge and St. Joseph’s in St. Louis. He also spent a few years ministering Croatians in California. He died at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago on July 2, 1955 at 73 years of age. He is buried at Holy Sepulchre in Chicago.

Fr. Franjo (Josip) Cuturic

Fr. CuturicFr. Franjo was born on October 27, 1885 in Rastovaca, Herzegovina. He finished grammar school in Posušje and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on August 1, 1905 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Paderborn, Germany where he was ordained a priest on April 7, 1911. He served as pastor in Humac, Široki Brijeg, Gabela, Capljina and Posušje. He came to the United States in November of 1922, but by 1924 he was already back in Posušje. After two years he once again came to the States, and he immediately became pastor of SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish in New York. He stayed there until 1933 when once again due to illness he returned to his homeland. One year later he came to the States for the third time. He was named pastor at Holy Trinity Parish in Ambridge and then at St. Jerome’s in Chicago. When the Franciscans bought their first friary on Drexel Blvd. in Chicago, Fr. Franjo was appointed the first Guardian. While holding this position he also served at parishes in Ambridge and Sharon. He died on February 3, 1959 in Lemont Il.near Chicago.. He was buried on February 7 in Holy Sepulchre in Chicago.

Fr. Leonard (Steve) Medjugorac

Fr. MedjugoracFr. Leonard was born on January 1, 1932 in West New York, New Jersey. He went to the seminary in September of 1945, entered the Franciscan Order on July 4, 1951 and was ordained on June 24, 1958. He was still completing his theological studies when on April 19, 1959 he was killed in an automobile accident near Effingham, Illinois. He was only 27 years of age. He was buried on April 23 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Blaz (Petar) Jerkovic

Fra Blaz JerkovicFr. Blaz was born on April 16, 1880 in Vidovici near Mostar. After he completed grammar school in Gradnici he attended high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on the Feast of St. Francis, October 4, 1895. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar, Parma and Rome. He was ordained in 1902. After his ordination he became a professor at the high school in Široki Brijeg until 1911. He then served as pastor of the parishes in Konjic, Roško Polje, Rasno, Široki Brijeg, Humac and Gorica. He came to the United States on December 5, 1927. He assisted at St. Jerome’s Parish in Chicago for a short time and then was appointed pastor. In 1929 he was named Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans in America while continuing as pastor of St. Jerome’s
Parish. After six years of holding these positions, he was named pastor at St. Augustine’s in West Allis where he served from 1936 to 1955. During those years he built the church, school and rectory. He died in Milwaukee on February 23, 1960 at the age of 79. He is buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.


Fr. Ignacije (Stanko) Jurkovic

Fr. Ignacije JurkovicFr. Ignacije was born in Bjelonici, Herzegovina on April 27, 1890. As a child he lost his mother so the Franciscans took him in as an orphan at Široki Brijeg. He put on the Franciscan habit for the first time on August 19, 1916 at Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Fribourg, Switzerland where he was ordained on December 15, 1912. He received his doctorate in theology in Switzerland and then was named professor at the theological seminary in Mostar. At the same time he was the editor of the weekly publication Narodna sloboda (National Freedom), the director of the Franciscan press and taught catechism. During the war he was named vicar of the province, but as early as 1946 he left his homeland. In July of 1946 he came to the United States. During his first six years he was guardian of St. Anthony Friary in Chicago where he also assisted many of the nearby parishes. He died on February 14, 1961 at the age of 66, and he was buried on February 18 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Bonaventure (Ante) Bilandzic

Fr. BilandzicFr. Bonaventure was born on June 22, 1897 at Kruševar near Sinj. He attended grammar school in his hometown and in Solin. He came to the United States as a young boy in the summer of 1910 and lived in Chicago where he also attended high school. He entered the Franciscan Order on November 7, 1927. He studied philosophy and theology in Butler, N.J. and Washington D.C. He was ordained on June 12, 1943. He served as assistant pastor of several parishes including Sacred Heart in Chicago, St. Augustine in West Allis, St. Mary’s in Steelton, Sacred Heart in Milwaukee and St. Joseph’s in St. Louis. He was pastor at Holy Trinity in Ambridge. He spent his last year at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago where he died on May 3, 1964. He was buried on May 6 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Oton (Andrija) Knezovic

Fra KnezovicFr. Oton was born in Cerno by Ljubuški on January 27, 1890. He finished grammar school in Ljubuški and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order in Humac on August 12, 1910. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar where he was ordained on June 28, 1915. He began his pastoral work in Široki Brijeg, and then he went on to study Slavic languages and Croatian history in Zagreb. He received his doctorate in 1920 and became professor at the high school in Široki Brijeg. He remained there as a professor until the end of the war in 1945 when he fled to Italy. For a short time he taught at the high school in Grottmare, Italy. He came to the United States in 1950. Fr. Oton tirelessly wrote a variety of books on Croatian literature and history. For a short time he served at Sacred Heart Parish in Chicago and at St. Joseph Parish in St. Louis. After residing at St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze he returned to St. Anthony Friary in Chicago until his death on October 19, 1964 at the age of 74. He was buried on October 21 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Bro. Alojzije (Ante) Soldo

Fra Alojzije SoldoBro. Alojzije was born on January 12, 1891 in Veliki Ogradjenik, Herzegovina. He attended the grammar school in Cerno. As a young boy he came to the United States in April of 1910. He worked and lived in Pittsburgh, Bethlehem and New York. After twenty years of hard work he decided to join the Franciscans. He entered the Order on the feast of his patron Saint Aloysius, on June 21, 1930 in Paterson, NJ. Bro. Alojzije wanted to spend his time serving his Franciscan brothers. For twelve years he was cook at St. Jerome Parish in Chicago (1932-1944). He provided the same service at other parishes in New York and St. Louis. After this he retired at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago. He died in Chicago at the Monticello Reconvalescent Home on February 26, 1965. He was buried on March 2 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Tugomir (Jakov) Soldo

Fr. Tugomir SoldoFr. Tugomir was born on January 3, 1911 in Dragicina, Herzegovina. After he completed grammar school in Cerno, he attended the Franciscan seminary in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on August 3, 1929 at Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Rome where he was ordained on July 28, 1935. After his ordination he served in many parishes, notably in Capljina (1939-1944). After the war he fled to Hungary in 1947, then to Austria and then to Italy where he served as spiritual director for the students in the seminary at Grottamare and Rome. He came to America in June of 1952. He first worked at the Franciscan printery in Chicago, and then he took care of Croatian immigrants in various Croatian parishes. He was killed in a car accident on May 17, 1965 near Toledo, Ohio. He was buried on June 20 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago alongside his recently deceased cousin, Bro. Alojzije.


Fr. Kruno (Stjepan) Pandzic

Fra PandzicFr. Kruno was born on December 8,1912 in Drinovci, Herzegovina. He finished grammar school in his hometown and high school in Humac and Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on August 3, 1930 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar, and he was ordained on June 14, 1936 in Kotor. After his ordination he continued his studies in Fribourg, Switzerland. This is where he issued the publication Croatia Press. His writings were controversial as he spoke the truth about his homeland. Due to the request of the the Yugoslav ambassador and the Swiss government, Fr. Kruno had to leave Switzerland. He then went to Freiburg, Germany where he continued with his studies. He became a doctor of philosophy in Ljubljana on December 31, 1942. Fr. Kruno then returned to his province and taught philosophy and theology at the seminaries in both Humac and Mostar. After the war he survived death camps and communist prisons. In 1948 he fled to Austria and on December 25, 1949 he arrived to the United States. For a year he edited the weekly publication Danica and then later the Croatian Catholic Messenger. He assisted in many Croatian parishes in America and Canada. In 1965 he was named professor of philosophy in Sudbury, Ontario, but due to illness he had to decline. He died the same year on August 29 at the age 52 at Holy Cross Hospital in Chicago. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Chicago.


