Lijepa naša domovino,                Dravo, Savo, Drino teci,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,               Nit ti, Dunav, silu gubi,
Stare slave Djedovina,                 Sinje more, svijetu reci,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!               Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi!
Mila, kano si nam slavna,            Dok mu njive sunce grije,
Mila si nam ti jedina,                   Dok mu hrašće bura vije,
Mila kuda si nam ravna,              Dok mu mrtve grob sakrije,

Mila kuda si planina!                   Dok mu živo srcebije!


rekao je i napisao Franjevac Fra. Silvije Grubišić (1910-1985) u novini “DANICA” poslije hapšenja hrvatske 10 desetorke, članova organizacije HNO, četvrtak 25 lipnja 1981., dan poslije ukazivanja Blažene Djevice Marije, naše Gospe hrvatskoj djeci u Međugorju, srijeda 24 lipnja 1981. Mile Boban, Otporaš.image.png

Bozo Simunovic <>
Sat 10/23/2021 9:18 AM
Božo Šimunović - Master Architect from Croatia;
Da, i ovu napisanu ISTINU bi trebalo objaviti na nezavisnom portalu
Da cjelokupna javnost može slobodno čitati i spoznati ISTINU!
Bozo Simunovic hrvatski otporas.
Bog i Hrvati! 🇭🇷✌️💪😎
On Sat, 23 Oct 2021 at 11:13 Mijo Potkrajac <> wrote:
Bog! i veliki poZDrav Boži Šimoviću i svima koji čitaju i prate šta hrvatski vizionar bez dlake na jeziku Božo šimunović kaže, a što on kaže on istinu kaže.
Za Dom Spremni!
Mijo Potkrajac.

From: Bozo Simunovic <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2021 8:15 AM
To: <>
Subject: UDBA i “drugovi” tokom 20. stoljeca

