US Senate begins hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett todayPublished 11 hours ago on 12/10 / 2020By Ante B

The U.S. Senate begins Monday hearing Judge Amy Coney Barrett in a confirmation process for a Supreme Court judge nominated for the position by President Donald Trump.

The Republican president nominated 48-year-old Barrett on Sept. 26 to succeed Liberal Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ginsburg died Sept. 18 at the age of 87 from pancreatic cancer, and her departure gave the U.S. president the opportunity to appoint a third judge to that institution ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Under the constitution, Barrett must get the green light from the Senate to enter that temple of American law in which, by her appointment, the power ratio in favor of the conservative current would be 6-3.

Democrats and their presidential candidate Joe Biden believe that the outcome of the presidential election should be awaited before filling the seat in the Supreme Court, but Trump wants to do that as soon as possible in order to satisfy a part of his voters on the religious right.

There are few ways for Democrats to stop the process, the media agree.

Barrett enjoys a reputation in traditional Christian circles. She is a practical Catholic and the mother of seven children, two of whom have been adopted and one child has Down syndrome.

Judge Barrett’s hearing before the Senate will run Monday through Thursday.

According to media reports, Judge Barrett is known for her statement that her purpose is to “serve the Kingdom of Heaven”, but she strongly claims that she separates her personal beliefs from the judge’s job.

Barrett will be virtually represented in the Senate by Indiana senators Mike Brown and Todd Young and former Dean of Notre Dame Law School and Professor Patty O’Hara.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett will tell the Senate Judiciary Committee that she “did not seek a position in the Supreme Court” and that she “thought carefully before accepting the appointment.”

According to a copy of her introductory speech, she will emphasize that she will “do her best to achieve the result as required by law, regardless of her personal preferences”.

Without mentioning his conservative or religious beliefs, Barrett will tell senators in a four-page speech that the courts “are not designed to solve every problem or correct every injustice in our public life.”

Political decisions, Barrett will say, “are made by elected political bodies and they are accountable to the people.”

“The courts have a key responsibility in enforcing the rule of law, which is fundamental to a free society,” the Supreme Court candidate will say.

She accepted the nomination, Barrett will point out, because she believes that “Americans from all walks of life deserve an independent Supreme Court that interprets our constitution and laws as they are written.”

Barrett will especially thank the judges before her and pay tribute to the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“I have been nominated to fill Judge Ginsburg’s position, but no one will ever be able to take her place. I will be eternally grateful for the path she paved and the life she led, ”Barrett will say.

Supporters of Judge Barrett warn that Barrett is a victim of enemies of the faith.

Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called “the constant attacks by Democratic senators and the media on Judge Barrett” “shameful.”

“I hope the hearing will be fair and that we will not witness new attacks on her Christianity,” Vice President Mike Pence said in a debate with Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamal Harris.

Harris, a senator and member of the Judiciary Committee that will hear Barrett, said that “she and Joe Biden are people of faith and that it is insulting to insinuate that they could reject someone because of their faith.”

Mitch McConnell controls the schedule and procedures in the Senate in which Republicans hold 53 of the 100 seats.

Even if Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins decide not to support Judge Barrett before Nov. 3, as previously announced, Republicans have enough votes to give her the green light for the Supreme Court. (Croatian News Agency) adds and invites all Croats in America to vote for the best of America’s best presidents, Donald Trump. Amen!
Mile Croatia, Boban.

 Translated in Croatian

Američki Senat danas počinje sa saslušanjem sutkinje Amy Coney BarrettPublished 11 hours ago on 12/10/2020By Ante B

Američki Senat u ponedjeljak počinje saslušanje sutkinje Amy Coney Barrett u postupku potvrde za sutkinju Vrhovnog suda koju je na taj položaj predložio predsjednik Donald Trump.

Republikanski predsjednik nominirao je 26. rujna 48-godišnju Barrett kako bi naslijedila liberalnu sutkinju Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ginsburg je preminula 18. rujna u 87. godini života od karcinoma gušterače, a njezin odlazak omogućio je američkom predsjedniku priliku da imenuje trećeg suca u tu instituciju uoči predsjedničkih izbora 3. studenoga.