Fr. Ambro (Stjepan) Mišetic

Fra MiseticFr. Ambro was born on December 14, 1882 in Grabovnik, Herzegovina. He finished grammar school in Ljubuški and high school in Široki Brijeg. He put on the Franciscan habit on the feast of St. Francis, October 4, 1900. He studied theology in Mostar and Fulda, Germany where he was ordained on June 29, 1905. He did pastoral work for seventeen years at various parishes: Nevesinje, Seonica and Kongora in Herzegovina. In 1922 he came to the United States. In Portland, OR he took on the responsibility of caring for the Croatian immigrants. After two years he went to Sacred Heart parish in Chicago. He then went on to work at Croatian parishes in St. Louis, Milwaukee and Steelton. He died at St. Anthony Friary on February 23, 1966 at the age of 83. He was buried on February 28 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Patrick (Joseph) Cigic

Fra CigicFr. Patrick was born in the United States in Kansas City, Kansas on June 24, 1918. He finished grammar school there and attended high school in Westmont, Il. He entered the Franciscan Order on August 12, 1939 in Teutopolis, Il, studied philosophy in Cleveland, Ohio and theology in Teutopolis. He was ordained on June 20, 1946 in Teutopolis. He worked at various Croatian parishes after his ordination; first as assistant in St. Louis, Steelton, Bethlehem and Sharon and then as pastor in Ambridge and New York. He spent five years as the superior of St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze. After spending a few years at St. Joseph’s in St. Louis as assistant pastor, he died at St. Anthony Hospital in St. Louis on November 10, 1969 at the young age of 51. He was buried on November 17 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Zvonko (Ivan) Manduric

Fra Zvonko ManduricFr. Zvonko was born on June 22, 1898 in Citluk near Posušje, Herzegovina in a family with 16 children. He finished grammar school in Posušje and high school in Široki Brijeg. He received the Franciscan habit on May 16, 1916 in Humac. He studied theology in Mostar and Paderborn, Germany. He was ordained in Mostar on July 14, 1923. For four years he did pastoral work in Tomislavgrad, Mostar and Blagaj in Hercegovina until 1928.. Then he departed for Canada where he worked as a missionary. Fr. Zvonko was the first Croatian priest and spiritual director in Canada. After two years he came to the United States and worked as pastor at several Croatian parishes including St. Augustine’s in West Allis, Portland, Oregon, SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York, Sacred Heart in Milwaukee, and St. Jerome’s in Chicago. Fr. Zvonko also served as guardian of St. Anthony Friary in Chicago at two different times. He died in Chicago on December 21, 1970 at the age of 72.. He was buried on December 23 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.


Fr. Vendelin (Franjo) Vasilj

Fra Vendelin VasiljFr. Vendelin was born on May 27, 1909 in Medjugorje where he also finished grammar school. He finished high school in Široki Brijeg and entered the Franciscan Order on June 29, 1926 in Humac. He completed his theological studies in Mostar and was ordained in the same city on December 11, 1932. In 1933 he went to study in Paris and there he received his doctorate in both law and sociology. In 1938 he returned to Mostar where he was a professor at the theological seminary. At the same time he served as secretary to Bishop Alojzije Mišic of Mostar. Under his leadership, the monthly publication Kršcanska obitelj (Christian Family) was again issued. 

Fr. Vendelin also founded a society for miners as well as the Catholic youth group, “Soldiers of St. Anthony”. In February of 1945 he went to Zagreb where he took care of refugees. After being imprisoned by the partisans, he fled to Austria and Italy. A year later, in April of 1946, he came to the United States. After staying in Chicago for a short time, he went to St. Mary’s Parish in Steelton. A year later, in 1949, he was named Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans in America. At the same time, he was editor of the Croatian Catholic Messenger as well as the Croatian Almanac. He wrote many articles for these publications.. In 1952 he was named guardian of St. Anthony Friary in Chicago. He served as pastor at several parishes: Sacred Heart in Milwaukee, St. Augustine in West Allis and Sacred Heart in Chicago where he died on January 2, 1971 at the age of 62.. Fr. Vendelin served as Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans for three terms (1949-1952 and 1961-1967). He also served on the Custodial Board three times (1952-1955, 1958-1961 and 1967-1970). He was also at various times director of the Croatian Franciscan Press. He was buried on January 6, 1971 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Dominic (Andrija) Mandic

Fr. Dominic MandicThis well-known Franciscan was born on December 2, 1889 in Lise near Široki Brijeg. He finished grammar school and high school in Široki Brijeg and entered the Franciscan Order on August 19, 1906 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Fribourg, Switzerland where he received his doctorate in theology. He returned to his homeland and together with Fr. Didak Buntic dedicated himself to holding classes in teaching people to read and write. Also they both took care of the children who were moved to Slavonia. He became secretary of the Province in 1916 and professor at the seminary in Mostar. That is also when the weekly publication Narodna sloboda (National Freedom) began in Mostar Fr. Dominic was founder of the “Society of the Tobacco Growers of Herzegovina” in order to protect the people from the injustice of the government. In 1918 he was founder of the publication, Suvremena pitanja (Modern Issues). Ten years later he became the provincial in Mostar. Six years later he became director of the Franciscan high school in Široki Brijeg. In the spring of 1939 he was elected a member of the General Curia of the Franciscan Order in Rome. Along with this position he was named Procurator of the Franciscan Order. After the fall of the Croatian government in 1945, he helped in saving innumerable Croatian refugees. In Grottamare, Italy he founded a high school for orphaned Croatian students. Along with all these projects he also built a new Franciscan Curia in Rome on the Gelsomino hill as well as a church decorated with Croatian ornaments and dedicated to the Mother of God. He came to the United States on November 5, 1951, and a year later he was elected Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans. The same year he founded the publishing house “Croatia” where books in both Croatian and English were printed. After he was relieved from his responsibility as Commissary he dedicated his time to researching Croatian history. His works were helpful in making that nation and its history better known. He died at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago on August 23, 1973 at 84 years of age. He was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Anzelmo (Cvitan) Sliškovic

Fr. Anzelmo SliskovicFr. Anzelmo was born May 12, 1898 in Grljevici, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in Široki Brijeg. He became a Franciscan June 7, 1915 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Vienna. He became a priest on December 8, 1922. He served in the parishes of Humac and Veljaci until his departure to America in May of 1930. He worked among Croatians at St. Jerome’s in Chicago as assistant pastor. He was pastor at St. Anthony’s, Sharon and SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York. Fr. Anzelmo was also the director of the Croatian Franciscan Press for three years from 1947-1950. He resided in St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze from 1961 until his death in March 3, 1974 at the age of 75. He was buried on March 7 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Ljubo (Mate) Cuvalo

Fra Ljubo CuvaloFr. Ljubo was born February 29, 1908 in Proboj, Herzegovina. After finishing elementary school in Vitina, he attended the high school in Široki Brijeg. He became a member of the Franciscan Order on June 29, 1926 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Breslau, Germany, and was ordained a priest in Mostar November 5, 1933. The following year he went to England to study English in preparation for work among the Croatians in America. He arrived in America in November 1935. He worked among Croatians in New York, St. Jerome’s in Chicago and Vancover, British Columbia and for seven years in Portland, Oregon. He was pastor at Holy Trinity in Ambridge., Sacred Heart in Milwaukee and Sacred Heart in Chicago. Fr. Ljubo was the first editor for the weekly Danica when the Croatian Franciscans purchased it from Mr. Ivan Krešic. He also in later years edited the Croatian Catholic Messenger and Croatian Almanac and in Chicago was very active in various social and religious activities. Fr. Ljubo was on Custodial Board from 1949 to 1952. After a brief illness, he passed away in a Chicago hospital January 24, 1975 at the age of 66. He was buried January 28 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Špiro (Mate) Andrijanic