PoZDrav hrvatski junache Mile! I pozdrav Texas-u!
Da, ja stalno ponavljam, objašnjavam i tvrdim da su sve te “namontirane” lažne optužnice (sa “prljavim” prevarantsko-urotničkim podmetanjem lažnih dokaza od UDB-aša) protiv boraca Hrvatica i Hrvata manipulacijski, prevarantski i urotnički izvedene u režiji, prije svega; UDB-e i, takodjer, u “sotonskoj” suradnji sa FBI-em!
UDB-a je operativni aparat ex-yu komunistima.Komuniste, odnosno “sotonski virusni program” KOMUNIZAM, je “porodila” Kabala iz Londona, Engleska, i njihova vazalska internacionalno umrezena masonerija (sa komandnim centrom u Londonu)!
FBI (kao i CIA, NSA, …) je operativni aparat koji u prvom redu sluzi internacionalno umrezenoj masoneriji, a tek onda u drugom redu SAD-u kao drzavi.
Dakle, Kabala (CRNO PLEMSTVO – pogotovo vrhovni zapovjednici Windsor-i & Pallavicini & Massimo, zatim ILLUMINATI 13OPUS DEI 1 – vazali prvog reda Rothschild-i & Rockefeller-i, te KOMITET 300 – masonerijski “globalni generalstab”) i medjunarodno cjelokupno umrezena masonerija komandiraju ex-yu komunistima(preko njihovog masonskog regionalnog “generala komandanta” Budimira Loncara), i upravljaju sa svim tim njihovim operativnim sluzbama/ aparatima po svijetu – UDB-om, KOS-om, FBI-em, CIA-om, NSA-om, MI5, MI6, …
Kabala (sa komandnim centrom u Londonu, Engleska) i europsko-globalna masonerija, zajedno sa njihovim izrodom; lokalno-regionalnim komunistima, su tokom 20. stoljeca svim udruzenim nasilnickim silama forsirali tu zlotvorski umjetnu tvorevinu/ “hologram” koji oni nazivaju yugoslavijashugoslavija. Zato su i brutalno sotonski manipulacijsko-prevarantski “namontirali” aristokratskog masoncugu Bernarda von Habsburga, poznatog u javnosti pod laznim imenom Josip Broz tito, za lojalnog predsjednika te sotonske yugoslavijeshugoslavije. Zato su ti sotonisti svim silama zeljeli unistiti herojski i oslobodilacki HRVATSKI NARODNI OTPOR u emigraciji diljem svijeta! I pri tome su imali sve te njihove monstruozne operativne aparate na raspolaganju, pri cemu se najvise isticala UDBA!
Plus, naravno, razumije se, ta sotonerija totalitarno upravlja sa svim glavnostrujaskim (masonsko-komunistickim) propagandnim medijima za masovno “pranje mozgova” i hipnotiziranje masa ljudi!
Samo za slikoviti prikaz, mora se ovdje u ovom kontekstu jos jednom napomenuti stravicni dogadjaj ubojstva americkog predsjednika John-a Fitzgerald-a Kennedy-a 1963. g.
Naime, tko je narucio likvidaciju postenog, pravednog i od americke nacije voljenog predsjednika John-a Fitzgerald-a Kennedy-a?
– Kabala (iz Londona, Engleska) i medjunarodno umrezena masonerija.
– Zato jer je predsjednik John Fitzgerald Kennedy, zajedno sa odredjenim velikim patriotima i castnim generalima iz Pentagona, poceo razotkrivati javnosti tu “duboku drzavu” – i tako smrtno ugrozio Kabalu i masoneriju. Tko (pojedinacno) pokusa eliminirati Kabalu i masoneriju, onda Kabala i masonerija eliminira njega!
Tko je na terenu izvrsio taj komandni nalog operacije ubojstva John-a Fitzgerald-a Kennedy-a?
– Specijalno odabrani operativni agenti CIA-e.
Slicno su uradili i njegovom bratu senatoru Bob-u Kennedy-u.
Tu ISTINU je cijelom svijetu 2020. g. objavio Robert F. Kennedy junior, necak (sinovac) pokojnog predsjednika Jack-a Kennedy-a, odnosno sin pokojnog senatora Bobby-a FKennedy-a.
Toliko su Kabalamasoni i komunisti mocni! Oni “postavljaju” i “uklanjaju” predsjednike, premijere i ministre. Tako su i krajem 2020. g. ta Kabala i masonerija izveli veliku digitalnu prevaru na predsjednickim izborima u SAD-u, te su tako manipulativno-prevarantski uklonili “tvrdoglavog” pobjednika predsjednika Donald-a J. Trump-a, i nasilno instalacijski “namontirali” njihovog lojalnog marioneta, a vrlo sotonisticki korumpiranog dementnog idiota Joe-a Biden-a – koji sada lojalno sluzi toj “dubokoj drzavi”.  Sodoma i Gomora!
Paradoksalno je da tih 1% oligarhijske Kabale (globalni “faraoni”) i masonerijske vojske masona, zajedno sa njihovim vazalima komunistima, silovateljsko-sotonski vladaju nad nama 99% obicnih ljudi (robova) iz covjecanstva! Zato jer se mase ljudi (robovi) na planetu Zemlji dadu hipnotizirati od te sotonerije. HIPNOTIZIRANI su problem covjecanstva!
Ali, unatoc i usprkos svim tim masonsko-komunistickim barikadama i blokadama, mi, pravi Hrvatice i Hrvati, IDEMO DALJE u nasoj pravednoj i castnoj borbi dobra protiv zla – za nasu ‘hrvatsku stvar’!
Mi smo od pamtivijeka:
Bog i Hrvati! 🇭🇷✌️💪😇
Uz poZDrave Srdacne iz herojskog Dubrovnika,
kolega suborac otporas Bozo,
cvrsti (a ne mlohavi!) domoljub i katolik na braniku Hrvatske i krscanstva
On Sat, 23 Oct 2021 at 03:49 Milan Boban <> wrote:


