31 lista = 62 stranice rukopisa moje supruge Annie o mom Hapšenju 25 lipnja 1981


Slika 31 lista = 62 stranice rukopisa moje supruge Annie o mom Hapšenju, četvrtak 25 lipnja 1981

Prva slika teke prve stranice od 31 lista = 62 stranice rukopisa moje supruge Annie prigodom mojeg Hapšenja u četvrtak 25 lipnja 1981.
Draga moja voljena djeco ovaj rukopis vaše majke kojeg je ona počela pisati odmah poslije mojeg Hapšenja u četvrtak 25 lipnja 1981. godine, točno u 4:55 ujutro su agenti FBI-ja su zazvonili na moja vrata. Pošto ja o mojem Hapšenju volim istinu reći a ta je da je naša spavaća soba bila dolje u prizemlju a ulazna vrata su sa ulice, ja sam se ustao, požurio se otvoriti vrata, bio sam samo u donjim gaćicama. Čim sam vrata otvorio, pokazilu su mi nalog Hapšenja i velikom profesionalnom brzinom su mi stavili ruke na leđa i lisice na njih. Pred kućom i na ulici kordon agenata FBI. Pošto je bila galama na hodniku, svih mojih šestero djece su se ustali i hodnikom plačući tražili da šta se to dešava. Ja sam tražio da se obučem, tri FBI agenta i jedna žena s njima su s menom došli u moju spavaću sobu. Svaki moj pokret su pratili i prije nego bih ja uzeo bilo kakvu stvar za obući se, oni FBI agenti bi to vrlo dobro pregledali prije te onda meni pomagali se obući.
Draga moja voljena djeco Bog mi je na Nebu svjedok da ja za ovaj rukopis nisam znao. Vi znate da ja imam mnogo kutija sačuvanih mojih uspomena, tako da je i ta teka bila u jednoj od tih kutija. Ja sam nedavno nešto tražio u tim kutijama i našao sam ovaj rukopis vaše drage majke. Začudio sam se kada sam to vidio i odmah sam pomislio da ovaj rukopis moje supruge, vaše majke pripada povijesnoj uspomeni Hapšenja mene i mojih prijatelja Hrvata i suđena u Njujorku članovima organizacije Hrvatskog Narodnog Otpora koje je počelo 16 veljače a završilo 15 svibnja 1982.
Moje pitanje je sada vama: Da li ste vi za to da ja ovaj rukopis vaše majke prevedem s francuskog na engleski i hrvatski, tako da se i vi kroz ovaj rukopis osobno upoznate s mišljenjima vaše majke kako se je ona tada sa vama, šestero moje djece osjećala. Ja sam za to i rado bih to stavio na nezavisni portal otporas.com kako bi se i drugi upoznali kroz sve što je iz ljubavi za Hrvatsku prošla obitelj Mile Bobana.
Bog! mnogo vas vole tata i mama.
Druga slika iste teke ali zadnje stranice od “Dimanche 6 septembre 1981.
Deuxième photo du même cahier mais dernière page du Dimanche 6 septembre 1981.
Second picture of the same the same-note book, but last page, Sunday September 6th.

The first picture is of the first page of 31 leaves = 62 pages of my wife Annie’s handwriting on the occasion of my Arrest on Thursday June 25, 1981.

My dear beloved children, this is your mother’s handwriting that she started writing immediately after my Arrest on Thursday, June 25, 1981, at exactly 4:55 a.m. FBI agents rang my doorbell. Since I like to tell the truth about my Arrest, which is that our bedroom was downstairs and the front door was from the street, I got up, hurried to open the door, I was only in my underpants. As soon as I opened the door, they showed me the Arrest warrant and with great professional speed they put my hands behind my back and handcuffed them. In front of the house and on the street cordon off FBI agents. Since there was an uproar in the corridor, all my six children got up and ran around the corridor crying, asking what was going on. I asked to get dressed, three FBI agents and a woman with them came with me to my bedroom. My every move was followed and before I would take anything to wear, those FBI agents would inspect it very well first and then help me get dressed.

My dear beloved children, God is my witness in Heaven that I did not know about this manuscript. You know that I have many boxes of my memories saved, so this note-book was also in one of those boxes. I was recently looking for something in those boxes and I found this manuscript of your dear mother. I was amazed when I saw it and I immediately thought that this handwriting of my wife, your mother, belongs to the historical memory of the Arrest of me and my Croat friends and the trial in New York of the members of the Croatian National Resistance organization, which began on February 16 and ended on May 15, 1982.

My question is now to you: Are you in favor of me translating this manuscript of your mother’s from French into English and Croatian, so that through this manuscript you too can become personally acquainted with the opinions of your mother as she was with you then, my six children’s feelings. I am in favor of it and I would be happy to put it on the independent portal oporasas.com so that others can get to know everything that the family of Mile Boban went through out of love for Croatia.

God Bless you! Mom and Dad love you so much.


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