Fr. Spiro AndrijanicFr. Špiro was born February 25, 1897 in Grude, Herzegovina. He attended elementary school in Grude and the high school in Široki Brijeg. He became a member of the Franciscan Order on July 6, 1915 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar, Vienna and Innsbruck. He was ordained a priest on September 13, 1923 and for four years worked as a parish assistant in Široki Brijeg. He came to the United States on May 8, 1928. He was assistant pastor at Sacred Heart in Chicago and St. Mary in Steelton. He served as pastor at St. Anthony in Sharon (1929-1931), Sacred Heart in Chicago (1931-1947) and St. Joseph in St. Louis (1947-1968). In September of 1968 he went into retirement at St. Frances Friary in Gulf Breeze where he passed away on March 26, 1979 at the age of 82. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Charles (Ivan) Pleše

Fra Karlo PlešeFr. Charles was born in Kansas City, Kansas on June 24, 1915. After finishing grammar school and high school Fr. Charles joined the Franciscan Order on August 19, 1934. He went to Mostar where he completed his philosophical and theological studies. He was ordained a priest on June 16, 1940 and next year returned to America the next year. He served as assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Steelton (1941-1944 and 1945-1949) and as pastor (1950-1952).He served as asistant at St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1944-1945 and 1952-1957), St. Augustine’s in West Allis (1959-1962), Sacred Heart in Milwaukee (1962-1964), St. John’s in Kansas City, Kansas (1968-1970), SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1972-1973), and frequently resided in the friaries in Chicago, Beaver Falls and Gulf Breeze where he gave spiritual retreats. Fr. Charles was on Custodial Board from 1964 to 1967. He passed away on June 21, 1979 at the Vincentian Nursing Home in Pittsburgh, Pa. at the age of 64 and was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Celestin (Vidoje) Raguz

Fra RagužFr. Celestin was born on January 30, 1915 in Domanovici, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school there and high school in Široki Brijeg. He received the Franciscan habit on July 3, 1934. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar where he was ordained a priest on June 16, 1940. He served as assistant in the parish of Capljina during the war, and following that he departed for Austria where he ministered to the Croatian refugees at St. Gertrude. In June of 1946 he left Austria and went to the United States. For two months he lived in Cleveland, Ohio. He spent the remainder of his life in Chicago where for over 30 years he was director of the Croatian Franciscan Press. At the same time he helped in the surrounding parishes. He was on the Custodial Board from 1964 to 1967. He passed away in Chicago on July 31, 1979 at the age of 64. He was buried in Chicago in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

Fr. Vitomir (Karlo) Naletilic

Fra NaletilicFr. Vitomir was born January 16, 1915 in Lise near Široki Brijeg. After finishing elementary school and high school in Široki Brijeg he entered the Franciscan Order on June 29, 1932 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Rome. He was ordained a priest on June 12, 1938 in Mostar. In 1941 he was named secretary of the Procurator in the Franciscan Curia in Rome. He held that post for 11 years until 1952. He arrived to the United States February 2, 1954. He served at St. Joseph’s in St. Louis as assistant pastor (1954-1955) and as pastor (1972-1976), as assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1955-1958) and as pastor from (1960-1965), as pastor of SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1967-1972). He was on the Custodial Boaard from 1973-1976, and and also served as Procurator and director of St. Anthony’s Fund and Franciscan publications. Death took him at at St. Joseph’s Parish in St. Louis on November 16, 1979 at the age of 64. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Franjo (Lovro) Radišic

Fra Franjo RadišicFr. Franjo was born August 7, 1913 in Grljevici, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in Rasno and attended high school in Široki Brijeg. He bacame a Franciscan on June 29, 1932. He finished his philosophical and theological studies in Mostar and was ordained a priest on February 21, 1937. Since his youth he had wanted to be a missionary, and shortly after being ordained he went to the missions in China. He arrived in Beijing in the summer of 1938. Immediately after his arrival, he dedicated himself to learning Chinese. After a year he was sent to Hunan province, where he did his pastoral work for 13 years and directed an home for the elderly. In 1950, because of the communist government, he was expelled. From China he went to Italy. On December 28, 1953 he traveled to America. He did pastoral work in the parishes of St. Joseph’s in St. Louis, St. Jerome’s, Chicago and St. Joseph’s in Bethlehem. For several years he lived in the Franciscan friaries in Gulf Breeze and Beaver Falls. The last years of his life were spent at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago, where he passed away on June 19, 1980 at the age of 66. He was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. David (Mile) Zrno

Fr. ZrnoFr. David was born in Duvno on September 30, 1896. He finished elementary school in his birthplace and high school in Široki Brijeg. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Vienna, where he was ordained a priest on August 28, 1921. After being ordained he returned home, and became a professor in Široki Brijeg for two years. He then continued post-graduate studies at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1926. He spent the next four years until 1930 as a professor at the seminary in Mostar. He arrived in the United States on the feast of St. Anthony, June 13, 1930. He spent several years as a missionary and preached in many cities in America. In 1935 he was named Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans in the United States. He remained at that post for a full fourteen years until 1949. During that time the community was strengthened, and St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago was opened as the administrative center of the community. He established a cultural center and began the Croatian Catholic Messenger, Croatian Almanac and Danica (Morning Star). It is important to mention that he in fact began the Croatian Franciscan Printery. At Fr. David’s request the Franciscan plot was bought in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago. After serving as the head of the community, he was pastor of St. Anthony’s in Sharon (1949-1958). He then returned to St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago as Guardian and served as Procurator of the community from 1961 to 1976. He was on the Custodial Board from 1952-1955. While on vacation in his homeland he died on August 17, 1984 in Split at the age of 88. He was buried on August 20 in Karaula Cemetery in Tomislavgrad.

Fr. Silvije (Silvestar) Grubišic

Fr. Silvije was born April 8, 1910 in Sovici, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in his birthplace and high school at Široki Brijeg. He accepted the Franciscan habit on August 3, 1929. He finished his philosophical and theological studies in Mostar where he was ordained on May 16, 1935. He came to the United States on June 8, 1938. He was named the assistant pastor, and later the pastor (1957-1961), of St. Mary’s in Steelton. From 1941 to 1949 he resided in Chicago as editor of the Croatian Catholic Messenger and Croatian Almanac and began a foundation of St. Anthony for devotional matters. He was named the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Milwaukee (1949-1950), SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1965-1968), in Sault Ste. Marie (1969-1970) and St.Anthony’s Parish in Sharon. Fr. Silvije was guardian of St. Anthony’s in Chicago, superior of St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze and Procurator of the Custody. He was the editor of the Croatian Almanac (1955-1957). He was a recognized Biblical scholar and translated books of the Old Testament from the original language into Croatian. He published the following translations: Petoknjizje, Psalmi, Prvi Proroci, Velike Proroci, Poruka Progranika, Dvanaest Proroka and Tuzaljke, Ruta, Job, Upute za zivot, Velepjesma, and Predsjedatelj. Fr. Silvije also wrote two very important works: Pripovijest o Bibliji, and Od Domovine do Pradomovine (Croatian Franciscan Press, 1979). His translation of the Five Books of Moses was a part of the Bible published by Kršcanska Sadašnjost in Zagreb in 1977. In 1982 Fr. Silvije became assistant pastor in St. Augustine Parish in West Allis where he passed away on May 12, 1985 at the age of 75. He was buried in Holy Sepulche Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Trpimir (Grgo) Musa

Fr. MusaFr. Trpimir was born in Rasno, Herzegovina on March 4, 1899. He finished elementary school in his birthplace and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on May 10, 1916 in Humac.  He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and was ordained on March 25, 1928. After being ordained he spent the next 15 years (1928-1943) in the parish of Konjic. During the war he went to Zagreb where he was superior. Prior to the end of the war he fled the Communists by going to Italy. Shortly thereafter he became the director of the high school in Grottamare. He served in this capacity until the high school closed in 1950. From 1950 to 1953 he held the post of economist at the Franciscan International College in Grottaferata near Rome. He arrived in the United States on November 18, 1953, and he immediately took over the duties of the director of Franciscan Publications in Chicago. In 1960 he became the assistant pastor of St. Augustine’s in West Allis, Six years later in 1966 he returned to St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago where he passed away on July 13, 1986 at the age of 87. He was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Anthony (Jerome) Dukich