Prilažem sliku iz novine NH br. 1. 1981., strana 5 Ivana Čale predsjednika ogranka HNO za grad New York.
                               slika br. (1)image.png
Ova priložena slika se odnosi na dolje niže priloženi opis na engleskom jeziku. Ivan Čale je bio osuđen zato što se je borio za Hrvatsku Državu i zato što se je borio protiv Jugoslavije. Odležao je 17 godina u američkom zatvoru, ostavio je suprugu Šveđanku i troje djece da  svjedoče kako se treba žrtvovati za Hrvatsku. Ivan Čale je rodom iz okolice Runovića pokraj Imotskoga. Hrvatski Narodni Otpor je mrsio i pomrsio tada mnogim međunarodnim čimbenicima račune, što je dr. Franjo Tuđman vrlo dobro uočio i u svojim hrvatsko/državnim računanjima za ostvarenje Obnove Hrvatske Države je uveliko računao na suradnju s HNO. To su činjenice koje se ne mogu sakriti, usprkos onima koji to za svoje prljave političke ciljeve danas kriju. Za takve bi se moglo reći ona hrvatska poznata izreka: AKO LAŽE KOZA, NE LAŽE ROG, što znači da se po borovima rogova može saznati koliko je koza stara, kao i ove priložene slike neka budu dokazi suradnje HNO i HDZ u borbi za ponovnu Obnovu Hrvatske Države. Prilažem sliku časopisa OTPOR br. 4. 1987. na kojoj su dr. Franjo Tuđman, gđa Gamulin, Ankica Tuđman i Zoran Nosić.
                          slika br. (2)image.png
Ova slika s prve Konvencije HDZ-a u Clevelandu, SAD, nedjelja 21. siječnja 1990., je veliki dokaz da dr. Franjo Tuđman, tada predsjednik HDZ-a, nije mogao bez OTPORAŠA ostvariti i obnoviti Drugu Hrvatsku Državu u dvadesetom stoljeću.
                                       slika br. (3)image.png
Slika br. (3) je dokaz koji se ne može prešutjeti da organizacija Hrvatski Narodni Otpor nije bila sastavni dio i partner HDZ-a u borbi za Hrvatsku Državu.
Mile Boban, Otporaš.
The arrest of nine Croatian nationalists’ members of Otpor last month, which Federal agents say halted ”the most violent terrorist group in the United States,” has brought an uneasy calm to the nation’s two million Croatian Americans.

Many are concerned that the highly publicized terrorist activities of Croatian nationalists might have overshadowed years of efforts by nonviolent organizations to win independence for Croatia from the Government of Yugoslavia. And there remains considerable concern in the community that the violence may not be over.

According to law-enforcement officials, the terrorists, who may number as many as 500, infiltrated Otpor, a Chicago-based Croatian political organizaton of about 3000 people, took over its leadership and conducted a wave of bombings, assassination attempts, acts of extortion and other terrorist acts in this country since 1975.

Targets of Violence

Most often their targets were other Croatians who refused to meet extortion demands, publicly opposed the use of violence as a means of attaining an independent Croatia or who supported the Yugoslav Government.

A series of interviews indicate a widespread belief among Croatian-Americans that Belgrade was somehow behind the violence, that its secret police had infiltrated nonviolent Croatian organizations advocating independence and persuaded some of its younger and more zealous members to use violence to discredit these organizations.

Yugoslav officials in this country deny any such efforts by their Government, and the Federal authorities say they have found no evidence that foreign powers were behind the terrorism.

Asked if the Yugoslav Government had sought to infiltrate Croatian organizations in the United States, such as the Croatian National Congress, which claims a membership of 10,000 in the United States and Canada, Dusan Bogdanovic of the Yugoslav Consulate in New York said:

”That certainly is untrue. The Yugoslavian Government does not deal with organizations like these. They are terrorists who organized during the Second World War and went to other countries.” ‘Had Political Differences’

Otpor, the most Croatian nationalist organization, some Croatian-Americans say, was only the first victim of what they see as Yugoslav subversion. ”For years we lived a quiet existence, active in about 20 different clubs, political organizations and charities,” said Marica Levic, a Croat political activist who lives in Los Angeles and who does radio commentary from time to time.

