Maks Luburić u svojem povijestnom govoru Hrvatima za Deseti Travnja 1968. godine počima svoj govor ovako:

     “Što je značio Deseti Travnja sa političkog stanovišta za hrvatski narod, to smo čuli mnogo puta. Malo je Hrvata koji godine 1968 za Deseti Travnja neće praviti sami u sebi svoju vlastitu analizu. Čine to oni koji su državu stvarali a i oni koji su ju obarali, pa da skupa s nama postanu roblje”.

Donosim u 25 točaka kao odraz 25 polja hrvatskog nacionalnog grba, iako je malo ranije od našeg hrvatskog državnog praznika, a to činim zato kako bi svi oni koji ovo pročitaju, imali priliku i druge na vrijeme upoznati sa ovim 25 ZASADA DESETOG TRAVNJA:, jer što god više vrijeme prolazi, odmiče, bojazan postoji da bi se moglo dogoditi da novi nadolazeći hrvatski naraštaji neće uopće imati sluha niti osjećaja za najveličanstveniji dan u hrvatskoj povijesti. To je neprijateljska svrha da kroz škole i kroz prešućivanja odgaja našu hrvatsku mladež. Da se to sustavno prešućivanje izbjegne, potrebno je da i mi državotvorni Hrvati, iako iz Dijaspore, sustavno promičemo stoljetne želje Hrvata izražene kroz ideje DESETOG TRAVNJA. Mile Boban, Otporaš.

1.) DESETI TRAVNJA je nacionalni program svih Hrvata!


3.) DESETI TRAVNJA je dijalog za sve građane Hrvatske!

4.) DESETI TRAVNJA nije stranka, pokret, organizacija ili osoba!

5.) DESETI TRAVNJA je hrvatski put i hrvatski cilj!

6.) DESETI TRAVNJA je kontroverzan samo neprijatelju Hrvatske!

7.) DESETI TRAVNJA je evolutivan i razvija se s nižih oblika hrvatstva u više oblike hrvatstva!

8.) DESETI TRAVNJA ne poznaje norme, sisteme niti nosi sat. On samo stvara novo!

9.) DESETI TRAVNJA nije sam jedan kalendarski dan, nego je on škola hrvatskog državotvorstva!

10.) DESETI TRAVNJA je je nazočan gdje god se govori i priča o Hrvatskoj!

11.) DESETI TRAVNJA je mobilizacija svih građana Hrvatske u obrani naše Države Hrvatske!

12.) DESETI TRAVNJA nije obojen Ustaški nego nego je obojen hrvatski!

13.) DESETI TRAVNJA nije samo jedan san, nego je jedna hrvatska ideja koja se je ostvarila kro DESETI TRAVNJA!

14.) DESETI TRAVNJA je jedan sveopće hrvatski okvir hrvatstva!

15.) DESETI TRAVNJA je svijetlo i putokaz nacionalizma!

16.) DESETI TRAVNJA je kruna svih prošlih hrvatskih težnja za Hrvatskom Državom!

17.) DESETI TRAVNJA je socijalan i baziran na temeljima pravde i jednakosti!

18.) DESETI TRAVNJA je demokratski izraz želja hrvatskog naroda za svojom državom!

19.) DESETI TRAVNJA je integracija svih građana Hrvatske!

20.) DESETI TRAVNJA je simbol Hrvatske Države!

21.) DESETI TRAVNJA je poziv na nacionalnu svijest i hrvatsko DOSTOJANSTVO!

22.) DESETI TRAVNJA je INDEX svih hrvatskih potreba i želja!

23.) DESETI TRAVNJA je sjećanje na sve Hrvatice i Hrvate koji su pali u obrani Hrvatske Države!

24.) DESETI TRAVNJA zove na okup sve Hrvate i baca pogled u budućnost…!


Ovim putem želim svima čestitati SRETAN USKRS!
Želim čestitati svima dan hrvatske slave i ponosa
Mile Boban, Otporaš.




  1. Mile,

    How can you identify your true feelings? A lot of times I feel anger and consciously know the root is probably fear. How do I find this out? I ask myself a question to root out the real issue.

    Here is a quick story to illustrate, I was feeling burned out at a former job and just became aware that my team was being asked to do 10 times more work with the same resources. I remember driving home fuming angry and kept saying to myself I’m going to quit. Later that evening, I followed some steps I had learned on getting in touch with my feelings. And I wrote down what I was angry about and realized I felt I should be paid more and have more people on my team to handle the workload. As soon as I even thought about asking for a raise and being able to hire more people, I heard this voice in my mind that said, “You can’t ask for a raise, that’s crazy!”

    I caught my true feeling. I realized what was really bothering me was fear. I was afraid to ask for what I truly wanted. There are plenty of reasons I made up to confirm why I couldn’t ask for a raise.

    The truth was simply I was scared or fearful. Full of fear in my mind, thinking and focusing on all the reasons why I did not deserve or would be denied a raise.

    And anger is my feeling reaction to feeling fear. If you contemplate and feel my last sentence in your body you will understand yourself at a deeper layer and people in your life.

    We have a feeling and a customary feeling we have in reaction. A way we have practiced feeling to avoid feeling the true source. Personally, for me anger is more comfortable than feeling fear.

    A reaction is an unconscious way we operate when specific circumstances present themselves in our lives.

    A response is when you “feel” your feelings, you are conscious of how you are feeling and choose how you will respond.

    We have all done both.

    Think of the times where you reacted and later had to apologize or wished you hadn’t said what you said. Now think of times where you almost reacted in a certain way and pulled back your energy and responded in a conscious way after some internal processing. This internal processing can take weeks to days when we are just getting used to practicing how to respond or a split second once you master recognizing how you feel.

    Reacting and responding work together. And again, neither is right or wrong. In any athletic, education, or corporate organization you practice “responding” daily. Why do we practice and repeat certain plays, lessons, and processes? So, in the future in a real scenario we “react” naturally with the responses we have been practicing.

    This is why it is so powerful to understand how you react and respond in certain situations. Think about the example above, the real grade or test is when they put you in a scenario that simulates what you will experience in the real situation. Why?

    They want to see how you will react and respond to challenges and how you implement the training you have been given.

    We are just moving into a higher level of training where we begin to train ourselves to be the person we choose to be. This is how dreams are accomplished. You have a vision and then practice/train to be what is required to achieve your dream. With the added suspense of you never quite know what awaits you on your journey. This is why you hear most successful people say if I knew what I was going to have to do to accomplish my goals I would have never gotten started.

    I’m so grateful for being protected from the knowledge of what my achievements up to this point required. I can say honestly, I would not change a thing because I’m saying it in hindsight. If you told me what I was going to go through upfront, I would have said “No, not for me!”

    My greatest goal and aspiration are to be able to communicate with my human family and be understood at my level where I say, “You feel me.” And the other person looks at me with no words and I know they get it. Such a warm and glorious feeling! My strongest desire while writing this is for you to feel and understand what I just said in your unique way.

    When I’m asked what is one of the biggest benefits I’ve received from coaching. Both being coached and coaching others.

    Learning how to think/feel and respond. For the most part when I react now it is a response I practiced, based on who I’m choosing to be.

    Our greatest gift is choice. Will you choose to respond to life or let life react you.

    Push the button or be the button pushed. Your choice.

    PS – I did build the courage to ask for a raise and help on my team. I got both and realized later resigning from the job was the best move for me. In the end, I received everything I desired. Just took courage to ask. So, the reason I was so angry unconsciously was because I knew what I wanted and was scared to ask. Yes, you may choose to read this email again, take it from the top!

    Warm Regards,

    Jaron Banks