Fra DukicFr. Anthony was born June 22, 1928 in Chicago of Croatian parents who died while he was very young. He attended the seminary in Westmont, Il. and accepted the Franciscan habit on July 5, 1950. He studied philosophy in Cleveland, Ohio and theology in Teutopolis, Il. where he was ordained a priest on June 24, 1957. After being ordained he worked as assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s Parish in Chicago. In 1962 he was assigned to St. Augustine’s in West Allis where he spent fourteen years; as an assistant pastor (1962-1968) and as pastor (1968-1976). Fr. Anthony was pastor of St. Jerome in Detroit. He remained there until 1985 when due to illness he moved to St. Anthony monastery in Chicago. Fr. Anthony was on the Custodial Board from 1970-1973. He passed away June 10, 1986 at the age of 57. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Ferdinand (Stjepan) Skoko

Fra SkokoFr. Ferdo was born September 24, 1907 in Grab, Herzegovina. He entered the Franciscan Order June 29, 1926. He studied philosophy an theology in Mostar and Teutopolis, Il. He was ordained a priest on December 11, 1932. He arrived to the United States after being ordained a priest in July of 1933. In 1934 he was named assistant pastor of St. Jerome Parish in Chicago for 2 years. After that he served at the following parishes as pastor: Holy Trinity in Ambridge for 7 years and St. Jerome in Chicago for 15 years. After serving at St. Jerome he was chosen twice as Commissary of the Croatian Franciscans (1955-1961). He was on the Custodial Board twice (1952-1955 and 1961-1964). . He was pastor of Sacred Heart in Milwaukee from 1961-1967. Then he was guardian of St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago (1967-1973) . He was named pastor of St. Francis in Windsor, when in 1973 the Diocese of London gave the parish to the Croatian Franciscans. In July of 1976 he was again named guardian of St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago. He held that position until 1982 when he was named pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Milwaukee. He remained there for three years until 1985, when he was again appointed guardian of the friary in Chicago. There he passed away on April 28, 1987 at the age of 79 and was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Gracijan (Grgo) Raspudic

Fra Grgo RaspudicFr. Gracijan was born February 25, 1911 in Lipno, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in Cerin and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order on June 29, 1928. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and at the University of Vienna. Fr. Gracijan was ordained a priest in Vienna on August 26, 1934. He went then to Lyon, France where in 1938 he received a doctorate in theology. After his studies he went to Rome where he studied the works of the Franciscan scholar Duns Scotus. A year after that he returned to the Province where he became a professor of theology at the Franciscan Seminary in Mostar. Fr. Gracijan accompanied and cared for many of Croatians who had gone to Germany. At that time, he was a resident of the Croatian Embassy in Berlin. In September of 1945 he left Germany for Italy, where he again became a professor of theology at the College of Tropei in Northern Italy, and subsequently at high school in Grottamara, where he was a director and professor.

After the closing of the high school, fr. Gracijan moved to Madrid where he dedicated himself to studying the Sacred Scriptures. He translated the entire New Testament into Croatian. His New Testament was published in Croatia by Kršcanska Sadašnjost in Zagreb and the Teološka Biblioteka in Sarajevo in 1987. For a while he was a professor at the theological school in Onteniente near Venice. On August 20, 1957 he arrived in the United States. He was named assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s Parish in Chicago, St. Anthony’s in Sharon (1958-1959) and Sacred Heart in Chicago (1960-1963). He resided for the following six years at the Franciscan residence in Gulf Breeze and again dedicated himself to scholarly work. He wrote several important works in the field of literature: Djevojka Drina, Za stolom od kamena and Braca Golemci. Fr. Gracijan was a distinguished linguist. From 1969 he worked at St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago. He edited the Croatian Catholic Messenger for almost 20 years until his death. He passed away at St. Anthony’s Friary on May 7, 1989. He was buried at Holy Sepulchre cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Berto (Bartol) Dragicevic

Fra DragicevicFr. Berto was born May 7, 1910 in Medjugorje, where he attended elementary school. He finished high school in Široki Brijeg and completed his philosophical and theologucal studies in Mostar. He joined the Franciscan Order on August 3, 1930, and was ordained a priest on June 14, 1936 in Kotor. He did most of his pastoral work in Rakitno. Prior to the end of the war he fled the Communists and went to Austria where he helped refugees. Fr. Berto arrived to the United States on Christmas Day in 1949. After briefly studying English Fr. Berto was named as assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1950-1953) and after that at Sacred Heart in Chicago (1953-1958). He briefly did pastoral work in two parishes in Pennsylvania: St. Anthony in Sharon and Holy Trinity in Ambridge. After that Fr. Berto went to Canada. He first served as a spiritual leader for Croatians in Sudbury and Elliot Lake. He then went to Sault Ste. Marie where he organized the Croatian community and established a parish. In 1969 he again went to Sudbury where he cared for the local Croatians.. He remained there until 1980. After that he went to the Queen of Peace Center in Norval where he passed away on February 15, 1990 at the age of 79. Fr. Berto served on the Custodial Board from 1967-1970. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Mladen Cuvalo

Fra Mladen CuvaloFr. Mladen was born April 21, 1939 in Proboj, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in Vitina and high school in Split, Sinj and Visoko. He entered the Franciscan Order July 14, 1959 in Humac. He completed his philosophical and theological studies in Visoko and Sarajevo, where he was ordained a priest on July 10, 1966. He arrived to the United States on March 16, 1967. After studying English in Washington DC, Fr. Mladen was named assistant pastor at SS.Cyril and Methodius parish in New York, and as pastor in 1972. During that time the the parish was relocated to the new and more adequate building and Croatian Highland in New Jersey was purchased . He remained as pastor until 1979. After that Fr. Mladen spent some time in Beaver Falls, Norval, Cleveland, Ohio and Fronhletain, Austria. He passed away September 7, 1991 in Chicago. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Slavko (Martin) Luburic

Fra LuburicFr. Slavko was born June 22 1898 in Rašljani, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in his birthplace and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan order on May 10, 1916. Fr. Slavko completed his philosophical and theological studies in Mostar and Paderborn, Germany. He was ordained a priest in Paderborn on August 12, 1923. After being ordained he continued his theological studies in Fribourg, Switzerland. Three years later he returned to Herzegovina to do pastoral work. He was a religious instructor for children in the elementary school and high school in Humac. In 1930 he was named pastor of the parish of Klobuk, and after three years became the pastor of the parish of Goranci near Mostar. In 1937 he was named the Guardian of the Franciscan Friary in Humac. During the war years, 1941-1945, he served in the parishes of Konjic, Veljaci,and Humac, and after the collapse of the Croatian state, Fr. Slavko successfully fled to Austria, and afterwards to Italy. He arrived in the United States May 8, 1946. He spent the first three years as an assistant pastor in parishes of the Harrisburg, Pa. Diocese. In 1950 he was named the pastor of St. Joseph in Bethlehem where he was for 21 years. In February of 1971 he retired at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago. Fr. Slavko was on the Custodial Board (1958-1961). He passed away February 20, 1992, at the age of 94. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Irenaeus (George) Petricak

Fra PetricakFr. Irenaeus lived a very interesting life. He was believed to be in his final years not only the oldest Franciscan in the world but also the oldest priest in the world. He was in truth a pioneer among the Croatian missionaries in the New World. He was born in Klanjec in Croatian Zagorje on April 28 1889. He accepted the Franciscan habit on August 17, 1906, and completed his philosophical and theological studies in Zagreb. He was ordained a priest on July 14, 1912. On December 2 of that year he arrived to the United States. He established the parish of SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York on August 16 of the following year. Fr. Irenej remained there for 13 years. Then his superior sent him to be the pastor of St. Mary’s in Steelton. Eleven years later in 1937 he became pastor of St. Joseph’s in Bethlehem. He served the parish for thirteen years. In 1950 he went into semi- retirement in St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago. It is interesting that Fr. Irenaeus spent almost half of a century there as sacristan, organist, and librarian. The last years of his life were spent at St. Mary’s Nursing Home in Manitowoc, Wi. where he quietly passed away on February 26, 1996 at the age of 106. A bright candle was extinguished. He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Predrag (Tadija) Kordic