”We had our political differences, but it never came to physical violence or threats on anybody’s life until now,” she said. ”Now there are a handful of young people who are carrying out this terrorism and I ask you who is financing them, how can they travel all over the country and the world when they never worked one day in their life? I say it is the Yugoslav Secret Police, because the Yugoslav Government wants to label all Croatians as criminals.”

The wave of terrorism is perhaps indicative of a new division among Croatian-Americans, a split between the older advocates of nonviolence and a younger, more restless faction for whom violence is an acceptable means of achieving an independent Croatia. History of Strife

The enmity between the Croatians and the Yugoslav Government is longstanding. It dates to 1918, when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was broken up and Croatia became part of Yugoslavia.

After World War II, Croatians fled Communist control of Yugoslavia and came to the United States in search of political freedom. Many brought little more than their language, their customs and an intense hatred for the Yugoslav Government, which they felt had ravaged their land and delivered it into bondage.

Most of the Croatians who came to America were poor and unskilled and spoke little, if any, English. Through the Roman Catholic Church and small organizations trying to preserve their culture, the immigrants found work, usually in factories. Thousands came to Chicago, and they now number about 100,000 here.

Some of the Croatians were thought to be Fascists because of their support for or lack of opposition to Hitler when his troops moved across Europe. This perception, as much as anything else, has been a major source of what Croatian Americans see as a lack of understanding by other Americans. Charges of Fascism

”We have remained basically a hardworking, blue-collar people who few people ever heard of before a few years ago,” said Hrvoje Lun, secretary general of the New York-based Croatian National Congress.

”The majority of our people inside Croatia and out want no more than to have a free Croatia with the freedom and democracy we have in this country, and the Yugoslav Government does not like this.

”In the old days it tried to discredit us by saying we were just Fascists,” he said, ”but now there is a new generation that has come out of Yugoslavia, and it is too young for them to call fascist.”

”The younger generation born after 1941 is more aggressive, more dynamic and more effective so the Yugoslavian Government had to find some other things to discredit this younger generation with, and they found terror and violence and killers and bomb throwers.” Bomb Mailed to Editor

The Rev. Castimir Majic, editor of Danica (The Morning Star), a Croatian newspaper published in Chicago but with an international circulation, was one of the more than 50 Croatian Americans in the United States who received extortion letters in 1978 demanding that they contribute money to a radical Croatian organization. He later received a mailed bomb after failing to meet the extortion demand, but the device did not explode.

According to the Federal authorities, Croatian nationalists were responsible for at least 21 acts of terror from 1976 to 1980. Eight were in the New York metropolitan area and included the death of a New York City policeman when he tried to defuse a bomb; the hijacking of a Trans World Airlines jetliner; the mailing of a book bomb to a New York City publishing company; the bombing of Rudenjak-Overseas Travel Agency in Astoria, an agency that arranges trips to Yugoslavia; and the bombing of the museum section of the Statue of Liberty.

The wave of attacks began in May 1975 when a Yugoslav diplomat and his wife were assaulted in New York City. The following month, the Yugoslav Mission to the United Nations was bombed. Later, there were bombings and assassination attempt in Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Angered by the violence, the Yugoslav Government asked the United States to crack down on the Croatian National Congress, which officials in Belgrade insisted was responsible for the attacks.

Mr. Lun of the Congress denied that it had had any involvement in the acts and said the Yugoslav Government had made the accusations as part of a broad effort to discredit its critics.

A version of this article appears in print on July 23, 1981, Section A, Page 20 of the National edition with the headline: ARREST OF 9 IN TERRORIST GROUP BRINGS UNEASY CALM TO CROATIAN AMERICANS. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe



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