Prema ustavu, Barrett mora dobiti zeleno svijetlo Senata kako bi ušla u taj hram američkog prava u kojem bi njezinim imenovanjem odnos snaga u korist konzervativne struje bio 6-3.

Demokrati i njihov predsjednički kandidat Joe Biden smatraju da prije popunjenja mjesta u Vrhovnom sudu treba pričekati ishod predsjedničkih izbora, no Trump to želi učiniti što prije kako bi zadovoljio dio svojih birača na vjerskoj desnici.

Malo je načina da demokrati zaustave postupak, slažu se mediji.

Barrett uživa ugled u tradicionalnim kršćanskim krugovima. Praktična je katolkinja i majka sedmero djece, od kojih je dvoje posvojeno, a jedno dijete ima Downov sindrom.

Saslušanje sutkinje Barret pred Senatom trajat će od ponedjeljka do četvrtka.

Kako prenose mediji, sutkinja Barrett je poznata po izjavi da je njezina svrha “služiti Kraljevstvu nebeskom”, no odlučno tvrdi da svoja osobna uvjerenja razdvaja od posla sutkinje.

Barrett će virtualno u Senatu predstaviti senatori iz Indiane Mike Braun i Todd Young te bivša dekanica Pravnog fakulteta Notre Dame i profesorica Patty O’Hara.

Sutkinja Amy Coney Barrett će senatskom Odboru za pravosuđe kazati da “nije tražila položaj na Vrhovnom sudu” te da je “pomno razmislila prije nego je prihvatila imenovanje”.

Prema kopiji njezinog uvodnog govora, naglasit će da će “učiniti maksimum da ostvari rezultat kako nalaže zakon, bez obzira na svoje osobne preference”.

Ne spominjući svoja konzervativna ili vjerska uvjerenja, Barrett će u govoru na četiri stranice senatorima poručiti da sudovi “nisu osmišljeni da bi riješili svaki problem ili ispravili svaku nepravdu u našem javnom životu”.

Političke odluke, poručit će Barrett, “donose izabrana politička tijela i oni podnose račun ljudima”.

“Sudovi imaju ključnu odgovornost u provođenju vladavine prava, što je od temeljne važnosti za slobodno društvo”, reći će kandidatkinja za Vrhovni sud.

Nominaciju je prihvatila, istaknut će Barrett, jer vjeruje da “Amerikanci iz svih slojeva društva zaslužuju neovisni Vrhovni sud koji tumači naš ustav i zakone onako kako su napisani”.

Barrett će se posebno zahvaliti sutkinjama prije nje i odati počast preminuloj Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“Nominirana sam da popunim mjesto sutkinje Ginsburg, no nitko nikada neće može zauzeti njezino mjesto. Vječno ću biti zahvalna za put koji je utrla i život koji je vodila”, reći će Barrett.

Pristaše sutkinje Barrett upozoravaju da je Barrett žrtva neprijatelja vjere.

Vođa republikanske većine u Senatu Mitch McConnell je “neprestane napade demokratskih senatora i medija na sutkinju Barrett” nazvao “sramotnim”.

“Nadam se da će saslušanje biti pošteno i da nećemo svjedočiti novim napadima na njezino kršćanstvo”, rekao je potpredsjednik Mike Pence na debati s demokratskom kandidatkinjom za potpredsjedničko mjesto Kamalom Harris.

Harris, senatorica i članica Odbora za pravosuđe koje će saslušati Barrett, rekla je da su “ona i Joe Biden ljudi vjere te da je uvredljivo insinuirati da bi mogli nekoga odbaciti zbog njegove vjere”.

Mitch McConnell kontrolira raspored i procedure u Senatu u kojem republikanci drže 53 od 100 mjesta.

Čak i ako Lisa Murkowski i Susan Collins odluče ne podržati sutkinju Barrett prije 3. studenoga, kao što ranije bile najavile, republikanci imaju dovoljno glasova da joj daju zeleno svjetlo za Vrhovni sud. (Hrvatska informativna novinska agencija) nadodaje i pozivlje sve Hrvate u Ameriki da glasuju za najboljeg od najboljih predsjedinka Amerike Donalda Trumpa. Amen!
Mile Croatia, Boban.