Fra Predrag KordicFr. Predrag was born on May 3, 1915 in Grljevici near Vitina. He attended elementary school in Rasno and high school in Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1933. He completed his philosophical and theological studies in Mostar, where he was ordained a priest on June 4, 1939. After that he continued his studies in the field of Italian literature at the Catholic University in Milan where he received his doctorate in 1951. The following year he arrived in the United States and was named the assistant pastor for Sacred Heart parish in Ambridge (1952-1954). He held the same position in Lancaster, Pa (1954-1955) and was chaplain at the Sisters of Mercy in 1955. He was assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s Parish in Chicago (1957-1959). In 1960 he became pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish in Monessen. He then spent some time at St. Francis Friary in Gul Breeze. After that Fr. Predrag left the Croatian Custody and was under the jurisdiction of the Assumption Province of Pulaski, Wi. In the nineties he returned to the Province in his homeland. He passed away August 18, 1996 in Humac and was buried in the cemetery in Humac.

Fr. Dionizije (Vinko) Lasic

Fra Dionizije LasicFr. Dionizije was born on June 6, 1913 in Uzarici near Široki Brijeg, and finished elementary school and high school there as well. He entered the Franciscan Order on August 6, 1932 and studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and Schwaz in Austria. He was ordained a priest on May 23, 1937 in Mostar. Immediately after being ordained, he went to Schwaz where he completed his final year of theology. After that, in 1938, the community sent him at the Franciscan Antonianum in Rome for post-graduate spiritual studies. Two years later he returned home as an assistant pastor in Kocerin. In May of 1941 he returned again to Rome, where two years later in 1943 he received a doctorate in theology. Upon returning to the Province he was named the advisor to Franciscan students in Mostar. In 1945 he left his homeland fleeing before Communist terror. He went to Rome where until 1948 he was the spiritual director for the students of theology at the Antonianum. Afterwards, when the Croatian Franciscans, under the leadership of Fr. Dominic Mandic, founded a small school for Croatian refugee children in Grottamare in Italy, Fr. Dionizije was their advisor and teacher from 1948-1950. He did similar work from 1950-1951 in Sassoferrata in Italy until September of 1951, when he was named professor of spiritual worship and morals at the Antonianum in Rome. He stayed in that position until 1974.

During this time, on March 14, 1972, Fr. Dionizije was one of the founders of the ZIRAL publishing house. He arrived in the United States on July 29, 1974. He lived in America for only a year before returning to the same seminary in Rome. In 1975, once again arriving to America, he was named a co-editor of the weekly Danica and director of the Franciscan Publications and the Croatian Ethnic Institute. As director of ZIRAL from 1972 to 1995, Fr. Dionizije prepared 52 books for printing and had another nine in production. He was a manager of the monthly Croatian Catholic Messenger from 1975 to 1977 and an editor for the yearly Croatian Almanac in 1977, 1978, and 1986. Fr. Dionizije devoted many years to the collecting and study of Croatian ornamental weaves. He presented his research in his principal literary work, Pleterni Ukras (ZIRAL, Chicago, 1995, 918 pgs). In 1995 he returned to the homeland. He passed away on November 27, 1997 in Zagreb. He was buried in Široki Brijeg.

Fr. Serafin (Stanko) Vištica

Fr. Serafin VisticaFr. Serafin was born February 21, 1903 in Veljaci, Herzegovina. He finished elementary school in his birthplace, and high school in Široki Brijeg. He received the Franciscan habit on July 9, 1923. He completed his philosophical and theological studies in Mostar and in Strassbourg, France. He was ordained a priest on June 23, 1929. Fr. Serafin actively worked in the parishes of the homeland. After being ordained he served as an assistant pastor in the parishes in Humac (1930-1932) and Posušje (1932-1935). In 1935 he founded the parish of Crnac near Široki Brijeg. He held the position of pastor and guardian of the Franciscan Friary in Široki Brijeg. During this time Fr. Serafin was actively involved in social work: census, founding Catholic associations, etc. The community then named him the pastor of Medjugorje. On February 3, 1945 he left Medjugorje, the Province and his homeland as he fled Communist terror. After a short stay in Austria and Italy he arrived in the United States on May 8, 1946. He served as an assistant pastor in St. Jerome’s Parish. In May 1947 he began serving a parish in Kulpmont, Pa, and in 1950 was named the pastor at Holy Trinity in Ambridge where he built the parish church. 

During the next nine years from 1951-1960, Fr. Serafin served as assistant pastor in our Chicago parishes. He also was the Procurator of the Custody and director of the Franciscan Publications. In 1960 he went to Montreal where he established a Croatian parish on August 15, 1963. He became the pastor for St. Joseph’s Parish in St. Louis (1968-1970) and the pastor in Sault Ste. Marie (1970-1971). In September of 1971 he went into retirement at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago, where he continued his charitable and literary work. His work on Fr. Janko Bubalo’s book Tisucu Susreta S Gospom is notable. Fr. Serafin translated that book into English in 1985 and thousands of copies cwere printed . Fr. Serafin was on Custodial Board from 1961 to 1964. After fifty years he returned to the homeland on September 22, 1995. He passed away in the Franciscan Friary in Humac on August 21, 1998 at the age of 96. He was buried in the cemetery in Humac.

Fr. Vilim (Petar) Primorac

Fra PrimoracFr. Vilim was born January 8, 1907 in Citluk, Herzegovina into a family of 14 children. He finished elementary school in Citluk and high school in Široki Brijeg. He received the Franciscan habit on June 29, 1925. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar and in Lille, France where he was ordained a priest on July 13, 1931. The following year he returned to his homeland and was named advisor to the students in Široki Brijeg. Several years later he went to Zagreb, where he completed the requirements for being a physical education director. He returned to Široki Brijeg as an instructor for physical education. After the war he went through the Croatian agony and fled to Austria and then for Italy. Fr. Vilim arrived in the United States on July 14 1946. Until 1953 he was an assistant pastor for Sacred Heart Parish in Chicago, and from 1953 to 1968 he held the same position in St. Mary’s Parish in Steelton. He was pastor at St. Nikola Tavelic Parish in Montreal from 1968-1976. Then he was associate pastor at St. Jerome’s in Detroit (1976-1979), St. Francis in Windsor (1979-1984), St. Nikola Tavelic in Montreal (1984) and finally in the Croatian Franciscan Center in Norval.(1984-1996). Fr. Vilim was on the Custodial Board (1958-1961). He was well known as an organizer and leader of many tamburitzan and kolo groups throughout Croatian parishes in the United States and Canada. After a full fifty years of successful work Fr. Vilim returned to his home land in 1996. He spent his remaining years in his home parish in Citluk. He quietly passed away in St. Anthony Friary in Humac on January 31, 2000. He was buried the following day in Citluk.

Fr. Hrvoslav (Kristijan) Ban

Fr. BanFr. Hrvoslav was born on August 31, 1924 in Stobi, Macedonia near a former camp for Croatian political victims. Fr. Hrvoslav comes from a Zagreb family, and lived in Zagreb since he was 8 months old. There he finished elementary and high school. After World War II he studied art history and archeology. He was an associated with all the religious papers in Croatia, but because of his national and religious works he was placed in solitary confinement twice. Afterwards he studied philosophy and theology in the Gregorianum in Rome. There he edited the historical program for Radio Vatican from 1966-1969 and 1971-1972. After the collapse of the Croatian Spring in 1971 he left Europe on June 27, 1972 for America. He became a member of the Franciscan community in the same year and was ordained a priest by Cardinal Franjo Šeper November 4, 1973 in New York. For a short time he served in SS.Cyril and Methodius Parish in New York, and in 1974 he came to Chicago to work in in the office of Danica. After the death of Fr. Ljubo Cuvalo he took over as an editor. He was also an editor of the Croatian Almanac. He again served in the Croatian parish in New York as an assistant pastor (1978-1981), and in the same position at St. Anthony in Sharon (1981-1982) and St. Jerome in Chicago (1982-1992). Fr. Hrvoslav was an author of many books and articles: Opsada crkve u Bistrici, Kradja Marijina kipa, Neznanac iz palace Zrinski, Dvoboj na Markovu trgu, and Vitezovi sv. Marije. He was also an author of many radio dramas and an editor of many books.  Fr. Hrvoslav returned to the homeland in the summer of 1992. He died on April 23, 2000 in Humac and was buried there.

Fr. Ivan Bradvica

Fr. BradvicaFr. Ivan was born in Veljaci, Herzegovina on May 8, 1944. He attended elementary school in his birthplace and high school in Visoko. He entered the Franciscan Order on July 14, 1963. He studied philosophy and theology in Sarajevo, Trento and Rome, Italy. He was ordained a priest on May 13, 1970 in Trent. He arrived in the United States on August 23, 1971. Upon arriving in America he was named assistant pastor at St. Jerome’s Parish in Chicago. He stayed there until 1974 when he left to study English in Washington DC. In 1975 he was appointed an assistant pastor for SS. Cyril and Methodius parish in New York. A year later he is named the administrator of the Croatian Catholic Mission St. Nikola Tavelic in Montreal where he built the new church. He stayed there until 1987 when he was appointed an assistant pastor for the Croatian parish in Norval. Two years later he became pastor at Holy Family parish in Kitchener. That was last assigment in his pastoral work in the United States and Canada. In 1991 Fr. Ivan returned to the homeland where he worked in parishes in Medjugorje and Konjic where he served as guardian. Fr. Ivan died suddenly on November 4, 2000 in Italy, and was buried at the Franciscan Cemetery at Humac.

Fr. Ivo Sivrić

Fra SivricFr. Ivo was born August 15, 1917 in Medjugorje, Herzegovina. He attended the local grammar school and completed his high school at Široki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1985 in Humac. Fr. Ivo studied philosophy and theology in Mostar, Zagreb and Rome. He was ordained on June 29, 1941 in Mostar. After his ordination he studied at the Antonianum in Rome where he received his doctoral degree in theology. He came to the United States on December 7, 1947. After working for a year at the printery at St. Anthony’s in Chicago, Fr. Ivo began his work as associate pastor of several parishes: St. Joseph in St. Louis (1949-1951), St. Anthony in Sharon (1951-1952), SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1952-1956) and St. Mary’s in Rankin (1956). Then he was named superior for a time at St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze. He was named pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Ambridge (1956-1959). After this he came back to St. Anthony Friary in Chicago where he was the director of the Franciscan printery (1959-1963). In 1963 he returned to Gulf Breeze (1963-1965). While residing at Our Lady of Peace Friary in Beaver Falls (1965-1973), he taught for a few years at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pa. He returned to Gulf Breeze (1973-1977). Then he spent a year as associate pastor of St. Francis parish in Fillmore, CA (1977-1978). Fr. Ivo spent the next twenty years as associate pastor of St. Joseph’s Parish in St. Louis (1979-1999). He retired in 1999 and is currently at a nursing home in Manitowoc, Wi. Fr. Ivo is the author of several books: Bishop J.G. Strossmayer-New Light on Vatican I, The Peasant Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina, The Hidden Face of Medjugorje and Kršcanski temelji C.S. Lewisa. Fr. Ivo was also for a while the editor of the monthly publication Nasa Nada (Our Hope), the official publication of the Croatian Catholic Union.  He served on Custodial Board twice (1970-1973 and 1982-1985.  Fr. Ivo died October 28, 2002, and was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Marko Kozina
Fra Marko KozinaFr. Mark was born in Modran, Bosnia on March 15, 1933. In 1945 he left Croatia for Austria and arrived at the Franciscan seminary in Grottamare in Italy the following year. He joined the Franciscan Order in 1950 in Cingoli, Italy and in 1951 arrived in the United States to continue his studies in philosophy in Cleveland, Ohio and theology at St. Bonaventure University in New York and Teutopolis, Il. He was ordained a priest on June 24, 1959. He was appointed assistant pastor at Sacred Heart in Milwaukee (1959-1962) and St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1962-1965). He was pastor at Blessed Trinity, Ambridge (1965-1969), St. Jerome’s Chicago (1969-1976) and at Sacred Heart, Chicago (1979-1994). Fr. Mark was Custos from 1976-1979 and was on the Custodial Board from 1970-1973. Fr. Mark 
died on Easter Monday, April 21, 2003, of complications related to a stroke, after the amputation of his second leg at the University of Chicago Hospitals.  He was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Dominic (Mirko) Ćorić
Fra CoricFr. Dominic was born April 24, 1915 in Rodoč near Mostar. He joined the Franciscan Order in 1933 and was ordained a priest on June 16, 1940 in Mostar. As a young priest Father Ćorić found himself in parishes in Duvno-Tomislavgrad (1942-43) and Kocerin (1943). From 1943 to the end of WWII, Fr. Dominic was an army Chaplain. After the war his flight for freedom took him first to Austria and then to Italy where he spent 6 years in Rome as Director of the Franciscan press (1948-1954). He arrived in the USA and immediately became the assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Steelton. In the years to come Fr. Dominic served as a assistant at Sacred Heart in Chicago, at St. Joseph’s in St. Louis (1956-1960) and at St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1967-1971). He was named pastor in 1971 at Our Lady of the Highways Parish in Sault Ste. Marie, where he stayed for 23 years until his retirement in 1994. Since then he has been in residence at the St. Anthony Friary in Chicago. Besides his pastoral duties he was also Associate Director of the Franciscan Press in Chicago (1961-1966), Spiritual Director of the Croatian Catholic Union (1970-1978) and Spiritual Director of the Knights of Columbus in Sault Ste. Marie Canada (1975-1994). He died on May 26, 2003 and 
was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Stephen (Stanislav) Raich

Fr. RaichFr. Steve was born on May 14, 1917 in New York City, New York. He finished both grammar school and high school in New York and he attended the seminary in Westmont, Il. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1987 in Paterson, New Jersey. He studied theology and philosophy at Holy Name College in Washington D.C. where he was ordained a priest on May 29, 1943. The following year was named associate pastor at St. Mary’s Parish in Steelton (1944-1946), and then at St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1946-1949) and SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1949-1953). He became pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Steelton (1953-1957). He was then at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago and associate pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in the same city (1957-1958). Fr. Stephen became then the pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Ambridge (1959-1965) and of St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1965-1967). Then he was superior at St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze (1967-1968) and then resided at Our Lady of Peace, Beaver Falls (1968-1971). In 1971 he once again returned to parish work as pastor of St. Anthony’s in Monessen (1971-1979). He served as Custos (1979-1982). Once again he returned to St. Mary’s in Steelton as pastor (1982-1985). Fr. Stephen went to Our Lady of Peace friary in Beaver Falls (1985-1981), and resided at SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1991-1998). He came to St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago in 1998 where he was until his death.  Fr. Stephen was on the Custodial Board from 1955 to 1958.  He died from atrial fibrillation on June 3, 2004 at Our Lady of the Resurrection Hospital in Chicago. Fr. Stephen was buried June 8, 2004 in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Vincent (William) Cvitkovic
Fra CvitkovicFr. Vincent was born on November 5, 1938 in Ambridge, Pa where he graduated both grade school and high school. He joined the Franciscan Order in 1960 in Lake Geneva, Il. He studied philosophy in Burlington Wi. and theology in West Chicago, Il. He was ordained a priest on May 31, 1969 in Joliet, Il. He served as assistant pastor at St. Anthony’s in Sharon, (1969-1971), St. Mary’s in Steelton, (1971), then again at St. Anthony’s in Sharon, (1971-1974), St. Joseph’s in Bethlehem (1974-1976), St. Joseph’s in St. Louis (1976), and at Sacred Heart in Chicago (1976-78). He was then appointed pastor at St. Jerome’s in Detroit (1978-1982). From 1982 to 1985 he resided at Our Lady of Peace Friary, Beaver Falls. He was appointed pastor at Blessed Trinity in Ambridge (1985-1989). He was pastor of St. Anthony’s in Sharon from 1994-1996 and the following two years worked at the Holy Trinity Parish in Sudbury. Since 1998 he has resided at the St. Anthony Friary in Chicago. Fr. Vincent died on August 5th, 2004. Funeral Mass was celebrated on August 10, 2004.

Fr. Myron (Pasko) Lasic
Fra LasicFr. Myron was born in Uzarići near Siroki Brijeg January 4, 1916. He completed grade school and high school on Siroki Brijeg after which he joined the Franciscan Order in Humac in 1934. Fr. Myron completed his studies in philosophy and thelogy in Mostar 1940 and was ordained a priest on June 16, 1940. The following year he went to Rome to continue his post-graduate studies and in 1944 he received his doctorate in moral theology. He came to the United States on May 8, 1946 and was named assistant pastor in Italian and German parishes in Mt. Carmel and Lancester, Pa. (1946-1949). He was assistant pastor at St. Mary’s Visitation in Rankin (1949-1956), SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1956-1957) and at Sacred Heart in Chicago (1957-1958). He was then appointed pastor at Sacred Heart in Chicago (1958-1968). While pastor there he coordinated the building of the new church and school. He then was transferred back to St. Mary’s in Rankin as pastor (1968-1994). Since 1994 he resided at St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago and he was still helpful in Croatian churches wherever needed. Fr. Myron was on Custodial Board twice (1964-1967 and 1979-1982).  He died on October 8, 2005,  and was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Kvirin (Pero) Vasilj

Fr. Kvirin VasiljFr. Kvirin was born on February 2, 1917 in Medjugorje, Herzegovina. He finished grammar school in Medjugorje and high school in Siroki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order at Humac in 1934. He studied philosophy and theology in Mostar where he was ordained on June 16, 1940. Fr. Kvirin went on to study in Vienna and Innsbruck, Austria. At the University of Innsbruck he received his doctorate in philosophy in 1946. That same year he moved to Italy and taught at the seminary for four years. He came to the United States on November 18, 1950. The same year he assisted at Holy Trinity parish in Ambridge. Next he went on to teach at the seminary in Westmont, Il. Fr. Kvirin resided at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago from 1953 to 1958. He was editor of Croatian Catholic Messenger and Croatian Almanac (1961-1965). He was associate pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Chicago (1958-1961) and of Holy Trinity Parish in Ambridge (1965-1973). He resided at Our Lady of Peace Friary in Beaver Falls from 1973 to 1992. Since 1992 he has been residing at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago.  Fr. Kvirin is the author of many articles and the following books: Analiza i sinteza čovjeka (1958), Trinitarne teorije pred sudom razuma (1960, English translation 1987), Odnos naravnog reda stvarnosti prema nadnaravnome (1970), Temelji spoznaje stvarnosti (1966), Zasto vjerujem (1968), Marksizam i krsćanstvo (1976), Ljepota i umjetnost (1979), Politika (1984), Misli o religiji (1983), Filozofija očovječenja i počovječenja (1978), Tajna počovječenja (1981), Vječni zivot (1987), Filozofija ljudskog duha (1984), Sloboda i odgovornost (1972), Kruh nas svagdanji (1990), Opstojnost Bozja i stvarnost zla (1991), Isus iz Nazareta (1996), Filozofija zivota (1997), Religija prirodne i drustvene znanosti (1997), Čovjek njegova veličina i njegova bijeda (1998), Razum i religija (1999).  He died on July 6, 2006,  and was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Vjekoslav (Vinko) Aloysius Bambir

fra BambirFr. Vjekoslav was born in Uskoplje, Herzegovina March 10, 1916. He completed grade school in Zenica and continued his studies at Siroki Brijeg.  In 1934 Fr. Vjekoslav took his first vows in the novitiate in Humac. He continued his theological studies in Mostar where he was ordained a priest June 16, 1940. After his ordination he continued his studies in Canon Law and in 1945 received his doctorate at the Antonianum in Rome. He came to the USA on April 17, 1946 where he pursued his pastoral work as the assistant pastor at St. Joseph’s Church in Hanover, Pa. (1946-47), at Our Lady of Carmel Church in Carmel, Pa. (1947-1948), at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Harrisburg, Pa. (1948-1950), St. Augustine’s Parish in West Allis (1950-1955) and then as pastor (1955-1967). Fr. Vjekoslav was also the assistant pastor and then pastor at St. Joseph’s Church in St. Louis from 1979-1991. He held many positions within the Custody. Fr. Vjekoslav was Custos from 1967-1973, the superior at St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze from 1973-1977 and as of today holds the position of procurator of the Custody. He has been on the Custodial Board three times (1958-1963; 1979-1982, 1985-1988). His publications include the following: Biography of Fr. Blaz Jerkovic (1952); History of St. Augustine’s Parish (West Allis, 1953); “Croatian Franciscan Custody of the Holy Family in the USA and Canada” in Schematismus of the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province in Mostar (1977) and History of St. Joseph’s Parish (St. Louis, 1979). Fr. Aloysius died on Tuesday, December 29, 2009. The Funeral Mass was celebrated on January 5, 2010 and he was buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago.

Fr. Theodore (Anthony) Benkovic
Fr. BenkovicFr. Theodore was born December 27, 1916 in Steelton, PA there completed high-school. Fr. Theodore began his seminary studies at Westmont, Il. and entered the Franciscan novitiate in 1935 at Teutopolis, Il. It was Fr. Theodore’s heartfelt wish to learn the Croatian language well and this led to his studies in Mostar where he completed his theology in 1938. He was ordained a priest in Mostar on June 29, 1941. After his pastoral duties at SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Mostar (1942-1944), he resided in the Franciscan friaries in Sarajevo, Zagreb and Rome. He returned to the USA in 1946 and continued his pastoral work at St. Augustine’s Parish in West Allis as assistant pastor (1946-1950). After that he established St.Anthony’s Parish in Monessen and was pastor there until 1960. He was Pastor at SS.. Cyril & Methodius in New York (1960-1961), St. Jerome’s in Chicago (1967-1969), Blessed Trinity in Ambridge (1969-1971), St. Mary’s in Steelton (1972-1976), St.Joseph’s in Bethlehem (1979-1985). He was assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Steelton from1991 until his retirement in 1995.He held many positions with the Custody. He was on the Custodial Board twice (1952-1955, 1967-1970).He was procurator of the Custody from 1950-1952 and from 1976-1978. He was superior at St. Francis Friary, Gulf Breeze (1961-1967) and superior at Our Lady of Peace Frairy, Beaver Falls (1978-1979,1985-1991). He is the author of the book, Tragedy of a Nation.

Fr. Ted was well-known among the friars as a man with an extraordinary sense of humor, sociability and fraternal community. He was always very happy to visit with the friars and took great interest in the life and work of the friars. Having received the sacraments, Fr. Ted died peacefully on Tuesday, Jan. 12 at St. Theresa Home in Lemont, run by Franciscan Sisters. After a Funeral Mass at St. Anthony’s in Hyde Park, Jan 15, 2010, he was buried with his Franciscan brothers in Holy Sepulcher cemetery.

+ Fr. Jerome (John) Kucan
Fra KucanFr. Jerome was born in Steelton, Pa. on July 5, 1924 where he completed grade school. He graduated from high school and junior college at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Westmont, Il. He joined the Franciscan Order in 1944. After completing his philosophy studies in Cleveland, Ohio and his theological studies in Teutopolis, Il. he was ordained a priest on June 24, 1951. His first taste of pastoral work was as assistant pastor at St. Anthony’s in Sharon, Pa (1952-1954). He served as assistant pastor at St. Joseph’s in Bethlehem (1954-1961). He was pastor St. Mary’s in Steelton for eleven years (1961-1972). He was then appointed as superior and Director of Spiritual Activities at Our Lady of Peace Friary in Beaver Falls. In 1973 he became the pastor in Sharon where he stayed for 4 years. He spent one year as assistant pastor in Milwaukee at Sacred Heart and in 1978 returned to the friary in Beaver Falls. He returned to St. Mary’s in Steelton in 1979 as pastor and held that position until 1982 when he was appointed as pastor at St. Jerome’s in Chicago. In 1985 he again was appointed assistant pastor at Sacred Heart in Milwaukee and one year later was appointed guardian at St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago. Then he was pastor at St. Augustine’s in West Allis (1988-1994) and at Sacred Heart in Chicago (1994-1995). Since then until 2004, he was guardian of St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago.  Fr. Jerome had been on Custodial Board twice (1961-1964; 1994-1997). Fr. Jerome Kucan died Dec. 31, 2010. The Funeral Mass was held Jan. 6th, 2011 at St. Jerome’s Church, and he was buried with his Franciscan brothers in Holy Sepulcher cemetery.

+ Fr. Bruno (Grgo) Raspudic

Fra RaspudicFr. Bruno was born in Lipno, Herzegovina on March 18, 1917. He attended grammar school in the town of Cerin. He went on to high school in Siroki Brijeg. He entered the Franciscan Order in 1936 in Humac. He studied philosophy and theology at the seminary of Mostar where he was also ordained on May 2, 1943. He was at Siroki Brijeg for a year (1944-1945) and in Zagreb (1945-1946). In 1946 he fled to Austria and shortly thereafter to Grottamare and Rome, Italy. Fr. Bruno continued his studies for the next ten years at the University of Madrid where he earned his doctorate in classical languages. He came to the United States on August 3, 1957 and first resided at St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze (1957-1959). Next he was assistant pastor at SS. Cyril and Methodius in New York (1959-1963). Once again he returned to St. Francis Friary in Gulf Breeze (1963-1964) and soon after he was named associate pastor of Holy Trinity Parish in Ambridge (1964-1965). In 1965 Fr. Bruno was named the superior at Our Lady of Peace Friary in Beaver Falls (1965-1973). He was named pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Sharon (1973-1974). Once again he returned as superior at Our Lady of Peace Friary in Beaver Falls (1974-1979). Fr. Bruno then spent 12 years as pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish in Monessen (1979-1991). He was once again appointed superior of Our Lady of Peace Friary (1991-1996). Since the closing of Our Lady of Peace Friary he has resided at St. Anthony Friary in Chicago.  Fr. Bruno also served on Custodial Board from 1973-1976.

Fr. Bruno “Grgo” Raspudic died Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011 in Chicago, IL at the age of 93. His Funeral Mass was at St. Jerome Croatian Catholic Church, on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011, and he was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Alsip, IL.

Here is a link for a slideshow about Fr. Bruno Raspudić’s life (Click here).

+ Fr. Josip (Mate) Abramovic

Fr. Joe AbramovicFr. Joe was born February 16, 1935 in Brusani-Lika, Croatia. He left his homeland as a nine-year old child and spent the next five years in different Austrian camps. In 1947 the Croatian Franciscans took him under their wing in Italy where he completed his high school years. He came to the USA on September 24, 1951 and than studied at St. Joseph Seminary in Westmont, IL.  In 1953 he received the Franciscan habit in Paterson, New Jersey. He continued his studies in Rye Beach, New Hampshire, at St. Bonaventure University in New York, in Butler, New Jersey and finally at Holy Name College in Washington D.C. He was ordained in Washington D.C. on March 12, 1960. As his pastoral life commenced, Fr. Joe worked at the following parishes: St. Joseph in Bethlehem as assistant pastor (1961-1971) and then as pastor of the same parish from 1971-1979. He was pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Milwaukee from 1979-1982, St. Mary’s in Steelton from 1985-1988 and from 1990-2010 was pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in St. Louis. Fr. Joe held very important roles in our Franciscan Custody. He was Custos from 1982-1985; member of the Custodial Board from 1973-1976 and 1997-2000. He was also the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper Danica from 1988 to 1990.

Father Joseph (Mate) Abramovic, a member of the Holy Family Croatian Franciscan Custody of the United States and Canada, died on Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 in Chicago’s Mercy hospital. Father Joe was in his 77th year of life, 59th year of entering the seminary, and 52nd year of ordination. The Mass of Resurection was held on Thursday, January 26th in St. Jerome’s church, and burial followed in Holy Sepulchre cemetery where the Croatian Franciscans of America have a community gravesite. May he rest in Peace!

 +Fr. Jozo Cuic
Fr. CuicFr. Jozo was born July 27, 1947 in Bukovica near Tomislavgrad. He graduated grade school in Posusje and continued his studies at the Franciscan high school in Visoko. He finished his theological studies in Freiburg, Germany in 1974. That same year on May 19 he was ordained a priest. Fr. Jozo arrived in the USA on Sept. 19, 1975 and immediately pursued his study of the English language in Chicago and Washington. He became assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Steelton (1976-1980). At that time he was transferred to St. Jerome Parish, Chicago as associate pastor. He became pastor of St. Jerome’s in Detroit where he stayed until 1989. He was then named pastor of St. Mary’s in Steelton until 1995 when the diocesan clergy assumed the ministry in the Steelton parish.  Fr. Jozo served on the Custodial Board twice (1979-1982 and 1993-1997). In 1995, Fr. Jozo then was named pastor at St. Francis in Windsor, and in 2006 he became pastor in Troy, Michigan where he served until 2010. That year he became pastor of St. Leopold Mandic in London, Ontario, where he served until his death on June 17, 2014. The Mass of Resurection was held on June 24th, 2014 in St. Jerome’s church in Chicago, and burial followed in Holy Sepulchre cemetery where the Croatian Franciscans of America have a community gravesite.

+Fr. Častimir-Timothy (Ivan) Majić
Fr. MajicFr. Timothy was born in Vitina, Herzegovina on January 9, 1914 where he also completed grade school. He went on to complete high school in Siroki Brijeg and joined the Franciscan Order in 1933 at Humac. He was ordained on June 4, 1939 in Mostar after completing his philosophy and theological studies both in Mostar and Rome. In 1941 he departed his homeland for Germany to study at the University of Freiburg. During his studies he continued his pastoral ministry among the Slovenian and Croatian people in many German towns. At the University of Freiburg he earned two doctorates: one in philosophy (1946) and one in theology (1951). Fr. Majić immigrated to the United States on March 22, 1951. Shortly thereafter he was named editor-in-chief of the outstanding newspaper Danica and held the position for 10 years. He then went on to become assistant pastor at St. Joseph, St. Louis (1961-1963) and SS . Cyril & Methodius, New York (1963-1967). He was then appointed pastor of Sacred Heart in Milwaukee (1967-1979). While in Milwaukee he was also Custos of the community (1973-1976). After his years in Milwaukee he returned to St. Anthony’s Friary in Chicago as editor-in-chief of the Danica (1979-1988) and then as guardian (1988-1994). He then was the editor-in-chief of two worthy periodicals: Croatian Catholic Messenger and Croatian Almanac (1994-1996). Fr. Timothy now resides at the friary in Chicago.

Fr. Majić was on the Custodial Board twice (1967-1970 and 1976-1979). He, together with Fr. Lawrence Frankovich, prepared the Golden Jubilee Book for the 50th Anniversary of the Custody in 1976. He was also the secretary of the Association of Croatian Priests in America and Canada for 20 years and editor of the periodical Vinculum Caritatis of the same association. In 1999, a book of life’s memories of his years in emigration was published.

On February 3, 2016, Fr. Častimir Timothy Majic passed away quietly after 102 years and 25 days, or 37, 280 days of his earthly life. He was buried with his other Franciscan brothers at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Chicago on February 9, 2016.


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